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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Kino's Genin Exam Empty Kino's Genin Exam

Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:12 pm
Kino woke up rather early today, having been somewhat excited for the Genin exams he rushed over to the academy, where he took his seat among other Academy students. He was dressed in his usual attire, subtracting his normal head-band from the clothing. His headband was red, and he normally wore it, however, he was rather confident in his abilities in passing, so there would need to be a spot for the forehead protector he would receive should he pass.

He sat among other academy students, who were sitting there chatting away as Kino was reviewing what he'd learned from that one genin, Risa. She was a large help with learning the three jutsu that were allegedly supposed to be on this exam, which he had studied rather hard with, performing the jutsu a large amount of times daily up until just yesterday. He figured it was better for him to rest up for the exams. Now, however, he waited to see if the training has paid itself off yet.

{'nd please and thanks o3o}
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Kino's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kino's Genin Exam

Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:28 pm
The Proctor entered the classroom ready to host the genin exams. He was quite bored and just wanted it to be over with. He walked to his desk and sat on it looking at the list of names. "First up! Kino Kyodo! step forward and perform the basic academy jutsu. Good Luck!"He'd abruptly spoke as he looked up awaiting for the student to come forth.

[Construct an 800 word post in which you perform the 3 basic academy jutsu. Do that and you pass. Good Luck! ]
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Kino's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kino's Genin Exam

Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:32 am
Kino would sit there, still reviewing over the three techniques he had been training with for the past while now. Clone technique, the replacement technique, and the transformation technique. Any one of these may be on the exam, if not all three of them. He sighed, the other students becoming rather irritating as he tried to recall everything Risa had taught him about the three. Soon enough, he would hear his name called, 'Kino Kyodo,' the proctor said, alerting his attention to notify him that he was up first. He grew a little nervous, at first. Not expecting to be called first, he had even hoped to get a good, decent demonstration from people in front of him.

He sighed, standing up to where he is needed to perform the jutsu. Naturally, his hand went up to adjust his headband. He did that when he got nervous. He adjusted his black cloth vest, which he wore to blend in with his sleeveless black shirt. He also wore some baggy pants, which he preferred waiting. He began to look around, everyone had finally quiet down, and he suddenly began to try and remember everything he learned about the jutsu but had a hard time doing-so at the same time.

He began to perform the hand seals for the first technique, this was the one he had been working with when he had met Risa, and what he was going to work on before he had first met Risa and that other academy student he had never really gotten the name of, if he had, he'd forgotten it. The first hand seal - Ram, holding up the sign for a brief second, before following with the other. He must have used this sign, as well as the following two, hundreds of times in the past week, if not longer than that. The Ram sign involved him holding his hands up vertically, connecting. The index and middle finger were pointing upwards, while both ring and pinkie finger were folded over, one as if making a fist, underneath the other. The right hand's pinkie and ring finger would be underneath the left's, same with the thumbs, the left is on top of the right's. After that, Kino performed the Snake hand seal - Which was basically him clasping his hands together, with the left thumb on the outside, and the right pinkie on the outside. The last hand seal was the tiger - which was him holding his two index, and middle fingers up again, his ring and pinkie fingers folded in, and the thumbs went up with the index and middle fingers this time, unlike the ram hand seal.

The jutsu, with succession, had made two perfect clones. From the physical features to the clothing - Black vest made up of what appeared to be cloth, black, sleeveless shirt, as well as baggy pants. It lacked the head band, but that was good, considering Kino himself wasn't wearing a head band at the moment.

He began to work on the next one, the clones beginning to disappear in a cloud of smoke. He grinned, having gotten the first one down he began to calm down, realizing he was just making himself nervous. He practiced for days, with all three jutsu. The clone technique he may have practiced more with, but he was confident in the other two having his nerves reestablished.

He proceeded to do another set of hand seals. The first hand seal up - Dog, then Boar, and then Ram once more. He didn't want to take the time and detail them out in his head, and rather rushed it. He took a little less time in performing the jutsu, trying to perform the hand seals in some rather quick succession. As soon as he finished performing the ram hand seal, he would disappear. A cloud of smoke filled around him, and suddenly a log would appear in his place. He moved location, however, having obtained the log from the outside, he would be among the academy students waiting, however he stood up and proceeded to walk to the performing area again.

He began to perform the final set of hand seals, after taking in a deep breath. After this, he would be finished with the exams, and could only hope he made a good enough performance to receive the rank of Genin. He didn't wanna be set behind, especially since someone like Risa made a big deal of him passing the first time and she could guess that Kino would pass on the first try. But then he thought of the one, older looking academy student who looked like she had been here for days. Didn't wanna turn up like that, so he exhaled, and performed the Transformation, turning into some old dude, someone he passed by as he was heading towards the academy for the exams. If he passed, he would walk up and take his headband.

{810~ Words, please and thanks o3o}
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kino's Genin Exam Empty Re: Kino's Genin Exam

Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:55 am
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