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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:44 pm
Xyxer watched as an octopus was served, his eyebrow raised and his mouth slightly agape as he had never seen such a thing. The only time he saw an octopus being devoured was when he had once used the five feeding sharks jutsus, and even then that doesn't really count does it? But a Shinobi.. eating one.. how weird. Shaking that thought from his head, he glanced off once more, being greeted by a bowl of ramen moments later along with a set of chopsticks. Thanking the waiter, he pulled the chopsticks apart and began to prod the surface of the ramen, waiting a few seconds before he began to eat it conservatively. He was happy to know that he could choose his own mask; perhaps he would go for the ol' Shark mask that he still has, or perhaps he'd choose a new mask.. a new mask which could embody his new self. Well, he hoped he'd become new, he didn't like how he seemed to constantly thirst for blood. Hell, perhaps he'd even design a mask which could relate to the abyss, now that'd be fun. Breaking from that train of thought, he'd smirk a little as he turned to the Tenkage as a question that had been plaguing his mind burst from his mouth, the words seemingly conveying amused confusion, "How'd you become Tenkage? Because as I was told in Kirigakure; both by the files and Mizukage.. That the Tenkage was extremely powerful. Has he grown frail?" Xyxer couldn't resist saying those words, it almost felt as if that entity from before was gripping him and forcing him. It was a weird sensation, he felt bad and yet excited at the same time.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:17 pm
A rather sullen look passed over Shinji's face as he reflected on the last Tenkage. He had been a man that had taken the skyscraper village to the grand place it was today. Before it had only been a minor village, but now it was a thriving major village. In essence Shinji had idolized him in more ways than one. Talking in a slow deliberate voice Shinji responded to Xyxer: "I only recently became Tenkage. The last one, Zachariah, is the man who deserves credit for the grand city you see here. Alas he came down with a critical illness and left the task to me to be kage. Quite honestly I will be living in his shadow for a while. He achieved many a great deed while I have nothing to show yet. I hope to do so one day, but then again an uneventful kageship would not be too bad either. Despite living in his shadow I believe that I can fill his shoes power wise. Although I must admit I do not know the extent of Zachariah's power, so we shall never know as he has disappeared to parts unknown. But, I assure you I can more than hold my own in fight." Shinji was not one to boast of his power, but he felt fairly well equipped for what may come. On the other hand Shinji came to notice that he was indeed a lesser kage in comparison to Zachariah-he still had a long way to go if he wanted to match up with the prestige of Zachariah. Taking another bite of the octopus Shinji sat up straighter in his chair and thought about his position as kage.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:23 pm
Xyxer continued to eat the ramen in moderation as he listened to the reply of the Tenkage. He didn't seem to be offended by what was asked, but more.. reflective. Smiling a little at his answer, Xyxer stopped eating for a second and wiped his lips with a napkin before speaking, "I'm sure you'll accomplish many great feats to rival the former Tenkage, I'll even aid you in some of them." he ate some more of his ramen before he began to speak once more, smirking a little, "How about we have a little spar? I reckon it'd be interesting to see what happens. It's always good to fight people whom can match your strength." With that, Xyxer would lean back from his food and watch the man with a grin, wondering on what his reply would be. Sure, it may not be a good idea to fight right after eating, but hey, every second you're closer to dying, may as well live life to the full, right?

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:52 pm
A brief smile spread across Shinji's face as he finished off the last of the octopus. Xyxer did not lose any time-a spar was always a good idea. Despite the danger of cramping, which Shinji could care less about, he saw nothing wrong with sparring on a full stomach. Responding to Xyxer Shinji simultaneously slapped some ryo down on the table to pay for both their meals: "Well I thank you for your support-we will indeed do great things. And as for a spar I have only one question: can you keep up?" With those ambiguous word Shinji blurred out onto the street in a feat of raw speed. The street would serve as an excellent place to do battle. For one both shinboi would have to show restraint, so as to not hurt the bystanders plus it was a nice even ground with no obstacles or objects of any type that could be used to substitute with. The bystanders made a circle that had a radius of 10 meters. It was a small place to do battle, which would make it all the more interesting. Standing in the middle of the circle Shinji would stand waiting for Xyxer who hopefully understood the risks of fighting in such close quarters.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:00 pm
Xyxer followed suit; this was indeed going to be an interesting battle. Perhaps blood would be shed! But definitely, there'd be destru- Wait.. something seemed off.. Shinji was standing in the center of a crowd, which Xyxer pushed through delicately. Standing opposite of him, he was clearly confused as his head turned side to side as the civilians crowded around. Did they wish to die? Was this common? None the less, he would have no qualms with the injuring of one of the civilians if they got in his way. Speaking with a small smirk, "So, Tenkage. What are the rules of the fight? I'm going to assume it'll be hand-to-hand?"

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:34 pm
Shinji swore internally as Xyxer said Tenkage, because the crowd seemed only to thicken with those words. Shinji cracked a wry smile as his voice took on that of a showman talking so that the entire crowd gathered could hear: "Naturally it will be hand-to-hand. However, please feel free to use a weapon if you see fit. And on a final note please limit the use of destructive jutsu as I do not wish any harm to befall our wonderful audience. Now please make the first move." With a flourish of his hands Shinji's right hand flew to Makaze as he waited for Xyxer to move. Were he to move in with a weapon Shinji would be ready to draw his and defend. Meanwhile Shinji's left hand remained loosely at his side. An air of determination was in the air as even the noisy crowd fell silent after Shinji spoke-it was merely the calm before the storm that was about to rock the streets of Tengakure. Hopefully this would further train Xyxer to keep collateral damage down to a minimum.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 6:52 pm
Xyxer smirked as he looked at the whispers passing through the crowd. The mighty Tenkage! fighting some random guy in the middle of a road. Truly, it was the arena of kings. It was just like his days back in Kirigakure when he participated in minor pit fights as an even younger child. None the less, this would be fun. Darting forwards, Xyxer would not use his full speed as he got nearer to the man, outstretching his arm completely with his hand opened as if he was to try and clench the man's throat, and that was exactly what he was trying to do. The hand of Xyxer would move towards the man's throat in a swift movement if he was to near him.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:20 pm
Xyxer's move seemed rather odd or rather reckless. Shinji observed how Xyxer seemed to be a bit slow, which would only make Shinji's plan work all the better. Once Xyxer got closer it became rather obvious where Xyxer was aiming with his hand. Shinji quickly focused his chakra to two points in his body: one at the center of his neck, one at his stomach. Once Xyxer's hand was about two feet from Shinji's throat a orange chakra chain tipped by a razor sharp hook emerged from Shinji's jugular. At the same time another chain, similarly tipped, would emerge from Shinji's stomach. The chain from his stomach would shoot towards Xyxer's exposed stomach in hopes of impaling him. Meanwhile the chain that would shoot from his jugular would be on a direct course for Xyxer's palm. If it hit it would cause a considerable deal of damage and pain to his hand and in all probability prevent Xyxer from choking Shinji out especially if he wished to avoid the chain that was on a collision course with his stomach. Hopefully Shinji would not greatly hurt Xyxer-or better yet Xyxer would completely avoid the attack. However, Xyxer's momentum and Shinji's superb timing, which was made possible by Xyxer not moving at his maximum speed, would make it a intriguing feat indeed to escape unscathed. Shinji considered his chakra chains an extension of himself and thus felt justified using them. Plus it would keep Xyxer on his toes-facing various bloodlines was important. All in all, if everything went perfectly, Xyxer would be impaled in the stomach and palm without Shinji even moving a muscle.

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Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:38 pm
And this was when Xyxer begun to execute his plan; his slow speed had been just a diversionary to lead up to the starter, quite weird, huh? With the hand that he was supposedly going to use to grab the mans neck, he suddenly drew his hands back to his chest just as chains had begun to leave the man's torso and throat. Quickly, Xyxer made the hand sign of the ram just in time, disappearing in a poof of smoke at the last second, but of course he was simply moving at a speed of 180 due to using the body flicker technique. Using his now incredible speed, Xyxer would appear behind the man by having twisted his body just in time to narrowly avoid the chains that had been coming at him then easily outrunning them to the man's back. Once there, Xyxer would attempt to elbow the back of the man's spine which would most likely cause some trauma to the organs of the man because of the strength that Xyxer carried.

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill] - Page 3 Empty Re: Oi Oi! [Private, No Kill]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:43 pm
Alas Shinji did not have eyes in the back of his head. As such he would not be able follow Xyxer's movements when he moved to avoid the chains that were moving towards him-the chains themselves as retracted as Xyxer moved his hands back to make the ram seal. Also as Xyxer moved to make the ram seal Shinji's hands moved at their full speed-already a bit closer together than Xyxer's, thus allowing Shinji to get the jump in terms of hand seal creation. They moved to make the a series of five seals as Shinji had spotted something that he could use to his advantage: a human sized barrel that a passerby had placed on the inside of the sparring circle. It had escaped Shinji's original assessment, because it had not been there before the man had only recently moved it there-probably to take a break and watch the spectacle that was unfolding. As such it made the perfect item for Shinji to substitute with as Xyxer was about to find out. Luckily Xyxer's speed with the body flicker technique was not extravagantly more than Shinji's normal speed or he would have no time to pull off what he was about to do. Shinji's last hand seal would be completed just as Xyxer would appear behind him, but at that point it would have already begun. Xyxer would find his elbow hitting not Shinji, but a barrel. Meanwhile he would find Shinji standing facing him from the other side of the circle with a bored look on his face-although he had to admit Xyxer had almost had him there; he was no slouch. With that Shinji drew Makaze and held it in a defensive way with the sharp blade pointed out towards Xyxer. He then bent his legs a wee bit and waited for Xyxer's assault once again. He did not much like waiting around to be attacked, but it was a needed burden to lay the trap that had already been set in motion the second the spar started. With his back to the crowd Shinji waited as his adrenaline pumped.

{Sorry, lazy post}
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