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Hado the Octopus Sage <3
Hado the Octopus Sage <3
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In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:28 pm
so friggin busy. will edit this with a post tomorrow hopefully, otherwise its thursday x.x
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:00 am
Well, that sounded reasonable, and Draconis said as much.

He briefly thought over the rest of the conversation past… nope, nothing else he needed to ask at the moment. “Ok, I think that’s everything for now then Lord Hokage, if you will excuse me, I will attempt to gain as much information as I can on our ninjas, before any exams can happen. Just, if you could be so kind, a word sent out to the village ninjas would make information gathering a lot faster.”

If the Hokage had nothing else he required of Draconis for the moment, then Draconis would bow, and walk back out of the Hokage’s chambers, past the seething line of those whose appointments had unintentionally been pushed back some time, due to a simple conversation becoming so much more suddenly. As he was standing up after his bow, however, to the Hokage, the words “Don’t forget to have a nap, you look like you will really need it soon. All that administration must be tough…” would float into the air from the young jounin’s mouth, directed at his boss. Hopefully the Hokage did not take that the wrong way.

Horrible grammar of course, from him in multiple ways, but who cares.

He walked home, not bothering to use any techniques, running over multiple scenarios in his mind, and settling down on just one, soon to be implemented. After his own nap of course. A booth would be the way to go most likely, staffed with lots of clones. Hopefully people showed up.

(ttl wc: 4745+257=5002)
Requesting a roll for Yuki Dna
(This is the 11th post of cd with the Hokage after jounin rank, btw)
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:43 pm
Jason would simply nod at Draconis at his request for a notice to be sent to the village ninja about his orders. Well, about them needing to give Draconis their information anyway. They didn't need to know the full details of what he was doing with the information, not yet anyway. The conversation seemed to be over and Jason watched as Draconis would get up and bow to Jason before leaving the office with a last word about Jason needing to take a nap. Jason smiled at that and said that he would make sure to get some rest, wishing Draconis luck on gathering the information required. When Draconis had left the office Jason would take a deep breath and relax in his chair. He was certainly exhausted. He decided it was a good idea to take up Draconis' suggestion and take a nap.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:47 pm

I was keeping up with this topic and I didnt see anything done to unlock yuki DNA. If I missed it, please point me to the right direction. <3
Kukla Nazar
Kukla Nazar
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In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:17 pm
Oops I remembered and thought it was any old 5k for unlocking. O.o

Dropping that claim then, sorry about that!
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In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:18 pm
Approving Jason's exit.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

In need of a brief chat. - Page 3 Empty Re: In need of a brief chat.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:19 pm

Exits approved <3

Or Ganki beat me to it. <3
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