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Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Sun May 19, 2013 4:33 am
The Uzumaki scion, Arashi Uzumaki steps through the village his eyes closed as he attempts to calm himself his sapphire irises hidden behind his eyelids which are obscured by his crimson hair which looks slightly shaggy.
On his frame is a red T-shirt with a black Uzumaki spiral on the front, worn underneath a grey jacket with a hood and a red Uzumaki spiral adorning the back, a pair of black shinobi pants worn over a pair of red rubber soled running sneakers.
The reason for his walk is that his clan section of the village is facing financial troubles and the missions he's undertook aren't quite enough and now he has to swallow his pride and ask for assistance from the Hokage..
He sighs inwardly, his expressions unchanging from his almost robotic expression while inwardly he's raging.
His hands are at his sides in regal strides which gives him an air of nobility despite his age.
Walking through and bowing to the receptionist in greeting so she can check him in by name he walks past and up the stairs stopping before the guards at the door to the Hokage office.
He inclines his head respectfully in a greeting his posture non-threatening as he asks with his eyes to enter for some specific business.
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Sun May 19, 2013 10:54 am
The ANBU guards note the Uzumaki's disposition without a word and open the door to the Hokage's office to allow entrance. Navi himself sits bored behind his desk, reading a few forms without glancing upwards. A pen loosely lays in his right hand as his eyes skim each page, the apathetic village leader seemingly in his own world. Tora the demon cat lays atop Navi's desk, gazing towards the visitor with curious eyes to observe the newcomer that seems to seek entrance to the office.

The approach of a Chuunin at least merited some level of respect as opposed to the seemingly constant flow of Genin that disrupted his business at the office. Still, until the boy entered his office the Hokage would remain vigilant with the collection of files on his desk. Paperwork was always in constant flow, circulating the administrative building as orders were given to different workers and military divisions. Other valuables, files and funds would be found in a crypt, often in circulation and specifically where Navi kept a spare of himself.

Upon Arashi's entrance he would glance upwards, his cold activated dojutsu eyes scanning the boy as he waited for the Chuunin to state his business.

Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Sun May 19, 2013 8:27 pm
Upon entering he inclines his head towards the ANBU respectfully and steps forward to enter the office, his blue eyes scan the surroundings and as the cat and the man known as the Hokage lay eyes on his frame, he deems to immediately kneel on his left knee and incline his head.
He is a tool for the Hokage, that is his place as a Shinobi...many of his peers seem to forget this fact but he will not take the same disrespectful tone that many do..this man after all could take him apart with no effort whatsoever. "I am Arashi of the Uzumaki clan...the head." He greets waiting to be ordered to rise as he takes the proper form of subjugation to the man who continues to grant his clan their land...even if he is technically the only one left.
However the citizens that have moved into the district since Konoha's original destruction a year ago have of course been unhelpful..the entire reason him being here is so he can get a loan...
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Sun May 19, 2013 11:08 pm
Navi's eyes glance up to see the respectful Chuunin bow in front of him. Upon revealing himself as the Uzumaki Clan Head he has gained the Hokage's attention, his fingers resting to leave the pen gently on his desk. Recognizing the clan name, his hands fold together on his desk before his voice is heard.

"Rise, Arashi Uzumaki."

With the analyzation of Navi's dojutsu he recognizes the ninja in front of him as having significantly weaker physical capabilities. Despite this Arashi was a Chuunin of the leaf, obviously possessing unique talent or jutsu to earn such a title.

"What is it?" he asks, curious as to why the clan head had come to see him.

Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Sun May 19, 2013 11:55 pm
Arashi rises immediately upon being ordered to do so his arms moving to cross behind his back and his left leg jutting out so he can stand at attention his near expressionless face staring forward.
He speaks in a soft tone his voice audibly but it's obvious he doesn't talk much if one were to listen to his voice "During the attack last year by the unknown Shinobi believed to be a Senju the village was destroyed, and my clanmates living in the Uzumaki district...were all exterminated" He takes a moment with his eyes closed to compose himself "Despite this, the Uzumaki district was mostly untouched in the attack and as is my duty as a Konoha citizen I opened the undamaged houses to the populous in order to provide shelter...unfortunately the rather high cost of living that the civilians have become accustomed to have taken a toll on my clans funds..and the missions I've been able to take are insufficient..if I cannot raise funds I will have to begin evicting the citizens who keep the compound is with this in mind I humbly ask of a loan or perhaps a payment plan for the Uzumaki compounds land costs." He explains before inclining his head towards the Hokage.
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 12:51 am
Navi breaths a depressed sigh upon hearing about the tragedy that occurred to Arashi's clan. The destruction of clansmen often deeply damaged a shinobi's inner psyche, making them cold to the world, but also making them valuable tools when it came to dangerous missions. Such unfortunate events sometimes brought strength to ninja and inspired talent in the surviving souls.

"I see," he says pondering the request, nodding with slight sympathy despite the constant cold demeanor he exhibits.

"How much money are you asking for?" he asks, curious on a more exact figure. Konoha was one of the wealthiest countries in the world following the leadership of Navi and Viper, but they held such money and power because of the strong military presence they had come to maintain across the nations.

Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 1:21 am
He hums in thought at the question, his head lowering for a moment in apology as he thinks silently before coming to a conclusion.
"I simply need enough to sate the compounds expenses until the Jounin exams..which at that time I will have access to higher ranked missions and be capable of acquiring more ryo for the expenses..I might also have to start charging rent." He states, although charging homeless people rent feels slightly wrong in his mind.
...He's talking alot..he hates talking..but he also hates being disrespectful so he might as well make sure to keep answering the mans questions to the best of his ability.
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 4:42 am
It seems clear that Arashi is desperate for this funding, given the circumstances it is an understandably frustrating situation. With a sigh Navi picks up his pen and writes something down. Obviously they couldn't charge the homeless rent, there wasn't much versatility in terms of options.

"Very well, I will allocate further resources so that Konoha can help to cover the expenses that the compound requires."

As a Chuunin his pay rate was still meager, better then the petty sum a Genin was afforded, but nothing notable. At least the missions completed by him upon successfully completing the Jounin exam would afford a much greater pool of money. Of course there was always the ANBU Black Ops, the most well paid and well trained soldiers the Leaf Village had to offer. The choice to become an ANBU is a hard and difficult one, but those with skill and power earn the right to call themselves the sword and shield of the Hokage.

While dwelling on this Navi eyes the boy with curiosity, unsure of the potential that could be untapped within him.

If Arashi didn't have further business to bring up he would forward his own question.

"Why did you become a ninja? What is your goal Arashi Uzumaki?"

Those who had grown cold to the ninja world and had lost so much that was precious to them often disliked speaking often, Navi was no different, and he could tell Arashi was likely the same. Despite the difficulty that came with prolonged conversation, he maintains a solid disposition, waiting for an answer to shed some light on the intriguing Uzumaki boy.

Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 2:20 pm
Arashi inclines his head in gratitude as the Hokage speaks and allows the compound to continue despite it's lack of funds "Thank you." He states before opening his eyes once more and waiting to be dismissed...
His gaze meets the Hokage's staring at him in an appraising manner before asking him a rather personal question.
His face shows no reaction but the blue of his eyes seem to harden like cold sapphires determination flickering behind them as he speaks "My goal is simple...I wish to defeat a certain someone..and restore my clan to it's former glory as the saviors of Konoha." He states his tone filled with conviction the 'ttebayo left said only in his mind....he doesn't need that kind of reputation running he's keeping his outbursts in his mind.
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 9:05 pm
"A certain someone eh?" the question remaining somewhat rhetorical, with an infliction that implied it could remain unanswered.

He understood the need for revenge, although the murder of every Hyuuga would be a disgraceful and cruel order to give as the Hokage. Despite the hatred he held within his heart, the wellbeing village had to come first, beyond that of his personal desires. A slight sigh is emitted, his thoughts wandering for a moment before snapping back to the present.

"Was there anything else?"

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