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Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:44 pm
Ashie stood still, perfectly still, this woman didn't know the death of her uncle. Foolish. Ashie could see the surprise, before she gathered her composure, "My Uncle died protecting what he loved." She couldn't say more than that, Ashie at this point didn't even want to talk about it, the only person who was ever there to rub her back, to console her was her family and Zero.

Everyone else in the village was a stranger to Ashie. "He's dead, and nothing in this world can bring him back, Not me, not you...not anyone..." This is how Ashie felt, she needed to move on if she were to get stronger. She would be the next god in line, but her first lesson is to learn to love all life in this horrible world. The girl's bear kept moving forward eventually Ashie and her pet stopped in front of Nomi. "Whatever feeling you have, grieve them now and move on. Death is part of the cycle of life, We are born, we live, and eventually..." She paused as her and the bear moved passed her, "We will all die."
Hisano koutaishi
Hisano koutaishi
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:54 pm
She gathered composure quickly at the girls words. Was she really proving to be less effective at controling her emotions then a six year old?! Get it together Kira. "Death... Is inevitable in us all. I was not aware my teacher had passed though..... I have no doubt who took his life. I will Kill Youka tau. " The words felt foreign on her lips now. It had been so long since she'd been back in the village hidden in the stone training with what would quickly become the demon of destruction.

"W... Was he in Kumo when.. Never mind. i appologize. I don't mean to open wounds once more, even if it is a pain we both share. "
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:14 pm
Ashe had turned to the girl, "I do not know who killed my uncle, I was assured by my own father that the man had already paid dearly for it." Ashie wasn't sure who the name of the person was, her father never explained. It didn't matter, Ashie had promised her father she wouldn't look for revenge and she wasn't about to start breaking promises anytime soon, she will simply report the name to her father later.

Ashie heard Nomi speak about sharing pain, she wanted to scold her for such an idea that their pain was the same. It wasn't. However, Ashie realized that she didn't know who Nomi was, what kind of home she came from, or any of her life. She just kept her mouth shut, seeing as how she couldn't find anything nice to say to her at all. Ashie changed subjects, "Are we close to you residence...?"
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:25 pm
"we shall be soon... Well, the residence I hold for the sake of my position. My true home is um.... A bit more extravagant." This girl seemed trust worthy. Would she actually offer her entrance to the Faewilds? Was it safe to allow the heir of Viper Uchiha knowledge of her summons very strange world? Maybe. They finally reached the large archway denoting the entrance to the Nara district, a large wooden creation bearing the same crest as that which she displayed openly on her back.

"This is the entrance to my family's district... What few of us are left that is. Unfortunately it seems like so many within the village our numbers dwindle. Thankfully we've not quite gone the way of the yamaki clan yet. " She felt pangs of sorrow for the previous hokage. It was her blood whom had ended the bloodline of Navi yamaki. It could have been her blood who turned the tide. She shook her head to free her mind of the thoughts.
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:46 pm
Ashie maintained a one meter distance, she looked upon the gate squinting, it was an odd gate, but then Ashie picked up Nomi mention uncle Navi's last name, Ashie didn't know that his clan fell...

" knew...about Uncle Navi too...?" Ashie was having her pet backed up, she didn't like this, it felt too creepy. The princess wanted to go back home, she wanted to hide, it was fear she was feeling; to Ashie's knowladge her father hadn't told anyone yet about Navi. Ashie waited for her to further elaborate herself. Maybe she did know Navi...maybe she just knew his name...he was a hokage after all. That didn't matter to Ashie...what pained her was how he died, and what he meant to her entire family.

His death hurt more than just the family it seemed.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:58 pm
"I knew navi yes. We um... Had a bit of a sorted past. He welcomed me back to the village after being labeled missing... Assumed dead. Very interesting man i heard... " she didn't want to say it. It wasn't going to help anything to speak the words out loud and would probably pain the girl. "It... Im aware only of his passing. Appologies for bringing up such negative tidings. "

SHe walked past the gates, continuing if Ashi did and stopping to turn to her otherwise. "This may cause a bit of trouble but if I might level with you I.... Am not officially part of this village. I was born and raised here that much was true. I was kidnapped when I was too young to defend myself lost and terrfied with no memory of who I was or where i'd come from. It was Navi who welcomed me and ensured my name would not be on the list on ninja to be saught out and captured when I met with him about two years ago. The will of fire runs in my veins but until I finish an important hurdle in my past I cannot in good conscience rejoin the village system. "
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:33 pm
She listened, she was right, she was not a ninja of the leaf, but that didn't mean she didn't live here. It's still not Ashie's place to remove her from the village. When she mention the will of Fire she froze, that feeling of taking revenge. The feeling of justice. Even if it led her down a dark path she was going to walk that no matter what.

Something Ashie was about to go through until her friend had saved her, he absorbed her dark feelings and released her from her hate and anger. "If I may level with you too, the Will of Fire is a dark path, I too wanted revenge on my uncles, even if it led me down the darkest path. I even...I blamed the world for both of my uncles death. Everyone was fearful of my father, fearful of his strength, his will to burn all that stood in his way, that was the will of fire. I wanted to burn the world, for my uncles deaths. However...I love this world too much, it would break me to see the beautiful things this world can make end. I carry the Will of the Leaf, the same will Navi carried with him, the same will Echo carried when he defended the Leaf for peace. This will I shall carry with me until I can't anymore. This is the will every leaf shinobi should carry. To Protect, for love, for peace..."

Ashie grew quiet, for sure the girl was most likely getting annoyed with her speech, but Ashie had to say something. If the girl didn't have anyone to steer her in the right direction then Ashie would do so, and if she couldn't at least Ashie could rest easy knowing she tried.

"You must be just as pained as I, and it took me to make my mother cry, to make my father lock himself away...death of one changes whoever is attached to that person. Which is the reason why senseless murder needs to stop. If you went off to kill Nomi, that senseless killing will turn someone to senselessly kill you. It wouldn't break the cycle! Break the cycle with me, believe in me, that believes in the Will of the Leaf."

Ashie held up her fist to the sky, her eyes were yet again silver, her bloodline activating with her feelings of righteousness. If only her uncles could see her now, the little princess who wanted to become the next Angel of Death had become someone strong, someone who other's could look up to. Even though her age and height are small, her heart and courage are of massive proportions.

Ashie lowered her hand and gave a soft smile. " are home now, I urge you to rest easy tonight....farewell." With that last word Ashie began to focus her chakra into her slepnir so that she may disappear in a crimson flash back into her father's world of Asgard.

{Exit if not stopped, and wc - 2030 towards the 2,000 words needed for remembering "Nomi's" Chakra for Chakra Sensing.}
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Specialty : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:40 pm
"Will of the leaf. Heh. All I'd know for so long was murder and death. I've killed so many at the hands of a demon.... Now all i wish is to protect those I love. Forcibly removed from this village still I stand hiding in shadows to ensure no dangers come upon the village I care so deeply for.... I will Try Ashie uchiha. I will try but The man who tortured my existence.... I fear he must pay first. " She finished her response, continuing forward to finally look back as the last words left her lips. If Ashie continued as described she'd find the girl gone as quickly as she'd appeared her words falling onto the cool wind of the konoha night.

(exit also if Ashie does teleport otherwise continue =) if ashi doesnt want to post again topic closed)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Ashie meets an Ally Cat (P,IO,NK)

Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:44 pm

(Or ya know, trial approved.)
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