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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:34 pm
"Shh baby, its going to be okay," the young blonde murmured as she held the six month old infant close to her chest, bouncing the baby boy slightly in a rocking motion she had just learned was soothing to her son. Being a mother had been... an education at best, one Akihana Akari feared would never end. The moment of sheer love and joy the young girl had experienced when Arata had first came into the world had long since faded, giving way to fear and more fear as days turned into weeks and she continued to have no idea what she was supposed to do now. As the funds she had saved and scrimped so carefully over the course of her pregnancy dwindled day by day, the thoughts that preoccupied her most was where to go from here. A fear her baby seemed to share as he had been wailing a lot more of late.

At first Akihana had just assumed she was a bad mother given the amount of crying her son did. He cried all the time, for everything he needed and had she been older, had she had any guidance or even known more about babies in general, the former ninja would have known this was how babies were. As it was, the teen could only draw one conclusion, that she wasn't doing this right. Whatever "right" was in this case.

Arata ignored her calming tone, continuing to shriek at the top of his little lungs at something that only he knew. He had been bathed, changed, rocked and had his nap. Why he was crying now, the teen couldn't tell, all she knew was that she was running late for her interview at Sakura Corporations. It hadn't taken Akihana long to realize that she would need some kind of means of supporting both herself and her son now that the money she had saved was all but gone. The only problem was that whatever left was not enough to hire babysitters. She had no papers to show accomplishments, she had an obviously foreign accent that any keen ninja would detect to be from Konoha and worst of all, she had to bring the baby with her to every interview.

And subsequently get turned down for that last part.

Some business owners were blunt about it, pointing out how they didn't need an employee who would need off days every week to look after a child. Others pretended that they wanted her but were bound by law to not hire foreigners. Yet others suggested she tried to be a kunoichi once more if they detected a ninja background, unaware of the ANBU constantly tailing her to ensure she kept her end of the bargain made with the Raikage on her very first day in Kumo. All of them really meant one thing , despite the myriad of ways in which they said it: Sorry, there's no job available here for you.

But Sakura corporation was big, too big to not need even small scale employees and on a part time basis if they couldn't afford a full wage. At this point, Akihana was desperate. She would do almost anything for a job up to and including serve coffee, work with manufacturing or even join the corporation's custodial services. All she needed was a break, something her son didn't seem to understand as he continued to wail n her arms.

"Come on baby, please stop crying, mommy has a really important interview that she can't be late to," the blonde whispered to the boy, rocking him gently and watching the baby bump his head against her torso with a meaningful wail, one of the first signs of communication Akihana had been able to recognize in her son. Arata was hungry and there was no time.

"Oh Arata," the former medic in training murmured, looking dolefully towards the waiting room where she was expected in five minutes before changing course towards the ladies room instead. She was going to be late, the girl predicted and she was right. Tugging her plain t shirt back into place fifteen minutes later, the seventeen year old emerged from the ladies room with a quiet baby and a harried expression on her small, thin face as she walked to the waiting room.

"I have an interview," she informed the receptionist who looked at her with a significant amount of judgement before gesturing her through to the office door. Taking a moment to smooth down her shirt and jeans as best she could with a baby clutched protectively in one arm. Once she was sure this was the best she was going to manage, Akihana knocked on the door and, waiting an invitation to enter, did so cautiously, her dark brown eyes frightened and apologetic all at once as she entered the office.
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Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed May 27, 2015 10:09 pm
As the knocks were heard, heavy, yet quick footsteps signified the applicant that the interview was about to begin. As the footsteps got louder and louder with each stomp, the door swung inward, revealing a professional middle aged lady. Grey haired as usual, but kept neat and elegant, as all employees were instructed to do so. And, like the cautious receptionist, the well-dressed lady raised an eyebrow towards the young applicant. This must have been her first time getting a job she thought, however, it was the infant that stole her attention. So young, yet so punished with so much responsibility, it was sad. “Well, you both outta come in… I’m Ms. Sagwa.”, she holds the door open for the two to enter the large lavish office, before walking back to her lavish cheery wood desk, should the applicant walk into the office. Not only that, but the whole office was lined with cherry wood finish. The walls, the cabinets, the four legged silk cushion seats, even the windows were lined with it. And of course, the walls were painted with a light brown touch. Finally, the main center pieces of the office include two 6x5 foot portraits of the CEO’s of Sakura Corp placed on the wall facing the 2 door entrance, the dor is left wide open on purpose. The frame on the left held the portrait of the past CEO Gozoburo Sakura, and right holding the current leading CEO, Gozoburo Sakura son, Ganki Sakura.

The elderly lady patted down her tight navy blue skirt which cut off around her a little over half her thighs. Like most employees, her upper suit jacket and tie were also navy blue, her dress shoes included. Her inside button down shirt was however white. Make no mistake, as head of HR she was all about image, image, and image. This company thrived on the perfect “image.” And judging from the looks of her guest, if this would have been any other day, she would have swiftly, without remorse, dismissed her and her child back through the way they came. However, today was not that day. She looks back towards the young blonde lady, fixing her tie right before revealing her nature.

“Next time, try to look more presentable. Coming to an interview such as this will not only gain you an audience with the commoners outside, but will invite more and more trouble with you in the future.”, her face was a stern as the wooden desk she stood behind. “Sakura Corp prides itself on keeping its imagery positive and well ahead of the competition that dare challenge us.” She pauses for a moment, still looking towards the young mother. “However, I won’t be giving you your interview today…”, she said unbearably.

Outside of the main building, a young barely legal well-dressed man, is seen accompanied by two of kumo’s well-known eye candies.

And I said, Go ahead, TRY and kick me out of the casino, and ill sue you for everything you have, and everything your gonna have…”, Ganki said, while  holding the two beautiful brunettes around both his arms. “Ooh Ganki, your soooo bad…”, she said while giggling,. “Yeah, like you could so get in trouble sweety”, she said this while rubbing his chest. Ganki smiles at the thought of taking the two home. “Yah, you know he even called security right? But check this out, I was totally unfazed. Even if the guy was 7’4 with a neck the size of a bear, who was obviously a user…”, he bring the two girls heads closer to his own. “Ya wanna  know what the bouncer said when he stepped up to me?” The girls nodded in silence as they unbearable waited for him to speak.

“Yes sir…”

The girls laughed right in the ears of Ganki, nearly deafening him. Yeah, he owns a casino. “Ganki you are too funny, we didn’t know you owned a casino. We should so go”, the other girl agreed while wrapping herself around him. “Yeah I wanna go with you tooo sweety”, “No I said it first”, the other girl said as she stroked, her hand, upwards along Ganki’s hair. Ganki actually wanted to; however, business must always come first. “Yeah, uh, not today Girls”, I um, gotta take care of some stuff. But yeah, I’ll catch you later uhh. Umm…” The two girls emotionlessly said their names after each other. “Mitsuki…”, “Ameko….” Ganki ran off into the building, waving his hand back at them. As he ran through the building, waving off his employees, ran to a nearby bathroom, wear he would fix his appearance. He slicked back his brown medium length bladed hair, and patted down his wolf grey three piece suit, while fixing his blood red tie. Ganki never cared much for doing interviews, but his father insisted that he experience every single job position in the story, to better know his company. Ganki couldn’t stand such Bs, but hey, what could you do?

Once he fixed his attire, he ran up the flight of stairs with quick speed till he reached the front of the open door facing into the office, and stood there if it was clear. He knocks on the door to get everyone’s attention, including the blonde. At this angle, he could not see, nor hear the baby which the young lady held. Ganki arrived just after Ms. Sawga’s last sentence. He leans against the open door, with both hands in his pockets “Well hello you two.  I see you still are looking as proper as ever”, Ganki said in a mocking tone. Ganki knew all too well what kind of a person Ms. Sawga was. An overly compulsive dictator of the company standards, with quite a good oh nvm…
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:36 pm
Akihana knew that bringing Arata to an interview would surely lower her chances of getting the job but when the door began to open, the kunoichi dared to hope. Hope that perhaps the person on the other side would find her honesty more appealing than an expensively priced interview suit. Perhaps they would simply take pity on her and hire her because she looked like she needed the money. But whatever hopes the former kunoichi might have had were dashed the moment the door opened to reveal an impeccably dressed woman who gave her the same look as the receptionist had. Mrs. Sagwa, she introduced herself as and the reluctance was clear in her tone even as she ushered the teenage mother into the office.

The decor of the office was the kind that made Akihana feel out of place the moment she stepped in. Cherry wood and large portraits, official desks, pristinely kept and not a spec of dirt or dust marring any surface. The whole place gleamed as if silently mocking her own ragtag appearance. The blonde had done the best she could with what she had. Her best pair of jeans encased her long legs even if they were growing a little too short for her and the t shirt she had managed to iron that morning was now wrinkled thanks to Arata's habit of pulling at his mother's clothes. Akihana had even spent a tiny sum she could ill afford on passable second hand heels so she wouldn't have to wear her only pair of sneakers to the interview. And yet it was clear from this office and this lady that all her efforts had been in vain. The girl would have cried had she not been so intimidated or holding a baby in her arms.

The seventeen year old ex ninja knew what was coming even before Mrs. Sagwa began to speak. There was no way she was going to land a position - any position - at Sakura Corp. Even as the distinguished looking woman told her of for her dressing, Akihana's terrified brown gaze fled to the door. This had been a mistake. She should never have come here. But what chose did she have, she had to try for every job she could find just in case it was the one that would keep food on the table for her and her baby. As Mrs. Sagwa confirmed her worse fears, telling her she would not be getting the blonde her interview today, Akihana got to her feet, not meeting the older woman's gaze. "I'm sorry," she managed to mumble, holding Arata close to her in an effort to not burst into tears herself. "F-for wasting your time."

She was just about to turn to leave when another knock was heard. Before Akihana could react however, the door was already open and a male voice chimed in, greeting her and the HR lady cheerfully. Before the blonde could turn to take in the newcomer however, Arata decided to make himself known by opening his small mouth and letting out a shrill wail followed by more screams and tears.

"Oh no," Akihana whispered to the baby, rocking him gently as she turned around to look at the owner of the voice. "Please don't cry Arata, it's okay mommy's here." Her dark brown eyes left her son for a brief, instinctive moment, taking in the stranger before returning to her child once more as she continued to console him, all the while feeling the disapproval coming off the grey haired woman in near tangible waves. It was in the flurry of baby tears and blonde hair, being looked down upon by the strict Mrs. Sagwa and feeling nothing less than a pile of rubbish in comparison to this room that Akihana Akari first saw the man she would later come to know as Ganki Sakura.
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Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:19 pm
Ms. Sawga, the elder lady of the room, makes her way towards the door, but more importantly, to Ganki, as she had a file to hand to him. She already disproves of Akihana, and had  distasteful sense of disorder, she either left because she was about to mentally tear this young lady limb from limb, or her nerves had just about had it. Ganki knew too well how the elder lady was, though Ganki did learn a few things from her. For example, dress attire. Nearing the door, she eyes Ganki, observing him as he squints towards the back of the Akihana. To her guess, he was probably trying to see if she really indeed carrying an infant child. Nevertheless, she exited the room, but not before uttering a few words as she passed him. “You better think real hard before you make the decision, I know how you are. And remember, calm and composed decisions. Calm and comp-”, she said while handing him the pale yellow file which contained information, finally leaving the room to go elsewhere. Of course she uttered these words low enough for only the two of them to hear. Ganki, nods while still attempting to look over the young lady’s shoulders, “Yeah ye…”, he pauses when at this time, Akihana takes a glimpse towards him, “Yeah…”, he said slowly, as he too took in Akihana with his blue eyes. The two meet eye to eye.

Ganki closes the door behind him, and hesitantly makes his way towards Akihana, and the crying baby. Ganki felt somewhat uncomfortable, and vexed to as why anyone would bring a kid to an interview. “Yeah, Hi, I’m Ganki Sakura…”, he said looking towards her slightly. He paused for a moment, letting her respond. He catches a glimpse of the kid. He was, speechless really. While he once again quickly picked up his speed, he went ahead and set up a chair for Akihana to sit on, in front of his desk. He did so with haste. Once Akihana would sit, Ganki motioning his hand to do to”, he makes his way around the desk, to sit in his own chair. Leaning forward a bit with great posture, for now he was about to begin the interview. In Ganki’s mind, to be honest, having a crying baby sure aint a good move, though Ganki could bypass the clothes. Not everyone could afford the shit Ganki wore.

To start, he would start off with the basic obvious questions.

He figured he should try to warm her up a bit, make her feel comfortable. Ganki thinks back on Ms. Sawga’s presence. Nobody liked her ways, she was to strict, always following the code to the letter. This was the type of woman that would shame a party host for having too much red party hats over blue ones. Her sense of balance and order would put the damn Avatar to shame.

“So, a baby? Like how did that hap- I mean, like how did you happen to get ready for this interview.. of course.” Ganki barely caught himself in time. It took everything within his power, including his shinobi training, to hold in that smile he wanted to make. She looked near his age. Ganki, while waiting for an answer, opens the file to read her application. Trying to avoid eye contact, even though, Ganki really was supposed to give her eye contact.

Flipping through her application, he found out some interesting things about Akihana. Being one that she as a foreigner, coming from the south especially. The south, Ganki thought off. Those Konoha women were known for a great many things.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:20 am
Akihana nodded as the young man introduced himself, her blonde head bobbing slightly as her arms rocked Arata into some form of silence. It was obvious who this man was given the portraits in the office but he was still polite enough to make introductions. That and he had somehow made the mean lady go away. Akihana wasn't sure of the words that had been exchanged between Mrs. Sagwa and Ganki but she was now gone an that seemed to be helping in Arata settling down. "I'm Akihana," she replied, giving an an apologetic look for being unable to extend her hand for a handshake as both her arms were busy with the baby. She would have introduced herself with her clan name but the teenager wasn't even sure if she belonged to her clan anymore.

The former konoha girl sank into the chair he set up for her gratefully, muttering a polite thank you as she settled in and made Arata comfortable against her narrow frame. Akihana had been told babies liked mothers with a little amount of chubbiness, she had simply assumed this was another way in which she had failed her son. "Thank you," she added, looking over to Ganki. "I'm sorry about..." Here, her gaze dropped to the now softly whimpering child, his tantrum almost over. "I didn't have- I mean, I couldn't get a sitter last minute so I decided to bring him along. He's usually very well behaved I promised. I think Mrs. Sagwa scared him." Actually, she had cared Akihana too but the blonde didn't think she should point that out to the heir to the company.

When he asked how she had gotten ready for the interview, the former kunoichi dropped her gaze once more. Arata was now completely quiet, watching his mommy as curiously as the man who sat opposite them. "Well I... I researched the company and found out that there are usually positions available on a part time basis. But I'll work full time too, if you need me to," she hastily added, not wanting to come across as picky. "I used to work for a secretariat office so i can file and document, I was taught to do most office jobs but I'm be willing to help out in any department you feel is understaffed. Manufacturing, distribution, sales... janitorial services..."

Moving her hand up to her golden fringe, the girl brushed a strand of gold hair out of her eye before continuing. "I'm not looking for a big stipend, just enough for my son and I to get by. We're all alone and I... I promise I'll work very hard if I were considered for any position here." Akihana had no idea if her opening statement would have any kind of affect on the young man sitting opposite her. Though he hardly looked older than her, the girl couldn't deny he gave off the vibe of someone born in the lap of luxury. Designer clothes, polished attitude, people like that were not often kind which was why his politeness had surprised her and also made her dare to hope that she may have a future here.

But that was still a shaky thought so she focused on the here and now, waiting to see Ganki would say next.
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Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:50 pm
The kid was a riot. He truly didn’t know how this would work. Babies, a boy his age and status would think nothing more of them as annoying little noise makers who drool and fart every second of the day. He felt kind of sorry for her really. How could a life with such a weight of responsibility? She probably had no time to herself. It sure did suck for her in his opinion. He slouched back in his chair with his right elbow on the arm of the chair. His head rested on the palm of his right hand, waving a little while the tantrum continued. At this point, he could see why Ms. Sagwa said the words that she said to him. Though, as much as he couldn’t stand babies, he couldn’t just blow her off instantly, the blondie was kind a pretty.

He then smiled a bit after her comment about Ms. Sagwa scaring the baby. She may be right there. He wouldn’t put it pass her, she would scary anyone on a daily basis. Just by how proper and rule orientated she was, was scary enough. No one was that strict without having a dark past.

“A secretary, huh? I wouldn’t put it pass you. I have to say, your accent is pretty. I bet you get everyone’s attention, even without

He raised his head up towards her after he spoke with his eyebrows arched, thinking about what she said as well .This grabbed his interested, aside from the foreign accent, after hearing everything she said beforehand. There were a few spots open; however, Ganki would need a bit more information about her. However, he may think this may take a while, with the kid and all. He straightened his posture on the chair, leaning forwards a bit.

“Whoa whoa missy, before we get into all that about the pay, there are some other things we gotta talk about. Like…, was that all you did before you got here? Work? And why did you come all the way up here too?” Aside from the drastic climate changes, the cloud village was ways away from the leaf village. Of all the places she picked, why the cloud? Not to mention, the terrain that led into the village was no walk in the park. This led Ganki to believe that there had to be more to this blondie than meets the eye. He stares off towards the counter to his right, eyeing the drinks and cups, nonalcoholic of course. This village was strange, beyond weird to the point where alcohol was being consumed by kids of all ages. You could take a guess at who was responsible for that.

Waiting for a response, he makes gestures with his hands towards the drinks, asking her if she would want anything to drink towards the interview.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:44 pm
The blonde felt a slight blush creep up her face even as her wide brown eyes took in Ganki's features. He had remarked on her accent but not necessarily in a mean way. He did however leave her flustered which showed in the way she tightened her grip on the now quiet baby on her lap. Quite oblivious to his mother's discomfort, the boy simply sat where he was, his dark eyes scanning the room and the man in the big chair as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen in his short life.

"I'm from Konoha," she admitted, though she doubted she needed to. Chances were that if he had noted her foreign accent, he had also placed it. But Akihana was a firm believer in honestly and clarity and it was something he would find out anyway if she ended up working here. "I don't have much previous work experience," she added when questioned as to what she did before. "I trained as a medical ninja when... until about a year and a half ago." Before she had found out she was expecting a child of her own when she herself was still a child. Had it really been only eighteen months. Akihana seemed to have aged years in the short period she had left her home, arrived at Kumo and given birth. The days of being a carefree kunoichi flying through the trees seemed nothing but a distant memory now.

"But my father was our clan secretary, and I hung out at his offices all the time. I learned to file, write shorthand and organize things there. I can also read and compose legal documents and treaties. And register patents for the corporations." From her interim research, she had found out that Sakura corp had an entire Research and Development unit and that the company registered a lot of original patents for their products. Paperwork had always been easy to her so perhaps Ganki would find her useful and hire her for that quality alone.

When the CEO's son asked her why she had come to kumo in the first place, the teenager lowered her gaze once more, this time unable to look at him as she explained, the great feeling of shame welling up inside her as she began to speak. "My family couldn't accept the fact that I... that he..." she gestured to Arata, unable to form the words. It was hard to put into sentences the hurt, betrayal, sorrow and loneliness she had gone through to get to Kumo. When she had first found out she was expecting a child, she had been panicked, had tried to find the father because she believed he would help her. But that had been a lie from day one. he had never loved her, he had lied. And her family, as it turned out, would punish her for that lie.

"They told me to leave and never come back, I was alone and I started running. i don't even know how long I ran, days and days and Kumogakure was just the place I happen to stop at." It was the first time she had realized she could no longer overexert her body, now she had to look after two lives, not one. She had attempted to trade what little she had for food and been dragged to the Raikage office by the first ANBU to spot her. From then on, she had been living like a prisoner, free but tailed every step of the way. The Raikage would keep an eye on her but not particularly care if she or her son survived their visit to Kumo.

When Ganki gestured to the beverages, the blonde shook her head softly, politely declining the offer. Arata was quiet and comfortable and her moving might upset him. This interview didn't need any more disruptions than it already had. As it was, Akihana was sure she was making a bad enough impression already. But perhaps there was hope. At least Ganki hadn't dismissed her as quickly as Mrs. Sagwa had.
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Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:42 pm
It seems the drinks would have to wait then; he starred towards her taking note of all her reactions. She was truly a survivor, her story, every word she spoke Ganki listened with his undivided attention. Believe it or not, it wasn’t just her accent alone that grabbed his focus this time. Her military background as a medical kunochi answered a few of his questions. He had a feeling there was more to her, and he was right to believe so. In fact, Ganki got more than what he wagered. Her story on how she came to be here caused him to feel for her. Living off scraps, wandering with no sense of purpose or guidance, Ganki could never see himself living like that, ever since day one Ganki had everything he ever wanted. As a matter of fact, he could have anything he wanted. That was up in till he turned 7. By then, his father cut him off from the family fortune, not completely for he still had the maids and elegant food roof over his head, but just enough for him to get by. Being forced to join the ninja academy was something he would never forget. Making new friends and what not, it was almost like he was in a completely different place. However, his story could never compare to what Akihana had to do, what she been through. Maybe, he should offer her the job he thought? She could sure use the money, and she had knowledge in handling important documents and practice in medicine. With her story in mind he quickly responds back to the kunochi.

“Akihana I got a…”, he stops instantly. A familiar voice plays within his head, uttering words that repeated over and over again.

“And remember, calm and composed decisions. Calm and composed decisions. Calm and comp-”, did Ganki let his emotions get the better of him? In the world of business, you can’t let emotion cloud your judgment. The funny thing was, that rule applied to the ninja world too. Maybe that was why he was able to get through the academy. Resetting his tone, he replies back in a calmer tone, more controlled.

“Ms. Akari…, I think I may have something for you”, he leans back in his seat. “It’s kind of a high position really; my dad wanted somebody to fill in the spot of some old doctor that passed away a few months ago. I don’t how; I don’t know the guy like that. But, what I know, well, I want you to know, is that it pays great. I mean, I remember when he started a while back, still old, people said the next few days he was coming to work on a 6 horse carriage, fully loaded. The wheels where lined with silver, the center carriage piece had glossy wooden finish, oh man, and the gold lamps…”, he stops himself noticing himself stray off from the main subject. “But yeah, you would be making a lot of money, hell, I doubt you would even have time to see the kid, you could even leave him in daycare or whatever babysitters live, I don’t know. Trust me, it will be worth it. The money…, you could actually get yourself some nice things.” Ganki winks towards the troublemaking baby that eyed him, wondering why the hell he was staring at him. He, masked his annoyance from his expression.

Ms. Sagwa was going to rip her hair out when she finds out that Ganki hired an interviewee that brought along a baby to the interview. Her resume was sound, so why the hell not.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:15 pm
Despite everything else Akihana had lost in her life, the blonde had always kept hope close to her heart, a small sliver of hope she felt growing warmly inside her as Ganki heard her story without interruption or suspicion. Many of the places she had attempted to seek employment at viewed her as something trying to trick them when all the girl had done was be perfectly honest. Perhaps it was this quality that threw them about her. In today's world everyone had a hidden agenda, a secret plan, everyone except Akihana it would seem. The teen was very clear about what she needed, a job to just get by. And while she knew next to nothing about the man in front of her, she did know that he wasn't looking down on her, nor was he turning her away.

And sometimes, that was just enough.

Whether she was naive to believe in the kindness of people or simply disillusional was up to debate, but right now she needed to believe with all her heart that where dozens of unkind people had turned her down, this one would show enough kindness to allow her to stay and earn her keep.

The teen's dark brown eyes lit up with a spark as he began to speak, collecting himself before addressing her more formally. Akihana didn't mind though, no matter how the words were dressed up, they meant the same thing: she had a job here at Sakura Corp.

"Oh, I don't need quit that much," the blonde repleid once he was doen descriving how rich the previous holder of her position was. "And I'm sure I'll find a way to spend time with Arata and give the company my best." The idea of leaving Arata with sitters was not on she particularly liked but Akihana didn't want to seem ungrateful. And perhaps if she negotiated a lesser salary than the riches Ganki was painting, they would allow her some time with her baby for her troubles.

"Thank you so much," the former medic replied, for the first time, a real smile appearing on her face, one that matched the unexpected sparkle in her eyes. Akihana had almost forgotten these last few months what it felt like to smile, to be proud of herself for something. Ever since Arata had come along, she had been navigating the slippery slope of being a single mother, making her way more downhill than up but it seemed fate was finally smiling down on them. They were finally going to get a break.

"We really don't know how to thank you Mr. Sakura," the blonde replied, even Arata sensing her good mood as the child began to laugh in her lap, making gurgling sounds and bringing his chubby little arms up in the air. "I promise I won't let you down. I'll start whenever you need me to."
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Four years and six months ago (Ganki) Empty Re: Four years and six months ago (Ganki)

Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:04 pm
Ganki leans back on his grand chair, nodding towards Akihana. She was truly grateful for Ganki giving her the job. Just hearing her lovely accent was so enjoyable. The emotion she poured into her words was priceless.

Even though she said that she didn’t need that much money, he laughed mentally. When is their too much money? Akihana’s comment reminded her of this one girl he dated once; she was born on the other side of town. Basically, she came from the have nots, humble beginnings he thought. The two went to school together, in the academy. Let’s just say she changed when Ganki took her out on a high life date. He looked out towards the window on the left, thinking about her.

Looking back towards Akihana, the baby riled up at the good news which Ganki grows wary out how the baby reacted to the news, he stood up from his chair. He grabs the file from the desk, tapping it on the desk before speaking. “Aww come on. Mr. Sakura, is my father”, he said while tilting his head towards the giant portrait behind him. In Ganki’s current state of mind, he hated being called that. However, being in charge of a large company, involved Ganki to keep a certain standard, being the real Mr. Sakura’s son and all. Nevertheless, Ganki did away with all that rubbish, and decided to do it his way. “Just call me Ganki, or if you are having a good day, Mr. Ganki”, he said with a smile.

“Oh yeah, a few more things I gotta tell ya. First off, uniform, is basically what you saw Ms. Sawga wore.  You also get a nice white lab coat too. Oh yeah, don’t worry about here, you have to deal with here unless she finds out that you punch in too late, or early. You can take lunches whenever you are in 3 or 4 hours into your shift…, I forgot I gotta find that out. Oh well… Ill set you up with an Apartment too, I know my old man owns a few buildings here you can rent, the first month will be on us.”

He paused for a moment, looking back at the giddy little baby once again.
Oooh, one more thing, Arata can’t come to work with you, like ever…”, he laughed while trying to stare Akihana in the eyes seriously, her nice brown eyes that Ganki found appealing. Well, not as appealing as her accent, but still nice. “But yeah, you can start next week on Tuesday, giving you as much time to get ready”, with that, Ganki reached into his pocket and pulled out a red ticket to give to Akihana.

“But yeah, take this, and the guy at the front desk will set you up, I mean, you’re not in any hurry to get home are you?”

Ganki anxiously waited for Akihana to reply to his last question, while tapping his finger on the folder he held in his right hand.
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