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Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Mon May 20, 2013 9:37 pm
Arashi's eyes remain forehead but he takes the first question as rhetorical the slight tensing of his jaw before it un-clenches and he relaxes slightly the tells that he was troubled slightly by the question.
A Senju was the culprit, he just needs to find which one and then kill him...of course the man took down the entire village..and was most likely the other part of his dream is "Reaching Master rank, and becoming a prime candidate for the village council." He states, his life is for the village...that's what his answer means if one were to read inbetween the lines.
...He wonders if he misinterpreted the Hokage's words as further could have been meant as a closing for the business...
He curses inwardly, this is another reason he hates talking so much..he hopes he didn't come off as stupid in front of the Hokage of all people...he can't afford to make his clan look bad.
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Wed May 22, 2013 8:12 pm
Navi hadn't meant what Arashi had interpreted his words as, but nevertheless played along. It would seem that the boy had very high aspirations. He wanted to become a master and even earn a leadership title in the upper echelon of the village. His life for the leaf is what he seemed to be leading at. Certainly an interesting thing to hear.

A man in a black cloak and porcelain mask appears knelt in front of Navi's desk, the operative drones out a quick report.

"Lord Hokage, one of our leaf genin has been killed at the training grounds."

Navi's attention switches to this new report, immediately following up on this news.

"Who was the victim?"

The operative immediately responds, unaware of the identity of the visitor that is currently standing next to him.

"Habee Uzumaki."

The Hokage falls silent as his cold gaze falls back to Arashi. This was a chance to prove himself, and beyond that, a matter of Uzumaki clan business.

"I expect this is something you will want to deal with," he begins, not yet giving the order but awaiting Arashi's reaction.
Arashi Uzumaki
Arashi Uzumaki
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Wed May 22, 2013 8:27 pm
Arashi takes two steps back as the ANBU arrives bowing his head respectively as a means to show he is taking a backseat to the ANBU's business...
He ignores the information up until the name 'Uzumaki' is mentioned and his head whips upwards his eyes narrowing and turning into cut sapphires that seem to burn with the intent to kill.

"Excuse me Lord Hokage...I have some business to attend too." He states before turning away and dashing out of the office and down the stairs rushing to his home to prepare his offensive in order to decimate the traitor.

[Exit, 12 posts out of 40 for CD reqs.]
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Wed May 22, 2013 10:46 pm
The boy seemed to waste no time, barely listening anymore as he turns to leave the office. A small marble of chakra appearing on the tip of Navi's finger with the usage of his projection, a seal being formed on the marble. With a flick of his fingers, the marble makes contact with Arashi's upper arm, a CFG seal the size of a dot successfully being placed should all go as expected.

He would keep an eye on the events that unfolded, sitting back in his chair and sighing deeply as he watched the boy leave.

Shouten Ataenushi
Shouten Ataenushi
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Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Will of the Uzumaki.[Private, IO.]

Wed May 22, 2013 10:47 pm
Approving because if I don't you'll beat me.
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