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Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:42 am
After his visit with Koroshi, the current Kazekage of Sunagakure No Sato, Vergil finds himself in deep thought, as he stands on top of a sunken building, in the center of the desert. The kage had set a sparring appointment with him, and his rewards for winning would be an official right to leave the village, as a Wanderer. His entire body shakes with anticipation, his teeth colliding against each other, though this is not from fear, absolutely not. Instead it is from excitement. Yes, he is excited to be fighting a boy that is in control of an entire village, alone. Why? Well because this would be his chance to prove that he is in fact superior to him, and all the other Uchiha's as-well. If he were to lose, then that would show that they were the better clan, and he cannot let that happen, he simply can't. Leaping off of the building, Vergil lands softly on the sand floor of the desert. A black shirt to his chest, followed by black pants, and boots, and lastly his Sunagakure headband hanging loosely from his neck. Raising his flask to his mouth, he takes a sip of water, and begins to move. Soon, he arrives back at his home, his excitement having yet to die down, and it probably never would. Walking over towards a desk in the corner of the cave, Vergil pulls open the drawer, and stares down at the mask within it. His gaze instantly turns cold, his body beginning to burn with sudden hatred. Reaching downwards with his left hand, he places his hand over the mask, and grips it, lifting it up, he pulls it towards his face, and places the mask against it.

Instantly, Vergil hears a piercing cry erupt from out of nowhere, causing him to yank his head away from the mask, he turns around, and there is nothing. Standing in shock for a moment, he wonders where the noise came from, before placing the mask against his face once more. Then something strange happens again. A voice within his head begins to whisper the words 'kill', over, and over, again, and again. This word repeats itself, slowly at first, before it speeds up, the word now becoming a jumbled mess. It is clear now, what the cause of all of this is, it's the mask. Drawing the mask away from his face, Vergil stares at it. The mask looks pretty simple, it's only outstanding mark is a tear drop design underneath the left eye. Staring at the mask for a moment, Vergil places it against his face once more, and exits the cave. Back within the desert, Vergil begins to sprint quickly, darting off directly towards the village gates. Once he arrives at the gates, he stares around at the guards. He is currently standing at such a distance where they cannot see is face, only his silhouette in the setting sun. "Who's out there?" The guard in front of him shouts, placing his hands together possibly in preparation for a jutsu. Pressing his feet into the ground, Vergil sprints once more, this time faster then earlier. Running pass the guard, and into the village. As he passes the guard, only a gust of wind signifies his possible presence. The gaurd turns around just as the wind passes him, a worried expression on his face. Turning back towards where Vergil previously stood, he is shocked to see the boy gone, shaking his head in disbelief, he rights off the scene as his imagination.

Now within the village, Vergil leaps onto a nearby roof. Landing gracefully, not a single sound created. It was almost as if he was on a mission, the way his simple movements were swift, and precise. Staring out at the village, his mask covering his face, Vergil decides to pay a visit to some of his distant relatives. He was going away after all, and he did not want to leave without saying good bye. Leaping into the air, Vergil lands on another roof, and repeats the process until he arrives at the home of his aunt, and uncle. Standing on top of their roof, he wonders on what exactly he could say to them. He hadn't seen them since his father, and sister's funerals. Hopefully he would not be a burden. Whatever, he'd have to go with the flow it seems. Dropping from the roof, Vergil now finds himself in front of the main door. Placing his hand against it, he knocks loud enough for them to hear him, but not loud to the extent that they would be frightened. While waiting for someone to open the door, Vergil takes a step back, and further observes the home. It stood a story tall, and twenty meters wide. It's exterior consisted of a dull white painting, the trademark Hyuuga symbol painted in black on the front door. All in all, the house was pretty nice. While observing the house, Vergil sees a silhouette from the glass surrounding the front door. Even though the person sees him, they do not immediately open the door. Which is understandable since Vergil looks completely different now compared to how he looked a few years ago. Oh! He'd forgotten that the mask is still upon his face, taking it off, he places it underneath his shirt.

The silence lingers for a moment longer, several shadows can now be seen surrounding the door, before the door opens. A slim man of average height steps from out the door, his long hair falls to the center of the back, gray in color. Though he had not seen him in a while, Vergil could feel who it was, his uncle. "Hey, I-." Before he is able to finish the man rushes towards him, and hugs him, holding him tightly for a moment. Then suddenly his hold loosens, and he draws his face back, "There is no need for you to introduce yourself...You look just like your father, hell I almost didn't recognize you." Vergil's eyes avert towards the ground the moment he mentions his father, his hands begin to shake, the anger building up within him. "It's cold out here...come inside, the kids haven't seen you in ages." Vergil stares at his uncle, his eyes turning warm, and gentle, as he smiles. "Yea, that would be great." As they enter the home, Vergil immediately notices its elegance. To his left his a wall, on it were many pictures, and the sort. To his right however, there were two couches, and a single table, though they looked to not have been sat on in a while. In front of him was the kitchen, which breaks off into a hallway, which he could not see at the moment. The walls are painted black, and gray, and looking upwards, Vergil notices a chandelier, hanging from the ceiling. "You have a beautiful home, uncle." His uncle smiles at the comment, and observes the home alongside Vergil. "Yes, it is, but I guess you can blame that on your aunt."

The two chuckle after this is said, but stop when someone else enters the living room. This is a woman, small in stature, but incredibly fit. "Oh my God! You look exactly like Veramere, and Gil as-well." The woman says this while walking towards Vergil, and once she's close enough to touch him, she stares at him, with a kind smile, though Vergil could still see the slight pity within her eyes, no matter how hard she may have been trying to hide it. "Well, Kai's out right now. He's recently been promoted to Jounin, so his time at home has been cut a little short." Vergil thinks back on the boy she mentions, Kai, his cousin. Although they might have expected him to be, he is not surprised to hear that he's been promoted to Jounin. He had always been talented, though he is not a prodigy like Vergil, he makes up for it with his hard work. "Well, why don't you get settled down, it's pretty late so we'll be heading back to bed. There's a bed in the attic, though it isn't too comfortable." Vergil can see that his uncle, and aunt were both tired, so he lets their reunion stop there for now. "Thanks." His uncle walks towards him, placing his hand against the center of his chest. "You do not have to thank us, we're family after all. Good night." Walking away, the man, and woman enter their bedroom, softly shutting the door behind them. Vergil sighs, his shoulders rising, and dropping. He walks down the hallway, and raises his hand into the air, grabbing onto a string hanging from the ceiling. He pulls the string, and a large construct unfolds in front of him, similar to a ladder. He carefully walks up each step, and enters the attic. Within the attic, there is a single twin sized bed, a sheet, and pillow. That pretty much sums it up, save a few boxes it is relatively empty. Walking towards the bed, Vergil removes the mask from underneath his shirt, he places it underneath the pillow, and falls asleep.

The sound of laughter awakes Vergil from his slumber. The small window within the attic lets him know that it is now morning. Rolling out of the bed, he is about to open the attic when he remembers the mask he had mistakenly brought with  him, rushing towards his pillow, he reaches under it feeling for the mask, nothing. Running  pass the window towards the attic door, he notices his reflection, and is shocked to discover that he is somehow wearing the mask, though he doesn't remember putting it on. Taking it off, he places it in his ninja pouch, the mask tightly fits within it. Now ready to make an appearance, he pulls open the attic door, and steps down the stairs. After finishing his daily cleaning, he walks towards the front of the house. "Good morning Vergil." His aunt shouts from within the kitchen. "Morning." He walks through the kitchen towards the front door, "Heading out? You uncle has already left to teach his class at the academy, and Kei's off doing God knows what. Wher're you off to?" Vergil grasps the door handle, "The training grounds. You need something? The woman smiles, her gray eyes staring at him. "No. You can head along." Vergil smiles back, and replies: "Alright, bye." Exiting the house, Vergil walks through the village. His tall stature draws the attention of a few, not to mention his looks happen to be above average as-well, something he had not payed any attention to.

While walking, he notices a familiar face, heading down the path he had just left. "Kai!" Vergil shouts aloud, the boy looks away from where he was looking, and now looks towards Vergil. "Vergil is that you?" The boy says questioningly, approaching Vergil, now at a comfortable talking distance. "Yes, I just left the house. Your mother told me you left earlier." The boy smiles, grabbing Vergil by the shoulder, while beside him. "Yes." The boy's short, answer leads Vergil to believe his reason for being busy is something important. "Where are you headed?" Vergil now starts to walk at a comfortable pace, the boy's arm still around him. "The training grounds, you?" The boy smiles, "I guess the training grounds now." The two walk through the village, speaking back, and forth. Filling each other in about their lives, while apart. Of course Vergil lies mostly, making up false happy stories about all the friends he has, and the such. Soon, they arrive at the training grounds. They walk off towards a bench, and both begin to stretch. After they finish, the boy speaks. "So, how should we do this?" Vergil quickly replies, "Any way is fine with me." The boy smiles confidently, "Really now? I'll have you know that I'm a Jounin, and therefore stronger than you by default." Vergil laughs, "I guess we'll have to find out then won't we?" After this is said, he enters a battle stance almost instantly, the boy does the same. Both of there facial expression are now serious, the laxness that was in them earlier now gone.

Vergil makes the first move, a left hook aimed to break the boy's jaw. Even though they were cousin's Vergil would show no mercy, he was a Hyuuga after all, and this was an unset law within their clan. Kai simply steps back away from the hook, and swings an uppercut in response. Vergil dodges the uppercut, leaning his head backwards, as he does this, Kai attacks his legs, a swift kick slamming against his shin causes him to stumble backwards, falling onto his back. Kai, raises his foot into the air, and slams it into the ground, Vergil easily dodges, rolling over, and leaping back onto his feet. Now looking at the area Kai had stomped, Vergil notices a half meter crater in its place. It seems his cousin is going a bit overboard to prove superiority. Still, Vergil could not refuse such a challenge, about to initiate another move, he is caught off guard when his cousin appears in front of him, and slams his fist into his stomach. Vergil balls up, bending over in pain. He knows that a rib or two is now fractured. After this, Kai steps back, and knees Vergil in the face, his jaw to be exact. Vergil is sent flying in the air, he flips mid-way landing on his knee. The pain coming from his ribs is slightly irritating, it seems he would have to take the spar more seriously.

Entering a fighting stance once more, this one is obviously different, a certain aura about it causes Kai to hesitate before approaching. Still the boy does, and foolishly so. Vergil meets him halfway, grabbing onto his shirt, he throws him into the air with little effort. Pressing into the ground, Vergil leaps after him, and grabs him, his arms locking around the body of the boy. They soon begin to descend downwards,  the boy's neck aimed to slam into the ground, and it would have, had Vergil not changed his position, Slamming the boy's back into the ground, a less lethal area, than the neck he knew. Kai gets up slowly, stumbling to his feet. Activating his byakugan Vergil now does a little speed blitz of his own, lunging towards Kai he slams his left palm against his chest. "One Palm!" He does so again. "Two Palms!" On the third strike, he stops as Kai falls to the ground, his body motionless. Victory is Vergil's, though it is bittersweet seeing as his cousin is now unconscious. Lifting him up, Vergil carries him to a nearby bench, and lays him against is softly.

About an hour later, he wakes up. "Damn!" This is said angrily, as he rolls over, his feet now touching the ground as he sits. "How long have I been out?" Vergil continues to stare at the moon in the sky. "A little over an hour." The boy curses under his breathe. "I guess you beat me my squad can never hear that I loss to a chuunin." Vergil calmly responds, "Well make sure you tell them that you at least cracked a few of his ribs in the process." Standing to his feet, Vergil continues to gaze at the moon. "Kai...I'm leaving the village." His cousin jumps to his feet shouting: "WHAT!!" Vergil continues to stare blankly, "Don't worry, I'll be a simple wanderer, not a nuke-nin. I have decided to travel for personal reasons..." The boy looks at Vergil then away, obviously angry. "Well, I hope you don't plan on leaving the village with the ability you have now..." Vergil for the first time breaks away from his gaze at the moon, "I know. I have decided to practice Fuinjutsu." His cousin looks towards him, puzzled with the boy's choice. "Why that? Why not just become a swordsman, I mean not to kiss ass or anything, you're pretty strong, and fast." Vergil nods, "I know, but this is best...Kai, can you tell your parents good-bye on my behalf? The boy shakes his head, "Sure." Vergil looks back towards the moon. "The moon is very beautiful, don't you think?" This random statement is the final thing his cousin would hear before Vergil disappears.

The next day, Vergil is within his cave. A pile of books on his desk, as he currently flips through them. Reading at a blinding speed. Within a half hour he has already read ten books, some of them useful, others not, but one thing they all have in common is their subject, Fuinjutsu. Something Vergil had been interested in for quite a while. He had in the past thought just as his cousin suggested, that he would be limited to Kenjutsu, and Taijutsu. Though after discovering Fuinjutsu there was no way he could waltz pass it. Fuinjutsu, the art of sealing. It would indeed come in handy if he ever had to fight against someone that abused chakra, in which case he could simply seal their chakra outlets completely. Another alluring thing about Fuinjutsu, is it's sub specialty, Juinjutsu. Vergil did not know why, but ever since Nero planted a seal on him, he had been interested in its numerous possibilities, and he saw the vast amount of potential the sub spec. held. Yes. With this he would be able to become the ultimate tool of destruction. With this he could maybe, just maybe pull off his plan, the annihilation of the Uchiha clan. What previously seemed far fetched, and impossible is now within his grasp. Over the span of a week, he practices the basic seals of Fuinjutsu. Completing them all successfully. Now he can be considered an official specialist of the art.

[2992/2000, Fuinjutsu specialty unlocked. +9 stats/29JP, +250 ryo (converting 5 stats to ryo). Stats now maxed, and whatnot.]
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Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:24 pm
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