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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:13 pm
Jason had decided to test Hideyoshi's skills personally. That wasn't the only reason he was waiting in the training grounds for the Chuunin. If he was being honest with himself it had been some time since he had a good fight and he knew he had to have regular sparring matches to keep his skills up. If anything were to happen to Konoha Jason didn't want to be rusty. 

The sun was just beginning to set along the horizon, there was a soft breeze that blew Jason's messy hair out of his face. Jason stood with his arms crossed in front of him and his bow and quiver on his back. Twenty meters to Jason's right was a large river forty meters wide. Thirty five meters to his left was the tree line that meant Konoha's forest was beginning. A sly smirk crept across Jason's face as he quelled the anticipation within him. Finally he would be able to stretch his legs for the first time after his training with Brennar and the ANBU. 

Jason could feel his familiar Nami's boredom through their telepathic link. Of course she was bored. It took a lot to get her excited. Though if anything were to really threaten Jason he knew Nami would be right there by his side. Goosebumps ran down Jason's arms as he waited for Hideyoshi to arrive. 'This should be fun.' he thought to himself.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:52 pm
An invitation had been sent out to the young chuunin to meet the Hokage at the training grounds, but where was the male? If one would have looked in the depths of the forests of Konoha, home to many of their deer and such, they would find the male stretching besides a tree that had just been torn down. Strike marks adorned it as he panted and wiped the sweat from his brow with a smile," A little more Corbinek and we'll have this down pat. Kind of feel sorry for whoever gets the receiving end of this attack...," rolling his shoulders he allowed his chakra to become suppressed again almost as if it was a natural instinct. As soon as he completed the task the ninja tasked with the message appeared before him, alerting him that the Lord Hokage wanted to meet with him. Shrugging he began to walk past a couple of trees which as soon as he did they fell down," Looks like i get to have some fun today after all," the yellow eyes would open and flicker blue if not only for a moment as he walked..

Within a few moments he had arrived in the training grounds, his speed swift and his movements silent as he made it ten meters to the right of Jason. Chakra Sensory? Wasn't something that would ever pick up Hideyoshi unless he dropped his natural veil but any ninja would introduce himself upon arrival," So I heard you were looking for me? Well let's here what it is then," a smile forming on his face as he speculated what exactly the new Hokage needed. As he waited he listened in on the words of his friend," Might you be thinking that he called you here to spar? This is the training grounds of course," it was a good point yet he wondered what else would be brought up in this meeting. A spar with the Kage? Sure as hell sounded fun to him.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:06 pm
"So I heard you were looking for me? Well let's here what it is then"

Hideyoshi had spoken from the right of Jason. Apparently Nami hadn't had the decency to alert Jason to the new arrival. That was fine by Jason though. He turned to face Hideyoshi, the smirk still on his face. He almost couldn't hold in his excitement. "I've had some time to think since we last talked. I want to test your abilities myself and see whether or not you truly deserve that Jounin rank. Besides, I haven't had a good spar in some time now." Jason watched the Chuunin carefully as he spoke, looking for any sign of what he was thinking. Nami would stay out of Hideyoshi's mind this time, letting Jason use his own skills in this fight. 

Jason could feel Nami's annoyance at being dragged down to the training grounds for this. He knew she would much rather be curled up in her spot back at the Hokage building. 'Stop your sulking. You've been napping all day. I want to have some fun.' Jason said to the fox inside of his mind. They often shared conversations like this. Jason pretty much lived in Nami's head and she in his. That's just how it was with them. 

Turning his attention back toward Hideyoshi now in front of him, Jason would patiently wait for the Chuunin's response.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:45 pm
This was to decide if he was going to get Jounin or not? Well with those few words a smile had begun to spread on his face as he cracked his knuckles," Well why didn't you tell your messenger to tell me that in the first place? I would have sent a tree your way when I first arrived. So we doing this or not? If so," pulling out a pair of gauntlets he would slide them on both of his hands slowly before tugging on the bottom of the second one slowly and activating them, the eyes of the gauntlets coming to life," Bring it on! ," Jason was of course allowed the first move as he took his stance and waited for the Hokage to do something.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:52 am
Hideyoshi smiled and cracked his knuckles at the mention of Jounin. He would pull out some gauntlets and put them on taking a stance indicating he was ready to get the show on the road. "Bring it on!" he said to Jason.

So he was leaving the first move to Jason. Well, who was he to deny the chance to strike first? Both of Jason's hands and arms up to the elbow would turn black as he hardened them with Haki immediately after Hideyoshi had taken his stance. Jason would keep his senses on high alert, watching the Chuunin's every move for a counter attack. As Jason's arms were hardening, he would simultaneously perform the Ram hand seal and then dart forward at his full speed(100) aiming a punch with his Haki imbued right hand at Hideyoshi's stomach hoping to use the momentum to further the force of his punch(strength of 50, Haki durability 70 and +70 health).

Depending on how Hideyoshi reacts to the punch, Jason will follow up accordingly.

Jutsu Used:
Wood Release: Cutting
Training Busoshoku Haki
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:25 am
It had begun. Hideyoshi watched Jason's movements as he made a hand seal, his eyes observing as his body began to turn black. A new form of jutsu or something of the sort? It was a simple counter that he could easily produce, yet he would have some fun with this. As Jason moved forward Hideyoshi crouched and slammed his fist into the ground, from the point in which he did a straight line of bone protruded from the ground, the bones being 2 meters from the ground(100 sharpness), would rush towards Jason at the speed of 100. This attack would force Jason to either stop running towards him or rekt by a bunch of bones, yet this wasn't the only attack he was going to do. Without any form of movements, his form disappeared, his body being empowered by the spirit as he enhanced his speed , maneuvering towards the right of Jason.

With his new movement speed of 158, he would position himself two meters to the right of Jason with a smile on his face. As he began to spin as soon as his Shunshin ended, a torrent of bones would grow from his body spanning from his arms, legs, back, in various angles non threatening to him as his speed increased. The Dance of the Larch, a taijutsu technique of his forefathers gave him strength to continually spin. As he did he launched a flurry of punches and kicks attempting to not only cut Jason, but physically throw him off guard.

Jutsu Used:
[Speed and strength is now 150 for speed and 88 for strength due to Larch]

Dance of the Larch
Taijutsu Shunshin
Bone Spikes
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:11 am
Jason sensed a surge of chakra coming from Hideyoshi just before he punched the ground and a straight line of bone came heading in Jason's direction. He had little option but to stop moving. Ending his Hoho, Jason would stop in his tracks and pivot on his right foot just as Hideyoshi had disappeared from sight. He had moved too quickly for Jason to follow with his eyes but his chakra sensing and his experience as a fighter let him know Hideyoshi was now merely two meters in front of Jason, being that he had pivoted to the right. While pivoting, Jason would have grabbed his bow and knocked an arrow just in time to see the Chuunin's brief smile.

Jason only got a quick glance at Hideyoshi before he began to rapidly grow sharp bones from all over his body and spin. This was a technique that could cause Jason some real trouble if it hit. Luckily Jason was taught to think on the fly. He had launched the arrow he had knocked earlier. The arrow flew at a speed of 130 aimed 3 meters to the left of Hideyoshi. It was too late though. Jason by the time the arrow had made it 10 meters past the Chuunin, Jason had been hit by two punches and one kick, the sharp bones slicing through the parts of Jason not covered by his Haki. 

Just then Jason would disappear in a flash of yellow light and reappear where the arrow now was that had been shot. Jason's wounds already healing from the Chuunin's attack. He had certainly underestimated him. Knocking two arrows this time, Jason would imbue both with his Haki and fire them at Hideyoshi, one aimed at the Chuunin's torso and the other at his lower body. It was hard to tell exactly where the arrows would hit since he was rapidly spinning. But that wasn't the only thing he was going to do. Immediately after letting the arrows fly, Jason would put the bow back in the quiver on his back and perform the Horse hand seal and spew forth a fifty meter wide cone of flames at a speed of 75 toward Hideyoshi. Jason hoped he wasn't over doing it.

Jutsu used:

great fire annihilation
still training Haki
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:44 pm

He teleported? Was it the arrow that he shot in place of trying to dodge? No he definitely got him with his attack he could smell the blood on his bones which slowly began to disappear as he stopped just in time to dodge the arrows. Just in case as the arrows past by the edges of his body, he cut through them with the last of his bones and he stomped onto the ground, cuing the inspirational music in the back of his head. As Jason prepared his jutsu, Hideyoshi began to run forward the blood of his body pumping as for once his chakra flared, his suppression ending as his skin became dyed with black and his eye? Pure red.

Once the fire was released he began to slide as if he was levitating off the ground slightly, the forbidden taijutsu of the leaf roaring through his body! With a swift punch a single vacuum of air would pierce through the veil of flame pulling jason towards the male with a single stroke. The vacuum of air, being at the same speed as his punches would continue to pull the male closer and closer until Hideyoshi smiled and launched a crescent kick directly at the chest of Jason," Lets see you grit them teeth," and if jason was thinking of escaping? The pressurized form of air expanded behind Hideyoshi destroying the arrows and shafts of the arrows he had once tried to shoot at him. He wasn't going to end this just yet for one reason. He was having the time of his life. The kick albeit fast would have a slight delay due to his body switching from the strain of a forbidden Taijutsu technique but who cares when the fight is fun?

Jutsu Used:
Evening Elephant (100 power vacuum, 100 speed)
Leaf Great Whirlwind
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:47 pm
Jason couldn't see what was going on too well with the fire he had spewed forth but he definitely felt Hideyoshi's chakra spike. On reflex Jason automatically left a seal on the ground underneath his left foot, for "just in case" purposes. He couldn't do much after that. As soon as the seal had been placed the fire was dissipated in front of him and he began to be pulled toward Hideyoshi. 

Jason was surprised to see Hideyoshi seemingly all black with red eyes, now that he actually COULD see him. Jason was seemingly helpless as he was being pulled toward the Chuunin. It was a good thing he had prepared a jutsu beforehand for something like this. That wasn't the only trick he had up his sleeve however. The instant he started to be pulled forward a spiraling high density ball of chakra began to form in Jason's right hand. If he could only move forward he would at least take advantage of the situation. 

However just as Jason began to aim the newly formed Rasengan at Hideyoshi's chest, the Chuunin would aim a crescent kick directly at Jason's chest. Immediately Jason's entire body would turn black and harden along with his already Haki imbued arms. At the same time Jason's Haki was covering his body, three sharp ended branches would extend from Jason's torso at a speed of 75 with a sharpness of 145 thanks to Jason's Haki. One of the branches was aimed directly at Hideyoshi's kick while the other two branches were being manipulated to attempt to pierce through the Chuunin's chest and the leg that wasn't being used to kick. If all went according to plan, Hideyoshi would be pierced in three places. However if Hideyoshi defends or dodges Jason's counter attack he will respond accordingly, keeping his senses on high alert.

Jutsu used:

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi] Empty Re: Jason Tests a Chuunin's Skills[IO, Zero Koyomi]

Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:37 pm
The fight continued to rage on as Hideyoshi had completed what he wanted to do, get in close to his opponent and keep himself there. His kick while only temporarily stopped by the Haki would persist its affect was what he desired. The kick would push Jason back from his seal albeit only by a few meters which gave Hideyoshi all the time he needed for his next move. Stepping forward to where his right foot would be on the seal itself, he would begin to throw a flurry of punches each with the intensity of a burning fire, the very red aura permeating from his body as he felt the muscles in his body starting to rip," Shit...I'm pushing it too much...but I must push on," the red in his eyes starting to glow as he pushed his body to its utter limits. After the conclusion he would jump back five meters, his face in a sweat as his body slowly went to normal," Shit...Didn't know so many forbidden techniques would have this kind of strain on my body, but," a bit of blood came from his mouth as he began to kneel and wipe the fluid from his mouth. His body was reaching his limits but he couldn't help but want to push it further...power was needed but he wasn't ready for it.
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