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Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 8:48 pm
Leonardo Montague II is a simple man his age unknown as he is immortal but the appearance of a fit and lightly tanned 18 year old, his red hair shining the moons rays back up into the sky as he looked out into the open field his mind at complete ease. The moon rays felt so releasing on his smooth skin, his mind wondering as his strength reached it's potential.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 9:08 pm
Angel was walking home on the beautiful night.  She liked the cool breeze at night and it felt good on her face and the cool ground felt good on her exposed feet.  Few people took the time to listen to the insects chirp at night.  it was peaceful.  The road was long and straight and rolled past a large open field of a farmer that Angel knew.  He was a very nice man whom on many occassions had given her a paopu fruit as she walked home from town.  The farmer was sure to be in bed at this hour.  

As Angel gazed over the field she could barely make out the silhouette of someone standing in the field.  she felt a shiver in her body.  that was the signal to get away as fast as she could.  But the farmer had been so nice to her she decided to investigate.  She crept over the field quietly.  When she was close enough she quietly said "Hello do you need any help?"

Angel was wearing her usual clothes that night.  Her hooded coat obscuring her face.  her feet felt at home bare on the cool grass.
Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 9:15 pm
Leonardo heard the girl coming from a mile by the sounds of her heart beating pumping with his super efficient hearing, he smiled as the girl approached him speaking quiet softly and he seemed to notice he had never met her. He smiled and respond quite politely "Hello there dear, are you sure you should be out and about with the dark covering the land? Don't you know the darkest people come out now?" Saying that he smiled which revealed the sharp canine teeth he had, his hands were inside his pockets as looked down at the girl still smiling. He wondered what she was doing out here, he could hear the blood pumping through her body but he suppressed his blood lust and continued to remember the fact he was of the same village as this girl and harming her would not be wise.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 9:29 pm
This man spoke in an odd manner.  He wasn't the Farmer nor had she ever seen him before.  But he seemed polite.  "Sir,  this farm is owned by a friend of mine, do you know him?"  Angel normally didn't speak this much, especially to strangers and she was tempted,  well her body begged her, to just turn and leave.  'What could it hurt? He seems nice.'  she thought to herself.  

Angel never looked at people directly.  In an attempt to keep her face hidden she usually looked down at peoples chests.  This put her hood over her face more.  A strange side effect was she seemed to understand peoples movements a little better.  She was never taken in by looks or facial expressions.  His voice had an alarming effect though.  It sent chills down her spine.  It made her want to run.  she shifted her weight slightly to her toes.  The action caused no movement of her body and under her coat it was imperceptible.  The action was unconscious but her curiousity held her there.

Last edited by PlatinumAngel on Wed May 28, 2014 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 9:37 pm
Leonardo did not understand what the girl meant as he knew no man, especially not a farmer in the village. He looked at her then smiled speaking once more, "I know not the man you speak of but I do realize your blood is pumping strongly showing you have strength. Spar with me child?" His mind filled with ways to become victorious in the possible spar ahead of him
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 9:53 pm
Angel was right the man was trouble.  but he was nice about it.  It seemed odd.  'Guess he just wants to test his strength, if he just wants to spar.'  That was unnerving. She would have left at this point to but it seemed like the man had something on his mind.  It might just be better to fight him and get it over with.  If he had wanted to hurt her she had given him every chance to... 'Yeah, not because it is so clear that he could hurt her if he tried.'

In answer, Angel raised her hands slowly.  Bending her knees and raising her heels, she slid one foot backward resting her weight on it defensively, leaving one leg slightly extended forward, still bent at the knee. her hands slowly traced circles in the air in front of her in opposite directions.  She had made up this style of fighting herself.  It was based on the similar Hyuga Gentle Fist style.
Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 10:04 pm
Leonardo watched the girl prepare her stance and began to chuckle, the girl had style he would give her that. He spoke calmly and firm to her "Leonardo Montague the II" He figured he would give the girl his name as a sense of respect before he dashed forward at a jog (20 Speed) closing in the 2 meters between them, If he was undisturbed he would have completed his move and now be holding the girl in the air by her throat feeling the blood coursing through her veins but never piercing the skin as he wished not to hurt her. He would then speak softly once more "You probably have a sense of fear right now as a predator such as me holds you like this..... But do not worry I am able to suppress the urge to drink blood from your very body." he hoped this would give a clue as to what he was and his capabilities. He would then release her and strike her gut in an attempt to knock her unconscious so that he may leave her asleep in the vast field.

Of course if his attempts were intervened then he would simply distance himself from the girl so that she may not further after deflecting him. Leaving him 2 meters away and curious as to how she moved so quickly.

{Attempt Exit}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Wed May 28, 2014 10:37 pm
The man gave her his name.  Not that it meant much to her being she didn't know him nor was she sure she would even last the night.  Then he dashed toward her.  She said dashed only because it was faster than she was able to move.  Luckily he had decided to attack her directly.  The only reason this was lucky is that she was already in a position to block a direct attack.  

as he approached her she redirected his outstretched arm parrying it away from her.  At the same time she placed all her weight on the ball of her hind foot spinning around with the momentum of the man called Leonardo.  As she rotated passed him she secretly placed a female kikaichu under the mans arm an inch from his shoulder in the action of redirecting his arm.  she then darted away from the man as he continued in the same direction apparently trying to put some distance between them.

As she ran, but before the man was 2 meters from her, she formed quick handseals.  2 clones formed and sprinted off in different directions, as Angel headed for the forest that was 40 meters away.  She knew the man was fast but hoped that the clones might give her a chance to reach the tree line.

[-5 actions]
Leonardo Montague II
Leonardo Montague II
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Thu May 29, 2014 6:16 pm
Leonardo smiled as she touched his skin triggering the substitution technique, leaving behind a log in place of him. He would smile looking at the girl before speaking, "Interesting how well you were able to counter but I must go now so I bid you farewell." He then would turn exiting the field and the girl unharmed.

[Attempt Exit/ 568 word/ 2 Stats]
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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An interesting meeting (NK/IO) Empty Re: An interesting meeting (NK/IO)

Thu May 29, 2014 9:54 pm
Angel felt the log drop next to her.  'where did that come from?'  the thought puzzled her.  the man was standing a little ways away obviously having used the substitution technique that Angel had learned in school.  The technique was generally used by switching places with an object that was already there.  she hadn't noticed the log but then again she hadn't looked for one.  

The man hadn't noticed that his substitution had actually brought the tiny bug with him.  Good.  He hadn't noticed.  If he had he might have been more inclined to escalated his attacks.  Angel would used the insect to target her attacks, how ever futile they might be.  She planned to distract him maybe talk a bit he seemed chatty.  'What are you thinking your terrible at talking to people.'  Angel didn't really know what to do.  The man was clearly more experienced.  

Suddenly the man said farewell and began to walk away.  the man seemed perfectly fine with leaving which was just fine by Angel.  He would be gone and she would be alive.  as the man retreated she gave the mental command for her ladybug to return and leave the man to his exit.  she didn't drop her guard till her was long gone.  What was she thinking.  'You know not to talk to strangers.  Your good at not talking to strangers.'  Angel sighed and continued her way home.  she wouldn't disturb the farmer tonight.  but she definitely had to tell him that a strange man had been in his fields.

[Exit / words 1011 / 5 stats]
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