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Omoi Yamanaka
Omoi Yamanaka
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Simple Training {Solo Training topic.} Empty Simple Training {Solo Training topic.}

Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:16 am
Kino sighed, sitting on a large, grey, stone boulder. The boulder's bottom was flat, allowing for it to stand up without moving as Kino sat upon it. It was also tall, around twenty to twenty five feet tall. It was wide as well, maybe ten, to fifteen feet wide. Kino didn't bother to actually measure the boulder, now, he just assumed it's height and width. He also assumed it's weight, and imagined it would weigh quite a bit. This was unimportant to Kino at the moment, seeing as recently, on his way back home. No, not Sunagakure, the place where his father lived and where his mother forced him to move, but instead he went to Kirigakure, to see his old friends, his mother, his past mentors. But no, he couldn't have peace, he could absolutely not have a single quiet moment to catch up with people, upon arrival he noticed, the entire village had been destroyed. Whether or not his mother, friends, or past mentors survived was beyond Kino's knowledge, but he knew that it was unlikely, he knew the chances that he would never again see the faces that he used to know. He dared not to travel back to Sunagakure, after killing one of their more superior medical shinobi, they would be cross if they ever found out who the real killer was, and the name of the killer was Kino. He had killed his father. Though with good reasoning, his father attempted to kill his own, only son, Kino. To murder him for no reason, at least, Kino had always thought, during that fight that his father just wanted Kino dead, that there was no reason, however, the voices in his head revealed his father's final words - 'You did good.' Almost as if it were a test. Kino nearly began to let a tear drop from his eyes, his world was falling apart around him as he knew it, his friends and family abandoning and betraying him, there was no where he could go, nothing he could do. No, he thought to himself silently, he could train, this entire mess seemed to start because he wasn't strong enough. Perhaps if he was strong enough he could have avoided his fight with his father, the death match between the two where if one failed it meant certain death. Perhaps he could have been there for his mother at the same time during the Kirigakure attack, perhaps he could have saved her, and his old friends and past mentors. No, he thought. There was no avoiding the inevitable, one person wouldn't have saved the entire village, one person wouldn't have made the difference. He knew this, though didn't want to believe it.

A day later, he slept on the very boulder he was sitting upon yesterday, thinking on while he sat, thinking of his past, how he could have been more powerful, how he could have saved his family if he had only been more stronger at the time of the attacks. Then he realized, no, he couldn't have been more powerful. It was destiny, playing it's sick little game, watching as the game pieces are taken, and this time the game pieces just so happened to be his family and friends, those he held dear to him. Though this may be the start of something new, perhaps. A clean slate, something new to start on, a new personality? A new way of looking at life? Looking back, Kino's skills as a shinobi have slightly matured since the time he left his mother - left Kirigakure. He sighed at the thought, the dreadful day, he remembered feeling slight depression in the atmosphere that day, as if it was hinting that this would be the last time he saw his friends and mother. Thinking back, he never truly appreciated what he had, then he thought of a single term - 'You never know what you have until you have lost it.', wise words said indeed, Kino thought, thinking about those words, thinking about what he had, what he lost, what he removed by force. He removed his father from the picture, in a bloody scene. He had spilled his guts, taking the very Kunai he had once thrown at Kino, and then cut his guts open later on during the fight after precise planning. His mother had been removed from the picture without Kino even knowing, she had supposedly been killed, by whoever had invaded Kirigakure and destroyed the village. His friends, supposedly, hopefully left the village before it's destruction, though even if they had done so he felt he could never see them again. He only sighed, thinking. All these thoughts on what if, what if he had been more powerful? Could he stop this from happening? Could he have at least been there to say his silent farewells to his presumably dead mother? Friends? Old mentors perhaps? No, the future is built entirely on if's, once something has been written, it's pretty much set in stone, unchangeable. Though, the future is never set in stones, he realized that with each person there are about a billion different ways to alter the should be future, and this is the game that destiny enjoys playing, watching his pawns, the people, humanity itself, play the game for him, he is just sitting there, watching the events unfold.

He got up, one leg dangling down off the boulder, the other being set up, foot against the boulder, near, towards the edge of the boulder. His arm rested upon his knee as it stood up into the air, being bent, he was resting his head, thinking. He was thinking, what to do? How does one become more powerful? Brute force alone is not something you need to win over the battle, but knowledge can be an infinite, and forever useful tool. Though you may encounter someone stronger and smarter than yourself, Kino figured is was rare to see someone so balanced in all arts. That was where Kino decided to begin, he had enough planning logic, now was the time to increase both his strength and knowledge - Ninjutsu, he decided quickly, something he wasn't fully skilled in. He was superb in Space-time techniques, at least, he considered himself to be. He had been skilled in the art, mastered is another story that has yet to been told to the audience viewing over Kino's life as if it were some story - perhaps it was destiny, watching one of his more favored pawns. Kino assumed himself to be so anyways, seeing as he was able to survive so many dangerous, recent events. He sighed, jumping down. He knew one Ninjutsu technique, Fire ball jutsu. A common technique among the Uchiha clan, capable of quite a bit destruction, engulfing the target within the flames that have been sent out due to spitting out the chakra into one big fire ball. The technique is capable of creating a small crater in the ground as well, something Kino took advantage of once. He was trapped in a prison cell with another man, he had used Genjutsu: Sharingan, a technique most Uchiha who used basic Genjutsu skills used, to knock the man out, force him to pass out. Afterwards, Kino had burnt him to death, using the very technique he had used to escape the prison. The prison's bars were strong, the two combined couldn't open the cage, however, the Fire ball technique allowed for Kino to create a crater large enough to break out of, and drag the body of the passed out man of, only to put him in a new cell, to where he would have been burnt alive by the very technique that saved Kino's life, in a way. Saved him from rotting in a prison, only to die some day in the future. Though not the current day, no. He would die in the future, at least he planned to. He planned to die in his thirties due to a war, between whatever two or so villages, but before that he would have two children, one male, the eldest of the two siblings, and would be a Jounin by the time Kino died. The second, a daughter. She would be a married chuunin by the time Kino died. He smiled at the thought, his own family. Though thinking about it he questioned himself, did he dare want to have more family members, more friends, only to have destiny take them out of his game? He sighed, his smile fading away, slowly, into a depressed looking face. He didn't want a family, not now or ever. No more, no more feeling the pain of loss of someone close to you, the have more people die because destiny wanted more entertainment in his sick game of watching humanity fall down in a bloody war, watching families burn, watching the very homes of varies families get blown to nothing. He held back a single tear, not daring to let any tears show, he couldn't. He would provide any more entertainment. Though why the fact that fate, destiny had allowed Kino to live was beyond even his knowledge, then he thought back, the world is built on if's, perhaps the events in his past led to all of this, his mother's death, his father's death. His father leaving his mother, though he could never truly know, he didn't feel like knowing, ever.

He stared at the boulder thinking more and more about the fact that his life was in ruin, everything he knew and loved was now gone. Then he remembered one person he knew, his sister. His sister was only a half sibling however, they shared the same father, however their mothers were different. He doesn't know much about her however, though he supposed it was worth going back to Sunagakure and facing them to see her, at least, he hoped it was anyways. Before that however, he needed to prepare himself, to become stronger. To focus, to focus on the very training he was about to do, that he was about to perform for the ever lasting entertainment of destiny. Though it wouldn't be too hard of training, all he would have to do is cast back his mind, to the memories of the academy. Well, he never truly entered the academy, he was trained by his father, due to him being too old to enter. He remembered his father's teachings - brutal, as always. He remembered getting beat, with various wooden weapons after failure to perform training correctly. Perhaps these memories would be slightly harder for training than he figured. He remembered his father mentioning the fact that every living being had chakra within them, and that a shinobi could focus their chakra to use jutsu through the usage of hand seals, something all basic shinobi should know. Kino knew this, however needed a refresher, seeing as it had been a few weeks since he had last performed ninjutsu.

Kino performed a set of hand seals, only to end up spitting out a fire ball aimed at the large boulder. Not as a big as a fire ball as he wanted it to be however, he performed the hand seals once more, the same ones from earlier, he was performing the same technique. He began to perform again and again, after failure after failure, each fire ball not meeting up to his expectations, until, the fifth try, it had been the perfect size. Kino wasn't fully exhausted yet, he was barely even tired, barely any of his chakra had been wasted in the short amount of time it had taken to perform those three fire ball technique. A large crater had been burnt into the large boulder, a bit of smoke had been flying out from it for a while after, until the rock could cool itself down by using the wind. Kino was satisfied, after a few successful attempts at the fire ball technique, he had mastered this one technique, seemingly. He sighed, making his way for Sunagakure, to check up on his half-sister. Along the path he would occasionally, practice in new techniques, learning new tricks along the way to face down any possible enemies with. With what little luck, he could avoid any and all fighting through interrogations.
{2064, Ninjutsu spec learned, +10 stats, +20 JP.}
Omoi Yamanaka
Omoi Yamanaka
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Simple Training {Solo Training topic.} Empty Re: Simple Training {Solo Training topic.}

Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:17 am
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Simple Training {Solo Training topic.} Empty Re: Simple Training {Solo Training topic.}

Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:26 am
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