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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:32 pm
Kankri was rather drowsy from his afternoon nap, he was sporting his rather normal getup, although snagged and crumpled a bit, mostly his fault picking the closet as his sleeping place of all the places in the school, Kankri walked to the training field and was faced with two options.One he could train and aspire to become great and powerful.Second he could sit down look at the sky and daydream his day away.With a jog he got under a tree is choice was already made he wanted to sleep today, although somewhere in his mind he knew his peaceful day was going to take a turn for the worst, he let out a sigh and looked at his cloths.
"Oh joy, i guess i need to clean myself up a bit" Kankri mutter loud enough so someone could hear if they where close, he then proceeded to climb the tree, he knew it would be hazardous to stay on the ground with the likeliness of being stepped on or kicked.Once in the tree Kankri looked threw the cracks the leafs left when pulling apart, the light soothed him as he let out a sigh "The one day i would most likely get to snooze and i am not in the mood to nap Kankri proclaimed with a shout letting everyone hear then looking below him, he then locked the branch between his legs tight enough to keep him in place, he then let his body fall looking at the training field upside down, Kankri then held on to the bark of the tree and attempted to get down before the bark broke and sent Kankri to the solid ground with a thud.

Kankri soon regained his standing point, he then picked of a bit of bark that had basically stamped into his side, it mildly ripped his shirt so it was able to be patched up.Kankri said some rather rude cuss words under his breath before letting out a sigh, knowing it was his own stupidity that led up to him falling and getting hurt a bit, he cranked his neck and did some simple stretching before looking around a bit seeing almost nobody, he leaned against the tree letting out a sigh and looking at the kumo sign.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:59 pm

Sora hit multiple branches as he landed on the ground with a large "BAM", face first. Guess that's what he got for napping on one of the high branches. Earlier in the day, the boy had been simply sight seeing from a position perched at the top of the tree. The poor genin had slowly drifted into a small nap due to everything being so relaxing. Obviously, he had just paid the price for doing such a thing. "God... ow..." he mumbled while slowly rising to his feet, "I shouldn't do that anymore." He was in a simple black tank top, sporting the words I'm that dude on the front. For below there were dark blue shorts that reached a bit below his knees and black shinobi sandals on his feet. A santa hat sat on his head in a somewhat slanted position. Sora proceeded with rubbing his left cheek (which is what he landed on) that was still red.

"Jeez, it really hur-" An obnoxious voice - well, he thought it was obnoxious, resounded throughout the area before he could finish his whining. The genin snapped his head in the direction of the sound as a deadpan expression formed. ".. The hell?" At a tree not too far away was a kid who seemed older than him, holding onto the bark of the tree. As the random kid began to fall down said tree, the Yuki made a mental smile. 'Peh, looks like he screwed up too' Sora thought, slightly amused. He trotted over to where the kid landed and stopped a meter in front of him. "What are you doing?" he said, another emotionless expression on his young face.
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:17 pm
Kankri still a bit disoriented would tuck in his shirt and put up 4 fingers touching them to his thump making sure he still had the normal mobile abilities and functions. Kankri then fixed his shirt, a piece of bark wedged into his collar forcing it's way into his skin, with a bit of a wiggle the bark came loose and fell out, it left kankri with a happy feeling and a smile to go along with it.
Kankri looked around seeing the boy he rubbed his head in confusion telling the boy he fell down and got his butt kicked by gravity would be no way to make a nice greeting so he simply sighed and looked at the boy "Honestly i was takinga nap, but i couldn't really find it in me to nap" Kankri said with a bit of a mouthful of words, he might make the impression he is kind of a slacker but that's what he want, he doesn't want to appear as anything else just a weak slacker."I normally sleep inside but today was just so nice i tried my luck with a tree, and well i couldn't sleep.Actually i played around and i hung myself upside down... and well i guess you saw the rest" kankri said not catching his breath, by the end of his long sentence he body seemed to gasp for breath but he refused to let it, he simply calmed his breathing hoping the boy didn't notice. Kankri would then attempt to make a introduction with the boy saying "By the way i am Kankri" with a calm sweet tone. Kankri would keep his posture even if the boy denied his token of friendship, such as this introduction was inquiring.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:51 pm
He slightly tilted his head to the right as the kid, apparently named Kankri, introduced himself. Sora had never seen this guy around the the village before. Then again, he was never too social to begin with. He scratched the back of his head and gave a small smile, aimed at the Academy Student in front of him. "Sora, Sora Kayto," he replied. The genin couldn't help but notice that somewhat.. the same thing had just happened to him. Of course, falling asleep was unintentional, but whatever! "Why do you look so beat up?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow. The guy looked like he just got into a scuffle with some animal and then got thrown through a bush (Well, he might have been exaggerating a tiny bit. *cough*A lot*cough*). "Wait, don't answer that. It was from falling, huh.. Well let's change the topic," he spoke feeling a bit awkward, "How could you not be able to nap?"

Sora himself was able to sleep anywhere, so it's hard for him the comprehend how someone else couldn't. There wasn't any noise in the area.. nor anything that could be a distraction. In fact, those birds that are tweeting away are actually soothing. He shrugged and crossed his arms on his chest, partially (but not fully) covering the words located on it. The wind had slightly blew, making his bangs and clothes sway in the wind. Even the fluffy tip of his Santa hat moved a bit. "I mean.. I'm able to nap wherever I want.. even in my bath tub. And let me tell you, that's not comfortable." he added.
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:09 am
A small breeze came by shifting Soras cloths, even his odd little stanta hat, it was rather funny looking, but he dared not comment on it, he didn't know if it held any memories or something, Kankri remembered that she had asked him a question he didn't now if he wanted to answer, but never the less he felt he needed to to show that he was social with people "Well, normally I can sleep threw the day, but this is a bit different, see my body wants me to train." Kankri said with a reasoning tone, he didn't know what more to explain, normally he'd be asleep at first sight.This day seemed diffrent, he felt a bit more alive, i most likely actually managed not to be a bum, and wants to do something with his good for nothing life, he then looked at Sora and smiled, "How come i am the only one answering questions" Kankri said wit a smooth tone, and a smile, he wasn't quiet sure how to ask someone random questions, he was more use to sleeping, eating, and playing with people, this made it a bit hard to socialize with most people.
Kankri felt another small gust of air hitting his cloths making the crumples straighten and the little rips let in some of the less wanted wind, into his cloths sending a bit of goosebumps down his spine, and sides, he turned his head a bit "Why is it so cold here dang it" Kankri said with a frown his eyes squinted with hate looking at absolutely nothing but the air, he then let he face calm down into its normal happy face, he really had no reason to be upset today, so he didn't plan to.Kankri would turn to Sora with a smile and politely ask if he would have a spar with him, so that Kankri would know what it takes to be a genin.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:23 pm
He uncrossed his arms and scratched the back of his head. 'His body wants him to train.. ?' he thought to himself. This kid was weird.. very weird. He had never heard of someone's body wanting that person to train. "You're strange dude," he stated bluntly, "Like, way strange. Not the bad strange! The good kind of strange... does that even exist though?" Sora took a moment to muse over this words. He would just have to ask someone else later. Maybe Hanako or Yaju could help, or even Hunter! The genin inwardly shuddered. Okay, not Hunter... but the first two choices were good! The boy shrugged, "Why are you asking me that? You're the one who isn't asking any questions. Wait. Baka, you just asked a question." Suddenly, another burst of air had presented itself, apparently making the Kankri-kid cold. Sora didn't feel anything.. in fact, it was quite warm to him!

Though, he was from the Yuki clan so that gave him an advantage in cold weather. What the Kankri-kid proposed next made a small amount of surprise appear on Sora's face. Asking him to spar was a bit out of the blue. However, it was common when a shinobi wanted to get more powerful. "Sure thing, Kanks," he said, using the nickname he randomly created. The genin swiftly leaped back by 3 meters making the distance between them now 4 meters. He crouched down and clenched his fists at his sides. "You can make the first move, ya know," he told the older child. Kankri didn't seem too strong to him, but Sora decided he would still go full strength. If the guy wasn't as strong as he was then he would ease up on his attacks.
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:41 pm
Kankri, mostly blown away by this genins false idea of what kankri meant made kankri sigh "I, don't understand this much, BUT, i really don't mind it either." Kankri said with a rather happy smile before grabbing the piece of bark the tree had stuck in him, his eyes shown clearly to his target "Just know, i don't enjoy that nickname" Kankri said, not a second later kankri would grab a hand full of sand, he would simply throw the piece of bark as a distraction, he would then move on to a bit more of aggravating assault he would run up to the boy, making the 4 meter distance 1 before turning his body flinging up the sand into his enemies face, this would mildly blind him for a bit, within that time span, Kankri would grab Soras head as leverage for his right knee to enter the mild distance between the two hitting his nose just hard enough to break, or simply knock him back, assuming Sora would take a few steps back, Kankri would be right on him, jabbing with his right fist aiming for Soras throat mildly making him gasp for breaths, (Again these attacks must connect and go threw) Kankri would then simply axe kick the now kneed down gasping for breath Sora his back of his throat would connect most likely cause some stumbling and a bit of a headache, Kankri would then step back about four meters adding distance so he might be able to dodge at least one of these genins attacks, it would most likely be clear after this little incident this genin was not someone to mess with.Kankri would then prepare protecting his head with 1 hand, leaving just enough space to see what sora was doing, while his other was blocking his lower body protecting him from any incoming body shots this boy might dish out.
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:58 pm
Sora was yet again amused once Kankri had picked up sand that was on the ground. He was going to try and use that to blind him wasn't he? Of course, the genin would attempt to do the same thing to an enemy. He impatiently waited for the bark Kankri threw to arrive near him. It all seemed slow in his eyes, almost close to a turtle. Once the bark was a meter in front of Sora, the genin charged towards Kankri at full speed (50). He had leaned his head to the side to dodge the bark as he ran, since it was heading straight for his face. The bark landed on the ground a good meter away from where the Yuki used to be standing. By the time Kankri had made it 3 meters from his previous position, Sora would have been in front of him already. The boy would have thrown a punch aimed for Kankri's solar plexus, which should have stunned him for a bit. He held back a bit though and didn't use his full strength (Means he used 26).

Next, he would've sucker punched Kankri right on his left cheek that would send him a meter away from their position(Still using a strength of 26). After striking, the genin's Santa hat would had slightly fallen out of place from his assault. He would quickly adjust it back to it's slight slant that he liked so much. "Try again, Kanks," he would've called out the Academy Student, "That was a nice try though."
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:10 pm
Kankri could only let out a faint "OWWWWWWWWWWW" as his body smashed threw the rough sand, his face, now imprinted by the fist started to mold back into shape, Kankri crunched up both fists, simply seeming to try to get the pin away, but actually he gathered up dirt and sand in his left hand, and rocks and flint in the other, Kankri had a bit of a bloody mouth, a bit of it was coming out of his left lips end, spilling onto the soil, that instantly picked it up, rather weird he thought, Kankri again did his normal head strong tactic but this time he jumped from spot to spot avoiding staying in one place to long then he zig zaged finally he was 3 meters from Sora, he would simply hop and zigzag making him look a fool, When Kankri got 1 meter from him, he would the pin letting the sand out, trying to blind him AGAIN, then he would imply use the rocks he has in his hand to pact his fist into a compact punch, this punch was aimed at the face but his boy would lean his body side ways with both hands he would aim for the face, seconds later he would let his other hand go for the stomach, after those moves he would use a simple kick in the face rip out on Soras face if the attack connected.(Crappy post srry...)
Sora Kayto
Sora Kayto
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A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open) Empty Re: A Day Less Needed To Snooze (Nk, open)

Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:43 pm
Sora smirked once he saw Kankri's face hit the sand. It seemed that he was still conscious from his strike, meaning he didn't put forth too much strength. Well... maybe he did.. since there was blood coming from the corner of Kank's mouth.. oh well. Now he had to plan his next course of action while his opponent was still in pain. It didn't take long for him to consider it though, already coming up with a good idea. The genin crouched down once more and prepared himself once Kankri had gotten on his feet again. "... What the hell is he doing?" he mumbled, a sweatdrop forming at the side of his head. This guy was.. jumping all around the place in zigzags. Was he trying to confuse him? If he was, it wasn't working in the least. 'The only way for that move to be effective was if he was as fast or faster than me,' he thought.

Before Kankri threw the sand at his face, the genin drew in a deep breath, making his cheeks puff out. Once said sand began to head towards his eyes, he blew it right back towards Kankri's face. Sora closed his eyes as he did this, making any excess sand land on his eyelids. The boy would then catch both of Kankri's fists with his own which should have made the the rocks/flint in his hands cut his palm. 'Why would he punch me with those in his hands anyway?' the Yuki wondered. Sora continued his onslaught by pulling Kankri's face towards his knee that was pulled upwards. He wasn't sure if this would cause a bloody nose or not.. but who cares? Sora would then release Kankri's fists while pulling his leg back, only to knee the poor guy in the stomach right after.

That attack should have made his enemy a bit winded along with slightly hunching him over. Finally, Sora would make his way over to Kankri's right and elbow the back of his head, which should send him back into the ground.
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