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Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:11 pm
Rikaro stood on top of the last wall in Kumogakure as he stared at the village in front of him where two other massive walls stood. Even though he could not see the storm he could feel it as heavy rain drops fell to his skin. The bloody fog above him flashed with the color of lighting every now and then followed by a boom of thunder. He was fascinated by Lighting being able to be faster than the speed of sound. He always told him self he would learn lighting release but unlike Shade Release he did not have it inside of him so learning it would be harder. However if he ever did learn Lighting he would be sure to become a master at it. Dark Convergence his skill he previously learned let him infuse other basic elements with Yuumei giving them incredible features. Like the chakra draining water. He felt one of the eyes on the wall shift under his feet which cause him to lose his footing a little. Stupid fucking walls always thinking someone is doing something. He wished Mortarion would do something about it. He ran down the ran avoiding mist of the blood in it. When he reached the ground he came to cold dirt. See since the sun was forced covered Kumo did not get much sunlight nor warmth. So we were forever cold. Rikaro was sure this was bad for the body as everyone skin had became as pale as smoke. 

Even so pestilence maneuvered its way through the skies of Kumo only infecting those the Raikae wanted ad one of his zombie citizens or as one of those half dead humans on the totem poles around the village. He smirked he liked the idea the Raikage had even though it brought pain upon people. Rikaro had taken a thought to what the Mortarion did. He fought and thought like a mad man. Maybe he could talk to the man again if whatever inside of him was not eating his insides out. From wandering around Rikaro found himself sitting on top of one of the many houses of Kumi staring at the rain pouring down.
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:35 pm
Coco twirled her beaituful yellow umbrella over head as she made her way through Kumo. Her rubber clad feet happily queaked and squashed through the rain and mud as she did. She hadn't seen rain in forever, and the down pour right now was reminding her of home.

How she hated it. Hated the rain, hated the cold. Hated how many times she'd gotten struck my lightning. Man oh man there might as well have not been a storm at all because Coco's rage cloud was big enough to cover the city. 

At the moment she would have rather been training her genin for the next phase of her exam, but instead she got assigned this new kid. Teaching him lightning. Should be easy enough. She did actually know a very high ranking lightning technique so it would be fun enough. She spotted him sitting on top of some random house as if the home owners wanted Ninja screwing up the tiling. Com one man have some class. "Genin, get down here. Now!" That was straight forward enough. Coco never was one to toss around words. " I hope you know you're going to be re-shingling that house when we're done." She sighed and gave her umbrella a twirl. "You Rikaro?"
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:10 am
Rikaro still sat on top of the building watching the ground below as he saw a girl walking his way. She sure was odd with a brightly colored umbrella. What made it even more odd she stopped walking and stared at him. Could this be a assassination attempt on a man from the Shinkou clan " Genin get down here now " screamed the girl. Rikaro frowned what kind if lowly civilian dare dress there superiors like that. Rikaro however did not care for the woman and began pealing the rusty tile off the roof and sensed that the woman still did not move and continued to stare at him." I hope you know you are going to be re-shingling that house when we are dine " said the woman holding the yellow umbrella. Rikaro frowned what did she mean when we are done. He continued to stare at the woman and she then said " You Rikaro ". His reflexes automatically activated as he was not use to being called his name by total strangers in a thunderstorm. He stood up and jumped off the not so tall building landing 10 meters in front of the woman. He opened his mouth and said " Now who the hell are you not many people know my name ". He pulled his chakra rod out of its sheat and held it in his right hand waiting for the woman to make a move. Should she dare to try something Rikaro would throw the rod at amazing speed aiming for her heart then pull 3 kunai out of his pouch with his left hand and put one on each finger and rapidly throw all three one aiming for her stomach, the other for her kidney and the other on her for head.

Of course none of this would not happen if she failed to try something against him. For all he know this could be a assassination attempt against himself for awakening his Meigan. Rikaro continued to stare at the woman waiting for the moment of truth.
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:00 am
... Was he trying to attack her? Drawing a weapon on her like that. Coco remember when this village was inhabited by ninja who did things right and by the book, not ones who just drew weapons on their superiors. She did so despise the thing that her adopted home had become. Who just treats a person like that? Let alone a superior. Let alone someone trying to help him. 

Coco's brown eyes started at the weapon wielding boy. Most of her face was hidden behind a scarf, but her displeasure was plain to see. She tilted her umbrella just so. "Down boy.

Coco would appear behind Rikaro before he even knew what had happened. She would calmly stroll down the path moving on without him. "I wouldn't trust you with a kunai, let a lone a jutsu. Grow up, and come find me, or search for a new teacher." She'd take a few steps forward. "Oh, and you should go to the hospital to get that hand sewn back on." As she said those words Rikaro's sword wielding hand would fall to the ground chopped cleanly through by a blade which Coco had produced and hid before he could even see it. 

"Keep the wound above your head so you don't bleed out. And treat strangers with kindness you never know who you'll meet. Learn that lesson and I'll allow us to meet again."

Ia beheading let's me go at a speed of 90, to fast for you to see. 
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:53 am
Rikaro stared at the girl before she suddenly disappeared." I wouldn't trust you with a Kunai, let alone a jutsu, grow up and come find me or search for a new teacher " said the girl's voice from behind him. His left hand shot down and grabbed the black rod from his left thigh and turned around facing the girl as she was taking steps forward. He saw her hand shift so Rikaro held the told in both hands as something heavy hit it then disappeared. As it disappeared Rikaro would throw a smoke bomb down with his left hand and jump backwards activating his Meigan lookin for his other black rod and his kunai. After gathering his weapons he went to the rooftops with one word in his mind. This girl would never see daylight again.

(Couldn't hit me because she was speedblitzing. She stated she was walking towards me. Obviously no one can power walk that fast.)

I'll be happy to chamge of necessary

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:22 am
If she came at you with 90 speed and your RT is 80, then yeah, that would be speed blitzing unless I got my numbers wrong. If that's the case, please let me know since my battlemodding skills are slightly below abbysmal. <3
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:23 am
Those should be the correct numbers
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:26 am

Well in that case the hit didn't go through but I can approve both your exits to resolve this peacefully. I'll wait to see if Coco has something to add though. <3
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:33 am
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco) Empty Re: Harnessing Lighting (P,NK,Coco)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:44 am
it's all good in the hood
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