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Speed for Need (P,NK) Empty Speed for Need (P,NK)

Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:31 am
Kyofu stood on tip of one of the many buildings within Sunagakure with his headband glistening as the Sun's light touched it. The Tournament that the Kazekage, Lord Koroshi had created to see which Genin in the village had a lot of power. Of course Kyofu already knew that he was probably dead last since he had become to lazy in his journey and had stopped training frequently. The only thing that probably would put him higher up on the list is his Earth Grudge Fear seeing as he needed to die multiple times before he is actually dead. Yeah confusing he did not even know he had more lives kinda like a Cat with there nine lives. He had cone across this part of Earth Grudge Fear reading a book within one if Sunagakure many libraries. Of course he also found out about more techniques like the Masked Beasts. Being able to release the Hearts containers from your body and turn them into beasts that would help you in battle. It was probably an amazing technique it even sounded powerful from the description. The bells would ring signaling that only 6 more hours and the first fight of the tournament will begin. He was paired against some Hyuuga by the name of Ryuu so he knew that he had to learn this last skill before the fight.

Yes, he was not going to stop training yet. He had learned of a skill that allows one to move at full speed without even having to gather up the necessary speed that is required to do so. The only thing you have to do is thrust chakra throuhht your kegs and feet and run a until you can not run anymore. But of course if you were more faster than the durability of your body you may break a leg or something literally seeing as your body can't handle all of the energy and moving. A green toad with a cloak appeared on side of him. It was the Elder Tiad Fukasaku who's white shaggy beard and bushy eye brows showed themselves to the world." What can I do for you Elder Toad " said Kyofu looking down in Fukasaku's direction. It was not heard of to talk to Fukasaku more than one time a day. So Kyofu was kind if nervous seeing the tiad appear once again within not even 2 hours. Yes the last time the young adult had talked to the man was when he had finally mastered the Spiriling Ring jutsu. Oh yes Spiriling Ring jutsu, one of the greatest out there. It could explode on command or by it self once it is out if the range of the user when Kyofu used it hours ago he saw that the wind chakra did indeed work as blades and that when the ball of black energy and condensed wind chakra exploded it would create an sphere of power that anyone who got hit by it may take some damage. But of course people know when to run as the ball is not quite hard to miss."Kyofu I an here to again which you good luck and that if you win the first battle of the tournament me myself will personally teach you a jutsu that not many people know or know of. But I will not reveal until I see you bring back a win " said Fukasaku. To be honest Kyofu had forgot the small toad was there as all of his thinking had been centered towards the tournament.

So he had got scared slightly when the toad began to speak. However Kyofu was not the rude type so he would nod and say " Lord Fukasaku I will do my best in order to honor your name. May the battle be in my favor " said Kyofu with his words directed at the elder toad. The elder toad would nod it's head and once again desummon itsels back to Mount Myōboku. Now as he was all alone he figured it was time to commence his training." OK I'll know I have the skill mastered when I start running at full speed with my first step " said Kyofu as he began direct most of the chakra in his body in the bottom of his feet and the muscles in the back if his legs. Yes this was his first time doing this so it felt a little bit weird so he had to get use to it. He took one step on the large roof and put a large hole through it and had to pull his foot out if it. It was a good thing the building was vacant or else he might would have had to pay for the damage with what little Ryo he had earned. But it seemed like he had out to much chakra into his legs and needed to even it out a bit in each leg so one legs will not be stronger than the other.

However that was much harder than it sounded or looked so for ten mins straight he meditated on another rooftop that he had went to so that he would avoid a hole as well as another vacant building so he would not have to pay for any of the damage that was done to it. Not like he would pay for it anyway. But anyways seventy five percent of his chakra was in his legs with that seventy five percent evenely put out in his kegs leaving only twenty five percent in the rest of his body. If his chakra was not so high he would have probably kicked him own self out seeing as moving such large amounts of chakra to one spot is rather tiring unless you know what you are doing. However, he could easily see the blue wist coming from his kegs and feet that signaled that he was someone using the the technique correct."Ok lords of old. Bless me and help me master thus technique " said Kyofu as he took one step forward then another which made him shoot forward as he worked his legs. However his feet had only touched the ground 5 times before on his last step he had landed wrong and fell with almost himself tumbling off the side of the building like the little fool he was. He looked down at the sandy ground that was almost 35 meters down. If he would have fell it would surely been the end of him. But of course he had extreme luck. He would dust himself off as he rose from the ground."It seems like that as I am running more chakra is being pushed in my lower body " said Kyofu out aloud realising why he had fallen.

Stupid body had seemed to direct chakra in it's own. Hiwver he was sure that one his next try on attempting the skill he would get it correct. For safety measures he went to the edge of the building once again but to the ladder and climbed himself down to the ground. He would need to run this last time throughout the city if he was to perfectly master this technique. He would stand up straight running chakra throughout his body and then moving at least three thirds of it down to his lower body. Blue whisps of untamed chakra would roll off his legs and feet signaling that he was ready to go. Don't fail me now said Kyofu within his mind as he took one hard step and then another which caused him to move forward at speeds that was unreal. However as he ran he would slow down the flow of chakra within his lower body so it would not fuck up and cause him to fall on his head and face again. But as he ran it was like a blur. He saw himself in a mirror of a building but he was moving so fast that the only thing that was left in his path was a streek of blue light that was chakra coming from his feet and legs. It seemed that all the hardworking on training the skill had played off. He continued to run scaring people as he ran forward. However he did not know if he could turn his direction mid run. Because the last time he tried to do that while running full speed he had sprained his ankle. Well no harm to try he thought in his head as he shifted his right leg and foot a bit. As his right foot made it's way to the ground he would shoot forward to the left going at high speeds. Kyofu screamed out aloud from the adrebaline withing him realising that this vwas probably the holy Grail of skills.

Now if only he could make a strategy to win the first part of this tournament. Of course his threads would come in handy like always if the ninja dared to come within range of himself. However in this tournament Kyofu was going for the killing blow they did not know if he was doing it intentionally and maybe he would even gain some info on several bloodlines like the Hyuuga's Byakugan a bloodline that he had yet to study upon seeing as it was very scarce withing the world similar to the Sharingan.

With his first opponent being an Hyuuga he needed to figure out the flaws of one seeing as they had near perfect vision. He had heard somewhere that they can not see if someone uses a smoke bomb although Kyofu could not confirm that seeing as he had never fought a Hyuuga. But he needed to watch out seeing as they usually were the people with high speeds and strength. Speaking of speed he would slow down his running and come to a stop on the wall that surrounded Sunagakure from surprise attacks. The wall that Kyofu himself once stood at as he seemed entrance to the village. A lot had happened since he stood at this wall only two weeks ago and he would continue for things to happen. Although it was unfortunate seeing as his muse had came back only hours before the tournament. If only it would have arrived yesterday then he would have been training his lights out.  But of course he would have been tired the next day like the girl Gwyn had told him. It was unfortunate as he wanted to see what the girl was made of. The way she carried herself and spoke and look Kyofu wouldn't be surprised if she came out to be a Fire Element user. The fire element it was not really that good of an element seeing as all of it's jutsu consisted of fire balls and fire waves.

Nothing to useful unlike the Lighting, Earth, and water elements. Probably the most scareful combinations of elements known to man. Another bell would ring signalling that he had only 3 more hours left for the tournament that was to surely start in a few. Yes he would need to go home and take a quick ice bath and nao and then wake up to get prepared. In matter of hours he had mastered both a skill and a jutsu so he would like to use it to the fullest when the tournament came. He needed to make himself proud seeing as the only way he could rank up was by winning this while tournament. And he had heard nothing of a Chuunin Exams. Although he was sure there would be one seeing as the tournament only allowed 1 rank up to Chuunin. The rank up was something Kyofu needed as it told him that he had grown in strength.

Power was something that all people obtained in life and with enough power you could perform feet's that would be deemed outrageous. Power was needed in life and growing in power was Kyofu's muse. Becoming weaker made him become stronger as the weak was for the people who chose not to further there life unlike Kyofu who planned to live his long life to the fullest.

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Speed for Need (P,NK) Empty Re: Speed for Need (P,NK)

Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:49 am

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