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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:15 pm
After a week of rough training it was time for Johnny to go back to school the academy had its benefits for young upcoming ninja "I wonder what sensei has plan for us today" Johnny showed up five minutes early he open the doors and saw his fellow classmates had taken there sit "Looks like everyone made it" Johnny walk up the stairs to his seat "There must be something pretty imported going on" Johnny spent his extra five minutes looking outside enjoying the nature "I can't wait till i can explore the ninja world" Johnny then stops daydreaming and see his teacher had walk in "Okay let class begin" His teacher noted Johnny looked on as his teacher wrote something on the board "Ninjutsu, Chakar and Handsigns" Johnny grin "Does this mean where learning jutsu!?" Johnny was on the edge of his seat his never learn any jutsu so today ment a lot to him. "Oh cool i can't wait to learn some super powerful kick butt move" The teacher wrote down the jutsu they will be learning "Walking on tree, Walking on water, Clone jutsu, Substitution jutsu" Johnny face showed a uninterested look "Come on those are some basic moves how i am going to beat someone up with that!" The teacher gave Johnny a anger and annoyed look he then throw a piece of chalk at him. "Listen up Johnny!" The teacher yelled "hey that hurt" after he rub his head Johnny listen to his teacher explain the meaning to these jutsu and learning chakar control "Yeah i guess thats imported sensei" The teacher also went on to make note that each student will be given a teacher who will show them these jutsu he also made a deadline "One Week!" Johnny face showed worried "Oh crap oh crap" Class has ended and each student walking out was handed a paper with there teacher name on it "I wonder who my teacher will be?" Johnny teacher told him to behavior himself and be good to his sensei as he handed him his paper he gave a worried look but then smile knowing Johnny has only good intention.

Last edited by Johnny on Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:34 am
Crono sat on a log outside the ninja academy. he was wearing his trademark yellow bandana and white headband. His traditional blue kimono blew in the wind. Both of his katana and tanto were secured on his right hip. in his hand was a crumpled up piece of paper.

"I know Ni-san said this mission was important" the young samurai began, sighing as he uncrumpled the note and read the quickly scribbled note once more. "Konoha ninja academy teacher assistant #5" below that was a wax seal bearing the guardia vortex crest. the voice of the messenger frog that delivered the scroll echoed in his head. "urgent from HQ".

Crono sighed once more, why didn't his brother send him off on something more exciting then babysitting a bunch of ninja that couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. "this seems really lame...." he finally muttered.

"calm yourself Crono" his inner voice muttered. his continence pushing him away from these feeling of discontent. "thats right" Crono remembered his bushido teachings. "I must be humble, I cannot allow pride to interfer with my duties" he quietly recited one of the virtues to himself. "True patience means bearing the unbearable". Crono's eyes closed for a moment as he regained his purpose.

He reached down, placing his hands on his knees before getting up from the log. If he was to be a teacher, he should look like a teacher, anything less wouldn't befit that of an aonisaibushi, nor any samurai.

Crono stood up tall, his right hand resting upon the tsuba[hilt] of his sheathed katana. his left would be at a parade rest position behind him, resting upon the small of his back. His eyes would be peeled, awaiting his student, or students.

"Crap" crono rolled his eyes once more, just now realizing that his brother had once again left out the details of what exactly he was ment to do as the instructors aide just as students began to flock out of the academy heading for different ninjas that were spread out. He had no time to find out. Sighing lightly at his predicament he could only envision his brother laughing manically to his own situation. "true patience, Crono.... True patience" the voice would repeat as Crono caught sight of one of the academy students walking in his direction.

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:28 am
Leaving the academy left Johnny with a smile "At least i got out of school early" Johnny look at his piece of paper with the teacher name and where he would find him "Crono...?  never heard of him I wonder if his even worth my time" Johnny then took a moment thinking of not even going threw the training " Zehahahaha sensei would kill me" Johnny continue to walk outside the academy Johnny was the last one to leave so finding his teacher would be easy "Man look at these stronger ninja I can't believe sensei could trick them to come help us" Johnny notice a man wearing yellow bandana and white headband with a blue kimono "Zehahahaha oh man that guys looks funny" Johnny face then widen and face drew blank he notice he didn't have a student with him and everyone did "Crap! that guy going to be my teacher for the day" Johnny quicky turn around but was stop by his sensei he question him asking where he was going "Oh i forgot something at the house i was just..." And before he could finish his teacher pointed him towards crono he reminded him that if he got into to much trouble he would fail the academy Johnny face went white "Fine i'll go but you sure know how to pick the crazy ones sensei" His teacher laugh it off making fun of him saying "your no one to talk". Johnny walk over to Crono with his head down "So your my teacher for the day..."
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:35 am
Eyeing the ninja as he walked to him, Crono still wasn't sure what to think. This was no child, in fact, He appeared to be a few years his senior. "Gotta love Ni-san's sense of humor" He thought to himself. "i'm not even a ninja, how am I suposeto to train a ninja" he thought as his nose began to itch. Did he really just call him crazy.... hmmm perhaps this might be fun after all.

Crono leaned heavly, shifting the weight to his right leg. If he was going to be a teacher... he was going to be a teacher. He wasn't sure just how strong this inductee was, but he was going to be trained.... Guardia Style.

With a sudden flick of his right wrist, crono's blade suddenly flew out of it's Saya hilt first utilizing the hai ryu sen technique, aiming for Johnny's forehead. nothing too strong, but the impact from the hilt would defiantly bruise his ego. immediately after impact the sword would directly slide back into it's saya[sheath].

"Rule number one: never take your eyes off your opponent." he would say in a stern voice awaiting johnny to regain his composure before dashing quickly behind johnny at full speed seeming to vanish from sight, reappearing with his mouth but an inch from Johnny's ear. His katana and saya no longer secured at his hip, but in his left hand.

"Rule number two: Never underestimate your opponent." Crono would reiterate as he would attempt to knock the bottom end of his sheathed sword into the bend of johnny's knee causing him to kneel. in a hunched over position.

"I am Guardia Crono. I am no Ninja but an Aonisaibushi, a Samurai of the Guardia clan. And I will be your instructor today. Should you object to this arrangement, I am quite sure I can find a suitable substitute." He would speak as he would walk around johnny. his words emphasizing the word samurai and his tone purely serious. His eyes would remain on johnny.

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:19 am
"Man I hope this guy isn't as crazy as he looks" Johnny said in his head "What was that?" falls on his butt and hears Crono words "Ay whats the big idea you but!?" Johnny then looked ahead noticing he wasn't there "Where he..." Johnny then heard Crono next rule looking back at him "Oh yeah how about you listen to your own rule" Johnny attempted to swing on the man but feel quickly to his knees "You got some nervous you nut!" Johnny notice the other kids laughing and his teacher shaking his head "You have me looking like a fool! is that how you treat people on the first day!?" Johnny got back on his feet "Man this guy was fast i couldn't even track his movement" Johnny noting this as he thinks back on Crono attack "You must be form a different planted because in a normal world we greet people with a name and hand shake you crazy fool" Johnny wipe off the dirt from his parents "Alright listen I know you don't want to do this and same goes for me so how about we just get a bowl of ramen and call it a day Zehahaha!" Johnny stood there with a huge grin on his face "So what do you say?"
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:06 am
Crono would stand emotionless in front of johnny. This initiate was beyond belief. Not once, but twice did the samurai knock him down only for him to arise like a phoenix from the ashes. Crono felt a little respect for him, for even though johnny didn't walk the path of bushido, perseverance was still a virtue that couldn't be taught..

"Rule number three: ramen must be earned, not given.... now remember rule number 1" Disregarding what johnny had just said, Crono would suddenly move around Johnny so fast that only mere flashes of himself would be visible every few seconds. Acting quickly, crono would make 2 clones of himself that would continue this action by coping each other as the real crono would end up behind johnny, standing next to his instructor transformed into a elderly gentleman with a white mustashe, brown top hat and coat, his katana would now appear as a hooked cane that he would be leaning on.  The two illusionary copies of crono would then stop moving and stare at johnny from his right and left side.
First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! OldMan

"what am I suposto be teaching him" the true crono in his elderly form would whisper to johnny's instructor, causing the instructor to laugh. "I think you are teaching him it now, it would seem... You samurai are intresting."  Smiling slightly crono would only reply. "arigatto". "We are only teaching basic techniques today. surface walking, subsitution, clones and transformation. ironicly, you might have just gotten 2 of them out of the way."  

Crono laughing with the instructor would appreciate the irony. He would continue watching johnny from afar to see exactly what he would do when both clones of him suddenly faded into nothing.

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:41 am
Johnny heard the next rule Crono made "Oh come on man your this is such a pain" Crono then copy himself to where he would be circling him "So this is the clone jutsu i can see how its useful but its still a pain to learn these things" Johnny said to himself  "I guess i have to find the real you to get some ramen" Johnny lock on to one of the clones "I got you fool!" Johnny cock back a punch and aim it straight away only to go right threw it "Oh man i really thought that was you" The clones disappear as Johnny was out of the circle he was once in "Where that nut go now?" Johnny notice his teacher talking to some old hag "Wonder who that is maybe he seen where my teacher went" Johnny walk over to the old man "Yo gramps have you seen this weird looking guy his wearing a yellow bandana and white headband with a blue kimono I know this sounds weird but he looks funnier then you Zehahahaha!" Johnny then look over to his teacher "How about you sensei it seems my teacher bailed does this mean i can go home now?"
Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:24 am
Crono would lift his weight off of his cane and stand on his two feet, letting the top of the cane slide through his fingers he would slam it down upon Johnny's foot. "whippersnappers, these days... need to learn some manners. " He would say, his voice being an accurate representation of his current appearance.

As soon as Johnny would react to his foot being hit, crono would lift his cane up and smash it into johnny's forehead, to knock him onto his back. it was funny, but crono was rather enjoying himself. Some people learned the easy way... others prefered the guardia way.  Johnny seemed to be the latter. while the young samurai was not sure if johnny was too headstrong to learn anything, he would continue to show this initiate that arrogance has no place in this world.

Crono would make a clone to take his place and would be standing upside down upon a branch high above the clone. should Johnny attempt to attack the clone, he would smash himself into the tree.

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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:56 am
As Johnny looked at his sensei it seems in mere moments he was attack by the old man "Owe! why do i keep keeping hit like this!?" Johnny rub the spot of where the old man had hit up "Now this grandpa wants to fight me I really don't have time for this" Johnny didn't hear everything that came out of the old mans voice and reply with a confusion look on his face "Old man what were you trying to say? I couldn't get over how a old man could hit me like that." Johnny then laugh to himself "Zehahaha!" The old man then made a clone of himself "Seems like this grandpa has some tricks too "Too bad i won't be falling for that dumb move anymore I know if i attack you i'll go right threw you like last time" Johnny then gave the expression of looking for his teacher "Now on to more imported things like finding this teacher so i can learn these dumb jutsu" Johnny look back at the old man "Yo granpas you never answer my question have you seen my teacher or has your vision as bad as that outfit Zehahahah!" Johnny waited for the old man to reply having a grin on his face

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Crono Guardia
Crono Guardia
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First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done ! Empty Re: First Steps on Becoming a Ninja. Done !

Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:55 am
crono smiled from his perch above, as he released the surface walking from his boots allowing him to fall directly down, flipping in mid air to land himself on top of johnny instantly changing himself back into his natural shape. Crono would not move from his position. "At least i know why you are still in the academy."

Crono looking at johnny's original instructor. "Are you sure this one can even learn. perhaps he should go back to step one" his eyes looked down at johnny. "Rule number four: mind your surroundings" Crono takes his left foot off of Johnny and places it on the ground. using surface walking Crono secures johnny to the bottom of his right foot, along with securing his left to the ground.

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