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Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:43 pm
The Hyena was in need of prey. Well, lets just say he was hungry but ever since he had started getting more jobs as an academy student, his belly tended to be fuller. So yeah, prey equated to missions pretty much, the kind only doable when one passed the genin exams and became a full ninja. He had learned from prior experience that ninjas came in all shapes and sizes, the one who had helped him before had appeared to be a little girl at twelve years old, but was a jounin already. He had catching up to do, it seemed.


He wandered the streets, looking for someone to talk to. Many of the people here were unfriendly, and avoided him due to his appearance, that was often their fault as much as his own. Hopefully he would find a friendly face, one that would not judge based on appearance.


(total wc 150)
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:56 pm
Just another day for Kaito in the village of Konoha. But like the previous days, it was feeling like a good day. After all, he was able to learn the three mandatory techniques in one outing. All that remained was for him to partake in the Genin Exam. Not only would he then be able to join a squad, but he'd also be able to establish some sort of income to purchase gunpla parts. How exciting! The boy pulled out one of his figures, beginning to day dream about all of the materials he'd be able to purchase. Not to be selfish, he'd also help his mother around the house with some groceries. As he thought of the high quality parts, he lost his footing. Poor little Kaito tripped over and dropped his gunpla onto the floor. "Oof!"

The small figure bounced off of the ground and landed before a young boy who was also wandered the streets. Kaito's gaze shifted from the small gunpla to him. Due to the boy's size, Kaito was in shadow. Sunlight was blocked by his figure. "Sorry about that!"
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:15 pm
(Do you wanna just call ourselves genin in this topic so training is easier to manage? :P)

The Hyena had been walking along, and was thinking over his clan jutsu, the Byakugan, characterized by white eyes and protruding veins around the head when activated. Among the people in the street, a small boy caught his eye, due to his outfit. The boy seemed to be in a cheerful mood, for what reason Draconis was not quite sure. He watched as the boy tripped, curious to see how the other boy would react. The other boy did not seem to really notice he had fell, and instead apologized to Draconis Hyuuga. Weird. The Hyena wished to study this interesting specimen some, to see how it would react and whether this youngster would prove trustworthy in any fashion.

He picked up the toy and passed it back to the other boy silently, curious to see what the other boy might do.

(total word count: 150+142=292)
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:17 pm
(Sounds good!)

How embarrassing, falling in public like that. Kaito reached for his toy, grabbing it from the boy. "Thank you! Haha." He stood up from the ground and dusted himself off with his straw hat. Hopefully, not that many people noticed that he had fallen. How would he explain himself before this one though? "You have to excuse me. It's just that I was so excited having finally become a Genin. I just lost my footing back there. Hope I didn't get any dust on you. Hehe" His little fox smile and his head scratching added to that innocent and clumsy image. Kaito had no idea how the boy would respond. But since he was so kind to pick up the toy and hand it back to him, he wasn't expecting a foul attitude or anything like that. Speaking of the toy, he placed it in his satchel. In case he fell again it wouldn't get damaged.


TWC = 373
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:10 am

The day before this lovely bright one Tatusya and his two other friends had just completed a mission that ranked them up to Chuunin. It was a very difficult mission but they completed it and got there rewards.
Tatsuya had decided to take the day off and mill about his home. He thought about seeing his friends and doing some training but Tatusya just felt like walking around and looking to see what pops up.

Tatsuya was walking down a street when two boys bumped into each other. Tatsuya didn't really notice until they brought up the mention of just completing their Genin exams. Slightly more interested Tatsuya stops at a news paper stand and pretend to read a paper as he listening into their conversation. It was slightly creepy that Tatusya was doing this but the village did not see many fresh Genin and Tatsuya was interested to see what they could offer. Lucky for Tatsuya he was not wearing his chuunin armor or his head ban as he still needed to get the ban replaced.

Making him self blend into the background Tatsuya lets the two boys words flow into his ears.
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:33 pm
As the other boy chattered happily in the background, the Hyena was working on a skill of his that needed learning. He poured chakra through the tenketsu nearest his eyeballs, and attempted to enhance his vision a little. At first, he attempted to get an extremely good view of the toy the other boy was holding, then his gaze swept out to the very corners of his vision, attempting to see past it, through his eye lids, and part of his skull. At first, he was unable too, but slowly, he was able to add a few inches to his range.

He replied to the other boy “I too have just become a genin, fortunately. I have had far worse things happen to me than a toy falling nearby.”

(total word count: 292+129=421

sorry for the short post but rl is getting me good and I am trying to train my main a lot, when I can, though that period should be over soon)
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:34 pm
"Well then, congratulations!! It's nice to hear that another academy student passed his exam!" Kaito stood there quietly for a moment. To others it'd seem like he was staring into space; there was blank expression on his face. Maybe it'd come off as awkward. That didn't mean he wasn't listening, because he was. When the boy mentioned something about having far worse things happen to him Kaito couldn't help but question him. "Far worse things? I hope you don't mind me asking, uh...." Kaito stopped himself. It wasn't right. That was too personal. "Nevermind that. I apologize but I never even introduced myself. The name's Kaito." Hopefully this boy was able to deal with those troubles and overcome them.


TWC = (373 + 119 = 492)
Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:56 pm
The two boys seem to still be in the basic stages of introduction and Tatsuay begins to loose interest. As well they did not share any last name that could have given Tatsuya a better idea of who they were. No matter Tatsuya would wait just a little longer to see if anything happens. He does however glance at the boys discreetly once in a wile just out of pure curiosity.
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:27 pm
Indeed, the two boys were still in the basic stages of introductions and Draconis had felt himself relaxing far too quickly around this other boy. Perhaps it was his manner, or maybe the fact that he was a relatively decent seeming person. Most in the village seemed to go about their own business, without a thought for others in the world. While he intended to be merciless and cold hearted towards those who had abandoned him, perhaps he would become more like this young boy here, whose innocent manner was rather striking, and unusual even for his age.

The Hyena reached to his temple, having been trying to extend the area of sight, and began to find that looking farther to the side than was normally possible, i.e. through the sides of one’s head, was becoming a little easier, though he was not able to see well in any actual capacity through that method. Reaching his hands to his temples, he could feel veins bulging from his head, spreading outwards like a deformed spider web, centered on each of his eyes. He could tell by feel that the two patterns were different, his body was organic after all.

He swept the surrounding scene, watching those others who seemed noteworthy, or at least potentially stronger than himself, noting their stances and what that might or might not indicate of their fighting ability. One boy stood out in particular, one without a headband. He seemed particularly alert, as if he was trying to get information from someone or somewhere without anyone noticing. Weird. Maybe the Hyena would stalk this strange fellow after he had talked with this other boy. (ooc: looking at you tatsuya! :P)

He had been listening to the other boy as he spoke. “To give you the short version, I should not have had reason for any of these scars, like this one. I was forsaken by my accursed clan, the dojutsu users who have coasted on their reputation for hundreds of years without producing anyone capable of utilizing their jutsu in an effective manner. They might as well be doctors in hospitals, they see combat so little. Them in their white robes, and matching eyes… useless Hyuuga!” Draconis Hyuuga virtually spat out the last sentence as he replied to Kaito. From his tone, it was implied that, while it was not the most comfortable topic, it was not something the Hyena would mind getting off of his chest either.

“You are… Kaito. I call myself… the Hyena.” Said Hyena watched warily to see how the other boy might react.

(total word count: 421+425=846)
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The Hyena meets The Fox o.o Empty Re: The Hyena meets The Fox o.o

Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:18 am
There really wasn't much conversation going between the two. If anything Kaito was doing most of he talking. Maybe this boy wasn't really the social type. Eh, it didn't really matter. Kaito was the type to hang around until something interesting would come up. He stared at the boy, unaware that it'd come off as creepy. There was an awkward silence yet again. Wait, that didn't matter. Something else was happening right now. The boy was touching his temples. Was there something wrong with him? "You-" Just when Kaito was going to ask the boy about his head, he spoke! So much anger caged in was released. Like he was venting or something. All of this talk about how the Hyuuga clan being the cause of those scars. Who exactly were the Hyuuga? He really didn't know. But they didn't sound nice if they were the cause of that damage. Kaito's smile was gone. How could he keep it with all of this he had just heard?  

The kid introduced himself afterwards, his name was.....The Hyena. What a name. Why call himself that? Kaito pondered this. A plethora of reasons as to why his name was the Hyena. He didn't really laugh too much. Maybe he was a ravenous beast in battle!? Maybe there was a deeper meaning to that. Now Kaito didn't really know much about this Hyuuga clan, so he couldn't make any interpretations yet. He would after though. "Sorry about that Hyena." It was then that it came to him! Hyena. Based on what Hyena told him, this Hyuuga clan thought highly of themselves. Like, it's as if they were noble or something. White robes? Yup! They were like lions. Poor Hyena here was mistreated by this Hyuuga clan. The same way a hyena is disrespected and viewed as nothing in the wild compared to the mighty lion. It all made sense. 

"I see. Hyena, you don't need to worry about them. Do not let them decide your life. If you believe that they have not produced any worthy fighters, you change that! You show them that even though you're not a lion, you are still a threat. A survivor. Laugh at their attempts to bring you down. Hehe." The boy smiled again. Hopefully he'd understand where he was going with that. "I want you to have this." Kaito reached into his satchel and withdrew the gunpla that had fallen earlier. He handed it to Hyena. "I always give gunpla to children like myself. You take this. Hehe." Hopefully the Hyena would accept.


TWC = (491 + 427 = 918)
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