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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:30 am
Sigan awoke and raised his eyes to the ceiling...He felt like a child...He had seen the strength of those before him and knew that with enough effort he could surpass most. His body was not capable of the things his mind could concoct. This was a problem. One he intended to remedy today. He arose and followed his usual routine before walking out the door and trotting towards the Training Grounds. This was the day he would devote to absolute training. Nothing would distract him as he extended his mind utilizing his Chakra Sense on the way to the grounds. By now he could feel the sense grow stronger. Soon, yes soon, he would be able to intensify it. He could feel it in his very being. But enough with the distracting thoughts as Sigan shook his head to clear it. His breathing calm behind his scarf-mask. The sky was a dull cloudy day, just like Sigan liked it, as he stepped onto the grassy field. He let his cold blue gaze scan the area for anyone who might possibly be interested in a joint training regiment. Sparring was an excellent form of training.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:43 am
Hikarishi woke up in the new Village of Kumogakure he had recently transferred from the leaf village and he still found it weird to wake up to mountains instead of forests. He had come here in search of information of Hisao and joined the Genin Battle Royal that had started and had just won his first match. He went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast which he quickly scarfed down, he dressed in regualr clothes a black shirt and blue jeans, and walked out the door carrying only his Ninja pouch, he left his sunglasses at home as he did not expect to use his Sharingan toady.

He made his way lazly to the training grounds where he saw Sigan his first opponent in the battle royal. He would walk up to him and say "Hey Sigan. Out to do some training?" He would wait for his reply before saying "Not everyone here knows im an Uchiha so dont say anything about it.....and if you would like to spar ill not use the Sharingan." Quietly so only Sigan could hear it.
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:13 am
Sigan caught sight of Hikarishi and gave a curt nod of greeting as he walked up to him. His eyes were calm and he showed no hint of any emotion as he respectfully replied. "Quite so. The fact that I joined the tournament when I just freshly graduated was rather reckless of me, but what better way to test yourself than in an outmatched fight. As for your identity it is safe with me. I do not betray my comrades. Also I wish to express my gratitude that you saved me. You are welcome to join in my training if you desire." With that he would smile, though the only signal of this visible would be the lifting of his eyes, behind his scarf. He was adorned in his usual attire consisting of his scarf mouth cover, his hooded coat which at the time was lowered, his skin suit, his simple shinobi boots, and of course his ninja tools and village band, which dangled around his neck. "I have been hard at work learning more jutsu. I was ill prepared for our fight but the experience has helped me."
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:36 am
Hikarishis eyes lit up as Sigan said he would tell no one about him being an Uchiha "Thanks that will be a huge advantage in the upcoming battles." he said as he continued to listen to what Sigan said. "As for saving you there is no need for you to die in a fight to get a new rank but you did very well for someone who was not prepared." He said as Sigan finished talking. "Who knows with some training you could possibly be even greater the God Viper." he said this with a hint of Sarcasm as to the word God, for who has the right to name a man one does. "I would of course be honored to help you train, ill even go easy on you and limit my skills as need be. Good use the Jutsu you have to your advantage Try to defeat me if you can." He continued to say as he moved back so Sigan and him were ten meters apart. "Come now attack!" He yelled hoping to get Sigan in the sparring mood.
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:57 pm
Chuckling Sigan grinned and accepted the challenge as he cast a handfull of seals before pouring forth Mist once more as he had done in the match. It would cover 25 meters in all directions. Following up Sigan formed 2 Mist clones at his side which ran to the left and right at an angle so when they would stop they would be evenly 10 meters to the sides of Hikarishi. Each of them including Sigan himself would ignore their impaired vision and focus on Hikarishi's chakra source. During this time they did
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:02 pm
nothing as they measured Hikarishi's movements and reactions to the vision impairing mist.

Hidden Mist
Mist Clone Jutsu

(Sorry bout da post split Im typing from my psp)
Keiji Yokoshimana
Keiji Yokoshimana
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:51 pm
(Sigan, don't mention anything from our team meeting that hasn't happened yet)

Shinichi would head for the training grounds, eager to find a sparring partner besides his sister. He hadn't really had much of a chance to pick a fight with people when he was an academy student, and with no one but his sister's skills to gauge his own on, he had no idea how useful he would be in a fight. As he neared the grounds, he would see to people facing off, though he was too far to recognize either of them. Once he got closer, he would recognize his teammate, Sigan, and see him preform a hidden mist jutsu, pouring forth a mist all around him, He could only assume this technique was targeted against the person standing a little ways away from him. Not wanting to interrupt this, but still a little curious, he took a knee, wanting to see how the other person would act.

Last edited by Shinichi Nara on Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:44 pm
(Umm bro you do realize after the mist forms you wouldnt see me create clone or anything inside the cloud of mist...)
Keiji Yokoshimana
Keiji Yokoshimana
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:48 pm
(You didn't specify how thick the mist was, I assumed it wasn't at maximum thickness yet. I'll change that.)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo) Empty Re: Casual Training. (NK,Open to Kumo)

Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:57 pm
As the mist would form, and Hikarishi would instantly recognize what it was due to the battle between them before, He would form hand seals in quick succession, performing two jutsu at once, He would Dash backwards at his full speed and then some thanks to the Body Flicker Jutsu while Two clones formed, the clones would stand and listen with the mental command to never explode in this spar unless it was a need to, The real Hikarishi would be standing outside of the mist a good thirteen meters away from the edge and watch to see. Shouting out to Sigan he would say "Yo for now you fight my clones. Thats your first step to getting stronger." A smile on his face he would sit down and move only when the clones were gone.

[Clones are going to be moving at full stats while in the Hidden mist...if they are to go out ill post the stats for them at that time. This mainly applies to Sigan....]
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