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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Addressing the masses [Open to Tenga nin] Empty Addressing the masses [Open to Tenga nin]

Tue May 20, 2014 4:40 pm
It was a lovely day. The sun was out, no clouds could be seen at all, not even on the ground. However despite this, the mood was frosty. Takeo sat upon his new chair, hat resting atop his head. The young boy sighed, running his hand along his face in frustration. He was stuck, stuck on what to say. After liberating Tengakure from the terrible leadership before him he had planned on making a small speech. Alas that was not going all too well, as evidenced by the scattered balls of paper that law strewn around the room. He had actually sent out several letters to the masses, telling them about how one of their new leaders would be addressing them today. However progress was slow, he just wasn't quite what to say. "This is quite difficult..speeches were never my forte." He grumbled to himself. Whatever, he'd do what he did best, wing it. Pushing himself from the chair he made his way for the door. The long walk to where he would be addressing the people began.

Several minutes later and he arrived. It was a rooftop of one of the smaller buildings of Tengakure, though it was large enough to serve it's purpose. His hat was pulled forward slightly, casting a shadow over the top half of his face. This was to in fact hide his usage of the Byakugan, something which he felt was necessary in case some fool tried to off him immediately. A crowd had gathered, likely wishing to know what was going to happen. Calming himself Takeo opened his mouth and spoke loudly, "People of Tengakure. I'm sure most of you are aware of what had recently happened. The previous leaders of Tengakure abandoned this village and left it to rot. Thus I Takeo Tadashi took it upon myself to guide this village into a greater future." He paused to take a breath, mediocre so far. "That is why I became the Fourth Tenkage. However I did not take the seat alone, Xyxer Gyojin will sit alongside me and we shall jointly look after this village." He wasn't quite sure what to address Xyxer as, was he the Fifth? Or was he also the Fourth..god this was confusing.

"In light of this event I am here to make a declaration. The Second Tenkage, Shinji Uzumaki, and the Third Tenkage, Denkiteki...something, shall be hereby recognized as Missing-nin. They shall no longer be allowed to step foot within the village of Tengakure, and if they attempt to we shall treat it as an attack upon or village. Some of you may be asking why I am saying this. It is rather simple, they turned their back on us and abandoned us. Therefore we shall do the same. An eye for an eye. Now for those of you whom wish to try your luck, I advise against it. They were after all Tenkage for a reason. Keep your eyes open, and do not approach them unless confident in your abilities." Another pause, eyes searching through the crowd in order to see the general reaction, "That is all I wished to say. I hope you shall help me guide Tengakure into a bright future together." He held his hand out towards the crowd as he said this, because that's the type of dramatic crap he thought they'd like to see, "If anyone wishes to ask anything. Now shall be the time."
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Addressing the masses [Open to Tenga nin] Empty Re: Addressing the masses [Open to Tenga nin]

Thu May 22, 2014 10:25 pm
No one had questioned him. Had they already accepted him and Xyxer? This was strange..perhaps it was fear that made them not want to speak up. Whatever the case, Takeo stood there for about a minute or so before he turned away. "Very well, I look forward to working with all of you in order to bring Tengakure into a better age." And with that, he left back to his office.

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