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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:52 pm
Xyxer was rather bored this day, he had been in the village for at least a week and had now done everything he had set out to accomplish in the new village: He had found a lake, constructed his very own home and he had also injured a kid with sharks. It was going well so far. None the less, he believed it was time to meet the man whom had confronted him with some demonic looking entity. Was he really that threatening? Those thoughts ran through his head as he ascended the stairs to the Tenkage's office, standing outside and knocking on the door. As he was a rather well mannered lad, the young boy waited outside of the door for a reply.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:57 pm
Shinji sat in his office doing what he seemed to always be doing: paperwork. It was amazing how much paperwork there was: some guy wanted to build a house? Paper work. Need a new budget? Paperwork. Immigrants to the village? Paperwork. The list went on and on. Quite honestly it was getting irksome to Shinji. Thus, he took every knock on his door as a godsend: something to break him away from the monotonous paperwork. Putting himself in some semblance of order Shinji ran his fingers through his messy hair and placed his Tenkage hat on the the desk to his right. With that done he called out in a kind and inviting voice: "Come on in and make yourself comfortable." Shinji was a rather laid back kage when it came to people from his village, which the person on the other side of the door obviously was or he/she would not have made it this far without fanfare. However, when it came to displaying a good picture to the outside world Shinji was strong and stern, which felt odd and out of character to him, but he knew he had to do it for the good of the village. While waiting for the person who had knocked to come in Shinji idly filled out paperwork that only required his signature here and there.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:18 pm
How weird. Xyxer was greeted not by a careful and appraising voice but rather one that was inviting. Perhaps that was to change when he entered the room. Stretching out a little, letting his black long sleeved shirt crease a little as his arms strained over his head. He yawned as well, ruffling his hair a little bit so that the majority of it went over the right side of his face, hiding the bandages which also hid the Mangekyou Sharingan he possessed. After he had finished that little performance, he slipped his hand down onto the door handle and twisted it, opening the door and entering. Of course, he closed the door behind himself as he walked inwards, standing directly in front of the desk that the man sat at. No demon at this time? Heh. Shrugging his shoulders at that thought, he simply looked at the Tenkage and spoke, his words seeming somewhat tired and drawn out, "Tenkage.. I'm enjoying my stay within your village currently but I've noticed a rather worrying issue.. some of your shinobi seem to be untrained for battle?" After he had said that, he simply looked outside of the room through a window which was located on the wall, sighing briefly before he added on, "It's almost as if they're unaware of the rise of a possible new Akatsuki."
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:40 pm
Shinji looked up when the person entered. It became fairly obvious that this was the man that Shinji had allowed into the village: Xyxer. Shinji allowed him to speak his mind, because he did indeed raise an important subject: the readiness of Tengakure for war. It was an unfortunate thought, but it was always there. His tone turning to a more thoughtful tone tinged with a bit of melancholy he replied to Xyxer's concerns: "Well I am glad that you are enjoying your stay...And yes I know many of my shinobi are not very well prepared. I would train them all myself, but this," He picked up some paperwork and let it fall back onto the desk like some dead paper bird. "...bureaucracy has held me back from helping my people. Ironically being a kage can limit one from helping the village..." Shinji trailed off a bit and then a thought occurred to him, which he voiced to Xyxer: "What I need is someone who would be willing to help in the preparation of the village, but right now most of my anbu are a bit incompetent as they have not seen much real battle... Do you have any ideas on the matter?" Shinji had an idea that Xyxer may be the man to help in this preparation if what that one man named Rin had said about Xyxer was true: he was once an anbu captain of the Mist. Naturally Shinji would not push the job on him, but he would bring it up. Waiting for a comment from Xyxer Shinji idly spun his pen around his fingers with an attentive look on his face.
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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:02 pm
Xyxer ran the words that were just spoken through his head, running possible scenarios through and through in just a matter of seconds. However, by the end of it he just nodded to himself as he knew what he was going to suggest, "Recently I've been sparring shinobi of yours, just a taster to see what the village was like. Of course, I've attempted to help them and give some advice here and there, I like to think of myself as.. help? I want to prevent the demise of Tengakure as much as I wanted to of Kirigakure. The only difference this time will be that I'm actually here to stop it. The boy licked his lips a little bit, still peering at the vast expanse of skyscrapers, it was quite a weird village, the skyscrapers were just like the mist he was used to, "Back in my days in Kirigakure No Sato, I was a member of the ANBU squad, an ANBU captain as well. I earned that spot by showing my battle prowess against a Jinchuriki.. If you wish, I can take up that mantle again and help train the village." He let those words sink in, before he turned his focus back onto the man and locked eyes with him, he spoke once more, this time his voice seeming a bit more determined, "But I believe you have information on the demise of my beloved home village?"

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:26 pm
Shinji listened to Xyxer without a word and with pursed lips. On one hand it was good that Xyxer was willing to join back up, but the destruction of the Mist was a bit of a grey spot for Shinji. Taking on a solemn tone he replied to Xyxer with a grim look on his face as he looked into Xyxer's eyes or rather eye: " Very well. I gladly accept you as an anbu, but we will talk of that later. The demise of the Mist is more important. It is better that you know...Now it was before my time as Tenkage, but as I understand it this is what happened: A group of roaming missing ninja brought the Mist down. I believe a few were from the akatsuki or at least that is what the files suggest. Also..." Shinji paused for a second and then continued: "The Mist was protected by no one. Not even a kage. It was then, quite literally, sunk below the sea. There is nothing left..." Shinji then gave Xyxer some time, because it would no doubt be a shock hearing that the Mist had indeed been sunk with nothing salvageable. Giving him a few seconds of silence Shinji spoke up again: "Now, if you do not have any questions, how would you suggest we go about strengthening Tengakure, so that we may avoid the tragedy that took place in the Mist?" Shinji already had some idea that he would willingly share, but he wanted to hear Xyer's ideas first. At this point he got up and opened the window behind his desk to let some fresh air in. He then returned to his seat and waited for Xyxer to respond.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:24 pm
Xyxer nodded his head at what the man was saying, smirking a little bit as he mentioned the Kirigakure's demise was the most important topic. As it turned out, chances are the Akatsuki were to do with that event.. So they would need to be added to his list that he would eventually get to. Scratching the side of his head a little as he registered all of the news, the mention of the entire city being sent underwater wasn't new to him as he had in fact visited the area before. None the less, he nodded his head in silent thanks and listened to what else the man wished to speak about. Thinking about what was said, the strengthening of Tengakure.. heh. He took a few seconds before he began to speak again,"Personally, I've been.. attacking people out of the blue. Just to see how they'd react if a sudden attack was to happen. I reckon if events like that were to keep happening they'd eventually develop better reactions along with more combat potential. However, it would take quite a lot of time.. and possibly waste resources if it doesn't go well." The boy shrugged once more, to be honest, he wasn't sure on what could be done.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:49 pm
Shinji took Xyxer's words with a a blank face. Once Xyxer finished speaking Shinji opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out two scrolls. He pushed them both to Xyxer and spoke up: "Attacking people out of the blue seems a bit risky, but I suppose it will work to an extent...Just don't push it please...These two scrolls..." Shinji motioned to the two scrolls that lay on the desk before Xyxer and continued. "Contain a dossier of all the shinobi in Tengakure. And the other contains a map of Tengakure itself. Seeing as you will be inducted into my anbu squad I will trust you with these. Along with training I believe getting the best equipment for our shinboi will be key. I have already set some engineers on creating some armor for Tengakure shinobi, which will greatly assist us in a battle. Right now the best we can do is train and equip ourselves. And assess our assets at hand and allocate them wisely. Unless of course we chose to actively pursue future attackers, which seems rather foolish to me as it is like inviting trouble. Further it will help to strength diplomatic ties with other villages, which I will deal with personally. Out of curiosity what would the former kage of the Mist have done?" Shinji figured that Xyxer must have some interaction with the Mizukage being an anbu and all. Further the two must have talked about this same thing at some point. Shinji had never met any other kage before save for the last dying Tenkage and he was interested how they ran their city.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:06 pm
All of this thinking was making the legs of Xyxer ache, quite a weird event really. Slowly, he trailed over to the opened window and listened to what the man was saying, having took the scrolls from the desk as he proceeded. Turning around on getting there, he'd sit on the window ledge, his back facing the outside world as he briefly glanced through the two scrolls. Nodding his head at what the man said, he held his hand out briefly, indicating to a small metal shark curled around his ring finger, "If you do go about with armour, you should make it be as easy to use as mine is. With just a small flux of chakra I can summon my armour, it's much better in case of an unexpected attack, and it won't drag you down." And then things took turn to a more diplomatic situation. Xyxer nodded as he prepared to answer the man, "Well.. Originally, the Mizukage intended for me to be his body double; I'd travel to the locations in his place, so he was fully protected. Therefore, if an assassination attempt was ever carried out the city would not fall into disorder. However, an event like that never happened as it seemed that the Tenkage back then dealt with everything in terms of politics." The boy shrugged his shoulders idly, he knew that politics could be a strong ally to the village, but he just didn't like it that much.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:02 pm
Shinji took note of the ring. That would indeed be a good idea, because it would allow the use of heavier armor. However, he visibly wrinkled his nose at the idea of a body double. Shinji did not expect one man to take the risk that he himself should bear. Even if no one knew about it it would leave Shinji feeling like a coward, which he did not hesitate to tell Xyxer: "Well that body double idea will not work here. I would much rather take the risk myself and have you to back me up if things get bad. If an assassination were to come then it will come, but I would never forgive myself if you or someone else were killed while imitating me while I was far away somewhere safe." Shinji let that hang in the air for a bit. It may seem like a very un-ninja like idea that he had expressed, but it was one that he held close to his heart. Glancing at the large clock on the wall Shinji noted it was about dinner time. With a sigh he got up from his seat and walked over to closet. He took off his kage robes and hung them up. Underneath the robes Shinji wore a short sleeved gray shirt and a pair of jeans that were held up by a woven belt. Quite honestly Shinji looked like a normal guy. Speaking up again he had a more relaxed tone like wearing the kage's robes was a stressful event: "It's almost dinner time. Ya want to go grab a bite to eat?" This was probably an odd question from a kage, but Shinji was no normal kage. Plus he knew that it was a lot easier to talk with someone when there was food involved-at least for him.

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