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Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:10 pm
Yaju had offered her a place to stay if she needed it.  That was thoughtful of him she considered the offer honestly too.  With her mother in the hospital she only went home everyday because that’s where she slept.  If she could live up here it would cut down the time it would take to get to the training grounds.  On top of that she could build a stronger relationship with her master.  She may even save on costs of acquiring food.  Ontop of that she may even be able to set up a larger workshop for her puppets.  Angel got more and more excited the longer she thought about it and then had to snap herself out of it.  She was not offered residency in his house.  She needed to keep a lid on it. 

Yaju started to explain that he didn’t really do much of anything.  Angel found this odd.  He had built this house maybe he was into building or something, but it was fine if he didn’t have a hobby.  “Yaju what I meant to ask is what do you fo in the village?  What does you job entail?  Do you just protectthe village?  Do you go out on Missions?  Are you part of the Counsel?  That kind of thing.” She would listen to his answer before he went on to discuss the meal.  Before Yaju could answer her next question the fox Angel had seen earlier emerged…from a cupboard.  Angel thought it was odd but then again why should it be.  For all she knew it was common happenstance.  Smiling pleasantly she watched the Fox hop out and return to Yaju’s head.  It was another thing that struck her as odd though she hadn’t said anything in the cave and she wasn’t going to say anything now.  But the Fox, which she found adorable, seemed to be named Koan.  It was a cute name for the cute fox.  She thought the food tasted wonderful she could only imagine how the little fox had prepared everything.  She could imagine it doing flips and soring over the kitchen.  It made her giggle slightly.

The Yaju began to tell his story.  A persons background is as much an influence on their actions and thought patterns as circumstance was.  Yaju had grown up in a family that focused around training and becoming strong.  It sounded to Angel that his father had not respected his childhood.  Angel felt deeply sorry for him.  Then he told her of the time he left the village and lived as a wolf for years.  Angel felt herself opening up to the man.  But then a cold wind blew as he told her of his seeking revenge and killing his father.  Yaju’s eyes changed as well only driving more doubt into her heart.  But He had been put into prison where he continued to lash out in anger.  Angel didn’t see her master like that at all.  He didn’t seem like the animalistic figure He described to her.  He seemed sweet and honest more like a Families loyal gaurdiang than the wild wolf looking for prey.  Then he spoke to her about the Raikage.  Lady Misaki had seemingly tamed him.  Angel had met the Kage before and she could attest to her abilities.  Angel had completed a mission for her to retrieve some quality booze for her.  It had been an interesting mission but after that the Lord Raikage had offered to drink with her the intimidating aura melting into some sort of intimidating sweetness.  Angel knew how important to the Village the Kage was but She had been important to Angel as well.  Because of the stories her mother used to tell her Angel felt that if the Traveler, her father who had saved her life from illness, Sought so hard to save the Lord of the Village hidden in the Clouds then Angel ought to devote her life to taking care of the lives this Traveler thought were worth protecting.  This is why Angel has trained hard and was aiming to become part of the ANBU black ops devision or even a personal Body Guard to the Raikage herself.  It seemed that that position was one that Yaju held, so Angel was excited that she was taking steps in the proper direction.  Yaju asked if she had any other questions and Angel decided that that was what she wanted to know about.  “Yaju what is it like working for the Kage and being so powerful here?  I have never felt a chakra so powerful, save for the Raikage’s, in the entire village.  I mean doing tasks for the village is one thing but being able to fight an actual battle against other ninja where you don’t have to worry about if you’ll survive the next second.  I think I’m gonna have to work much harder to be able to be strong like you.”  Angel throughout the conversation be eating the food she had been offered and would now finish thanking the both of them for the food and waiting to see if Yaju had anything more to say.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:26 pm
Well he couldn't say that he knew what she was asking which at first was simply what he did in his spare time but the real question was what did he do for the village. His job in honesty required him to do so much for the village but most of it had been a secret from everyone else except for the Kage and the others that work for and with him. Scratching his head he would smile and begin to reanswer her question," Alright my main job is to assist in the management of the village and to teach our ninja what it means to be a shinobi. Other tasks that i do include sitting in on some of the academy student's lessons to talk to them and encourage them to continue their training and make it to their dreams. Things like missions only come to me when it is necessary for me to play a part like a heavy patrol missions or an escort mission, other than that i sit around and assist our Kage in whatever she needs me to do. I have other jobs but i am not allowed to say what those are because of...reasons," leaving it at that he would shrug and continue to pet the fox that had taken refuge in his lap.

Angel's last question would cause him to shift again, sitting the sleeping fox onto his head where he curled up and continued to sleep so that Yaju could fully move," Working with the Raikage isn't so much as work for me...its my life. I pledged to her my life and loyalty and through it all its more like a deepened friendship than a job. Now as for working for her it isn't as bad as people think it to be, she is a really sweet and compassionate woman that cares for each and everyone of you but she is also an oddball that has a very goofy side to her. Its fun working not only with her but for her if that makes sense. Now as for the second part...i honestly do not know. I guess being powerful is only good when you have something to protect otherwise you are just sitting there with power and nothing to protect," for a moment he would think about all of the fights he had been through, each individual scar and tear only made him stronger.

" Soon you will see the difference between my power and your own when you become as strong as i am. My power comes from the blood i have spilled in the past...and the trails and roads i have taken in the present. I have no doubt that you will surpass me in the years to come, and maybe when you become that strong or maybe before then you will have some special guy beside you. Speaking of which do you have a special someone or something that you care about," chuckling he would sit back and wait for the girl to answer his question.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:33 pm
Angel listened intently and without distraction as she had finished her food.  Yaju did a lot for the village.  He seemed to think that it wasn’t very much, the part that he had told her about, but when Angel looked back on her training in the academy, the sensei’s encouragement had made her continue and push forward through all the kids snickering at her or throwing balls of paper at her.  She hadn’t cared because she had been told by her sensei that perseverance was the way of the shinobi.  So Yaju’s helping the students and his simple devotion is what inspired the next generation.  How much more important can you get.  “I understand that some of your missions are secret, don’t worry about it, what about working for the Raikage?”  Angel would say leading into the next question.  Not only was Yaju strong but he was a good people person.  He made friends with their Kage as well as the children from the Academy.  Angel was certain that he was probably next in line for the seat of Raikage.  But he was completely ignoring that fact because of his inspiring loyalty to the current Kage.  Yaju had it all.  Then he said that Angel might surpass him and Angel knew that wasn’t going to be the case.  The only way Angel would surpass him is if he just stopped trying.  And Angel knew that wasn’t going to happen.  Then her Master asked If she had someone special.  She knew what he meant, though it was awkward to say she didn’t.  Guys had never really been her priority.  Angel was awkward herself, though she knew she was cute, it just wasn’t something she thought about.  “Well I mean as my Mentor you are special to me.  And I have my mother that I look out for.  But as for a special guy, no I’m a single girl.  What about you?  You have anyone in your life?”  Angel didn’t really know what to do she felt a little awkward, returning the question seemed like her only option.  She could have changed the subject but it wasn’t that she was running away from the issue she just didn’t know what to say.  Though what she really wanted to know from Yaju was what idea’s he had for her puppets.  She had been thinking about building another one recently.  But that was not something to bring up till after this topic was settled.  She would first ask yaju what he thought of her puppets.  Yeah then she would ask how her puppets could be better.  She sat quietly while Yaju answered.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:33 pm
Yaju blinked for a moment as he scratched his head and froze for a moment as the question was now turned to him, the look on his face was one of confusion and deep thought until he turned his head to the side and closed his eyes. Slowly he would open them again and look to Angel with a half smile before speaking," My....relationship status is very complicated," he would begin," I have...or rather i do and i don't...uhhh," he started to fumble over his words as he tried his best to explain his situation but he could only sigh in frustration and sadness as he closed his eyes and looked to the floor," I'm sorry...i don't want to talk about it if its fine with you," not wanting to hurt her feelings by ignoring her question he would stand up and walk from the table to the door," Want to see the hot bath room i was talking about earlier?," if she followed he would head upstairs and open a panel on the wall that lead to another room hidden from the rest of the house.

Stepping into a new room altogether he would step into the large pool sized bath and lean against the water with the fox still on his head fast asleep with a little snore here and there. For now he would simply relax and allow the questions to flow now that the two of them were in a more comfortable surrounding so to speak.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:28 pm
Yaju seemed pretty nervous about talking about his personal life.  Angel was cool with that.  She didn’t have to know everything about him right now.  But she felt completely relaxed and now kinda itching to move around a bit more.  Yaju suggested they go to the hot bath or whatever.  “Yaju I kinda just took a shower I don’t really need to bathe right now.  Why don’t we talk outside?  We could go for a walk or maybe do a little sparring.  We don’t need to sit around and talk when there is training to do.  Let’s go get off our butts.  I can’t surpass you if I sit in a bath.”  Angel gave him a mischeivious grin and Angel jumped up and headed outside.  Having reached outside the wind would be blowing wiping about her too big clothing.  But she was used to too big clothing that’s the whole idea for an Aburame.  She made sure the belt around her waist was tight and hoped down the porch steps.  She did a cartwheel to shake up her body getting it ready to work.  “Common Yaju!”  She would yell hopefully getting him to follow.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:34 pm
Yaju sighed for a moment as he stretched and went upstairs to put on a sleeveless vest and proceeded to come back outside slowly at first before stepping out on the front porch and lookiung at Angel with a wide smirk," You think your going to surpass me dear? You still have a long way before you can even think about that idea, but a walk or a spar wouldn't hurt now would it," this time he would stretch his body out before closing the door to his house and locking it, making sure that it was at least the way he left it before stepping off the porch.

Wanting to be a bit lazy before he trained her some more, he couldn't believe that she wanted to train again just after eating but he had picked some tenacious students so why not have a little fun with her. Seeing as she wanted to train he would motion for her to follow him to a little area where the two of them could go a little all out without him caving down his home. The walk was at least ten minutes or what felt like ten minutes until they arrived to a 50 meter area in the shape of a circle, Yaju walked towards the middle and motioned to Angel to come in.

This small area was where Yaju had made some training dummies made of solid rock most of which had either large indents or chunks misisng from them. Slowly he would pull out a pair of black bandages and wrapped them around his fists while speaking," So ninjutsu or taijutsu? I'll let you choose what we will use in this new spar as i don't want to be too unfair on you," chuckling he would await for her answer before waiting to see if she would initiate the first move.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:59 pm
Angel felt surprisingly refreshed.  The Kitsune cooking must be quite replenishing.  She bounced up and down as she waited for Yaju.  The temperature around here was not as cold as the harsh frigid side of the mountain and Angel felt she could take on the world.  Soon enough Yaju emerged wearing a vest and he locked up his house.  She smiled at her master as he walked down the steps.  The coolness on Angels feet was lovely.  She spread her toes out wide and rolled off her heels and up on to the balls of her feet.  Few people had the flexibility of their toes that angel possessed.  It was pretty useless skill however it gave her a bit better balance when she stood on one foot or in the balls of one foot.  Most ninja required training or chakra control to obtain what her body did naturally.  ‘Yeah I got’s skills’  Angel thought flamboyantly in her head.  “Yeah I’m going surpass you.  I’m going to be the greatest ninja ever.”  Angel shadow boxed the air.  Spinning on her tip toes she bought up a side kick way above her head.  Holding it for a second she then did the other half of the cart wheel.  “Your clothes work really well for a wide range of motion.”  Angel did a bridge and walked her hands back to her feet.  Kicking her feet over her head to stand back up.  She then realized that Yaju was walking off without her and she ran to catch up.

The walk seemed to take forever.  It seemed like Yaju was pooped.  Angel looked over at her master walking along with a completely serious face.  Angel was surprised at her level of energy.  Normally she didn’t have this much.  Maybe it was the mountain air or the hot springs water that Yaju used in his home.  She contained all her excitement till she was ready.  She would use all this energy to train.  That way she would receive the energy back as improvement.  It was a great idea.  Angel walks peacefully and passively by Yaju as they headed to the training ground.  The large circular area looked like it was where Yaju normally trains.  There were stone training dummies and signs of damage she guessed where he had practiced jutsu.  The area itself was massive.  Plenty of room to train.  Her master seemed to have brought some training bandages.  He wrapped his hands with the black strips as he walked to the center of the circular arena.  He asked her if she wanted to train using Ninjutsu or Taijutsu.  She figured she didn't have much experience with sparring in Taijutsu though it was mainly because she wasn’t great at Taijutsu.  Maybe it was a good thing then to try and train Taijutsu that way she can learn it in an environment that wouldn’t try to kill her, which could just be the case in the next fight.  “Master please help me to train my Taijutsu.”  Angel made sure her clothes were fastened around her while still leaving enough to move freely.  Bowing to her master she took up a stance that he might recognize as the Basic Gentle fist stance.  She stood with her knees bent and both hands in front of her the right one at eye level but off to the side an inch not breaking line of sight.  Her other hand was closer to her body and at shoulder height.  Angel was taught this basic form from a friend she had known in the ninja academy.  Her close friend was a part of the Hyuuga clan and they had played and trained together for a few years.  Then her friend had died when she had been attacked by an animal.  It had hurt Angel but this stance let her friend live on through her.  Even though she had no training in the gentle fist being she was not a part of the clan she was able to replicate some of the stances being she had fought it many times when she had trained with her friend.  “Alright Yaju…Here I come.”  Angel would run toward Yaju in a straight line.  As she approached she pulling her left shoulder back locking it in place to release a powerful force through the rotation of her shoulders.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:20 pm
And so the battle or spar would begin as Yaju stood in the middle and Angel finally took her place along with her stance, acknolweding that this would be a taijutsu fight. Every Hyuuga was born to use taijutsu and excel at it to the point that their rival clan, the Uchiha, could never stand up against it. However in this case, Yaju had went above and beyond what a normal Hyuuga could do adding in his own style to the Gentle Fist tradition. If another Hyuuga especially the stuck up ones from Konoha had seen what he had done to their great and powerful fighting style they would have a fit, but he had made it not only better but more versitile and unique.

Seeing as the spar was soon to begin he got into his own stance, a beginner one to show some of the basic practices of Taijutsu. His body remained parallel although his right foot would be propped in the air and bent in a L-shape closest to his chest while his hands were merely floating in the air. As she ran at him however he could see the basics of the Hyuuga clan's taijutsu technique's and smiled as she finally came closer to him.

Without hesitation his right foot which would have been currently hanging in the air would move forward into a straight mid kick and aim for her chest. The attempted strike would no doubt stop her in her tracks and also allow him to launch an additional strike providing she had continued to move or dodge. As his foot continued to move forward whether or not she had stopped his attack, he would use the forward momentum to turn his body causing his right foot to come down and his left to come into a mid hook kick to her shoulder. The following attacks would send her to the right five meters as he jumped back and held up his left arm," Shouldn't try using a fighting style i am a master of dear, it will get you hurt," returning to his first stance he would wave his foot so his student could try again to hit him.
Angel Aburame
Angel Aburame
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:33 pm
As she approached she saw his leg position in front of him.  And was secretly pleased.  She guessed his attack trajectory and the straight kick would be the perfect counter to the direct assault.  She had defeated many ninja with this maneuver.  Of course a straight shot had more power than other attacks but Hyuuga had never been known for the power behind their blows.  The Gentle Fist style was derived from being precise and quick on your feet.  And had an affinity for rotation.  As she came in range of the kick she planted the ball of her foot spreading her toes and unleashed the left hand blow knocking the kick aside slightly, throwing off the momentum of his kick, as her entire body pivoted around using the force of the kick to increase her momentum.  The other thing about her Gentle fist style, she had been taught by a 7 year old.  Her style had to evolve passed the basics that was taught to her however without her friend to train with she had to absorb styles from other ninja.  Bending her left knee to lower herself slightly, she extended her right leg and caught the back of Yaju’s left knee with her heel.  His knee had already been bent slightly most likely in anticipation for the follow up kick.  If she connected it would likely send him falling backward with his right leg out in front of him he wouldn’t be able to correct his balance.  Angel would jump backward 6 feet and preposition in her basic stance.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju] - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting The Master [nk io Yaju]

Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:14 am
The beginning wasn't too bad of a start off, but the mistakes made during her opening attack and defense were two things that would lead to another outcome in their fight. As Angel's hand attempted to push his kick of center and off track, he would at the moment that the two met would rotate his leg over her and and instead of coming down with his foot he would leave it in the air as he allowed her right heel to trip him. However at the base of his fall he would bridge his body by shooting his arms backwards at the moment his back would touch the ground. Using the momentum of his fall he would flip backwards and land 2 meters from Angel with a small smile on his face.

She wasn't bad but this fight would go a whole different direction if he had actually decided to use the Gentle Fist style himself, but then again he didn't want to rely too much on his clan's "power" so instead of using that....he would use something taught to him by his own summons. This time Yaju would be the first one to make the move as he ran towards Angel in a straight line at half his full speed, but as he closed the gap between the two of them he would slide to the left at the last minute before throwing three jabs with his right arm in a rapid succession. Assuming Angel would make an attempt to stop or dodge his punches, Yaju would quickly pivot his body to her right and throw a swift jab towards her torso before using this punch as feint for his right that would be aiming directly for the center of her chest.
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