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Akari, Taro
Akari, Taro
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Taro's Raiton Training [done] Empty Taro's Raiton Training [done]

Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:58 pm
Taro woke up that morning with an air of excitement. The sun was shining in through his window, the view looking magnificent through the window, though Taro was more focused on the light streaming into his bedroom. Someday, I'll be able to control that light, just like my father. thought Taro, mind racing with the possibilities of the light use, though his face was set. But before he could use his clan's element, he would have to learn his Raiton element, which was an essential part of the Hikariton release. Taro had already mastered Katon, which was another part of the Hikariton release, now for the hard part of learning Raiton. Taro quickly got himself dressed, putting on his armor that he had inherited from his father, and put his Ninjato in the special sheath on the left side of the armor's chest plate. He tied his Funkagakure headband onto his head, looking at himself in the mirror before leaving his room. Taro then remembered the special things that he had packed the day before for this day, so he quickly went back into his room and grabbed his things and dashed back out. Taro quickly went down the stairs, which were conveniently located close to his bedroom. Taro moved past the family room into the dining room, where his father and mother were now sitting. His father sat reading the morning newspaper, which always appeared on their doorstep every morning, His mother sat eating her breakfast. This was a normal routine, though Taro never really got to see more than the morning routine, for he was always training. Taro's father looked up from his paper as Taro passed him. "Good morning son. Where are you off to?" said his father as he looked at him, putting the paper on the table as he said so. Taro stopped, and looked between both his mother and his father. "Good morning mom, dad. I'm just grabbing a bite to eat and then heading out to train my Raiton element." said Taro, who had said this then went to grab a muffin that was in the kitchen with his name on it. Taro then came back into the dining room as his father said, "Ah, trying to get the Hikariton, eh? Well, I hope it goes well son." His mother looked at Taro worryingly and said, "Taro, please be careful, it is a dangerous place out there. Come back before dinner, okay?" she said, still looking worried. "I'll try, mom." said Taro as he kissed his mom on the cheek and then left through the front door, eating his muffin as he dashed away. Taro sprinted to a secluded place in the woods that he had chosen so that no one would disturbed him as he trained... at least, he hoped no one would disturb him. Taro quickly set down his things that he had packed and sat down next to the bag. He opened it and brought out the towel he had packed. Taro breathed in and got himself ready to train his Raiton.

Taro breathed in and out, then performed the hand seals used for greater chakra gathering. He placed his hands over the towel, focusing his chakra to create static electricity to use. Taro closed his eyes and focused. He did this for quite some time, breathing in and out as he did so, focusing on the towel, thinking of the lightning that sometimes struck here in Funkagakure. He pictured himself as a conduit, a place for the lightning to come down and strike whatever it wished. Taro focused on the feeling of electricity that he would get, though it was only static electricity. Taro imagined the tingling feeling that one would get when you touched a doorknob after rubbing your feet on the carpet. Taro imagined this feeling for about a half an hour, still without a jolt. Then, it went from Taro's imagination, to Taro thinking that he actually felt a jolt. Taro quickly opened his eyes to see if he had. Unfortunately, as he was in the action of opening his eyes, he lost his focus, and whatever spark might have been there was not there anymore, and no matter how hard he tried with his eyes open, he couldn't make another jolt. Taro finally gave up, exasperated at his inability to create a spark of lightning. He knew it would be hard, but he didn't think it would be this hard. Taro decided it was time for a little snack to keep his energy up.

Taro turned away from the towel and looked into his bag that he had brought the towel in. Besides his things that he would need to train his Raiton, he had brought some snacks so that he could keep his strength up. Despite it only having been about an hour or a half an hour, Taro was already tired from gathering his chakra and meditating. Who knew that training could be this tiring? thought Taro, who had always been in good physical condition. Taro reached into the bag and brought out an apple. Taro bit into it and savored the juices that ran down his throat. The apple wasn't tart, but it wasn't too sweet though. Taro thought it was just perfect, though other people would probably disagree with him. Taro took another bite, chewing thoughtfully, looking around the place he was in. It was peaceful here, even though the forest was full of dead trees. Not a sound was made, making it the perfect place for meditation. Taro decided to make this place his new training spot, trying to remember every little detail so as not to forget it. Taro kept taking little bites out of his apple until it was completely gone. Taro wiped his mouth on his arm, getting rid of the apple juice. Taro then closed the bag, keeping the rest of his snacks for later use. Taro wished that he had been able to take this new thing called ice cream with him, it had quickly become one of his favorite desserts. It probably wasn't new, but it was new to him. But Taro digressed. Taro got up to stretch, getting the kinks out of his back. He looked over next to one of the tree's and saw a leaf. Taro smiled, knowing what he would do next to train his Raiton.

Taro went over and picked up the leaf, which was rather small, only about half the size of his hand. Taro went back over to his bag, looking at the leaf the entire time. Taro sat down next to his bag and towel, leaf still in hand. Taro stared at the leaf, then slowly closed his eyes and began the process of gathering his chakra again. Taro flowed it into the leaf, trying to create a spark and then have the leaf combust. Taro was careful to not put his Fire chakra into the leaf, which would make it combust automatically. Taro did not wish for this to happen, for then he might accidentally mistake it that he had made a spark and made the leaf catch on fire, and also he would be out a leaf. Taro focused his chakra over the leaf, visualizing a spark being made in between his hand and the leaf. He willed some form of lightning to appear between his hand and the leaf. Taro tried and tried for what seemed like hours, trying to force some modicum of power to appear, with no success. The leaf remained a leaf, and Taro was getting tired of this. Taro opened his eyes, looking at the leaf. Taro sat and stared at the leaf, not focusing, just frustrated. He then set the leaf next to him, done with that training for now. Taro positioned himself so that he was lying down on his back. Taro then stared up at the sky, resting himself for the rest of his training. Taro slowly closed his eyes, feeling very sleepy. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

A few hours later....

Taro suddenly woke up, trying to figure out what time it was. He sat up and looked around. Taro finally looked up at the sun to determine its position in the sky. Looks to be about noon. thought Taro, who was relaxing. He had only been asleep for about 3 hours, which wasn't that bad. Taro had been worried that he had slept the entire day away. But that hadn't happened. Taro got up went over to his bag and opened it. Taro brought out another apple and bit into it. He sat there, eating his apple, and he tried to figure out what to do next. Taro thought hard for only about a minute before he finally decided to try the towel again. Taro finished eating his apple and went to the towel, which thankfully hadn't been moved. Taro sat down in front of the towel, preparing himself for another chakra training. Taro closed his eyes and breathed in and out, slowing his heart down. Taro formed the hand seal for greater chakra gathering, allowing the chakra to move within himself. Taro put his hand over where the towel was supposed to be and focused on creating some form of lightning. Taro breathed in and out, in and out, focusing his chakra into his hand, trying to create a connection between the towel and his hand. Taro focused, putting all of his power there, picturing himself as a conduit of power. Taro opened his eyes, surprised, because he thought he had felt a jolt. Taro looked down at the towel, looking at it intensely to see if another jolt appeared. But nothing happened. "GAHHHHH!" yelled Taro, who suddenly got up and went over and punched a tree out of anger. The tree got caved in halfway, making it look lopsided. Taro fumed, pacing around and around.

Taro stopped, finally calming down. Taro breathed in and out to calm himself down even more. Taro looked over at his bag, going back and forth in between his mind about whether or not he should bring out the last piece of training things he had brought to help himself train his Raiton. Taro finally decided, went over to his bag, opened it up and put his hand in the bag to find the thing he was looking for. Taro searched with his hand, moving his hand around and around looking for it. Taro's hand hit the thing he was looking for, so Taro wrapped his hand around the object and pulled it out. It was a piece of metal, which is super conductive when it comes to electricity. Taro brought it up to eye level and looked at his reflection in the metal. Taro looked for a bit, noting how he looked, and then sat down with it and put it on the ground. Taro put his hand over it and focused his chakra over the metal. Taro focused on the metal, trying the same technique he had used for the towel. Taro breathed in and out, which seemed to be all that he had done today, and tried to make some spark to appear. He sat there, looking at the metal, looking for any sign that he had reached success. Taro looked and looked, and was just about to give up when he saw something and felt something. Taro looked more closely, and tried again to get that same feeling. Nothing for a moment, and then, another spark! Taro started to get excited, trying again to do it to see if it was just a fluke. As he focused, he looked, and it happened again. Taro was ecstatic! He had done it! He had finally obtained Raiton! Now he could train his Hikariton! But Taro wasn't satisfied just yet. He wanted to test it out on a few more things to make certain he had actually done it.

Taro went over to the towel, excited to see if he had actually done it. Taro sat down next to the towel, ready to try. Taro focused his chakra into his hand and placed it over the towel. Taro looked for any spark, hoping that it happens again. Taro sat there for about a minute, seeing nothing. Then, a spark! Taro focused even more, and another spark and another spark appeared. Taro was so happy, a 10 year old who just got the most amazing birthday present could stand to take some notes. Taro got up, fist pumping the air, as if to say, Hah! I did it! Take that, Mother Nature! Taro picked up the leaf he had set down earlier, put it into the palm of his hand, and focused on the leaf. Taro watched, and it only took him a few seconds of watching to see a spark of lightning! It went from his hand straight to the leaf, and the leaf ignited automatically, the flames spreading throughout the leaf. Taro was happy, but he also knew better than to leave the leaf still on fire. Taro used his Fire chakra to put out the fire that had rapidly been consuming the leaf. Taro threw the crumbling leaf away and went back to put his things away in his bag. Taro threw the towel in the bag, then went over and picked up the piece of metal he had brought, and went back and placed it in the bag.

Taro picked up his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and sprinted away back towards his house. Taro weaved in and out between the trees, making good time back to his house. Taro looked up quickly to see the position of the sun. Judging by the position, it was about 1 p.m. Taro smiled, knowing now that he would be in time for dinner. His mother would be quite happy with him. His father would be happy with him too, but for a different reason. He'll be so proud that I have obtained my Raiton. thought Taro as he ran back towards home. Taro was almost home, when Taro, feeling very happy, suddenly went up to the closest tree and touched it with his hands. There was a spark of lightning, and the place where he had touched the tree had a black spot. Taro quickly ran away, smiling as he now saw that he had better control over his Raiton than he had a few moments earlier. He saw his house and put on some extra speed. Taro was at his door in no time. Taro was surprised even at his own speed, so he put on the brakes as quickly as possible so that he didn't go flying through the door. Taro skidded to a stop right in front of the door, mentally sighing because he thought he would accidentally go through the door. Taro opened the door, and walked inside, saying, "Mom! Dad! I'm back!"

Taro saw that his mom was in the kitchen, making something for dinner. She had turned when she had heard Taro's voice, looking him up and down to see if he was dirty or not. Satisfied that he wasn't dirty, she said, "Oh good! And your here in time for dinner! Actually, your quite early for dinner, but never mind. So, did you achieve what you wanted dear?" Taro grabbed a quick muffin as she was saying this, but he looked up and smiled rather mischievously as his mother asked him whether he had achieved what he had wanted. She smiled too, knowing now that he had, and she stopped what she was doing and came over and gave Taro a big hug. Taro hugged her back, then as she let go he told her, "Don't tell Dad. I have my own way of telling him." She nodded and pretended to zip her lips shut. She went to the doorway leading to the dining room and yelled for Taro's father. "Honey, your son is home!" she yelled, then she quickly went back to whatever it was she was making. Taro heard a few bumps as his father came down the stairs to greet him. Taro then heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Taro just stood there, waiting for his father, trying to hide the smile that would most assuredly burst out onto his face if he was not careful. Taro's father came into the kitchen and saw his son immediately. "Hey there big man!" said his father, coming closer to Taro. "Get what you wanted out in those woods?" asked his father, who now stood right in front of Taro. Taro raised his eyebrows, as if to invite more questions. "Well, why don't I let you find that out? Let's have a quick spar Dad." said Taro, who was by now starting to get more and more excited as the moments dragged on. His father looked at him and smiled, nodding his head in agreement. "Shall we?" said Taro, waving his hand towards the door in a very over exaggerated manner. Taro's father replied with an exaggerated bow, and said, "It would be my pleasure." said his father, and with that, his father exited the house, with Taro quickly following suit.

Taro and his father moved away from each other, and stopped about 20 meters away from each other. They faced each other and got into their respective stances. They silently looked at each other, each one waiting for the other to make the first move. Taro watched, then finally decided to start this spar off first. Taro performed the hand seals for the Body Flicker Technique, and when they were done, he disappeared from his original spot and appeared next to his father. Taro quickly kicked with his leg, which his father blocked easily due to his father's superior speed. Taro then ducked under a punch his father had directed towards his face, grabbed his fathers arm, and threw his father over his shoulder. Taro's father looked surprised as he was flung over Taro's shoulder, and Taro smiled, which quickly faded as his father disappeared in a puff of smoke and was replaced with a log. Taro looked around for his father, and spotted him about 10 meters away. Taro decided on a Katon technique, which he formed the hand seals for quickly. In Taro's hand a fire ball was created, and Taro threw it, and then another ball was formed, and he threw that one. Taro did this 5 times, throwing his fire balls about 2 meters apart every time, which would make it hard on his father to dodge.

Taro's father quickly moved between the fire balls, dodging them gracefully, but not fully. Taro's father had a few singes on him when he reached Taro, but he didn't look any angrier. In fact, he looked happy, the thrill of the fight getting to him. Taro confessed to himself that he was also starting to love the fight already. Taro then focused on the sweeping kick his father directed towards his legs, jumping over them and sending a kick towards his father's head. Taro's father grabbed Taro's leg and pulled Taro towards him, straight into a punch directed towards a kink in Taro's armor. Taro took the punch, which allowed him to get close to his father for a quick uppercut to his father's chin. Taro purposefully made sure that he didn't use his full strength, because that could crush his father's jaw. Both him and his father had agreed that as they got stronger, they wouldn't use their full strength so as not to kill each other. The uppercut sent his father to the ground, which was good but not so good since his father still had Taro's leg in his grasp. Taro almost fell on top of his father, but at the last second, Taro disappeared in a puff of smoke, being replaced with a log.

Taro appeared about 10 meters away, one knee on the ground, catching his breath quickly. This was good spar, which was usually the case of most of their spars. Taro stood up, deciding to show his father his new-found element. Taro's father stood up as well and got into his stance, waiting for Taro to come to him. Taro ran towards his father, zigzagging so as to make sure that he couldn't be hit directly with jutsu or kunai or senbon, though he was sure his father wouldn't use the latter two. Taro came to about 2 meters in front of his father before he disappeared, using his Body Flicker Technique, which he had performed the seals for moments earlier. Taro's father looked confused, trying to find Taro in front of him, never suspecting that Taro was behind him. Taro appeared right behind his father and quickly put his hands on his father, focusing his chakra to create a small spark of lightning, not enough to burn his father, but enough to give him a small jolt. Taro's father cried out, surprised at the jolt. Taro's father turned quickly to see his son, who was now in a stance to get ready for another attack by his father. Taro's father looked at him, not moving towards Taro, and then smiled. "Well, looks like you did get what you wanted." said his father, who now moved slowly towards his son. "Now you can train for your Hikariton, the pride of our clan." said his father, stopping just in front of Taro.

Taro was still wary of his father, wanting to make sure his father didn't make any sudden moves. His father didn't, and Taro relaxed after a moment. Taro's father was still smiling as he put his arm around Taro's shoulder. "Well, I think we should get a quick snack, eh? Besides, that jolt left me feeling a bit numb in the back. I don't know if it's wise for me to keep going." said his father as he and Taro started to move towards the house. Taro grinned, knowing his father could go for a bit longer, but that his father was just teasing him. They walked through the door into the house, coming upon Taro's mother, who had been watching them from the window in the kitchen. "Oh, I wish you two would be more careful when you spar." said his mother, looking genuinely worried. "Ah, we're fine dear." said Taro's father, who was looked at Taro as if for confirmation. Taro nodded his head, confirming what his father had just said. They both grinned, and they both asked at the same time, "Any snacks we can have?" Taro's mother looked at them with an incredulous smile, as though she couldn't believe that these two were already hungry. "Well, I think we have some ice cream. Maybe that will cool you down after your little spar. And maybe it will keep you two over until dinner time, though I think that's less likely." she said, going down into the basement to get the ice cream. Both Taro and his father smirked at her words, knowing that they would probably need another snack before dinner time.

They both were eating their ice cream, laughing and talking together as they went over their spar, complimenting each other and telling each other what they could do better. This was their normal routine after a spar. It helped them both get better, and it helped them bond as a father and son. "So, now that you have Raiton, you should start training for your Hikariton." said his father, looking serious. "Though, I would kindly ask that you wait a few days before you do that." said his father, winking at Taro before taking another bite of his ice cream. Taro laughed and said, "Okay Dad, I won't train for a few days." Taro's father smiled and said, "Good. It will be nice to see your face around here for a change." Taro laughed again, then took another bite of his ice cream, thinking as he did how this was a perfect way to end the perfect training.
Requesting Raiton, 40 JP, and 20 stats
Akari, Taro
Akari, Taro
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Taro's Raiton Training [done] Empty Done

Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:45 pm
Finally done. Hope this goes well.
Akari, Taro
Akari, Taro
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Taro's Raiton Training [done] Empty Re: Taro's Raiton Training [done]

Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:16 am
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Taro's Raiton Training [done] Empty Re: Taro's Raiton Training [done]

Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:36 am
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