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Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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A Quick Workout {P}  Empty A Quick Workout {P}

Fri May 10, 2013 2:20 am
The sun shone brightly down on the dusty streets of Sunagakure. Hirako walked slowly down these streets at a slow meandering pace. His black jacket whipped around a bit in the light breeze and his makeshift mask cover his mouth and nose in an almost artful manner. To match his midnight black attire his glasses glinted dull in the sun and his shock of black hair shone as well. All in all it looked like it was going to be a a good day. Or at least it would be if Hirako was not on his way to the academy to get some training in. Honestly if his parents had not to him to go get some practice in he would be at some tea shop playing Shogi with some old man or woman, but alas he was not.

With his genin exam fast approaching Hirako knew he really should be practicing, but that did not mean he would like it. He had a few training exercises in mind and was not looking forward to them. Hopefully there would not be anyone too annoying at the training grounds. Last time he was there a girl kept talking to him about rather silly things that did not really seem to have any relevance whatsoever, so Hirako tried to avoid her now much to the young girls dismay. Hirako was not one for relationships and did not really understand them as of yet.

With all these thoughts running through his head Hirako finally arrived at the slightly run down academy of Sunagakure, Granted it was not really run down, but it sure looked like it was due to the sand and wind abrasion. The academy was in fact quite state of the art. Then again Hirako could care less if he was taught in a mansion or a run down old shack all he wanted to do was get and out as quickly as possible. Pushing open the heavy metal gate he made his way into the training grounds.

Much to the young boy's delight he found the training to be empty. With a smile hidden under his mask Hirako went over to shady spot beside the building and dropped to the ground taking on the position of the push up. Giving one last customary sigh the boy started to do push ups. Mentally he counted them: one two three, one two three, one two three until at last he reached one hundred push ups. He then took a break and leaned up against the sand blasted wall. Breathing heavily Hirako scratched his head and cleared some sweat from his brow. He did not have the best endurance as of yet, so even doing a hundred push ups was fairly tiring for him.

Although he had still come a long way. Before he entered the academy he was only able to complete twenty or so push ups. However, slowly, but surely he was able to build all the way to one hundred. Of course he never would have done it if his parents had not been lording over him and making sure he did everyone. Apparently he did not have very good work ethic, but Hirako did not care. He never really did care much for others opinions after all: how did they effect him in the least? Not wanting to dwell too much on these thoughts he took on a cross legged position and straightened his back as he began his next exercise: chakra building.

This was an exercise they had them do int eh academy countless times. It was practice in building up the proper amount of chakra. The trick was to not get too much or too little built up-it had to be just the right amount or the whole exercise was off balance. Oddly enough Hirako was rather good at this. Maybe it was because the bugs that were inside his body helped to moderate his chakra output then again maybe he actually had some skill-he did not care as it go him praised all the same. With a deep breath Hirako began to circulate chakra throughout his body with an increasing frequency until it flowed like water through a stream, however sans the pleasant sound. he could feel the chakra start to well through his body with each breath. He had always wondered what it was like to cast a real jutsu. He was never that enthusiastic about being a shinobi, but he still wondered what it felt like to wield such power. Right now all he could control were his small bugs.

With the thought of the bugs that lived within him Hirako felt his concentration break as ten small bugs crawled from his skin and out into the world. It was the odd sensation of the six legged creatures crawling over his skin that broke him from his trance-they were rather ticklish. That was a certain trait that many Aburame would probably never openly admit, but Hirako figured it was true for all people in his clan. The kikaichū were a curious creature that the Aburame clan possessed-honestly Hirako had not clue how a clan got such a affinity for bugs: did bugs just start nesting in people one day? The very thought was a weird one to say the least, so he decided to stop thinking about it as the bugs ran up and down his arm like scuttling..well like scuttling bugs.

Standing up at this point Hrako called all his bugs back into his body and proceeded with the next set of exercises and arguably one of the worst exercises was up first: jumpies. These consisted of merely jumping up and down at a steady rate for as long as possible while trying to get the most amount of air possible. Hirako did not like them, because they really killed his quads and left him sore for the rest of the day. Regardless he started jumping as high as possible each time putting about six inches of air beneath his feet-not as good as most shinobi, but still a good start. After doing this jumping work out for ten reps of ten Hirako found himself panting and his legs burning.

Not wanting to sit down for fear of not being able to stand back up Hirako walked over to a water fountain and got a drink. The cool water lapped into his mouth in a clean arc-a bit of it even splashed onto his face and it felt nice. It almost made him want to go swimming-granted it would have to be in a shallow pool of water as Hirako did not really care for large bodies of water. He could swim just fine, but he did not like the vast expanses of water-they were unknown to him. Shaking the odd thought from his mind Hirako turned off the water fountain and looked back at the training field-he could practice controlling his bugs. That was always a good practice and it was fun as well.

So, once again taking his seat against the academy's wall Hirako allowed his bugs to run freely around the training grounds. With a sigh Hirako knew he should run some drills, so he knew that he still had control. Casting forward his palm in an open manner he called all the kikaichū to form an orb right in front of his open palm. With a sigh he willed the orb of kikaichū to move around in circles aimlessly. He could hear the faint buzzing of their wings, but only just barely as they were incredibly stealthy little buggers. Finally he dispersed the orb and sent the kikaichū flying this way and that. Feeling the rather large strain of his work out Hirako called the bugs back to him and they quickly returned to their hive that rested inside his very body.

Hirrako knew that many of his peers could train for hours on end, but Hirako himself did not have that much stamina, which was something he cursed daily. Standing up from his shady oasis in the shadow of the academy Hirako made his way out of the training yard just as a few other people arrived to go train-he was rather pleased that he left when he did as he did not often enjoy the company of others especially those that had just shown up to train. With a contented smile Hirako made a beeline for one of the local watering holes in Sunagkure: The Oasis. It was not a very creative name, but it did serve the best lemonade in all the five nations. Meandering through the streets Hirako finally arrived and purchased a large lemonade. he then went along his way home.

Alas as Hirako tunred down an alley way to make it home a bit faster he found his way blocked by a group of newly christened genin-three to be exact. The largest one spoe up with a mocking tone: "Hey bug boy, why don't you turn out your pockets and give us your lemonade while you are at it." Hirako simply shook his head, which seemed to anger the older genin-bully's were always angered by their victims simply refusing them and Hirako was not one to pushed around as these three would soon learn. The large genin now smiling simple stepped forward and spoke once again: "Well I suppose I will have to beat it out of you then, sound good?" Hirako shrugged and entered a combat stance. He knew that the genin was physically stronger, but Hirako had a plan and a plan often won out most days. And on the off chance that his plan did not work? Well he was prepared to run the hell away as fast as possible.

The plan Hirako wanted to execute was going to involve getting a bit hurt, which was not something he looked forward to, but knew he had to do if he wanted to win. Thus, when the larger genin came in for the punch to the stomach Hirako took it like a champ and allowed the fist to run straight into his stomach. This attack knocked the wind out of him and sent him to ground, which was usually a bad thing. However, now came the fun part as the genin came don to rob the vulnerable Hirako he found himself covered in bugs and not just any bugs: Hirako's kikaichū . Now came the fun part for Hirako at least. The genin now noticing his rather unfortunate predicament backed up and attempted to swat the bugs away to little avail. For each one he swatted another two would appeared until all at once the bugs bit down and rendered the boy unconscious as they speed his chakra with a sigh Hirako got himself up and brushed himself. The two other genin were now running away leaving their friend on the ground. Brushing himself off Hirako looked down on the larger genin. He half thought that he should do something to him, but thought better of it: he would be the bigger man. Thus, upon collecting his kikaichū Hirako went on his way.

Granted now he no longer had his lemonade as it had been knocked out of hs hands upon beng pushed to the ground, but all in all Hirako did not care. It had been a good day. He had done some training, which would certainly please his parents and he beat up a bully. The only thing that could make this day better was a bit of rain. Though Hirako did much care for the water he had not seen rain for many a year now and it would b nice to feel the cool water on his skin. Alas that was unlikely as it almost never rained in Sunagakure. So, for now he had to be content with simply going home. Having dinner and being with his family, which was something that Hirako enjoyed immensely-even when his father was a bit drunk he was still funny and fun to be around. After all family is what keeps Hirako's life going-without it he would probably become rather misguided and lost.

{WC: 2032, +10 stats & +20 JP)
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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A Quick Workout {P}  Empty Re: A Quick Workout {P}

Sat May 11, 2013 10:06 pm
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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A Quick Workout {P}  Empty Re: A Quick Workout {P}

Sun May 12, 2013 3:40 am
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