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Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:07 pm
Ashie, a girl of only six, only five feet tall, she had taking a liking to her black tank tops and black leggings were more formfitting to her liking. Her eyes showing off the proud three-tomoe and silver piercing the night. Her long, black hair was now reaching her lower back much like her twin Samuru.

Ashie needed sometime outside of Asgard, some air. In a crimson flash she appeared in the center of Konoha, taking a deep breath she'd pull her blue Haori, with little butterfly patterns and the Uchiha symbol proudly embriodered on the back, up so it could keep her warm as she walked. The streets were quiet, lights were being turned off for dusk hours. The moon reflecting off her long hair, she looked up, "What a beautiful night for a walk, the village is nice and quiet."

She walked slowly her eyes active incase she were to get jumped, she passed by a peculiar little house to which she jumped upon the edge of the roof, letting the wind blow passed her as she got a better look at the village.
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:24 pm
It was a beautiful night. Truly spectacular the hells angel kiranomo thought to herself from her position sitting atop one of the homes within the center of the village hidden in the leaf. Beside her calm and stoic the avatar of sorrow waited, simply there for moral support. She wasn't sure why but she's taken to patrolling the village at night, despite the dangers involved in showing her face in the open streets. She was clothes quite extravagantly, the fare old armor helping her blend in, both with the backdrop of darkness that was the night and with the people. Her Raven an I style mask hid her appearance further, giving any who came upon her the assumption that she was not in fact a vigilante of the village. No, to any who encountered her it would be assumed that she was simply a member of Konoha black ops enjoying an apple between shifts. 

"It's beautiful tonight selene. It almost makes me miss my time here...." Her thoughts were Interupted as behind her a sound rang out. Of all the rooftops in all of Konoha..... The girl would probably have sensed her with the power of her eyes, though only the power of a sharingan or byakugan could notice the signature of the two girl. Since ashie has one of the two of course it would be understandable for her to have known the two resided there. 

~keep calm. Someone's here.~ kiras words breathed intoned allies mind as she turned to face...... A.... Six year old girl. Well alright then. 

Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:34 pm
Upon jumping on the roof her eye caught a shadow, glistening with some sort of...metal clothing? The Asgardian princess has never seen anything like it before, Her eyes making contact with that of the figure as they turned to see Ashie perched on the roof. The contact was just a show of dominance, one of nobility, not one of aggression.

As the figure faced the moonlight, that made it easier for Ashie to see the peculiar mask, "Hello." Ashie has never caught anyone at night, they didn't look menacing, maybe it could be another friend. "I've not seen an shinobi of the leaf clad so brightly at night, who are you, where is your headband shinobi?" Ashie was wary, she can't trust as easily since her uncles have passed.

Even more so, her brother was unconscious, no way of him watching over her, only one watching her was her father, with her left hand Ashie grabbed her necklace and tucked it beneath her shirt, hidden from sight.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:43 pm
As Kira turned fully to meet the girl, her body shifting as her hands slid her across the rough roofing tiles two things became evident. If she'd paid careful attention it would be easy to spot the Nara symbol across the back of the cloak hanging loosely to her form, floating freely in the wind. Even one who hadn't would easily be able to recognize that overtop of the seemingly metal armor was the fishnet shirt too well know to be worn by her clan however as her chest came into view something new and interesting became evident. Hanging from her neck was a silver chain and at the end of it a too well known symbol within the village hidden in the leaf. It was the crest she's worn since childhood, denoting her position as a member of the hyuuga household. Her mind flew through plans quickly as the girls question waged on her mind. In every simulation she'd run she'd never actually considered someone would ask her if her headband. Fuck. 

It was Selene who responded, offering the small girl a kind smile before parting her lips to speak. "She generally feels little need to wear the symbol of Konoha. Most simply recognize her as head of Nara household and it's understood" well done. That would hopefully answer the question. Could this girl know the head of her clan was a missing ninja? She sure hoped not. 

"I'm k... Um, nomi hyuuga. The head of the Nara clan, and you?" Her words held the elegance of an official exactly as she expected they should. Operation don't get kicked out again was going well, she hoped.
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:13 pm
Ashie's gaze wouldn't faulter, not even for a mere second. Head of the Nara clan. Ashie was not familiar with this clan, however she still can't over look that a shinobi would never where her headband, what if duty were to call upon her?

Ashie does however recognize the Hyuuga symbol, Ashie's poker face turned into one of seriousness, one that recalled all the times the Hyuuga had rejected her for her mixed bloodline. For now maybe, Ashie should overlook the headband for now, they donned clan symbols. "For now I will overlook no headband, however, even as head's of clan, or member's regardless of our rank, If duty were to call you on the spot you have no proof of Authority."

With this Ashie would pull up the sleeve of her Haori showing the proud metal with the Konoha symbol carved into it, this metal would be attached to the fabric tied around her arm. "Ashie Uchiha, second heir of Viper Kamu Uchiha and Akina Hyuuga." She turned her front back to them fully her arms folded over her chest. She still didn't budge from her spot on the roof, she still didn't trust it.

"Now the Hyuuga clan I am familiar with, but not the Nara clan, explain this...Nara Clan."
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:20 pm
"Apologies, I've found it a detriment when going about the style of missions I do to wear the village symbol. My particular talents are espionage and infiltration " her eyes lightened, offering the girl a smile. For such a young shinobi she..... Knew her shit. Sending a quick mental note to the final of the trinity that they may need to be removed from a situation she returned to her conversation and oh, what a conversation it was out to be. She displayed her symbol, naming her rank and her name. More importantly that name. She cringed visibly as the word uchiha left her lips. Her mind screamed to be removed from the situation but the suspicion would be too much, and of all the people to have potentially hunting you down the daughter of viper uchiha..... Well that was as bad as it got about. 

"The Nara clan are one of the oldest clans in Konoha. Our district is..,, " instead of giving detailed directions she simply pointed off to where from their position the woods of the Nara sanctuary could barely be seen. " greats include the tacticians shikaku and shikamaru. We hold an alliance with the akimichi and yamanaki families and are known for our brilliance in tactical warfare, combination with the two names clans in an unmatched three man combination jutsu and mastery over shadow manipulation, though in truth I hold more true to the beliefs of the hyuuga then Nara. I was raised by the hyuuga house when my mother died. "
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:06 pm
Ashie listened carefully and the more she heard, the more she trusted. The girl was just giving the information, maybe they feared her, especially after hearing of her rank and birth. When she had heard word that she was raised by Hyuuga when her mother passed away her visage changed from serious to pure sympathy, for Ashie too was dealing with two losses in her family and because of it she is about to be raised in another village. Today she'll let it go, she'll go and research this information further at another time.

"I am sorry for your must have been hard without her. However I can see you have grown into a strong shinobi, just like my father expects of me too." She didn't want to give out too much information about her own life, not yet. She put her fingers into her mouth and blew, a whistled which rang out for miles, but not one of alarm. One of calling a friend, within a few seconds a rather large bear was making its way down the all the girls were standing in. Ashie smiled and giggle before jumping off the roof and landing on her bum on the bears back the bear responded with a noise of friendliness. Ashie would reach forward to pat his head before the bear moved forward until they were about three meters away from the girls. before she motion for the bear to stop, "Good job tibbers, stay boy."

She then motion up at the girls, "Do not fear me...or my friend. I maybe an heir of Viper, but I do not mean harm unless you mean to harm. If you wish we can walk and talk, I would not want you too to get ambushed on my watch." The girl had offered up a tiny smile, but something didn't feel right when she did, it felt like she was forgetting about her uncles, and she felt ashamed, she never wanted to forget them. They were still here with her, in spirit, in memories, in heart.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:37 pm
THe whistle caused alarm in the girl, though she hid it as well as she was able to. It was imperative with the facade that she was still a member of the village she was currently residing in. She sat calmly, her eyes darting to and fro until the bear appeared. Well this definitely took a turn. "Um... Yes. It's all but expected of one who lives the life I've led. When you're a student of Echo Uchiha.." She paused, cringing slightly as the memories flooded her mind, the fabricated horrors Maku imprinted upon her memory causing tears to well up in her eyes before she could regain composure to hide them.

"Nomi.... Be calm. " Selene surprisingly set a hand on the girls back to comfort her. The pull of sorrow weight as heavilly on the avatar as it did on kira both due to their connection and the power the spirit of the scythe of sorrow held. She could taste pain shared between the two girls as her connection to the weight of the world proved true as always.

Without speaking again she slid from the roof, motioning for her ally to follow and landed beside the bear and it's.... summoner? She had to assume this was a familiar... or a pet. It would be like to the heir of viper uchiha she supposed, at least from the stories she'd heard. Once she was on the ground she took up step, motioning that she would follow. It wasn't exactly an ideal situation openly traveling through the village but she was in too far at this point. "It was by luck that I found such a gracious Home within the hyuuga house.... Well... Not luck as much as fate I suppose. it is too much like a young child to trust without consideration of the consequences. I never considered that they would accept a child not of their blood because they were waging war. "
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:21 pm
As soon as she heard her uncles name left her lips her eyes turn cold, she had bit her lip as she tilt her eyes downward feeling the familiar sting when they had transformed.  "H-how...How do you know my uncles name..." Her voice had grown dark, angery, but not at the shinobi before her. No. It was because not even Ashie had recovered from her Uncles death.

The girl tilted her head up and her visage was that of anger, "What ties you to my kin?" She was becoming defensive, the bear had tilted its ears down sensing its owners rage and sorrow. Her father's words came back to her,

"'re uncle...he has...fallen in battle."

Ashie's mumbled, "Who was this man who killed my mentor...?" She was lost in her memories, before she tensed up coming back to reality, she wiped at her eyes listening to the girls speak.

Last edited by Ashie Uchiha on Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Format error)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:29 pm
"Uncle?..." Echo. The man..... It made sense she supposed. "He and I have a some what um... Jaded past. He....... The important thing is he trained me a bit and eventually helped me find my way back to konoha.He's a good man. " She likewise was caught in her own thoughts she almost missed it.... Almost. Her training as a shinobi enhanced her senses however to the point that the subtleties of a whisper from their close proximity was all to noticeable, much to her dismay.

"Wh..... Echo is dead?.... N...Youka." He'd gone too far. Was it her fault? If she'd not taken so much time..... could she have stopped it or would she simply have found the same fate.
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