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Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:42 pm
[Twc 1407]

The weather was at its worse today as dark huge clouds rolled over the sky which was beginning to brew a thunderstorm.  The Rain which was usually normal for Ame the village hidden in the rain was pouring down harder and harder.  The wind wasn't nice at all today either as it would blow the cold heavy rain in different directions as if it wanted the area to be completely soaked and not trying to miss any dry spot. Lighting struck here and there and thunder boomed occasionally creating sounds such as the heavy grumble and crackling sky. The sounds would put even the bravest of people and dogs (We all know dogs are braver than people) to shame as the would fear for their lives as if God himself was yelling at them (Disclaimer God doesn't yell at people) then why oh why was there a boy standing out in the open as if this was normal, this wasn't even normal for the rain country itself! This boy was in the rain, ignoring it, ignoring the lighting,  and ignoring the thunder either he was deaf , bored out of his mind, or wanted to get sick really bad but he was doing something with a..a....a...a...a dummy! This boy was in the thunderstorm punching and kicking a dummy for christ sake what in the world was he thinking? Was getting stronger really that important to him?!?! Ahem..let's take a closer look shall we?

The boy who was supposedly training in one of the most worst training environment one could be in was non other than Leviticus Sin himself!  Why was Levi training punching and kicking a dummy in the middle of a thunderstorm?  Lets find out!


Levi had awoke when he heard the grumbling noises of the sky and couldn't sleep due to the heavy rain pouring down and the thunder. He would get up and quickly dress himself with his red hoodie on, black pants and his black combat boots. That's right no shirt ladies just a jacket!  Like he would really run outside in the storm to show off his body, he's not some wacko lame model. Anyway Levi left his book bag and skateboard behind for the day was early in the morning as the sun had yet to peek out and flex of its heat and light like the model star he it is. Levi stepped out from inside of the semi ruined building he was sleeping in as he felt the cold rain beat against his skin bringing a smile to his face. He would then make his way through the currently and soon to be the not ruined village of ame as he would casually jog through its streets.  The cold win and rain had put his body into shock and totally waking him up so jogging would probably bring some sort of feeling back to him. Levi was sorta in a bad mood for awhile since he could never admit his feelings to corin well semi newly developed feelings which he sorta had ever since he first meet her and realizing them during their time together training for fire release.  Since it was really early in the morning he figured no one was awake...maybe they were but due to the storm but man he couldn't tell. Levi would stop in front of a broken down dojo or something of the sorts and enter to take a breather from the rain which he would remove his jacket and string out the water. "Hmm I could make money off this place as well maybe add a gaint sign with my name on it." He said as he would walk around until he found a hole in the floor. "Hmm this hole isn't made naturally....looks more man made if anything.  I wonder how deep it is." Levi would grab a piece of rock well a piece of rubble and toss it down the hole and began to count until stopping at 5 when hearing the splashing. "Not that deep I guess?" He said as he would lay down on his back and look up to tge cracked ceiling.  "I can probably make this place my new home once we finished rebuilding maybe even invite Corin and Li over for its grand revealing....or just Corin...yeah Corin will be impressed I found a dojo of this size still almost intact. " Levi would sit up and look back down the hole with a mischievous grin on his face.  "Bottoms up" Levi said as he jumped down and landing at the bottom with a splash as he stopped counting at five.

He would continue down the tunnel until stopping at an open room which had a pathway which leaded outside. "How did we miss this place? Its amazingly huge!" He shouted and listen to his echo. "Alright time to see how training with Corin paid off." Levi said as he began to tap into his flame chakra feeling the heat spread throughout his body. Grinning with satisfaction he would focus his fire chakra into his right hand only as he would feel the heat increase more. It was time to learn that so called scorch release he had heard about so much and so he would begin to channel his wind chakra into his left hand. "I wanted to learn this with Corin but...I have nothing better to do." Levi said as he would clap his hands together simultaneously channeling his wind and fire chakra into both his hands. Levi could feel the fire and wind nature mixing together as the fire chakra began to become hotter and hotter and in result making Levi sweat and making his hands burn..a lot. The burning heat caused levi to release his hands wincing at the pain he had just caused to himself and for a second he thought he had burned his skin down to his bones since that's how bad it felt. He would walk through the pathway that lead to a ruined stone garden and would dunk his hands into the overflowing pond and watch as the water would sizzle upon contact with his skin. With that sight h e totally felt like giving up but would grin Instead of retreating.  "Corin wouldn't give up so easily now what she?" He said to himself as he began to channel the wind chakra in one hand and the fire chakra into the other as he clapped his hands together while under they are under the water. The water began to heat up as Levi began mixing both chakra natures and was trying his best not to think about the burning sensation that was being sent through his hand. He kept his hands in the water as he watched the water began to bubble indicating it was boiling which meant whatever this new element was, is beyond the heat of the fire element.  His hands felt like they were melting and so was his body but thanks to the cold rain and wind which was cooling him off he was able to withstand it more. "Almost..there....justnot think about the pain...think about something nice...something different....think about..Corin!" He thought to himself as he began to flood his mind with memories of Corin and the little time he had spent with her...I know right? No love for Li or Aios or Ai....or Pinocchio. ..or the lab coat guy, what was his name again? K...K...Kama? Kaji? Kovin? Koala?  Kurai? No its Kozai! He thought to himself as je felt the burning pain began to slowly cool down well it seemed like it as the bubbling water seemed to calm down produced less and less bubbles.  He would continue to flood his minds with memories of Corin and especially the ones from the hot springs,  they should totally go back there one day maybe.."Wait..the heat was gone...and so is the pond!" Levi shouted as he opened his eyes to see his hands glowing a pinkish red and noticing the pond being empty. "Corin helped me without even being here huh...maybe I should tell her now..." Levi said as he would go back through the pathway back. Into the basement/cave bringing out a dummy. "I can keep practicing until the sunrises~" he said in a musical tune.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:21 pm
(WC 1203)

The sun haven't rised yet and if it did it was most likely blocled by the ongoing dark clouds that have brought the cold rain, lighting,  thunder, and even a cold breeze.  Last time we left off The boy who was training in the rain has founded a almost perfect undestroyed dojo as if it was waiting to be found as if it was just there for him. With such luck in finding the huge building nhe had founded a hole in the back room which led down to a surprisingly awesome basement complete with an awesome backyard which included tge currently ruined stone garden and the currently dried out pond which he some how manage to dry out with his newly learned power infamously known as the Scorch Release. With completing such a great accomplishment you would think he would be finish and retire anf rest inside of his new home,  the dojo, but the burning passion he has to impress the girl he now loves , Corin, he would not stop there no no no no this young boy will continue his training in the 
thunderstorm  featuring a non stop training until the sunrises and this storm passes which could be hours from now,  let's just hope he doesn't get sick or worse aka struck by lighting.  That permanent red hair dye color has also been defeated by this heavy rainfall and now his brown hair is finally showing it's true colors..literally. 

With the dummy in hand the young boy heads out towards and closer to the jungle.

Now time for part 2 of Blazing the rain!!!


The rain really did a number on Levi as his red hair dye which was supposed to be permanent began to drizzle down hks face and body. Gritting bis teeth he would  place the dummy down and zip his jacket up and stuffing as much hair as he possibly could under his hood. Levi wasn't that far from the dojo now nor was he 
that far from the jungle either but he had stopped deciding the place he was in was a good spot to continue training whatever it is he could possible think to train. He would sit in the rain in the mediating position like as he would concrete on keeping himself warm by channeling the fire and scorch release within himself. The heat would quickly spread throughout his body as he would continue to meditate and channel it through body feeling the heat grow more and more or as Corin put it, letting the fire burn and grow in his stomach.  Due to his intense heat meditation to him for a quick second it felt as the rain had stopped or more like sizzling as it touched his skin which gave him an idea like no other. The idea was simply to invent a jutsu to use his hot flaming scorch chakra as a way to generate enough 
heat to stop the rain, boy would Li and Corin will be impressed but right now that was only just a dream. Before he could do that he needed to get use to using his fire release which calls for a few fire jutsu and get used to hjs scorch release which called for more flaming hot burning jutsu but for now training witb fire was his main goal. Nodding to himself as he finally settled on it Levi would stand up and grin while looking up at the sky. "We shall breach the clouds one end this storm..and to let the sun finally be out...and it all starts now so rain, clouds, even the sky you shall watch as I bring out that sun you keep prisoner!" He yelled at the sky as he would begin to channel his fire chakra in his hands more and more. Why was he doing that exactly?  Well for starters he was gonna try a bunch of random different hand seals and see if he could "accidentally" find the right combination for a fire jutsu which may or may not work...who knows? Levi took a deep breath and began doing random hand seal sequences either starting with the tiger ha d seal or ending with tbe tiger hand 
seal but  nothing happened.  Not even a single fire build up, nothing completely nothing!  Man he didn't give up so easily so he continued his sequences of hand seal jutsu accident failure until he he he...he.."ACHOOOOO!!!!" Yes a sneeze he sneezed and I wonder why? Well actually we know why,  he knew why, the rain knew why, and even the son knew why. After dozens of failed attempts Levi was on the verge of giving up hope in searching for the right combination.  Maybe kt was because of almost giving up he had held up the single hand sign, Tiger while channeling his fire chakra through his body and releasing it before finishing was he able to feel some heat build up his body and throat as kf it was scratching and begging to be let out but due to not expecting such a thing to happen he would swallow the flames that had build up from inside and begin to cough out smoke. 

With a sudden excitement of what just happened,  no Levi wasn't excited about choking on smoke and fire he was excited about accidentally finding a jutsu! It was that or he had build up way to much fire chakra.  Levi would wait a few seconds to 
release anymore of that smoke Inside of him and so he set to work. The problem was he didn't know what jutsu he was performing or trying to preform as he held up the
 tiger hand seal again focusing his chakra through his body. He didn't want to over do it but he also didn't want to make a small little flame which he had did just now." Crap crap was way to small but it looked not like a fireball. " Levi would proceed to do the hand seal again for 
the jutsu releasing enough chakra to shoot out a small flame which was larger than the one before but still he noticed more and more that the fire was in a irregular shape. This time levi would raise his hand forming the tiger seal and decided to mold his fire chakra while channeling it through his body and releasing it through bis mouth. With sudden success Levi watched as the flame he had created took the form of a dragon and shot of in the air headed straight into the thunder clouds before breaking and exploding.  In that moment it was as if the eternal rain of Ame was stopped for a few seconds but in reality the force of the fire dragon colliding with the lighting bolt had created an area which pushed the rain back for a few seconds.  The collision also sent one of the loudest boom that it even rumbled the ground itself as levi watched the flames fall and disperse with the rain putting a grin on his face as it feel and he would feel the warm water beat against his face.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:01 pm
(WC 1605)

Leviticus Sin or commonly known as Levi has done a lot of accomplishments today, he was able to learn the infamous scorch release and even the learn a new fire jutsu along the way all while being outside during a really bad thunderstorm.  Now all he had to do was just continue his training until the sun would rise up and banish the dark storm clouds from the sky only to be replaced with lighter rain than before since this was still ame and ame was in the rain country famously known for its eternal rain. Levi was really pushing himself to the limit as he would continue his rigorous training in the cold rain and now have developed a cold which in his defense was just minor damage.
Levi wasn't through yet he needed to train more and harder to prove his worth to Li, Corin, Aios,  and the rest of the people of ame. With his burning passion and newly discovered love for Corin and passion for the village of ame Levi would continue to push himself with more and more training than he probably had ever done in his entire life and when I mean ever, I mean EVER.  The rain poured down on him harder and harder as he seriously didn't know the meaning of taking a break. He should have went to sleep after completing learning the scorch release,  heck he should have went to sleep when he was awoken by the loud grumbling thunder but instead he came here to train,  to train in the rain, to burn the rain......No this young man came to Blaze the Rain! If he were to return to rest it wouldn't matter  as he would most likely for e himself to complete it another time. Levi had set his sights on completing something more he had came here to train outside in this storm to prove something which he had already did so now what? Why was he still here? Why does he not go inside to sleep? What else can he possibly do?

Let's find out in episode 3 of Blazing the rain!!!!


There Levi was smiling and grinning at the sky as the rain continuously splashed down on his face over and over. There was a flash of lightning and a loud grumbling crackling noise that followed it which made Levi return back down to earth still thinking om what he could do left if there was anything left for him to do that is. Levi would think of another jutsu he could learn but decided he should learn something more close range something dangerous at close range. Levi remembered  what Felix had said about a jutsu that could do just that, the only problem was all he remembered what he said was to put chakra into his hand and mold it into a sphere shape form and make it rotate. So this jutsu was obviously Rasengan but did levi really want to waste his time trying to learn that? Of course he did! Levi had reached his hand out focusing as much chakra in his palm as he could.  Levi continued to focus chakra into his palm while trying to mold it into his hand.  This was a pretty lame and weak method as he wasn't able to do it because nothing happened and the only thing he did was focus his chakra into a single point in his palm which was pretty simple. Levi would continue this process over and over gaining little to no results which for him was lame and clearly bothering him, a lot. He didn't want to give up just yet but maybe learning this jutsu wouldn't be as easy as he thought therefore destroying his confidence which was build up when he learned scorch release and Fire Dragon jutsu. Maybe he was doing this wrong he was obviously not getting a single result and so he tried to focus chakra in his left hand instead of his right. He continued to focus his chakra in his palm just like before and guess what happened?  Same results as before which was getting no result,  not a single change at all.  Maybe trying to learn a jutsu he didn't much know about was a stupid idea from the beginning and so Levi would give up....for now anyways. 

Levi Sin would set up his dummy and prepare to familiar himself with close combat this time no chakra or ninjutsu involved just punch after kick after punch. Levi began as he took a bow towards the puppet and then quickly got into some fighting stance he thought was most comfortable to him. Levi began to punch and kick one hit at at a time as he would begin to go faster and faster punching and kicking harder and harder. His punches wasn't as strong as he thought they were so when he punched the dummy filled with sand in its face his hand was sent in a mode of pain as the shock made him pull his hand back and wince. Sure this didn't hurt as much as that burning feeling he had before but man did his hand hurt a lot. "Ow ow ow...that hurted , GAAAAAH I think I broke my hand, oh god oh god oh god it hurts so bad, I can't move it why must this happen?  This was my drawing hand I just need to....I don't want to pop it in place its dislocated!" Levi cried out as he tried to move his hand and continued to do so as he would pop it back in place. Maybe that was a sign for him to stop training but he wouldn't give up, he wouldn't stop, he had to keep going until the sunrises and that was a promise to himself and since it was a promise he wouldn't dare to break it because he wasn't the type of guy to make promises and break them. Levi would fall on his butt and rub his hand as he would take a break hoping it would stop hurting soon which it did. He sorta developed this paranoia thing due to Corin saying that she woukd, in her own words "Watch him like a hawk" therefore he would look around the area he was currently in for any sign of Corin or anyone else that could make use of his weak emotional crying side. After looking around the area several times Levi would stand up, grab the dummy, and carry back all the back inside the warm basement/ training field of the dojo.  After all this training he should head to the hot springs Corin and he founded well mostly Corin but yeah he should head there to relax. Woah woah woah! Levi wasn't retiring for the day the sun didn't rise yet and so his training session was still on! Levi would put the dummy back as he pondered if he should continue his close combat training which is what he did.

Since he was inside he thought about trying to learn Rasengan one more time but quickly disbanded the thought as he still knew very little of that jutsu. So levi would strip getting out his soaking wet clothes and would look around for something to wear. Thank god that he was able to find a new red jacket but still no shirt. He was able to find some black shorts which was obviously belonged to the gym as on the sides it read out "Amegakure Dojo" such a cliche ordinary no relativity involved name so Levi thought he should change it to something more cool sounding when the village was finished being rebuilt.  He would wrap his hands and ankles in black bandages or wraps to secure his wrist and ankles of course. Levi would secure the wraps making sure they were tight before continuing his training.  There was multiple training equipment that was undamaged lying around the room and he would stop when he saw the pull up bar. Due to almost breaking his hand and maybe even arm he thought that this was the perfect to train before goimg over to the dummy and sandbags. Levi would jump up and grab the handle bar with his fingers and knuckles facing towards his face other than facing the other direction. Levi began to try and pull himself up with his weak arms but struggled significantly.  He would continue this until he was just barely able to do one pull up and making fall down on his but as felt his arms to give out. The soreness in his body was real and his arms was hurting the most as he realized it when he was moving his arm to wipe of the sweat that was now forming on his face. Levi would slowly stand up as he weakly walked over to the sandbags before falling and laying down, it couldn't hurt to take a break right? 

Once he felt well rested after a few minutes Levi would continue to punch the dummy and kick the sandbags over amd over again this time his punches felt stronger as he punch faster and harder. He would only stop as he punched one of the more damaged sandbags and ripping a gaint hole in it, to his surprise after all. The sun was close to rising as the pitch black sky grew more and more organgish pinkish color. This was a good stopping point as he would watch the sunrise from the window before he returned to cleaning up the place.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:10 pm
TWC 4 215,
Claiming Scorch Release 1000/1000
Claiming Taijutsu 2000/2000
Claiming Fire Dragon Jutsu  1957/3000 + 1215 =  317 2/3000
Claiming 21 stats
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500


Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:44 pm
Approved <3
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