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Mitsui plays with Cells (solo) Empty Mitsui plays with Cells (solo)

Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:38 pm
Mitsui decided that the best thing to do next was to learn this stat boosting jutsu that Mitsui was interested in making. Mitsui would first think of the 5 stats. He would think, Speed, Health, Strength, Stamina and Chakra. Ok. Mitsui would wonder how many combinations. He would first start with speed. Speed and Health, Speed and Strength, Speed and Chakra, Speed and Stamina. Mitsui would then start at health. Health and Chakra, Health and Strength, Health and stamina. Mitsui had done 2 of these and would write this all on paper. Mitsui would continue to chakra. Chakra and strength, Chakra and Stamina. Then Mitsui would move onto Strength. Strength and Stamina were the only remaining stats. This was what Mitsui had to learn. Mitsui would count all the combinations now. This was not done by way of squaring the stats since Mitsui would end up only adding to 2 stats. Mitsui would count, 10 of these. Mitsui thought that would not be too hard to do. He was totally ok with that. There were only 10 possible combinations. Then Mitsui would realize that he would likely want to be able to switch stats. That would help a lot because then, Mitsui would likely be able to block, dodge or maybe counter attack more easily. Mitsui would think about what he would do first. The first part to this whole ordeal was to be able to forcibly change his own cells. Mitsui would get ready to try that but he would realize that it was an extremely risky thing to do and it might be a better idea to try this on something else instead first. Mitsui thought he might try experimenting this on a tree for the health part. This was going to be somewhat fun at least. Mitsui would go to a tree and grab a branch and rip it off. Mitsui would attempt to go and strengthen the cell walls on the tree branch to go and make it stronger. Mitsui would attempt this with disappointing results. All that happened was the tree branch looked like it was starting to rot. Mitsui had messed up already. Mitsui would realize that it looked like that because he went ahead and instead of strengthening the cell wall, instead Mitsui had managed to destroy the cell wall thus causing the entire branch to collapse. Mitsui would be rather unhappy about what just happened, but he had to continue on. Mitsui would walk over to the tree and hack off another branch. Mitsui would think about how he would apply his chakra and think that he might need a microscope so he could actually see what he was doing. Mitsui realized that was probably the source of all of Mitsui's problems. Mitsui could only guess what he was doing. Mitsui would then think about how one would actually find a microscope. Mitsui had thought that the best way to go about that was probably to go to the black market into the hospital. Mitsui would also realize that the hospital is also somewhere that may not be trustworthy since it is quite apparent that the people there are criminals. Mitsui would think that the best way to go about this was probably to keep guessing then. Mitsui would proceed to try something else now. This time, Mitsui would try going and doing a smaller section of the branch. That meant that Mitsui would proceed to go and break off a shorter section of a branch and continue on trying to make it stronger. Mitsui would think about what was next. Mitsui would think that it was probably a good idea to try again and do something different. Mitsui would attempt strengthening a cell wall on there and Mitsui would see the branch get larger and larger. That was not what Mitsui intended either but he got what he needed. Mitsui would think about what he needed to do next. Mitsui would think that he should keep at what he was at. Mitsui would proceed to think about what he needed to do next after that. Mitsui had managed to grow the tree which was much better then destroying the branch but it was still not what Mitsui needed. Mitsui had managed some progress though. Mitsui would break off the quite enlarged branch such that he would have another short section. Mitsui would manage to go and try karate chopping the branch. Mitsui would actually find it a little bit harder. Mitsui would try going and strengthening the cell wall again to see what would happen. Mitsui had not expected to be able to get as far as he would be able to but it was clear that he was getting some progress. Mitsui would attempt this again. He would quickly attempt a karate chop on the lovely branch to see it crack and to have a lot of pain. That was not what Mitsui wanted. Mitsui would think about what he needed to do next. Mitsui would try strengthening the branch to as strong as he could make it. Then, Mitsui would get his Katana and attempt to go and chop the branch. Mitsui had managed to make the branch have 70 health. Mitsui would swing it through the branch and the branch would splinter. This was clearly different from when one normally attempts cutting a branch cause normally, the cut would actually be somewhat clean. Mitsui would wonder about what to try increasing next. Mitsui would quickly realize that he would have to have a clone try these else again, Mitsui would risk death. Mitsui would quickly cast the shadow clone jutsu and attempt to go and see if it could figure out what it needed to do. Mitsui would take a short nap though. Quickly, Mitsui's clone would go and see if it could increase its muscles. Mitsui's clone would quickly start screaming after a quite obvious failure. Mitsui would wake up to see that the clone's muscles fell apart. That was the exact opposite of what Mitsui was hoping for. Mitsui had been hoping for the clone's muscles to get stronger instead of disintegrating. Mitsui would wonder if he was having the muscle cells turn into brain cells or something. Mitsui would wonder and have it try again. The clone would have more success in that it would manage to get a net gain of muscle cells instead of a loss of them. This would certainly be better than the loss of the muscle cells but not what Mitsui was looking for. Mitsui wondered about how he had managed to guess what the cells were supposed to be improved with only 2 tries. Mitsui had no clue nor had any want of figuring it out. Mitsui would try again and notice that the clone would have the muscle cells fall apart. Mitsui would proceed to dispel the clone and try again. Mitsui would then cast 2 shadow clone jutsu, the regular shadow clone and the earth shadow clone. Mitsui would then go to sleep. Mitsui would proceed to go and try having the cells work. Mitsui would wake up about 2 minutes later. One clone would scream in pain, the second one would have a net stay of the muscle cells, the third clone would stay the same too and the final clone would yell in joy as it had managed to go and improve the cells. Mitsui would have them all try again and it seemed that nothing interesting was happening since all the clones had the exact same results. Mitsui would let the clones do their things whilst Mitsui would proceed to go and walk out of his apartment and see what would happen next. Mitsui would go to the library to read about how stem cells worked. Mitsui would find it very interesting that the stem cells could actually become any cell. Mitsui thought that it might help. Mitsui would walk right back to his apartment where the clones were trying to figure out the technique. Mitsui would tell them to try making stem cells and apply the cells to wherever they were trying to go and increase the strength of. Mitsui would re-attempt this technique with more success now. Mitsui would wonder if it would be better now. Mitsui would look and it seemed that the cells would manage to get themselves better but not very much. Mitsui would think that it was probably true that Mitsui would not want to make himself larger. That would suck anyway. Mitsui would think about that and see if he would end up having to optimize the cells again. Mitsui would think that it was likely not a good idea to go and increase his size since that would mean that Mitsui would not be as agile nor would he have the evasion abilities that he would hope for since the increased size would mean he would be a bigger target. Mitsui would find that much more difficult to fight. Mitsui decided that it would likely be more effective if he was to just make his cells more effective instead of being the giant. Mitsui had somehow managed to be able to increase his strength in 1/4 probability. This was something that Mitsui needed to improve. Mitsui would try again and see if he would be able to improve that more. Mitsui would try again with his clones of course. Mitsui would fall asleep again only to hear some more screaming. Mitsui would hear that it was a clone accidentally banging his head on the closet. Mitsui would go back to sleep only to wake up 2 minutes later. This time would be the clone washing the dishes whilst 3 other clones would be trying to get the jutsu right. Mitsui would be fine with a clone washing the dishes. He would also see 2 of the other clones managing to go and get their muscles increased in effective but the other one was screaming even more loudly. Mitsui would wake up and look and see that it was ok. Mitsui would pick a book  up and read it whilst he would be able to go and get up from reading his book to help a clone. That was certainly better. Mitsui would proceed to get reading to not hear any screams. This time Mitsui would look and all the clones had managed to get more muscle. The thing was all of them had managed to look really red. It looked as if they had gotten hit or something. Mitsui would look at their bodies closely and not see anything that showed damage. Mitsui had realized that he had managed to get the strength part done. The next part of the jutsu was to increase speed. Mitsui would proceed to have the clones increase their muscle. He would manage to have them run but it was only a little bit faster. Mitsui would see them running at 128 speed instead of the 125 speed. This was clearly not how he was supposed to increase the speed. Mitsui had thought would be the correct way of increasing the speed but that was an obvious failure. Mitsui would be pretty annoyed about the lack of success on this. Mitsui would attempt this jutsu again but this time increasing the potency of the nerves. Mitsui would first see the clone 1 of 4 having a seizure. The second one was even worse. It was screaming in pain. Mitsui would see that a third one was managing to barely keep control of its speed and the last one was not moving at all. Mitsui would notice that he had made some mistakes in this since it was quite clear that Mitsui had made a good number of mistakes when he did it and managed to practically go and see that he was doing the wrong thing with the nerves. Mitsui had looked and saw that he had managed to massively increase the potency of the nerves. Mitsui would notice that the guy who had the seizure was having that seizure because he had managed to go and make electrons constantly move through his body thus practically lose control of the cells. That was pretty bad. The next one had managed to actually get what Mitsui had intended for with a bad twist of not managing to increase his reaction time enough. The third of the clones had hypersensitivity thus had managed to bang his head and it felt like he got stabbed there. Mitsui would then look at the 4th clone. Mitsui had successfully managed to go and make his lovely clone unable to move and it collapsed to the floor because it had managed to remove its ability to make nerve signals unable to get through the nerves thus making the ability to literally do nothing. Mitsui would proceed to dispel all the clones for the sake of quietness. Mitsui would then have the clones try again after making another 4 clones. This time, hopefully, Mitsui would manage to go and make his clones successfully move faster. Of course wishful thinking is hoping for something that will never happen anyway so he would get pretty disappointed soon. Mitsui would look at what was happening and face palm. Mitsui would see practically the same things except in this time, the clones had switched positions. Now the clones had managed to go and successfully go and have the first one now going and moving around at barely controllable speeds. The second clone would manage to have the seizure, the third clone would not be moving and the forth clone would be screaming in pain. Mitsui would look and notice that there were 2 dents in the closet at about head level. Mitsui would be able to realize quite soon that he had managed to get 2 clones to somehow bang their head and start screaming on the floor. That was the first group. The clone that was on the ground doing nothing was well for the same reason doing nothing as the first one in that he had managed to not be able to send nerve signals downwards. Mitsui would then look towards the clone that was moving at speeds it could barely control and tell it to stop. Mitsui would see it unable to stop and would only continue moving at high speeds to soon fly out the window. Mitsui would sigh since now he would be in need of replacing that window. Mitsui would see the final clone with a complete lack of ability to control the movements of the muscles. Mitsui would sigh as it was clearly the same issue as the clone was moving all his body parts randomly and unreasonably frequently. Mitsui did not like that one bit as he could not see any kind of progress. Mitsui would wonder what to think  about that. Mitsui would not be able to think about what it was wrong. Mitsui would wonder about what to think. Mitsui would be really irritated to see this lack of progress. Mitsui would think that it was likely a fact that Mitsui was doing the wrong thing with the nerves. Mitsui would try make the clone move its electricity move more quickly. Mitsui would try to see if it was working. Mitsui would see his clone jump out of the window by accident since it started running towards the window. Mitsui would think that it was likely due to the fact that Mitsui had managed to have his clone run quickly. Mitsui saw the clone was unable to tell where it was running. Mitsui would have the clone try to make the electrons in its brain move more quickly. Mitsui would see that the clone was not successful. It was on the ground and nothing was moving. Mitsui would dispel the clone. Mitsui would proceed to have the clone try to do it again. Mitsui would see that the clone had managed to go and increase its reaction time but it was not able to move quickly. Mitsui would try again and see if he could manage to do this again. Of course Mitsui would see the clone try again. This was not exactly the intended thing to happen. Mitsui would try to do this again. Mitsui would try and have the clone do a bit better with it. Mitsui would think that it was likely a good idea. Of course, Mitsui had not managed to get what he wanted but it was an improvement. Mitsui would try again with his clone one more time and see the clone actually able to control his extremely fast movement. Mitsui would then work on the next part of the jutsu. This would be to increase the health of a clone instead of the increasing of the health of a tree branch. This would be interesting since that would mean that the clone would need to increase the strength of its skin. That would possible mean that Mitsui would need to hear yet more screams. Mitsui would proceed to not go to sleep since he was very expecting of hearing screaming. Mitsui would look at the one clone and he would see the clone try to strengthen his skin to have a different issue. Mitsui would look and see this huge puddle of blood. Mitsui would look and see that it had managed to destroy all of his skin and thus the blood would quickly fall out and then start spreading out all over Mitsui's apartment. Mitsui would then quickly dispel the clone since it was pretty clear that Mitsui had both made a mistake and did not want to clean the mess up and the blood would probably disappear after Mitsui would proceed to go and dispel the clone. Mitsui would have had to spend many hours on sweeping the blood into a smaller controllable puddle. This way, Mitsui would be able to simply go and make the blood disappear. Mitsui would think about having the clone try again. Mitsui would make another clone and see what he would be able to do with it. Mitsui would ask the clone to try that health increasing thing. This would be much more successful, Mitsui would see that the clone was not really moving. Mitsui would walk over to see what was happening. Mitsui would realize that the clone could not move because of the fact that it would be impossible to move the skin that would not bend. Mitsui would try forcing the movement of the clone to see the skin crack.  Mitsui would quickly dispel the clone again. Mitsui had managed to make the skin harder but it was not what Mitsui had been looking for. Mitsui would wonder what he did wrong. It was pretty clear that Mitsui had made a mistake but what was it? Mitsui would realize that plants had a cell wall which was why the branch that Mitsui made was so hard. Mitsui would realize that the skin he would need to strengthen is to be soft but very strong. Mitsui would think about maybe improving the structure of the cells. That would certainly be a good thing. Mitsui would wonder if it was possible to go and do that with a clone. Mitsui would have a clone try this again. Mitsui would look carefully and see that the clone was clearly not having much fun. Mitsui would see that the clone was clearly having issues somewhere. Mitsui would look and see that it was quite clear that the clone had managed to go and make the skin harder and it was fairly strong. That was good. The skin was not very flexible still. Mitsui would wonder what would likely be the mistake. Mitsui would have the clone proceed to stop the jutsu. Fortunately, the clone had been able to go and make his lovely skin improve strength. Mitsui would see the clone try again with a bit more success. This time, Mitsui would proceed to go and see if it was possible to go and make the skin stronger but just as flexible. After a few hours of work, Mitsui would eventually manage to get the skin stronger. Mitsui would punch the clone to test the strength of the clone. Mitsui would see that he had made 1 more mistake. Mitsui would notice that the skin had not make any protection against physical force. Mitsui would have the clone increase its skin thickness and be able to control the skin hardness. This would help a lot since it would mean that the clone would be able to go and protect against physical force. Mitsui would think that it was likely a good idea to get his chakra back. Mitsui would leave the apartment whilst his clone would be trying to make his health get stronger. Mitsui would go to the nearby ramen shop since he was quite hungry. Mitsui would look at the menu to see if there was anything to be interested in. Mitsui would see the salt and pepper ramen. Mitsui would order that and wonder if he could have a clone practice increasing chakra at the same time. Mitsui would make another clone and have it walk to the restroom. Mitsui would have it try to increase its chakra. Mitsui would start eating to hear a loud explosion. Mitsui would look towards the bathroom door to find that there was clearly a mistake since the door had a sizable dent in it. Mitsui would not be happy at all. It was clearly not what he wanted. Mitsui would quickly dispel the clone and make another one. Mitsui would have the clone do back to the same bathroom and see that the mirror was cracked, the door was bent a lot of damage had happened and Mitsui would realize that the clone had exploded. Mitsui would get his ramen and have the clone try again inside the bathroom. Mitsui would wonder about what would happen about it after that. Mitsui would notice a massive surge of chakra coming from the bathroom. That was a pretty clear thing that Mitsui had managed to get his clone to increase his chakra. Mitsui would then hear another really loud bang. Mitsui would be pretty glad that he had come when no customers could see Mitsui was sending off the clones and that they were exploding. Mitsui would look at the now open door since the clone explosion had managed to open the door. Mitsui would look and quickly gobble down all the ramen. Mitsui would see the clone had managed to destroy the entire door. Mitsui would walk out of the entire ramen shop. Mitsui would think that it was likely a good idea to go back to his apartment since he had already finished eating. Mitsui would hurry back to his apartment. The clone had managed to increase its health and Mitsui would see that one of the knives that Mitsui could tell was used to test this jutsu was now really dulled which meant that the clone had managed to try cutting himself with it and had not managed to get anywhere with it. Mitsui would dispel that clone and remake the clone to go and try to increase its chakra. Mitsui would proceed to go to sleep cause it was now really late. Mitsui would proceed to go and see what he could do next. It was not exactly an easy thing since the chakra increasing was not exactly under control. Mitsui's clone would proceed to increase its chakra again and with little success, it would be stable before exploding. The explosion would quickly throw Mitsui out of bed and into the nearby wall. That would be quite a lot of pain since it was pretty clear that the chakra was not under control in any way. Mitsui would get up from the wall that he crashed into to see blood everywhere. Mitsui would quickly dispel the clone and have it try again. Mitsui would make another clone and have that increase its stamina. That was easy at last but Mitsui needed to figure out what he needed to do about this chakra. It was clearly something wrong. Mitsui would have the clone try again and this time, Mitsui would crouch behind his bed to protect from a possible chakra explosion. Mitsui would notice the chakra signature of the clone massively increase. It was clearly stable though. Mitsui would hear a sneeze and quickly, that would agitate the chakra again and Mitsui would hear another really loud explosion. Mitsui would be pretty confident that there was a big mistake as he had managed to get that unstable mess slightly more stable but still not stable enough. Mitsui would wonder about what was wrong about this chakra. It was not stable one bit. Mitsui would try making the chakra less reactive and try again. Mitsui would notice the chakra was less powerful but it was under control a bit. Mitsui would wait a few hours and after various agitation, Mitsui would notice that the explosion did not happen. Finally. Mitsui would dispel the clone and make another one again. This time, Mitsui would proceed to try to have it do 2 of these. This was a pretty difficult task as it was clear that the jutsu was going to be much more complicated. Mitsui would see the clone with some success. Mitsui would notice the clone explode again when it tried to get the chakra one. Mitsui would notice that maybe he did not eat enough. Mitsui was pretty low on energy so he would proceed to go straight to the noodle bar and see what he could eat. Mitsui would quickly grab about 7 bowls or ramen and eat them all before he would get home. Mitsui of course would get strange looks from all kinds of people. This would happen until Mitsui would enter his apartment and closed the door. Mitsui almost had the jutsu. Mitsui would now try this stuff again. Mitsui would notice that whenever Mitsui would look at his body and whenever Mitsui would proceed to increase any stat of his, Mitsui would manage to get quite red. It was quite strange indeed but it was ok to Mitsui. Mitsui would just look like he got embarrassed or so but it did not really matter. Mitsui kind of liked this never the less. Mitsui would practice for a few more hours and then decide to go to the casino again. Mitsui would quickly leave the apartment with a few hundred ryo to go and gamble it. Mitsui would quickly go and see what he could do about this. Mitsui thought it was not really a good idea to go and try to show that he had been walking with money around since that would likely attract a fight. Mitsui would walk and notice that money was falling out. Of course since this was the country borders, Mitsui saw a person try to go and rob Mitsui. Mitsui would proceed to go and pick up his money and quickly punch the man. Mitsui would be sure to punch first then  grab the money. Otherwise, the other person would have a chance to hit Mitsui. Mitsui would proceed to run away with his money. Mitsui would quickly get to the casino and sit down at a poker table. Mitsui would be the person who was the dealer. Mitsui would proceed to go and give the cards out. Mitsui would see that there were 9 other people here. Mitsui would give the cards out to the others. Mitsui would see that he drew 2 2s. Mitsui would notice that the small blind was 100 ryo so Mitsui would give up before he would start betting so that he would not need to go and lose the hand. Mitsui would look and see the flop. Mitsui would place 3 cards next to each other. Mitsui would look and see that the cards were 2, 5 and 8. Mitsui would be pretty irritated since he had just managed to go and lose a 3 of a kind. That was a very good hand. Mitsui would see that eventually, after a whole bunch of raising bets and stuff, the folds and calls happened and Mitsui would proceed to play another card. Mitsui would see a 6. Mitsui would look at the cards again and see that the 2 was of spades, the 5 was of hearts, the 8 was of diamonds and the 6 was of hearts. Mitsui would look that it was likely that there was probably a straight that one might have. Mitsui would finally see that it was time to place the river. Mitsui would place the final card and that was an Ace. That was an ace of the spades. Mitsui was wondering if anyone would be getting a flush but the Ace would proceed to deny that possibility. Mitsui would be pretty unhappy about that. Mitsui would see everyone play their cards. Mitsui would see a man would be an all in. Mitsui would suspect that the person has a very good hand. Mitsui would look and see that the person had a 7 and a 9. Mitsui would look and see that he had managed to get a straight. Mitsui would proceed to move all the money towards that person. Mitsui would then give the dealing job to the next person. Mitsui would see that he drew AA. That was an extremely good hand. Mitsui would wonder what would become of the hand.  Mitsui would see the first cards get played. A of hearts, 6 of Spades and 10 of Clubs. Mitsui had somehow drew another 3 of a kind. Mitsui would think that unless and 8,7 or 6 appeared, Mitsui was in a good position. Mitsui would see another 10 of diamonds and a 2 of hearts. Mitsui would end up winning 2500 Ryo after betting all in.

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Mitsui plays with Cells (solo) Empty Re: Mitsui plays with Cells (solo)

Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:59 pm
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