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Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:04 pm

Kobushi's breathing quickened as his wrath began to rise, that this girl would be laughing at him. He started clenching his fist, his fingernails biting into this skin. This was a technique he used to keep his anger under control. Then he started to feel something else, he couldn't explain it, but he actually liked her laugh. This feeling caused him to clench his fist harder. Through clenched teeth, Kobushi spoke.

"As you can see, I need some more help."

Kobushi breathed harder, and got ready to try again. This time he focused, centering himself, balancing himself. He focused on Angel's image, her true one not this male one, and closed his eyes. Once more performing the hand signs, Kobushi tried once more to transform. Dog ... Boar ... Ram...

This time, when the smoke cleared, the form that Kobushi wore was a near perfect image.

{WC 133}
{TWC 260} 

REWARDS: []Transformation Technique[/url] Learnt
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:48 pm
Angel dispersed her transformation and saw Bushi looked really angry.  she didn't know why he looked so angry but something told her if she asked why he was angry he'd get more angry.  Angel didn't like angry people.  angry people made angel say.  But Bushi, When he tried his jutsu again was able to successfully perform it with very few flaws.  which after only a few words from Angel was a very impressive feat.  "So clones is next?"  Angel asked.
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 7:58 pm
"Ah yes clones."

Kobushi always had trouble with clones, it took more concentration then he could manage normally. He tried using Angel's advice from before. Balance, center, breath.  Ram ... Snake ... Tiger ... Standing next to Kobushi was something that looked like a ghost version of him.


Kobushi punched through the images head, and dispersed the image. "GAHHHHHH.... why can't they test us on fighting." Kobushi looked at Angel, wondering if she was going to laugh again. He did not understand anything about his feelings towards this girl, but he did know he did not like being laughed at, let alone by her.

{WC 106}
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:07 pm
Angel shook her head.  This boy had too much anger.  she didn't like dealing with hostile people, BUT she did say that she would help so she would stick it out.  "You see your try too hard to do something without putting in enough belief that you can do it.  Now each jutsu is different right so the rules change a bit.  Your not trying to be precise with this jutsu.  what your trying to do is give it as much "you" as you can.  When doing a clone jutsu you want to pour in as much power as you can so they don't come out loooking well like not enough "you"  Make sense she smiled at him kindly.
Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:21 pm
She has a pretty smile. Kobushi shook his head, clearing his head. Once more, Kobushi focused, centering himself and shoving the anger deep down, and closed his eyes. Ram... Kobushi started flooding chakra throughout himself.... Snake... he increased the amount of chakra, going to his limits.... Tiger ... Kobushi saw the jutsu working, envisioned that when he opened his eyes, there would be a clone. As he felt the chakra within him gathered, he willed it to create a perfect clone of himself. 

With a rush, the chakra left him. He waited a little while, making sure that he gave it enough focus. When Kobushi opened his eyes, he was looking into his own eyes. The jutsu was successful. It had successfully created a clone. Kobushi turned towards Angel and smiled, a genuine smile. Before he said anything, he sent a fist through the clone's chest.

"So, thank you for your help. I guess that means you are going to leave now."

{WC 161}
{TWC 267}

REWARDS: []Clone Technique[/url] Learnt
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:30 pm
Angel ruffled his hair.  he had done good.  "Yes sorry I need to leave.  I have a job to do but don't worry,"  Angel leaned in and said in his ear "i'll be watching you"  she kissed his cheek and dashed off 


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Hātosutīrā Coeus
Hātosutīrā Coeus
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Wed Jun 11, 2014 8:34 pm

Kobushi could still feel the kiss on his cheek. He was confused by what happened, and it would take him time to figure it out.

He headed back to cousin Yaju's, needing get some sleep for tomorrow's test.

{WC 484} - REWARDS: 2 SP
{TWC 260} - REWARDS: Transformation Technique Learnt
{TWC 267} - REWARDS: Clone Technique Learnt
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Quest for Genin {NK IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Quest for Genin {NK IO}

Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:21 am
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