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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:29 am
Insect Tornado Jutsu Training
WC Required: 2,000
Link: Insect Tornado


Yesterday Hero saw something amazing while spectating his dad take care of an enemy ninja. The enemy charged at Hero's dad, Seigi Aburame, but was welcomed by a swarm of kikaichu bug, no to be precise, a tornado of bugs. The enemy ninja seemed startled but didn't flinch because of it as he continued his march while drawing his katana sword. He probably thought that such petty bugs wouldn't stand a chance against a skilled armed man like him, boy was he any more wrong. When the swarm of kikaichu bug and enemy ninja about to collide, the latter quickly slice the bugs in front of him trying to make way and probably blast through it to the defenseless opponent ahead of him. What he failed to calculate however, the bug formation reformed almost instantly as the other kikaichu bugs nearby came in and fill the position left by the sliced bugs. The enemy knew his plan failed but he concluded that the bugs wouldn't be able to do him any harm, he knew that the bug could absorb chakra from him so all he has to do is shake himself and it should be alright. But upon contact with the swarm of bugs, the ninja knew he wrong. He felt a powerful force once he enters it. The bug attacked his body at great speed and almost immediately, the man was disintegrated. Hero flinched at this horrific sight but was also left in awe by how powerful this move is. Seigi cocked his head to look at Hero, his eyes hidden by his glasses and his face almost expressionless. "See that, son, ignorant was this guy's best friend. See where it lead you, don't be ignorant next time," said the man. Hero thought about it and decided that he would learn this move that he considered as "badass".

Today, Hero heads toward his dad with the intent of asking his dad to teach that jutsu to him in mind. Seigi chuckles at this and pat his son on the shoulder, "My room, third bookshelf, fourth layer, seventeenth book, green cover," said Hero's dad. Hero grins, "you never fail to impress me of your memory," said Hero as he head toward his dad's room.

Seigi is a bookworm and collect a lot of books varying from jutsu to novel. Whenever Hero, his son, asked him to teach a jutsu, he never did it directly. He always have Hero grab the book about it and train it himself. Hero was irritated by it at first but later got used to it. It's a rather odd way but also effective because it teaches Hero to be independent and sort out the difficult stuff by himself. After his jutsu completion, he's always welcomed home by his favorite meal.

Hero goes through the book, moving his fingers along it, mumbling numbers to himself to count toward the seventeenth book. He finally found a small book in green cover; Hero pulled the book out and the cover read "How To: Insect Tornado". The 12 years old Genin turn to the first page for graphic display and saw the exact same thing his dad made so he figured that it was that jutsu.

Hero walked out of his dad's room and smile to his dad showing him the book. He grabbed three apples that were on the dinning table's basket in which he put two in his pockets. Hero walked outside toward the training ground, one hand holding the book and another biting off the red apple.


Hero knows that it's going to be a long day, it's always a long day when trying to learn jutsu. Therefore, he begins to read the manual book in order to spare himself some time while traveling. Hero holds the apple with his thumb, index finger and middle finger do he can use the other two fingers to open the book's page. The first page was of course, the graphic display as he knew from opening it earlier. He turned to another page which appear to be the author's opinion. "Nobody cares," muttered Hero to himself as he bite off the apple again.

It is a hot day. Everybody could feel the scorching sun as if it's flame was beside them the whole time. Hero needs to walk through the market in order to reach the training ground and surprisingly for a hot day, there was quite a number of people. Most people are clothed lightly so they can endure the heat except for Hero himself who cover most of his body and some sort of scarf around his neck which he considers as "stylish". You can't blame him for covering his body though, children and women would scream at the sight of insects and said insects aren't fond of heat either. He never really understand why people are afraid of insect. Apparently, they see them as a horrifying and disgusting creature. Hero thinks differently but then again, he's an independent thinker.

Hero tilts his head up to watch his surrounding just in case something strange happen then turn back toward his book. He have turned another page and now he's on the handseal page. The picture shows two hand being vertically together with left thumb on top of the right, fist closed except for index and middle which are stretched. It appears to be the "ram" sign, confirmed by the caption underneath it as well. Hero nods to himself then turn to the next page. There he saw the description of the move. "Jutsu user sends a swarm of kikaichu toward enemy in a tornado shape which move at rapid speed. Upon making contact with the target, the target will be sucked toward the tornado and almost instantly will said target be disintegrated". Hero grins at excitement, "awesome!" he muttered to himself. He wanted to take another bite of his apple but it appears that it's no more so he toss the remnant apple toward the bin which is situated about 5 meters from where he's at. Watching the apple going straight through the bin making a good sound, Hero is impressed by his arming skill and gave himself a pat on the back. He glanced forward and saw the training ground right in front of him, "alright, let's do this!" said Hero enthusiastically as he pumps his face smiling.


"I can't do this anymore," said Hero tiredly. He's making a ram hand seal (although tiredly so) and bugs are flying beside him. In front of him is a training dummy but he can't seem to make it works. Hero sat down and gesture to the bugs to return inside his body. He reached out to his pocket pulling out the manual book from earlier and the second apple as the bugs flew back toward him entering through his sleeves. He took a bite then started re-reading the book. The book said to focus his chakra toward his hand then order the bug to move in a spiral shape and high speed. However, he has to order tons of bugs to do this. That's one of the thing that he fail to accomplish. He couldn't communicate with all those bugs at once. Secondly, he can't get the the bugs to move rapidly in a sphere shape and at high speed. Sometime the bugs would move at high speed but forward or different shape. Sometime they would move in a sphere shape but rather slowly. And all of them are within a small group of bug, it couldn't do any much damage to the training dummy. Also, one other thing he noticed is that the motion didn't last long. Even in those failure, it would last for only a few seconds, at most half a minute which isn't good at all. He sighs. Or not. He grins and toss the book away. He takes a big bite off the apple and chew it staring into the afar. "Flutter into your dream, glitter into tomorrow!" said Hero. He started muttering to himself, "this is my first step to becoming the one to bring peace to the shinobi world! Slowly but gradually, I'm getting there. To my dream," said Hero as he stood up. He put down his apple, the bitten shape surrounding one part of the sun when looked from the side.  "Then again, I can't find my dad's book anymore, I accidentally tossed it into the wood! Fuck!"

Because of his attempt to look cool in which he tossed his dad's book away, he spent the next 10 minutes trying to find his dad's book - in vain. Guess he's going to get yelled at later.

Hero gave up and return to his training. He decided to take it step by step, controlling 10 bugs at a time. The Aburame teen begins to channel his chakra throughout his body and focus it on his hands which are clasped together in a Ram handseal. Then he spread that chakra on his hands toward the part of his body which the 10 kikaichu he planned to send out is at, thus feeding them more chakra. He communicated to the bugs through the telepathy and ordered them to fly out in a spiral motion with fast speed. It didn't turn out as planned but he saw some improvement now that he's not trying to do it all at once. The bugs flow at about half the speed that his dad's jutsu is. But for the first time, it moved at a fast speed and spiral motion at the same time. Also, the bugs last longer than it did. Hero called back the ten kikaichu and do the same thing again.

By the third attempt, Hero manage to maintain the tornado for a minute and have the bug move at a quick speed. He smiled to himself in satisfaction. Instead of adding 5 or 10 insects at a time, he decided to control 30 straight away. Hero did the same thing he did before, gather chakra then feed them to the selected insects. When he felt his chakra being absorbed from 30 different places on his body, he sends his order to those location knowing the the bugs are there. This time it's much harder as he felt the chakra being absorbed more, making him exhausted. Being tired make him lose control of the bug. As expected, the bug didn't move as he wanted but it was rather good thanks to the experience he got earlier from controlling 10 bugs. He called back those 10 bugs and sat down to rest his body a bit. Hero picked up the half eaten apple and take another bite at it. Sweat started to rush across his face as he breaths heavily. The hot weather is starting to take effect. This is the time when he wished he had brought some water. Luckily, he has his apple. He took a last bite on it and leave it on the ground because there isn't any trash bin nearby. Hero stood up and wipe his sweat, "Time for round two," said the genin.

Repeatedly, Hero do the same things, sometime tweaking it a little bit just in case he's doing something wrong. By the seventh attempt, he managed to do it but he felt completely exhausted. The sky is showing no mercy as the blazing sun started to burn on. Hero glances at the shade but waived the temptation. Even though he sucks at math, he knows that he only has one apple left which is reserved after the completion of the training. He tried to gather his strength, energy and chakra but nothing came through. No, one thing came through and that is an unwavering determination. Sure it might be a good idea to just put it off for another day, after all his stamina and chakra will recover by then. However, Hero refuses to do so. He wants to live every day like it was his last day, you never know what's gonna happen next, maybe someone will try to kill him tomorrow. Procrastination is an ignorant action and it will lead him nowhere not to mention changing the world.

He tries his best to recover his chakra and send it to 50 different bugs. He's ready for the last stage. First attempted ended in a failure. Same for the second. So does the third. Also fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. And the failure continues. Finally, at the eleventh attempt, he succeed. He watched as the training dummy flew off in different direction as it's split into pieces. Hero grins, his earring flashes due to the sunlight and then let his body fall backward toward the ground. The coulda our started to cover the the sun, it's already evening and he left home in the morning. All he have eaten was two apples. Surely, the next meal would be a big appetite for him. In a way, he felt frustrated that the cloud only cover the sun now. But also, he felt joyful that the cloud did actually cover the sun at all. He stares to the vast sky, his heart beating in joy. Hero reached to his pocket and take a bite at his last apple. He chewed and finally smile. "World, here I come," muttered Hero smiling.

As for the book, Hero found a way to get through it without getting yelled at. He knows his father's weakness. One time he enters his father room to see his the latter man reading a book. His dad, Seigi, didn't realize that Hero entered at all so they never talked about it. Although a 12 years old, Hero is no dummy. He knows what type of book his dad was reading and came up with a plan. It's rather embarrassing him for him to buy it but it's better than getting yelled at for over a month (he knows from experience). Hero sticks a note onto the cover of his newly bough book which say "Sorry dad, I lost my book. But I promise you you'll like this one even better" and gave it to his dad when he got home. His dad seemed perplex but when he opens the book, sweat rush down his face and he glances around then hid it in his jacket while walking to his room right away. Hero was let off. And guess what book it was? Yes exactly, a pornography book. <3

Word Count: [2,411/2,000]
Obtained: Insect Tornado Jutsu, +12 Stats Points
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:31 am
Yeah I know the coding is flawed and it's because of Forumotion. I notice that the font get smaller from the second part onward and I've tried to fix it, but it doesn't work, Forumotion keep auto-coding it for whatever dumb reason (even if I remove it, it keeps popping back) sorry about that
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:04 am

Which editor mode are you in? There is one where you can't see the codes, just how the code makes the post look, and one where you can code like how Forumotion used to work. If you haven't switched to the old editor mode that's probably your problem.
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:40 pm
Yeah sounds like that's my problem. How do you switch to the old editer mode?
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:25 am
Earth Release: Moving Earth Core Technique
WC Required: 1,000
Link: Earth Release: Moving Earth Core Technique


The father and son stands in front of each other, the wind blowing from the south shaking the grass beneath and around their feet. Seigi, Hero's father, draw forth a paper from his jacket pocket. He hands it to Hero. "So like I've explained, this paper will determine your element. It will most likely be Earth otherwise called Doton because me and your mom's element is Earth but we'll check just to make sure, you don't want to train several hours trying to get a jutsu you can't possibly get," said Seigi. Hero extends his arm for the paper then place it between his index finger and middle finger. "Good, just hold it like that. Now apply chakra to those fingers. If the paper catches fire and burn into ashes your element is fire, if it becomes soaked your element is water, if it gets slice your element is wind, if it crumbles into pieces then your element is earth," said his dad. Hero applies chakra just like his father told him to and the paper crumbles into pieces. "Well it's earth after all," said Hero smiling at his dad. His dad nods, "good," he uttered.

Seigi jumped back about  7 meters from where Hero is. He quickly claps his hands together than smash both of it against the ground. All of a sudden, the earth beneath him rise upward about 20 meters. "Woah," said Hero getting caught by surprise. Seigi let the ground sink back slowly canceling the jutsu. "I've been wanting to teach you this for awhile now, this technique is called Moving Earth Core" said Seigi. He observes Hero for a reaction then staring right into his son's eyes he says, "you think you can learn this?" finished the man. Immediately a mind game broke out.

"More importantly, do you think I can?"
"You're my son, I doubt it'd be possible for you to disappoint me, or will you?"
"Have I ever disappointed you before?"
"There's always a first to everything, I believe"
"Bingo, you lost! That make it 23 to 18 with me in the lead"

Seigi pauses for moment to ponder and finally realized he lost this whole mind game thing.

The two are both fans of psychological warfare which the speaker try to corner his opponent and have them say out what's actually on their mind. They've long forgotten who started it or when but they always know when it started and keep record of it. The losing condition is when what's truly on your mind came out. In this scenario, Hero forced Seigi to speak out his mind in which he didn't really believe that his son can pull it off by saying that there's always a first to everything which basically show him thinking that Hero would fail.

"Alright, alright. Now just remember, all you need to do is concentrate your chakra on your hands then apply it onto the ground. Make the chakra go through the ground as deep as you want depending on how high you want the earth to be. As always, that's all I can tell you, it's time for me to leave. Oh and here's a training tip," said Seigi. He claps his hand again them touch the groun just like before and all of a sudden the Earth beneath Hero's feet sink. "This jutsu can both be used to sink the ground or raise it up. Try to make your way back up by lifting the ground and once you're done, sink it back in. Repeat till you're content," added the man. He turned to walk away.

Hero smiles then called out to his dad. "Wait dad. I'm a hero, remember. There's never a first for a hero because he can never make any mistake," said Hero. He lift his fist up aiming it toward his dad. "Losers quit when they're tired, winners quit when they've won. You know I'm always a winner, you can bank on that," said Hero smiling. His dad having turned back to see his son decided not to say a word or do anything. He simply chuckled then walk away with his chest held up as if he's proud of something. Maybe a Hero.


Hero wastes no time as he immediately started to learn to learn this jutsu. He cocks his head upward to assume how far he's down here, probably 17 meters from what it seems (OOC: the real depth is approx. 20 meters but of course Hero wouldn't know that). The genin claps his hands together then touches the ground with both of them. He begins to channel his chakra into the ground as far as he can. He waited but it didn't work, not like he expected it to anyways. Hero tries again and add a little more chakra into it and trying to spread it around a bit. This time it worked but only slightly as the earth within 5 meter radius rise up for about 50cm. He glances around and realized that there are still much more ground left that he has cover, no pun intended. Hero cancels the jutsu do he can start again.

Hero takes a deep breath before channeling his chakra toward his hands then do the same handseal again. This time he won't try to do both at once - spreading the chakra around and deeply for height - but to focus on spreading his chakra around the the Earth first. This time the ground radius that rise up expand but it only lift up for about 20cm, the difference barely noticeable. Practice makes perfect, therefore he decided to try again. Hero picks up a rock next to him and carve it at the very bottom of the ground surrounding him to know if he's making process or not. After the sixth attempt, he noticed that he finally covered all of the ground as the mark was no longer noticeable. But then again the height is only 20 centimers. Time for round two.

This leaf genin wipes the sweat on his face as he bend down with his hands clutching his knees in exhaustion. He gives himself a few minutes to catch his breath before continuing. Hero started to channel his chakra again and upon touching the ground, he tries to make it go as deep as he can. Surprising the first result is better than the one from the expansion training. He managed to lift the ground underneath his feet for a meter. Like the first practice, he cancels his jutsu then try again. This time, he managed to reach the actual surface in the fifth attempt, maybe because he's more familiar with the jutsu this time round. Although tired, Hero smile in satisfaction. He cancels the jutsu and get ready for the toughest part - combining what he have learned before together.

Hero closes his eyes for a second trying to recall what he have learned from before. He takes a deep breath trying to concentrate. Finally he opens his eyes, his mind now extremely focused. Again, he channels his chakra toward his hands then clap followed by touching the ground. The ground beneath him burst in a quick motion propelling him upward all the way to the surface. "Woah I didn't expect to nail it on the first attempt!" said Hero. Now it's time to try and sink himself back to his previous place. His first attempt failed as he's not used to it but managed to do it on the third attempt. Now to try and bring himself back up. He did the same thing he previously did but this time it only propelled him upward for 10 meters. Guess, the last one was luck after all. Hero retry the jutsu and managed to do it on the second attempt. Then he repeat the same thing over again by sinking himself. This time he managed to nail it on the first attempt - both sinking and lifting. He tries a few more times just to make sure and succeed all of them. "Yes!" he said at the end of it pumping his fists into the air. This genin from the Aburame clan stares at the sky as if to say "see that, everything is possible. Get ready for me!" All these are a foundation for his upcoming legacy and again, you can bank on that. Always believe in a hero.

Once he arrived home, he exchanges glance with his dad. He smiled at him and even without speaking, his dad knew his son managed to learn it. It's not telepathy or anything, just basic father and son connection. Even without that he would still know that his son learned it, after all it's his own son![/font]

WC: [1,451/1,000]
Obtained: Earth Release: Moving Earth Core Technique, +7 SPs
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:41 am
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A Villainous Hero [Solo Training] Empty Re: A Villainous Hero [Solo Training]

Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:32 am
Insect Jar Jutsu Training
WC Required: 3,000
Link: Insect Jar


"To die a brave ninja's death or to live as a coward" this question have certainly ran through a shonobi's mind at least once in their life. Whether it being before their Shinobi entrance exam or before their death when life flashes in front of their eyes. What's the better choice? Is it to die while protecting the village or to beg for mercy and live? In the past, there have been many ninjas who died trying to save their village. There have been many kages who go into battle knowing that they'd lose. But they sacrificed themselves. However there are also those who chose to retreat. Those who begged for their lives. Which is the right choice? Which will benefit the whole world more? This question stay unanswered. 

Panting, the man crawled backward, his eyes fixed on the men in front of him. Fear was all he could feel, he didn't eevn notice the sweat on his body. The boy felt his back touching the wall behind him and glanced back to see the despair. He opens his mouth to cry for help but no word could escape his lips, he tried to get up and retreat but his body was paralyzed. Knowing that escape was futile, he watches the larger man in front of him. The man's offered in cloak, his eyes shadowed. But his creepy smile was scary enough to froze the kid. The kid panicky reach down to his weapon pouch but he was too nervous to grab a hold onto something. The man would just smile upon this as he draw closer, his kunai flashing before the sunlight. His smile got wider and he leaned down toward the boy. He stared right into boy's eyes and aim his kunai right on the boy's neck. They both stopped as red liquid started coming out of the boy's neck. 

"Ahh!" exclaimed Hero as pant heavily on his bed. He wipes the sweat off his face and look outside the window trying to get rid of the bad dream he just have. "Horrible dream," muttered Hero to himself. He glances over to the clock and it seems like he woke up 10 minutes before the alarm clock he set so he set it off then started preparing for the day ahead of him. It's gonna be a training day.

But then again, that dream he had earlier got him thinking. He can't remember the face of the two people involved in it. No more importantly, who will he be? The person who kill or the person who get killed? Or the hero that failed to rescue the boy? Hero pours a glass of milk. He glances at his ninja headband lying on his drawer then sip his milk. He asked himself that if he were to get cornered by the enemy, would he fight bravely to his death? Or will he beg for mercy trying to escape unharmed even if it mean betraying his own village? Will he die bravely or live cowardly? Thus, he ponders. "I need to get stronger," Hero mumbled to himself gulping down the last bit of milk.


Hero started doing his daily morning routine, brush his teeth, shower, get dressed then walk downstair for breakfast - more precisely some apples. His choice of clothing for that day is his black hoodie with white t-shirt underneath it and black pants with men's skirt on top of it. Though today he decided to add something before getting breakfast which is to visit his dad's room. His dad have a tons of book regarding jutsus and so forth. He decided that it's time to a new one, perhaps a strong one as well.

Hero walks toward his dad's room then look for the "B-Rank Jutsu" category. "I need a strong jutsu, preferably a defensive one because I'm bad at it," murmured Hero. He skims through for a minute and found a book called "Earth Release: Earth Spear" the name attracted his attention. He pulled out the book then skim through it. Apparently he need to have high stamina to use this jutsu effectively which isn't possible for him. "I'll come ack for you later, buddy" he said to himself. He puts the book back then search for another jutsu then found "Insect Jar". He pulled the book out, read the description then decided that it was it.

The 12 years old genin walked out, grab 4 apples then notify his dad that he borrowed one his jutsu book. "Which jutsu?" his dad asked. "Nah just a small one, I just feel like learning something," lied Hero. His dad nods then begin to eat his breakfast again. "So bye, I'm gonna be out for awhile" said Hero before walking out. 


After a long thoughtful walk, Hero finally arrived at the training ground. He's glad because of the emptiness of it and sat down reading the book. The handseal is "Boar -> Moneky -> Dragon -> Ram -> Dog" as Hero tried his best to remember it. From the book's description it says that the user only have to do this handseal and make the kikaichu bugs spin around them. This technique is strong enough to stop some powerful attack and many even plant some bugs underneath their opponent. Sounds really interesting to him.

Without any further thought, Hero started executing the move. First the boar handseal then monkey after that is boar then dragon, next is ram and finally dragon. He channeled his chakra then release fifty bugs out of his body which attempt to spin around him at a high speed. But as expected, it didn't work as planned. There's nothing he can do about it except keep on trying and trying until he succeed. Maybe there's a key somewhere but he needs to really try more. Like the wise ones once said, practice makes perfect.

Hero glances at the blue clear sky, he loves the temperature in the morning which is why he decided to train at this time. The clear weather got him thinking again. The dream is too realistic and it posed a greats question, what would he do if he was the boy? Would he rather give the best shot he had and die a brave ninja's death? Or will he beg for mercy and retreat with his tail between his legs? In this day and age, the former is generally the more popular choice. Within Konoha, there's the thing called Will of Fire standing for the unwavering will and bravery of ninjas being born in the land of hidden leaf. Maybe that's the point, to fight to his death. But it never worked out did it? Known historical figures like Nashua and Xzelaxer all died going into battles that they knew they were not going to win. Ninjas like Viper and Echo survived that destruction knowing that they couldn't win but look at where they are now, they can now fight bravely knowing that they'd win. Maybe, just maybe, it's better to be a coward.

The more he think about it, the more he realize that it's better to live as a coward. There's a thin line between loyalty and stupidity. History shows that being loyal won't get you far. Not once have a loyalist made it far into the history book. When you think about the past, you think about guys like Near and Zachariach, those who have made major impact in the shinobi world and they're not exactly loyalist. And thus, he asks himself what's the point of being brave? It's normal for a ninja to die in a mission, most of them being loyal to their village not revealing any secret information they're assigned to. And then what happened? They get listed as a 'deceased ninja' and that's it. Some of them made it in the book and all that is worded is "Brave ninja who died in a mission" and that's all. Is that enough to sacrifice their life for, leaving their family behind? Some would even considered those ninjas as incompetent. So why, why die when you can live? Beg for mercy, sell your village out, become their insider or whatever. By choosing to live, you're not gonna give up on the game and continue. But continuing, there's more chance to succeed what you originally aimed. Live to see another tomorrow and change that tomorrow. Cry if it's hard to endure, hide if you don't feel like living anymore, just beg for another day - that is enough.

He looks into the sky that day, the day that he realized the world's illusion. Dying a brave a ninja's death isn't brave but cowardice because you chose to avoid all the problems ahead, not wanting to live as a traitor. However, living as a coward is actually brave. You decided to ignore everybody's hate and endure every other painful thing so you can live and achieve you goal, that's really brave to me. A cloudy day, it was, and he will never forget that.

Boar handseal, then monkey, then dragon, then ram and finally dog. Insects started flying around him. But again, it ended up in vain. All of his attempts ended up in failure today and he's not even close to completing anything. Hero pulls out the apple, twirl it around his hand a few times hesitating. Oddly enough, he doesn't feel like eating it today although he usually does. He finally takes a small bite and slowly chewed down. After gulping that small bit of apple, he takes a deep breath and toss the apple away as strong as he can which propelled the apple deep into the forest. He clutched the side of his head with both of head then let himself collapse onto the grass below him. Hero spreads both of his arms then pondered while looking into the sky. "What does it mean to be a shinobi?", "What does sinobi lives for?", "What's loyalty?" and "What does the world sought for?". He can't find an any answer.

After several minutes he finally stood up, take another deep breathe before walking away. He gave up on learning the jutsu; It's just not the right time. He has a lot of stuff going on in his mind in which he can't deal with. Dealing with those questions inside his head and learning a B-Rank difficulty jutsu at once is no easy task and there's no way he can do it. Forcing it would only use up his chakra worthlessly, even a stubborn guy like Hero know that much. Hero decided to take a walk around the village.


 With his arms behind back, he walked through the village. It's just another normal day. The same old man selling vegetables shouting with all his might hoping that he can get some food to put on the table. Men with headband who called themselves ninjas patrolling. The women who are extremely good at bargaining for some reason. Konohagakure no Sato is no rural village but in a shinobi era like this one, of course there's the darkside. He can notice the stress in poeple's face. Some are victims of war, some because of bad rulers. What have the world came to? He tries to put on unique clothing and do unique things otherwise he'd be just another guy with a headband, he doesn't want to be just another ninja, no. He kept telling himself that he's different, that he's someone who is bound to make a major impact in the world. He doesn't know how he's going to do it or whether he's the boy who get killed or the man doing the killing, it doesn't matter. All that matter is, he's not just another ninja. Wars are bound to happen regardless of whatever people say and act. Alliance is nothing but a mere promise used to deceive. Discrimination and hatred knows no end. Someone need to forcefully end this, he might be that guy. The guy to forcefully unify the whole shinobi universe under the same banner, place a strict obligation and end war altogether. Kaguya did the same thing and it worked. He might be that guy.

Shoot for the moon so even if you miss you'll land among the stars. He gotta aim big. What does a ninja do? A ninja lives to protect those who can't protect themselves. In a way, they are heroes but heroes don't exist so not so much. Loyalty is dead. There ain't no such thing as loyalty - it's all but an illusion. You will not make big impact while pledging loyalty. And the world sought for peace, for happiness and joy. Is it better to cruelly rid the world of chaos quickly or slowly but nicely rid the world of chaos? Like it or not, the former is better. 

Having found his answer, Hero returns to his training this time more focused and determined than ever. He knows that power rule this world and the only way to get things done is by having power. Sure he can talk and wish all he want but in the end, it can only be settled with fists. And his current fists can't beat any sense into people.

Finally arriving at the training ground yet again, Hero takes his stance. He have repeated this many times by now and almost remember the handseals exactly. Boar -> Monkey -> Dragon -> Ram -> Dog and out came the insect from his pore. They started circling around him, trying to create a shield to protect him. The quantity however isn't all that much to boast about better yet impressed of. The technique is far from being completed. But he promises to himself that he's going to learn it at all cost. They say the best offense is the best defense and to a certain degree, it's true. But at that moment, Hero realizes the ultimate difficulty of this move. It's a B Rank jutsu for a reason and to learn it in one day is already plenty difficult to pull off. This is, by no mean, a jutsu that can be learned after fixing a few things and and managed to somehow miraculously pull it off in a few hours. All he can do is to keep on doing the same move over and over again until he learned it.

The sun that was once giving off a warm cherishing the organism beneath it changed into a scorching heat ball which spawn upon heat great enough to force human life form to retreat into a shelter. The tree branches shadow upon the rather short grass beneath it - the same grass that used to sway as the wind arrived which now won't move an inch due to it's absence. Hero's drenched in his own sweat as they fell across his temple, some even dropping off onto the grass beneath him which eargerly soak it in as if he have been searching for liquid for a long period of time. Hero's knees met the grass twice out of exhaustion but both time he gathered up his strength to stand up again. Although there was sound of birds chirping unpleasantly due to the heat, Hero's own breathe drowned all these voice as all he could feel right now is his body screaming for this to stop. Sometimes he stop for a minute or two to bend down, rest his arms on his knee then breath heavily. He allowed his lung to take in as much air as he can to ease up his body which also enduring the agony known as exhaustion. The sun is no longer in the middle of the sky as it's almost right at the end of the sky in the west and Hero is still standing trying to learn the same move he have been doing ever since dawn. Birds come ago to peck on the four apples that he have long finished and now lying on the grass about three meters from him. But then again, he couldn't notice that too.

To his delight, he can finally notice a major improvement in this jutsu and his instinct told him that it's almost finished. He told himself to keep his cool and after such a hard work, he can't relax now. Anything can happen at this point, this jutsu may stay unfinished no matter how hard he try and all his effort would ended up in vain. He can't recall how many times he have practiced this jutsu. He can't recall how many times his body screamed for him to stop out of exhaustion and hunger. He can't recalled the last time he can feel at ease. It's partly because he didn't count how many times allt hose happened but even if he did, he still wouldn't be able to keep track. This attempt still ended in a failure and after two more he finally did it. The bugs swirled around him in rapid motion and he finally felt at ease. The bugs circling him act as if they were congratulating him on his accomplishment. Again, he can't recall how many time he have been inside this circle of bugs but as far as he can tell, this is the first time he feel safe and content inside it. It feels as if nothing can touch him.

Hero canceled the jutsu and let his body collapse backward onto the grass. He almost regret doing it because he can feel his back hurting and maybe he should of let his body fall gently but even if he can travel back in time before collapsing, he would still do the same. This have been the action his body wanted him to do for a long time now and for countless of times as well. To him, nothing is better than this feeling of completion and finally being able to rest himself. He gazes into the sky, although it hasn't even been a day, it feels as if he haven't looked at the sky for a very long time. The genin can see birds flying in the sky dancing freely as if to boast of their freedom. Perhaps, some of those birds are hawks, he can't tell. Speaking of which, was their birds earlier that pecked his apple, if only he had known he wouldn't take another bite at it. It's disgusting now that he think about it. Ah and come to think of it, was their sound of bird chirping? He couldn't believe how he missed all of those. It's better now that he can finally notice all these things. All these exhaustion slight discourage him never to train ever again and only lie down and eat. Maybe, that's for the best after all. But he dismissed that thought instantly. The world isn't going to take care of itself, someone will and that someone will never show up if we all keep praying. He has to. For the sake of the world. The more he think about it, the more he wonder what he's missing. He knows he's missing something that he wanted to do for awhile now. Oh yeah, now that he thinks about it thoroughly he finally remember it. He needs a rest. A long and good one.

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