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Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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Fri May 08, 2015 5:59 pm
Ishida lay resting on a large tree's branch despite it being mid afternoon. His blonde hair was out of its usual ponytail and instead lay covering his eyes. Ishida was drifting off to sleep when he heard something unnatural in the forest. Probably a person wandering around. Ishida gently put his right hand on the hilt of his newly purchased katana and eased it out of its wooden sheath. With it withdrawn Ishida hopped down to the earth, peering around for whoever it was that he had heard. He doubted it was someone after him but Ishida preferred to be cautious over being dead.
Ryuk Uzumaki
Ryuk Uzumaki
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Tue May 12, 2015 1:13 pm
Ryuk stood in a wooded area walking around when the sound of a word drawing and a person falling to the ground took his attention away from the walk he was on. Moving more quietly now making sure not to step on a stick or step on a leaf, one learned how to be quite when they escaped the village that they had grown up from, His red hair was put up in its usual manner as he made his move slipping out a kunai he walked towards the tree line where the sound had come from seeing a blonde man "Who are you?" he asked as he stepped out of the tree line.
Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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Tue May 12, 2015 3:58 pm
Ishida saw the boy approaching him. The red haired boy appeared to be slightly older and noticeably larger, yet Ishida didn't think of him as being too much of a threat. By his words and his actions Ishida had a feeling the boy was just like him. A missing-nin. Ishida sheathed his blade and answered his question. "My name is Ishida Kobayashi," Ishida paused and nervously continued."I'm a missing-nin, I hope that isn't a problem." Ishida placed his hand back on his katana as he told the boy his affiliation. Even if the boy was a fellow missing-nin it didn't mean he wouldn't attack Ishida. "May I ask who you are?"
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Wed May 13, 2015 10:35 pm
The boy stated who he was and put his sword away a slight smile came upon his face as he did the almost the same with his kunai, instead of putting it away he looped his finger through the hole in the end and let it hang on his finger. "Ryuk...That is who i am." he said not wanting to give away his clan as of yet he hardly knew the boy and his powers were indeed special to his clan alone. "It would seem we have something in common as i have no village ties either." He stated walking towards the man the kunai loosely swinging back and forth on his finger near his hip. "Tell me what are your plans as a missing ninja?" He asked curious as to what the man wanted to do with what little life they may be allowed to have in this world.
Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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Thu May 14, 2015 4:53 pm
Ishida kept his eyes on the man's kunai as Ishida listened to what he had to say. The man's name was Ryuk and for some unknown reason he didn't provide a last name. Probably from some big clan, Ishida thought to himself. The boy was also a missing-nin proving Ishida's suspicions correct. "Tell me what are your plans as a missing ninja?" The boy known as Ryuk asked Ishida a strange question. One he wasn't too sure of himself. Ishida paused for a moment before he began to answer. "Well at the moment I wish to get stronger and just survive," Ishida began to smile at what he said next. "However, very soon I hope to not only survive but thrive. My fellow missing-nin would you care to join me in the pursuit of power?" Ishida was doing his best to sound cool and mysterious. In reality he didn't know what he would do if he ever got power. All he currently knew was that being poor and not very strong was not an appealing lifestyle.
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Fri May 15, 2015 1:32 am that was an idea that Ryuk could get behind the power to form his own brand of justice in this world would indeed suit him well. "Very well then im in." He spoke as he slid the kunai back into the holster He knew not for how long this venture would entertain him but now he had a goal even if this partner did not work out. "So you want to get stronger...lets start now No weapons just jutsu and Hand to hand Combat for now." He spoke his body never having stopped moving around as he spoke He would dash towards the man his leg raising up off the ground a few Centimeters aiming his foot to hit the mans ankles. His blood was beginning to run hot and he wanted to see what this person was able to do hell he might even get his ass handed to him he didn't care at all he wanted to learn what he could quickly he would watch the boys hands to see if any seals were made and hope that he was able to catch them quickly enough to be able to remember them.

[o-o impromtu spar xD my full speed is 5 and str is as well.]
Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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Fri May 15, 2015 2:33 pm
Ishida sighed, this is what talking big got him. A fight with his new partner. Ryuk eagerly lunged at Ishida's leg it looked like he was aiming for a kick. Ishida rolled to the side avoiding the low kick. He was about to draw his sword when he remembered what Ryuk had said about no weapons. Ishida didn't like to be told what to do but for now would comply. Ishida thought it best to test out his new ally before becoming too serious. Ishida lunged in with a left jab (speed 25 strength 15) aimed at Ryuk's chin. Ishida wanted to see how he would respond before he attempted anything else. Considering Ryuk didn't state his last name Ishida assumed he had some sort of special jutsu. For the time being Ishida would play it safe. 

(My first fight on this site let me know if I messed up with the stats or something)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Fri May 15, 2015 8:44 pm
[o-o damn you and your speed xD but its half speed unless you have built momentum which consist of 1 post of moving around]

Ryuk watched as Ishida rolled to the side, and by this i assume you mean twisting your body and not falling on the ground and literally rolling as that would not be smart, If he did indeed hit the ground Ryuk would be ready for a kick to the head at a speed and strength of 5 once again.

If what he did was twist his body around and dodge the kick a punch would be aimed at the mans head, hopefully eliciting a head bob backwards and no movement else made with his body, At which point he would swing his right leg upwards bent at a 90 degree angle performing a Knee strike.

If all of this failed due to the mans speed the jab would meet its mark causing him to bust his lower lip. Excitement crossed his face as he spat the blood out of his mouth "Now this is going to be fun..." he would speak his arms going limp and hanging back wards as he began to run at the boy again jumping slightly and twisting his body around to make his left foot try and make contact with the right side of the boys head aimed at the temple in a Kungfu style kick, the top of the facing the head and the heel facing away with his toes pointed in a way that made them almost 180 degrees to his leg.

[o-o its a fairly large post for me at this point but i have a muse on my side so i went with it xD Ok so the thing here is if you meant that you hit the ground and rolled away read the first part if you meant twisting your body around read the Second And if you feel as though i would have no time to react, despite the fact that you went to draw your sword and the close proximity between us which is fine if you do and might work out better if you want to do it that way, read the Third part]
Ishida Kobayashi
Ishida Kobayashi
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A possible ally? (private) Empty Re: A possible ally? (private)

Sat May 16, 2015 12:40 pm
(I'll just go with the first one lol)

Ishida had tried to show off and somersault away from Ryuk's kick. Sadly Ishida wasn't much of an acrobat and failed miserably. His feeble roll was answered with a kick to his head. Ishida groaned and wiped blood a small amount of blood from his lip. Ryuk wasn't very strong but nonetheless Ishida could feel his brain bouncing around. "Wait!" Ishida said as he put his hands up, still lying on the ground. Ishida hoped his ploy bought him a couple of seconds. Clapping his hands together Ishida activated his jutsu. "Wind release: Gale Palm!" Ishida released an omni-directional wind covering 180 degrees (20 power) in front of him. Ishida staggered to his feet he looked around the wooded area checking to see the damage his jutsu did. Ishida backed up to a distance of about three meters and waited for Ryuk's next move. 

(AP 98/118)
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Sun May 17, 2015 2:17 pm
A cry for stop was let out and thus Ryuk complied as he did not want to kill the boy but he didnt think the kick to the head had hurt him all that bad as he was not that strong yet. A clap from the boy signaled that he was indeed alright and a buffet of wind followed quickly there after the buffet hit him and he was blown backwards hitting the ground with a thud. 'shit...' he thought as he scrambled back to his feet and began to move back towards the man again, speed of 2.5, he was slow and knew he needed to get more speed but that wouldnt happen to fast right now though he was more interested in what this fight would lead to surely he would wind up being beat but how long could he hold out? He made his next move with a Korean front kick aimed at the solar plexus at the man in front of him.
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