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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:00 am
(Gonna post on this sometime today)
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:50 am
Jason watched as his kunai passed the projectiles that Coco had launched mid air. They were still coming straight for Jason even though he had moved using the flying thunder god technique. Jason's kunai would transform into one thousand copies of itself in mid air just as Coco's weapons were inches from Jason's body and their original intended target. Jason would once again disappear in a flash of yellow light, this time reappearing in mid air at the position of the very last of the thousand kunai so that when he appeared his weapons would not hit him. That would be really embarrassing, being hit with your own attack. Especially if there was no interference like say, a baseball bat hitting it back at you. Nope, Jason wouldn't be caught like that. Only a fool gets hit by his own attack. Instead, he would reappear at the very last kunai in line so as to avoid some embarrassing debacle. Coco would be about fifteen meters above Jason, who was mid air twenty meters above the ground. That put Coco exactly thirty five meters above the ground and she was still rising. Even though she could fly, at a decent speed too, Jason doubted she'd be able to completely dodge what he would do next. 

In the same instant Jason would reappear he would immediately perform the Horse hand seal and a tremendous amount of fire would spew forth from his mouth aimed directly at Coco. Of course, even if his aiming was a little off since he was mid air and beginning to fall, he wasn't concerned too much about it. The fire attack he had just used would spread outward to cover a fifty meter span of air with Coco somewhere near the center. The force of the flames would of course push Jason downward toward the ground a bit faster than he had wanted but it would still be able to reach Coco who was now fifty meters above the ground and forty meters above Jason.

jutsu used
great fire annihilation -40
FTG -40
senken no mei -35
624AP remaining
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:49 pm
(Hmm how does a simple swordswoman fight teleportation I wonder.)

Gone again. What was going on? Okay there was another flash of light, when he ran. Likely from him breaking the sound barrier or something wonky like that.

Down below coco could hear the tell tale sound of a torch igniting that usually signaled a fire attack. The wind around her swirled her around to where she could see the young hokage. She tossed her kunai up in the air and made it to where her legs were facing the air and her head was facing Jason, oh and the fire. Jason's Kunai would be landing to her right, and Jason's original location would be to her left. Hmm that angle he was falling at. That was the second time he was trying to peep up her skirt, what a dirty young man. Dirty but skilled, he'd appeared directly below her. That got rid of coco's theory that his speed was limited to only to a straight line he would have been torn up by her attack if it were. But it was clearly limited to something, otherwise she'd already be done for already. His speed didn't seem to be limited to range or time, as he moved ten meters, then twenty five it the same amount of time. Perhaps it was distance from her? Both times he'd moved like that he either began or ended fifteen meters away from coco. Normally if a person was moving as quickly as he did they'd have difficulty reacting to their own movements at that speed so perhaps he couldn't risk getting in too close. Of course if that was the case then why did he do it near her attacks? Twice. Well the first time he did it, he backed up so that could have been easily managed, but the second time he went around the kunai which couldn't. Then there was that flash of light. Almost like electricity crackling. Hmm. She remembered stories of one of the ninjas of Kumo who could teleport. Although she heard that it was slower than what the hokage was currently doing, this was almost instantaneous. Even so teleportation seemed like a more likely option, than him just being really fast. Right, so he could teleport. That would also account for his lack of momentum in the air right now, he hadn't jumped, he'd teleported. Alright teleportation would usually be in the roundhouse of time and space, as specialization Coco knew little about other than summoning. Geez Ninjutsu was so bothersome.  No one else was around so he wasn't just being summoned all around the place. Well maybe he was, that's how her own form of teleportation worked. But he had no clones, no devices set out that could perform a form of summoning. At least that she could see.  He'd seemed to have teleported to his Kunai, but that couldn't have been it. There was no kunai when he teleported the first time around.

Well she'd have to ponder that later. There was a Giant wall of fire flying at her after all. Okay for now considering the actual movements he'd been making she had to assume that his speed was equal to hers when out of slip stream. He was using a teleportation jutsu, and that it couldn't be used or in effect within 15 meters of her. The transference happened instantaneously and for the moment had a confirmed ranged of 25 meters. Goodness, Ninjutsu was so annoying.

Oh Well, Jason wasn't the only awesome ninja around here now was he?

The kunai and Shuriken she'd throw landed on her feet and she used her chakra to keep them stuck there. Things were about to get a little hectic so she didn't want them blowing all over the place. ANYWAY! Fire approaching Fast! She formed the confrontation seal and put her hand on the old umbrella. But that Yellow umbrella was no ordinary Yellow Umbrella. 

When The Fire ball was in range Two of her clones would appear bats drawn, and with a fire in their eyes. Or rather a fire reflected in their eyes! They'd swing each of their bats on either side of Coco away from the other. They'd strike the fire ball as if it were a big ball of flaming cotton candy. The Jutsu would split in two. Half of it would fly at the Field of Kunai that had landed off to the side, and the other would land where Jason had First teleported to. They'd each be flying their own ways as if they were Kunai thrown from Coco's own hand making the fire balls more like fire cannon balls, har har. speed of 200 about. Partly to see if he could teleport to places he'd already been, like that one kumo ninja, or to objects in his possession like Coco. Partly that, partly because it was cool. Partly to leave him with no escape!

BECAUSE! Coco original The Real OC would be Flying through the gap between fire balls Sword held in one hand and her other hand held to her chest. The Sword hand would be held out in front of her, and the sword edge would be held out and aimed at Jason. If Jason didn't do anything to defend himself Coco would come down on him with her monstrous strength and split him in two. Or at least she would if this were a real fight, she'd actually just end up bopping him on the head and knocking him out. The two walls of fire would be dropping down on either side of him with little room for him to run either way. Plus with that fire destroying what the seals were placed on he wouldn't be able to teleport either! Because even if coco couldn't destroy the seals what they were placed on was another story. And unless they could be placed in mid air, in which case woops. Of course if they could be placed in floating space they'd probably leave the orbit of earth very quickly as the planet moved away from their location XD. If he Ran Coco would just fly down on him, and hit him anyway. His only option was to try to block her, or do something that she couldn't think of.

The other two clones would be falling down behind her their descent less controlled but just as graceful.

It was a nearly perfect plan. Considering the data she'd gathered. If he teleported to pre designated locations like her armor then she'd taken out those options at least in the area. If he avoided the attack and his chakra dissipated from the field completely she knew it was pre designation and it had a larger range than anything she could sense. If he simple teleported beyond the fire she knew it likely wasn't predestination and that it's range would be beyond 25 meters. If she got within fifteen meters and he did teleport then she knew that that theory was bunk, and if he didn't then she knew that her theory had some validity to it.

Coco on The Theory of The Flying Thunder God:

(Hahaha! RP during a fight!)
(590ap -20 For Slip Stream, -45 for Dance of the Crescent moon 525 left. )
Clones 150 ap -90 for Bat stuff. 
If writing this has taught me anything it's that apparently I don't know how to spell teleport.
Jason Senju
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:38 am
(I'll try to post on this some time today but I have school all day. If not today I'll post tomorrow morning for sure)
Jason Senju
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:33 am
Jason could feel the immense heat of fire on either side of him. His peripherals showed him the flames to be about two meters away on either side. Coco was coming straight at Jason very fast. Faster than Jason himself could move. It looked like all of his exits had been cut off. This Kumogakure ninja was certainly skilled in battle. She knew how to corner her opponent and use his weaknesses against him. The last thing he saw was in her maid outfit before he was knocked unconscious by her attack. If it were a real fight he would likely have been killed.

The scene changed before his eyes. Jason was no longer unconscious but still completely awake and falling toward the ground very fast. The flames hadn't reached Coco yet. Coco was currently catching kunai on her feet and performing a hand seal to create two clones of herself. At the same time that Coco had begun trying to catch her kunai on her feet, Jason had just finished performing the hand seals Tiger-Snake at the exact same time the kunai were safely attached to the bottom of Coco's feet. While performing these hand seals Jason would also simultaneously cover his body in a hardened black substance. His haki was a great defense for most things. 

As the Snake hand seal was being finished a large tree grew up from the ground around Jason. To Coco it would look like Jason was being engulfed completely by the tree and using it as a shield, blocking him from her view. The tree would quickly grow up and around Jason leaving a small opening in the back of the tree so that Jason could escape. The branches and leaves would be thick and block Coco's way as well as her line of sight. At the same time the tree engulfed Jason, several medium sized roots would grow from the ground behind the tree where the opening was and wrap around Jason pulling him out of harms way and setting him down on the ground thirty meters from the tree that had just grown up, safely away from the fire and the oncoming maid ninja. He was now standing on the ground with flames ending fifteen meters in front of him to the left and to the right. The path ahead of him was completely clear of any fire but instead had a large tree in the way that Coco would most likely run into if she continued her assault. 

The tree would have finished growing just after Coco had began her charge forward, or downward rather, at Jason. 

jutsu used:
busoshoku haki -20
world of trees -50
senken no mei -35
519AP remaining
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:11 pm
It was a good plan but Jason's Chakra signature was easily traceable, and the Clones up in the air were sending her a third person perspective of the situation. She was directly above him so there wouldn't actually be a tree between him because when it started to move him away she'd just follow that chakra signature. Since apparently the trees had finished growing before coco did anything there wouldn't be any worry about her colliding with anything as she dove down to attack him. If there was she'd had just have moved between/around depending on what it was. she'd have been moving at twice the speed of the tree so no worries there. As she'd been ready to follow him she'd have quickly caught up with him and bopped him on the head, and knocked him out. The strength from her blow alone had been enough to crack open that shell like a black egg. Plus it was a sword so...

Coco would let out a heavy breath and nod her head. Phew now that had been a frustrating battle. She looked down at the hokage who was unconcious and who's tongue was waggling out of his mouth, as tweety birds flew over head. She'd take a look over at the tree the hokage had grown. Now that was a unique move. Not that it'd done him any good, but it could have. 

(Your post didn't really do anything to stop coco from attacking or actually hitting you, so I'm claiming that hit!)
CoCo Wei
CoCo Wei
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:16 pm
(I'm so sorry Jason)

Coco fromed the Clone Seal and summoned Eight clones who got to work immediately. They would stand in a triangle around Jason each facing out to look in a seperate direction while five of them would quickly cut away Jason's armor and begin to loot his body. Coco held out her hands and had the clones place the loot on her. Meanwhile she was keeping her chakra sensory on high alert ready to abort when needed. Up above her two clones were floating overhead on their umbrellas facing away from each other so they had a good field of view up above keeping an eye out. First were those special eyes of his,then his hands so he couldn't cast any jutsu, next was that fancy gem of his, then the ryo, then his necklace, and finally his head band. That was probably enough proof that she'd beaten up a kage for any one. All her clones were connected mentally so their actions would be co-ordinated and none of them would have to wait for the others to finish. It'd be simultaneous and well executed. When She'd collected those items, or if she was in danger of dying before that she'd send a message to Li mentally. Simply The sentence "Li I'm ready to go home." And if Li Did his half of the job she'd be teleported out of there items and all.

Why? Well it wasn't fair was it? She a simple Chuunin from Ame being able to defeat the leader of a nation. And yet Ame was subjugated and attacked, while Kono got to enjoy it's safety. It wasn't fair. These nations so safe with their money, and secret techniques, their numbers. They grow fat, lazy, secure. While Coco and her home village had to scrape and fight for every scrap of power they earned. That's why. She didn't know this man's story, how he became Kage, what his powers were or where they came from, but he had not have to earn them. They were given, obviously. His clan, his position, Coco had none of that, and had still won. She wanted the world to know. For Jason to be the example. Neither village nor clan mattered, only that a ninja had the will to fight.

Jason would of course be alive, she had no intention of killing the guy. He could be healed, or harvest more of his own villagers for the missing parts she was sure. If she had the time one of her clones would move his unconscious body over to a tree and set him up. And tie his arm stubs above his head so he couldn't bleed out until help arrived. 

Of course if there was a reason couldn't do that she wouldn't. She'd only do that if she actually knew she'd get away with it. So if there was something on Li's side of things that would stop him from summoning her to Ame she would know before hand and make her actions depending on what that was. However the time lining of this would place it before ame was destroyed, if that was going to be an issue. So If indeed Li was able at that moment to summon Coco she would go ahead and loot Jason.

If not she would simply sneer at Jason, and have one of her clones pick up his body. She'd been a fool to try to maim a kage in his own village with no path of escape other than her speed. Keeping the Hokage on on of the clones arms marriage style she would being to make her way to the village. If nothing else his entire village would see that She'd won, and new would travel. Maybe kumo would even give her that rank up.

So if Li is able to summon coco I'd like to Claim 2 Sharingan, Senju dna, Soul Amethyst, 8900 ryo, Jason's necklace and a leaf head band. As well as A S-Rank missing Nin for maiming a kage and stealing over 20k ryo worth of items.

Either way I'd like to claim 3247 for Lightning clone

If he is not, then I claim nothing, but the pride of 48 houring a kage.

A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Samuel-L-Jackson-Drinking-Sprite-Pulp-Fiction
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:24 pm

I dont think 48 houring would apply as jason had a post in away topic saying his activity would be decreased due to school. <3
CoCo Wei
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:28 pm
He did indeed, ma bad. Well now you know what's in store when you come back jason. 
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A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Hopeful Hokage, and a Crazed Kunochi (nk, Jason)

Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:12 pm

^ clearly says i can't post until monday or tuesday. Nice try tho. You're not stealing any of my shit
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