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Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:50 pm
Kasai walked through the old academy. It seemed all so far behind him from where he had come. 
He looked at the empty classrooms, seemingly abandoned on the day he had off. It reminded him of the mask, before, when it had just been a mask. It made him remember adopting the mask. It had been such a long time ago.
He looked around, wondering if anyone else would be here on this day.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:00 pm
Zachariah lifted his upper body up out of  his bed turning his lower body slowly so his feet hit the ground.  Zach stretched then pushed his body off of the bed heading to his closet and changing he left the house he stayed in normally leaving a note saying where he was going then heading out the door. He arrived at the Ninja academy something drawing him there he opened the door and walked down the hall before he saw someone standing in the classroom.  "Who are you?" Zach voice serious as his eyes were focused on this person.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:12 pm
Kasai heard the boy before he entered the academy, but did not turn to him until he spoke. 
"That is a strange question indeed," he said, turning towards Zachariah. "I could ask you the same as well. Though, you asked first. Proper for me to answer first.
"I am Kasai, and nothing more," he said, bowing his head.
He looked the boy up and down. He was not much younger than Kasai himself, perhaps two or three years. 
He looked interesting, though, Kasai was hardly one to talk. He could feel the sun reflecting off his carnival like clothes, as he looked from under his bright, tribal looking mask. He wondered to himself what the boy's intentions were.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:35 pm
Zach stood there listening to this man responses to him. Zach took a deep breath in as he considered what he should tell this man "My name is Zachariah Kaguya."  The confidence radiated in his voice as he squinted his eyes seeing the sun reflecting off of this mans clothes. Zachariah never noticed the man had a mask on until this moment.  Zach looked around seeing if anyone else was around but saw no one then back to the man. "What are you doing here Kasai ?" The boy kept his body tense unsure of what to expect. Zach kept his squinted eyes focused on the man making sure he wasn't pulling any funny business.
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:46 pm
"Remembering the past, and hoping for the future. Watching one sun set, and standing in the brilliance of another as it rises," he said, and then paused.
Zachariah seemed cautious, and Kasai understood why. Most certainly would be if facing a strange, masked figure. Perhaps it was a good sign, the best offense being a good defense. 
"And what has brought you to this place, especially on this day? It is empty, abandoned for this day. What are you seeking?" 
He wondered if perhaps his strange way of talking would scare the boy, or not.
He tilted his head to one side, closing his eyes behind his mask, and focusing on the sounds. It was strange indeed that he would come here today, for there was no one in the entire building, aside from the two of them.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:03 am
Zachariah kept his eyes on the man listening until every word. “What do you mean?” Zach thought about the question without answering for several minutes he just stood there his body tense and ready to attack. “I come here often and am a student here this place has many books and stuff I learn from them. After all I need to get stronger not just in one respect but in all of them.” Zach was wondering if the man's speech patterns were his own or if he was trying to throw Zach off as he watched this man Kasai with his head tilted at him. “Your weird I hope you know that Kasai.” Zach said in a low voice as if he didn't want this man to hear it.
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:01 am
Tatsuya that morning had woken up at the crack of dawn to complete his training of a new jutsu. The jutsu was called Cloak of the knight and developed by his own clan it was simple yet gave a huge advantage to one fighting in the shadows.  It allowed the user to channel there chakura in a way that places a dark vale over the user and is most effective when placed in shadows and darkness. Tatsuya had succeeded in leaning the jutsu he just wanted to practice it more. Once finished he was going to head back home when he remembered his now long time friend mentioning visiting the academy. Tatsuya wanted to show off the new skill he had learned so he dashed to the academy.
As Tatsuya got close and could now see the academy he remembered the times he had spent there. Tatsuya for the most part never liked the days spent at the academy but was excited to look inside. Tatsuya dashes through the door  to see Kasai standing there.
"Kasai look at th!!..." Tatsuya was stopped mid sentence when he tripped on the door frame as he was coming in. Tatsuya thinks to himself how this was a stupid amateur mistake but Tatsuya knows that these things happen. But he was still not going to let it get the best of him. As he falls forward  Tatsuya brings his hand out for that his face dose not hit the ground and then proceeds to place his other hand after slightly orienting him self and finally Tatsuya springs up to form a funky front hand spring. This gives him self enough momentum to land on his feet. Still as he is moving fast Tatsuya takes some time to get his footing back. "As I was saying." Not noticing the other boy in the room. "I learned this cool new jutsu!" Tatsuya then pulls down the blind that is behind him and preforms the rat seal. Forming his chakura into the cloak Tatsuya disappears. As it is still bright in the room you can still see a slight shimmering of were Tatsuya is but the darkness created by the closed blind is enough to pull off the jutsu.
Soon he will see the other boy in the room and feel quite foolish.
[-10 Cloak of the knight, 170 left]
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:59 pm
Kasia chuckled softly to himself.
"Oh, I know what I am. Hardly strange, to myself, though it seems the whole world would make a freak of me."
He tilted his head to the other side.
"I too seek the strength to do the impossible. It will be hard, it will take long, but look for the light at the end, for it is possible. All is possible in this world we walk."
He then heard a noise, and opened his eyes. It would be Tatsuya, of course. The way he ran, his glow of chakra, invisible to the human eye, but noticeable through the senses. 
He brought his head back upright, and then turned it slowly towards the incoming footsteps. 
He watched in dead silence as his friend ran, then tripped, and brought himself back up with a flip-like motion. Then continued to watch in silence as Tatsuya preformed his jutsu he seemed so eager to show off.
"Impressive," he said, and then paused for a moment. 
"We have company, friend," he said in an almost laugh, turning his gaze back to Zachariah.
Tatsuya had certainly made quite an entrance, and Kasai now waited for the boy to speak again.
Kenshin Uchiha
Kenshin Uchiha
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Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:39 pm
Slowly strolling down the road Kenshin would have his arms tightly tucked under his black cloak, his head tilted back to watch the clouds as they rolled overhead. His expression was bland, tasteless to the sight of others, as if the young man had no clue what he was doing or what he planned to do at the time. It was after a few minutes of walking, several dozen people having to walk around him did Kenshin notice he had not been paying attention to where he had been going this entire time, only when he took in his surroundings did he recognize that he was directly outside of the academy where he once studied. His vision focusing on what looked like a young boy bolting into the school he became confused on why somebody would be going inside on a day school was out. Was it some punk attempting to prank the staff while they were away or just some curious nobody who was over stepping their boundaries as a civilian. Deciding to follow the young boy he would proceed into the school and follow Tatsuya, not even keeping him within eyesight he would simply listen to the sounds of his loud footsteps until he heard them come to a stop down one of the nearby halls. Turning the corner he would slowly inch his way into the doorway of the classroom the three youngsters were currently conversing in. It was weird to say the least and his expression showed the awkward situation he was in, had he just tailed a young boy meeting up with his friends to hang out, was he possibly in the wrong here? Giving an awkward smirk to the three of them he would slowly reach up to rub the back of his head as he tried to look as normal as possible so none of them would suspect anything. Despite his confused appearance and overall somewhat friendly attitude if any of them were able to sense chakra they would notice that it was almost heavy in the air, like it was a physical thing drifting throughout the school, an unseen force that could only be perceived by more knowledgeable shinobi, easily matching that of a jounin class shinobi in raw power with what seemed like a darker presence within it, one that did not match Kenshin's outward appearance. Truly this awkward teenager was no normal person, and truly he was far from it and if they took a closer look they could see a konoha headband tied loosely around his neck.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Teacher, friend, or adversary? (open, pref acad) Empty Re: Teacher, friend, or adversary? (open, pref acad)

Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:48 am
Zach listened to every word that this man he had barely met just uttered before even thinking of his response then just as Kasai's words stopped Zach grinned. “I don't want the path to power to be easy . If it were so easy to be powerful no I want the challenge that comes with getting power and doing the research to have the means to become stronger. I would lead myself into the pits of the underworld if it meant I got more power at the end.” Zach tone was deadly serious as he just started to hear foot steps he turned around to see who this new person was then took a few steps back as he saw him trip then get back to his feet with a flip like motion. Zach watched this man perform his new jutsu but didn't say a word as he looked at this new arrival. “It seems even though your strange Kasai you have lots of friends?” Zach felt what seemed like a cold chill coming from the doorway of the classroom, then slowly turned his head in the direction. Zach noticed another person had showed up how strange that they all came to the academy on this day. Zach had a strange gut feeling about the last one to get there but walked up to him “Whats your name?” Zach curiosity had kicked in and the feeling that he was no ordinary person.
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