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Yagi Raitenno
Yagi Raitenno
Stat Page : Yagi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 12500

Rank D Mission: Art Thief Empty Rank D Mission: Art Thief

Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:42 pm

After dropping off the Academy Students and picking up his reward, Hunter knew he had some more time to kill so he figured he might as well go see what small missions were available at the Mission Boards.  He arrived just as a Shop Manager was complaining and trying to get a mission made so that a supposed thief would get caught.  Hunter listened in as he waited against the entrance.  He noticed a shady figure moving towards the Shop Manager, Hunter was not one to get into affairs unless a Mission was posted, but it looked like this figure had a purpose.  As the figure closed in within one meter of the Shop Manager Hunter saw a flash, the figure was holding a three pronged Kunai and was about to strike the Shop Manager down.  Hunter thought quick as he had a direct line of sight he launched two Kunai at the now assailant, Hunter watched as the Kunai hit their target in the assailants legs right below the knee as Hunter was quick to Body Flicker over to his target and just as he did he was joined by the Village Authorities.  Hunter was just about to question the man when he was told to step aside and the Authorities questioned him  until a small ninja, must have been a new Genin told the Authorities that the assailant on the ground was about to kill the Shop Manager.  The Authorities apologized to Hunter and gave him his two Kunai back and walked away.  Hunter sighed as he was about to walk away when the Shop Manager ran up to him and thrust the Mission details in his hand.  Hunter read over them as the man walked away, his target was now a Art Thief that has now shown that he does not like when people put a price on his head.  Hunter now knew his Mission and he would not falter.  He left the Mission Area with Slow Death as he began to search the District that was affected.

After gathering the details necessary for his Mission Hunter concluded that the Art Thief would have to strike the only untouched place left in the District, and that was the home of the one of the wealthiest families in the District.  Hunter set up shop in the warehouse across from the mansion the family lived in and Ordered Slow Death to go and lay low in their pond behind the mansion.  Hunter remained still for the remainder of the day as he waited.  The Art Thief would be here soon, he had to be.  Exactly as the clock inside the warehouse struck twelve, the Art Thief hit the rooftop of the home.  Hunter wasted no time in pulling two meters of wire out and creating a whip of sorts in case the Art Thief tried to get away.  Hunter launched out at the mansion as the Art Thief entered.  Slow Death was standing by just in case as Hunter entered the exact window the Art Thief came in.  Hunter followed the Art Thief and as he got to the lower level Hunter made his move.  Using the Kunai whip he lashed out as all ten of his Kunai began to wrap the Art Thief up to where he could not move and Hunter watched him fall to the ground further injuring him as the Kunai entered his body.  Hunter took the Art Thief outside where he loaded him up on Slow Death’s back and carried him away to the Authorities.  Upon arriving and handing the Mission Poster over to the proper channels he was able to release the target to the authorities.  Hunter smiled  as he knew that whatever the Art Thief had stolen would be returned to it’s proper owners if the Art was still at his hideout.  Hunter waited at the Mission Boards till they opened to receive his reward.


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