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A Medical Mishap and a Dragon {Solo training} Empty A Medical Mishap and a Dragon {Solo training}

Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:23 pm
The Big Boar Inn sat on the outskirts of Tengakure. It had a nice open view of the beautiful plains that Tengakure was famed for. It was also the current residency for Shinji Uzumaki, the former Tenkage of the village hidden in the sky. He had once planned to strike out on a trip around the great nations after retiring, but plans such as these never seemed to work out for Shinji. So, he now found himself hoping from inn to inn in an attempt to put some variety into his life. Alas, he had yet to find much anywhere…everything was always too familiar. Currently Shinji sat on the porch that wrapped around the small inn- it was a ranch style inn sans livestock. A cool mist was settling over the plains and gave the whole place an almost surreal look with the morning sun piercing through in smooth shafts here and there.

From the rocking chair where he sat he saw a small group of plains folk walking away from the village. The plains folk were an odd bunch, but they did make the scene very picturesque. In his hand Shinji held a most peculiar thing: a dragon egg, or so it was claimed to be. Supposedly it was close to hatching and every now and again it moved as if the creature inside was trying to get out. In a rather twisted way thinking about the egg made him rather hungry. Luckily it was not for eggs, rather a salad. Getting up from his chair and taking care to take the sizable egg with him Shinji made his way to the kitchen. Unlike most hotels and inns this one simply provided food and ingredients; the rest was up to the customer. Shinji enjoyed this kind of food plan as it allowed  him to eat whenever he was hungry as opposed to predetermined times, Shinji kept odd hours and the stilted  meal times were always irksome.

Upon entering the kitchen he was pleased to see that it was deserted. Placing the egg safely in a basket he had prepared for it earlier, Shinji went about grabbing everything he would need for a nice wholesome salad: a carrot or three, a head of lettuce, some tomatoes and one cucumber for a twist. Putting all his materials in a pile he grabbed a knife and got ready to start chopping away. In his time as kage he had anbu chefs to make his food, but lately he had had to learn how to go about making his own food. At first it had been a daunting seemingly impossible task, but he finally got it down. Sure, he could make quite a few different dishes, but nothing too fancy or knock your socks off. Although with what he could make? He was content.

Pulling out his cutting board, Shinji began chopping away. First the carrot and then the tomato. While chopping away he was paying that much attention to what he was doing. So, he was rather surprised when he felt a jolt of pain from his right hand. Glancing down he was shocked to see that the knife was imbedded in his index finger. It was a rather gruesome sight to say the least. Wincing in pain he quickly pulled the knife out in a smooth motion so as to not cause more trauma. The knife had cut right to the bone and it hurt like hell. Calming himself from the initial shock, Shinji grabbed a paper towel and wrapped it around his finger.

That was another downside to not being Tenkage: he had no medical team to back him up. Now, instead of making a nice salad, it would seem that he would have to make a trip to the hospital...what fun, right? With his warm blood soaking through the towel Shinji moved with all the speed he could. Grabbing the basket that held the egg, he went on his way with as much speed as he could muster, which, mind you, is quite a bit. Shinji had taken the egg with him as he did much like leaving it by itself. After all, what would happen were it to hatch while he was away? Luckily he was able to contain the bleeding to the towel he had used in the first place as it was some weird super absorbent material from Tengakure’s research team.

In a blur of speed Shinji arrived at the hospital in a most spectacular fashion: his right hand was wrapped in a blood soaked rag and his left hand was full as it held the basket in which the dragon egg lay. Hospitals were always a curiosity for Shinji despite the fact that they always smelled funny. Walking up to the desk the former kage checked in with the receptionist. Naturally the receptionist was a bit shocked that Shinji was visiting the hospital or rather more shocked that the former kage had almost chopped his own finger off while preparing a salad. Embarrassed Shinji went to the room the receptionist instructed him to do so. Luckily he did not see anyone else as he walked.

Pushing open the door the Uzumaki was greeted by a small white room that smelled of clean and a bit of chemicals. Sighing to himself Shinji took a seat and waited for a doctor to come and see him. In the back of his mind he wondered if he was going to bleed out…that would be unfortunate and truly sad. He could see the headlines now: Former Kage dies in horrible kitchen accident. Though the logical part of his brain told him he would be fine. After all, he had been blasted out of the highest building in all of Tengakure and lived to tell the tale. Granted that was not something that he openly advertised to everyone he met, but it was a small point of twisted personal pride. Who else could say they had done that.

All these thoughts were quickly dispelled as the doctor entered the room. The doctor was an older man with greying hair; he most certainly looked the part of a doctor and that made all the difference in a world where look meant quite a bit. Starting the pleasantries Shinji spoke up, “Hey Doc, I kinda sorta chopped up my finger.” The doctor looked sympathetic and responded in kind, “Very well, a training accident I assume? Let me see it.” Not wanting to tell the doctor how he really chopped up his finger he simply nodded once and unwrapped his finger. The doctor was quick on his feet and was looking at the wound nodding to himself as he went. After a minute of looking at the wound the doctor spoke, “Well, I have good news. I should be able to stem the bleeding with a bit of medical ninjutsu. However, it will still need to be wrapped up for a bit.”

Nodding once again, Shinji gave the doctor consent to go right ahead and the ‘operation’ began. The doctor placed his right hand over the finger and a light green glow of chakra came from his hand. He felt a cool soothing sensation coming from his finger as if the doctor was pouring cool water over it. After a minute of this the sensation stopped and the doctor removed his hand. Where there was once a large gash there was naught, but a bit of raw skin. Medical ninjutsu was indeed a rather amazing thing. At this point a knock came at the door and an aide came in and whispered to the doctor.

Once the aide left the doctor spoke to Shinji in a rather quick manner, “I am afraid I must be off. Wrap up that finger in the bandages over there on the table. Unfortunately I must be off. Fair well.” The doctor then left the room at a breakneck pace. A bit confused Shinji got up and grabbed the bandages. He had learned field bandaging in the academy, so he quickly wrapped his finger up. Outside of the room he heard hurried footsteps and yelling. However, something else caught Shinji’s attention: a squealing. He quickly pinpointed the squealing to the basket he had brought with him: he had almost forgotten. Moving so as to not put stress on his finger, Shinji arrived at the basket in a heartbeat.

Much to his surprise he found egg fragments and in the center of those egg fragments? A small dragon hatchling. The creature was a sapphire blue color that looked as if it were a gem stone. The little creature was, dare he say it, cute. It had yellow eyes that looked like small marbles and its wings? They were naught, but small little napkin thin sheets of skin. He half wondered if the little thing could see. Now came the hardest part of raising an animal: naming it. Luckily Shinji was spared that for now as a frantic knock on the door heralded the reentrance of the doctor. Whipping his head around Shinji noted that the doctor had a rather agitated look on his face. Just as he was about to ask what was up the doctor began speaking, “You would not happen to have anything pressing, would you?  We just had a huge influx of patients from god knows where and we need as many hands as we can get. And before you say that you have no medical experience let me just say that I don’t give a shit. People will die if we don’t get help. Now, come on!” Knowing that there was only one response to this, Shinji nodded and grabbed his basket he came with that now held the newly hatched dragon.

Following the doctor Shinji’s sensory was bombarded with all different kinds of confusing smells and sights. First there was the iron like smell of blood and then the crimson drops of blood. From what Shinji could gather from nurses and doctors he passed by a construction site had had an accident and these were the victims of the unfortunate incident.  Passing by the intensive care unit the doctor directed Shinji to a non fatal injuries section. Once inside the room the doctor spoke in a hushed voice, so that the injured construction workers could not hear it, “Ok, this room is full of people with non fatal injuries. However, they could very well become fatal if we do not disinfect and bandage them up pronto, understand? If they ask say you are indeed a medic. It will help them mentally to think they have someone who knows what they are doing helping them through this. Naturally it is hard to mess this up, but it will be a nice crash course in the medical field for you. Your basic training will only carry you so far let me show you exactly what we are doing to each wound.” With that the doctor went to the first injured man and quickly disinfected the small gash on the man’s arm. He then wrapped it up really quick and sent him on his way. Shinji had watched each movement with an attention to the smallest detail and he felt as if he was ready for most anything.

The doctor returned to Shinji and started to speak again, “Ok, you saw that, right? Each one of these injuries should be easy to handle, just like that one. We have a prioritized system here, so there should be no major wounds, but if you encounter on get them to intensive care as quickly as possible without putting stress on the wound itself, which would be very bad indeed. Thank you once again.”  With that the doctor walked off to the intensive care unit to do god knows what to god knows who. Sighing to himself, Shinji looked down at the small dragon he was carrying with him in the basket and spoke so it could hear, “Well, it looks like we got our work cut out for us little guy.” Filling the dragon’s basket with the bandages and disinfectants he would need, Shinji got right to work.

There were about thirty people in all who needed treating. After each one, Shinji felt more and more confident in his medical ability and know how. He was even aided by his newly born dragon who would hand him bandages when he needed them. Granted the dragon probably did not know what it was doing as Shinji made it into a game of sorts of go fetch the bandage, which not only saved Shinji the trip of going to get a bandage, but also it gave the baby dragon a good workout for its small legs- it learned to walk rather quickly, which was a blessing. Having gone through twenty nine people Shinji felt as if he were in the home stretch with one last guy to patch up… oh how wrong he was. At first it looked like merely a flesh wound, but on closer inspection it was found that the man had actually broken his leg. Not showing any panic in his features Shinji told the man that they would have to transfer him. The man seemed to be ok with that and waited as Shinji got a stretcher with wheels. Then, using his above average strength, Shinji was able to hoist the man onto the bedlike stretcher.

The man showed great residence despite no doubt being in extreme amounts of pain. Then again Shinji had given him some rather heavy duty pain killers. He was pretty pleased that the man was not screaming in pain as he doubted he would be able to take that. For some reason Shinji found that he could not take the pain of others. If he had the choice between facing the pain of others and running, well, he would take the more cowardly path. It was awful to think that, but it was true. He would most definitely run. He may not admit that to anyone, but if he was forced to he would.

Coming back to his senses he found himself pushing the stretcher down the hallway to the intensive care unit. Once there he was received by the same doctor as before, “We missed one, eh? Sorry about that. What kind of injury do we have?” Furrowing his brow Shinji gave the best explanation he could think of, “Well, at first I thought it was a normal gash. I have seen four others like this, but the poor guy seemed to be in a lot more pain than the other. In summary I think he may have a broken leg.” The doctor nodded and quickly looked the man over and nodded at intermittent points as if talking with himself inside his head. Finally the doctor spoke up again, “I would have to agree with you. Good job. We can take it from here. Yet again thank you for your help. We could not have done it without you.” The doctor then wheeled the injured man away and left Shinji alone with his basket and a dragon.

Glancing down at the dragon Shinji flashed a smile at no one in particular. The small dragon was fast asleep. It had used a lot of its little energy. And, believe it or not, it was even cuter as it slept. Not wanting to wake the poor little thing Shinji made sure to walk at an even gait so as to not jostle the baby dragon. After all the little thing deserved some sleep. The little dragon had been running back and for width picking up bandages and all sorts of medical gear. Granted it was a small little reptile, but it was tenacious and that was what counted. 

Leaving the medical building he felt a knew burden of knowledge on his mind. He recalled each cast he made and each bandage he wrapped, but most of all he remembered the faces. He remembered the people attached to the wounds and that was, in his mind, key. If one forgets that people have these wounds then the medical art becomes inhuman and when it becomes inhuman it becomes more of a self serving art as opposed to a selfless one as it should be. Shaking these thoughts from his head the Uzumaki went along his way; he had a salad to make. Hopefully this time he would not have to return to the hospital later that night.

As opposed to moving at his full speed Shinji chose to walk at a leisurely pace. The small baby dragon’s smoky snores set a nice manageable tempo for him to walk at. In about half an hour he was back at The Big Boar Inn. Making his way back to the kitchen he was irked to see that there were a few people here and there making some sandwiches. Having dropped the sleeping baby dragon in his room Shinji was ready to tackle the task of cutting up his salad without losing a finger. He was happy to see that the inn staff had cleaned up the bloody mess that he had left. In the back of his mind he hoped they did not try to steal the dna that he held so dear. Reviewing his day as he chopped away with care, Shinji came to realize that he had learned quite a bit about the medical profession and how it worked. Plus he had seen medical ninjutsu at work. Granted he had not used it, but it could not be that hard. He had gained the basics and that is how one comes to specialize in one particular area of interest.

Once his review was done he looked down and realized that he had in fact created a nice salad. Perhaps it had been fate that he chop his finger, only time will truly tell. For now? All Shinji wanted to do was sit down and have his salad and maybe an orange soda. Sitting down to eat he began to notice that he was tired. He had been working all day and was only now feeling the effects. All the same he felt as if the knowledge was well worth it.

{TWC: 3031, Spec change from space time to medical. 1000 words of interaction with sanctuary dragon, thus it can now be used in combat. Furthermore +15 stats & +30 JP for the dragon baby. +750 ryo for Shinji after stat to ryo conversion.}
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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A Medical Mishap and a Dragon {Solo training} Empty Re: A Medical Mishap and a Dragon {Solo training}

Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:44 pm
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