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Final Prep (Private) Empty Final Prep (Private)

Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:02 pm
With a New cape slung over his shoulders, a fire chakra in his belly, and a sparkle in his eye Li Dian set out from Shima Shi's house slash forge and began his journey back to his gone and desecrated home. His two steadfast allies Hans the Black Smith, and Coco's father who's name he still didn't know both would accompany him on this most arduous and emotional of journeys. They said their goodbyes and thank yous to Shima Shi, a legendary Black Smith who always seemed to be just seconds away from nodding off to sleep. Hans gave the man a hearty pat on the back, and gave him a thank you. Li Dian simply gave a low bow of respect before heading out from the house. Shima Shi waved the Trio goodbye as they desceded down his hill, and went forth into The Rain Country.

"Feels good." Li announced happily as they travled through the hot stick rain. Today the rain was more like a mist than anything else. The country had become some sort of giant sauna, rather than a rain forest. Li liked it! He'd take a bit of hot and sticky rain over cold rain any day of the week. And you could take that to the bank. The party travled on in the hot conditions for two hours before they could see the burned wreck that had become their beloved city. Though none of them wanted to say anything they could all feel a heavy sorrow consuming the groups mood like a vampire; In a draining fashion.

"I don't think this sight is going to get any easier." Coco's father announced with a heavy sigh. Though the two didn't respond to him, they both agreed with him whole heartidly. Li didn't know how the image of his burnt out and destroyed home was ever going to get any easier for him to withstand. Then again maybe it should get any easier. That would cheaper the failure he and the others had suffered here. No that's right. It was suppose to be horrid. Suppose to be hard to look upon. If it wasn't then why would they try to stop it from happening again? They wouldn't they'd just run again and come back to the rubble when it was safe. So as they neared the wreckage of the Li held his eyes steady upon the burnt skeleton of his lost home. He wouldn't shield his eyes from the horror of his failure.

That was until he heard a grumbling in his stomach. And he suddenly felt the horrid knot of hunger tighten within him. "Well... Before we go back home do you guys want to grab some lunch."

"Lil' early for lunch." Hans grumbled.

"Yeah But I know this great Place, that's really close to hear. They have the best Yakisoba. The Best Hans, the best."

"Hey." Coco's father announced eagerly. "I know that place. Yeah it's just over the hill from Ame." He seemed just as earger to not go back home as Li did."

"It's so good right?"


Hans let out a heavy sigh and it seemed to shake the bones in both the men's bodies. Li was just glad that he didn't have any metal fillings in his mouth. A short conversation with Hans would have raddled him straight out of his head. "Alright. A quick lunch, then we get back to Business, you hear?"

Li and Coco's father both gave high fived eachother. "You're not gonna regret this hans, the food is to die for!"

Having failed their test of resolve the three men side trekked away from their original destination of The rain village and instead decided to travel to a near by town to enjoy an early lunch, and prepare for the upcoming ordeal of rebuilding their lost home. While Li had indeed filled himself with the courage needed to look at his destroyed home from affair he wasn't yet ready to see the horror up close. So the three men continued their journey through the muggy rain of the Rain country.

Eventually they came to the town they had spoken so highly of. It was a small village. No more than a hundred people, who actually lived in it. The rest no doubt lived around the village in their own farms and fields. Only coming in to do trade, and share news. The trade was no doubt far less frequent with The Village hidden in the Rain Destroyed. The buildings of the village stood on stilts for the area upon which the village was built was mostly rice fields, knee height water stood upon most of the surrounding land. Li smiled at the sight of the uniue architecture. Even the land directly under buildings served as a place to grow food. The Whole set up just screamed small village, and Li loved it.

The three of them made their way up the slick later to the reasurant that Li had been pimping all morning. Beyond the smell of moist teek wood, and rain. The strong smell of something delicious floated down the ladder to the three travelers. Their mouths became even more moist than the land they lived in, and hurridly they climbed the latter. The building itself wasn't much once you got to it. Just a small little walk in diner that swayed in the wind, and there was the ever present creaking of wood playing it's own sweet song. The host happily greeted the trio and beckoned them to sit down at a table of their liking. It seemed that they were the just customers of the day, for the rest of the place was pretty empty. "It's good to see travelers." The waiter announced setting them down at a seat and handing them menus. It's been so quiet around here ever since those Samurai thugs have moved in."

Li's gaze shot to her. "Samurai thugs?" Wasn't it always samurai thugs though?

"Oh." The waiter sighed, looking crestfallen. "A few weeks ago a few Samurai set up shop in our village at the far end. They say that they're protecting us, but all they're doing is robbing merchants and travelers and calling it an inspection. They're horrible and have been driving away all the business away from town. It's been pretty hard. Now that they've driven all of the travelers away they're starting to ask for protection fees from all of the buisnesses. We asked for help from the Rain Village, but it was destroyed before they could send any help. It's starting to look like this sort of thing is going to start happening to all of the villages." She let out a long a hopless grunt. "I just hope they really are as powerful as they think they are, at least that way we won't be harassed by other gang of roving thugs, that's just what we need. A turf war over a farming town." She blushed Red upon realizing just how much she'd talked. "Sorry you guys didn't need to hear all that." She put on a brave face and smiled. "So any way, what can I get you?"

The three men just gave her a horrified look. Who did she think she was giving them a sob story like that and then nonchalantly asking them what they wanted it eat. Women they knew how to pull the strings all right. It almost wasn't fare ya know? Men didn't stand a chance when going up aginst mind games like that. It was criminal among other things. "Well first of all." Li Announced, speaking for his commrads. "We'll have the number three, with lots of spice. Second of all." He gave his friends a guilty, and nervous smile. "Give us the location for your samurai problem."

Hans groaned and the whole builing shook on it's stilts. "Li We promosed no more distractions."

"We can't just let them suffer when we can put a stop to it! Besides it just a few low class thugs, we can have them taken care of in like twenty minutes, then we're back to work."

Hans groaned, but it seemed like he accepted the situation. With everyone's votecast the three men went on with their early lunch. Hans drew out his plan for the layout of the city upon a napkin, and Li Dian and Coco's father both listened intently imagining what the future of their home could hold for them. After a short wait three hot bowl of Noodles were presented to the three men. Their mouth's all once more began to water in anticipation. That, was some hood smelling noodles, right there. The rest of the lunch wasn't filled with much conversation as each time a man had some empty room in his mouth they would fill it up with  good dose of food as quickly as possible. It was an absolutely delicious blend of spices. And each man had gone through at least three glasses of water before the meal was done. As the hour dragged on and their stomach's became increasingly full more customers began to fill up the small cafe'. Though not nearly as much as the owner would have liked. Especially for lunch time. Li figured it was all due to the band of Samurai. Well worry not owners! Worry not. For Li Dian was about to wipe your city free of their taint.

After leaving a tip upon the table, and settling up their Tab the three travelers ventured out from their place of dining and went to the part of town where the Thugs were hanging out. Like I said earlier it wasn't all that big of a town, so really it was only a few yards down the street before the boys came across three hoodlams leaning up against a building walls. Like classic cool guy thugs they had their hats pulled over their faces. One had sunglasses eventhough the sun never shinned in The Land of Rain, another was smocking a cig, and looked very cool while doing it. The Trio all had ratty clothes on and Katana's at their waist.

"Hello lads!" Li Dian announced flashing the three men a bright smile. "I hear you've been getting pretty into the community outreach scene lately, true story?"  He raised an eye brow to question the three.

"What's it to you." The guy who was neither smoking, nor wearing sunglasses inquired like the punk kid he was. He spat over in Li's direction just to dig his grave a little deeper.

"See this head band?" Li asked tapping his forehead protector. "Means I'm a Ninja of The Hidden Rain village. That means that I protect these lands from thugs like you."

The three samurai gave a well rehearsed 'pffft' of annoyment. "You did a real bang up job There sport. Ame's a ruin now, in case you didn't notice. Now why don't you guys go along and, hurkkkk." His speech was cut short by Li Forming A certain Yamamaka hand seal, the three men suddenly moved awkward as Li gained control of their bodies. "What's happening."

"I'm protecting these lands." Li simply stated as the three mens reluctantly felt their bodies being pried off of the wall. They stood in a triangular position just an arms length away from each other. All at once they pulled out their Katana's from their sheathes and held them with both arms. "Now I'm letting you three off easy this time." The three placed the tip of their blades into the shoulder of their neighbor to their right, until each person had a sword biting into a friends shoulder, and each person had a sword biting into their own shoulder. "If I hear about any further trouble from you three, then that's when I'm really going to come after you. This land is now under the protection of angels. Don't forget it." With that he have his hand and the three men all gave a mighty thrust with their swords. Impaling all of their shoulder's with each others blades. They all let out a painful shriek at the same time and dropped to the muddy ground wallowing in pain. Li Dian shot them an angry look and gestured for them to stand up. "I don't think I said you could lay around this town bleeding. Get out, and never return!" The swept his arm towards the empty muddy field outside of town and told them to scat!" Which the three did gratefully.

"You went easy on them." Coco's father announced patting the young ninja on the shoulder.

"Not Sure I'm ready to kill." Li sighed as the three began to walk back into town. Already the villagers were coming out of their homes and cheering.

Hans grunted. "You were ready to die for you village, but you're still not ready to kill for it?"

Li Shrugged his shoulders and gave Hans a playful laugh. "I'm deep Hans what can I say?"

Hans gave a hearty chuckle. If you looked down into a nearby puddle you could see it rippling as if a T-Rex as stomping around nearby. The three slowed down their pace as they were quickly swarmed by the thankful villagers, of the town.

Li dian gave his own hearty laugh at all of the praise. "Hey, Hey it was a pleasure. You guys have got my favorite noodle place I couldn't let you be destroyed!" The whole town shared a good laugh. "If Those guys ever come back just let us know. I'll be back!"

Out from the throngs of rain villagers steped an elderly gentleman. His eyes were completely shrouded by his heavy furry eyebrows. He gave the three men a warm smile. "Thank you for driving those hoodlums out of our home. Please my friends as a thank you for your deeds done, let us throw you the feast for heroes!" he threw his yellow robed hands up into the air and gave a loud and joyful cheer. The whole town cheered with him. No sooner had the words escaped his lips, then most of the villagers ran away from the three men and ran to get a feast ready. It pretty impressive how quickly they'd been able to prepare for a feat. If Li didn't know better he would say that they'd actually been ready to throw a feast this whole time. Well they did say that they'd asked for help from the Rain village just before it'd gotten destroyed. So maybe this is what that was. Li Dian and his good friend's father gave each other excited looks.

"I'm terribly sorry." Hans apologized in his earthrumbling voice. "But we have to...."

"Accept such a generous offer!" Li Finished his friends sentence knowing good and well that wasn't what the end of that sentence was going to be. From the side of his head Li could see Hans shooting him a furious look. "It would be horribly rude of us to deny such a generous offer. Thank you sir." He gave the village elder a deep bow, and waited for the man to walk off."

The elder gave him a toothy smile. "Then I'll take care of the preparations." He Returned Li's bow and padded off through the mud of the village.
"Li!" Hans shouted exasperated. "They're not holding the feast until tonight. That's a whole day wasted."

Li gave a guilty writhe of his body. "Yeah I know, but a feast Hans! A feast! We may never get to experience something like this again in the entirety of our life. Besides, it's just one day! A single day isn't going to make that big of a difference in our progress."

"Yeah Hans." Coco's father pleaded, taking Li's side. "We have to make sure we're thoroughly prepared for what we're about to do."

Hans gave a defeated sigh. "I thought you two were dedicated to bringing your homes back. Fine. We'll stay for the day. But tomorrow I return to what is left of the Rain village to return it back to life. With or without you." With that Hans stormed off further into the village. Li Dian wasn't terribly sure that he knew where he was going, but Hans wasn't going to let that get in the way of his epic exit. No Way. Li Dian and Coco's father looked high and low for Hans. Literally. Li checked the bottom of the town through the rice patties, and such. While Coco's father checked the upper sections of the villages, the buildings and all that. By the end of their search they were convinced that Hans had the power to just vanish from the earth. Or perhaps he could burry himself within the dirt? Hmm it was a possibility that they could have entertained, but decided to not. The two of them both had a good bit of ninja training but to their knowledge Hans was lacking in that department.

In light of the fact that they were down a man the two of them decided to just continue with their day, and figured that Hans would just return to them when he was ready. Kind of like a big beefy boomerang. The two guys spent the res of their day in tea shop, chatting a laughing at each other's bad jokes. They swapped stories of Coco, and wondered what she was up too, even sharing a few tears over the way things had gone aerie.

When night fell once more upon the Rain Country the feast began. A large canopy was thrown over the village from the high up section of the town. Lights were strung from the buildings tops, and underneath the dry stretch of land a long table was laid out. Upon that table sat a roasted white stag that had been slayed earlier. Mmmm mmmm. Noodles, and pastries, and all kind of delicious treats. When Li Dian came down from the tea shop the Village elder gave a short speech in his honor and the eating began. It was so good. So So good. Like dangerously decadently delicious.

Eventually Hans appeared from wherever he was hiding and sat down next to our heroes. "Sorry for exploding on you guys like that. I just can't stand the idea of our home just lying out there without someone to look after it. I didn't mean to talk to you two like I did. You're the only ones willing to help me, so I shouldn't treat you like you're working for me. Because we're doing this together. We're friends. Or at least I like to think of us as friends."

Coco's father gave Hans a warm smile. "Think nothing of it friend. It's a dark time, we're bound to break now and then. What matters is that we're here to pick eachother up and put them back together."

Li nodded at his speech. "He's right, but you were right to be angry. We've been putting it off. It's just. It's just that I'm not sure that I can handle seeing." He paused and let out a shuttering sigh, like you do when you've been crying all day long. "Bodies. Ya know. I'm just not ready for that."
The atmosphere of the party was high and energetic, but our three boys felt the absolute gloom of despair. The flickering lights overhead danced above them as they sat an a haze. Coco's father lifted his head and looked to his companions. He knew he was just a guilty of putting off the

adventure as Li was. He didn't want to return to the place where he'd lost his wife. Where the two of them had raised a child together, only to lose it all. "Maybe not, but I'm sure they weren't ready for it either."

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Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:19 am
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