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Kumorasemasu Nara
Kumorasemasu Nara
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Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:04 am
Poor Unfortunate Souls D:RANKED:
Light shimmered within the confinements of Souji's next to perfect lair of darkness, clearly in need of some final adjustments. Agitated the youngster kicked off her sheets, lying in bed with a pouty face similar to a child's. After vigorous amounts of training lately the Hyuuga couldn't find the strength necessary to throw a fit, instead she sat there moaning to herself trying to reach her bedroom floor. "I swear to god... I'm getting shorter by the day, psychotic or not those doctor's don't know jack about my anatomy!" Souji grumbled among herself, wrapping herself in the closest bath robe for warmth. Clouds crept throughout the vast sky, murky weather predicting that rain isn't far by. "Nope..." Laughed Souji hysterically, "Nope! I am not getting up into THAT monstrosity unless I have no other choice." Followed with a giggle, The Hyuuga came to her conclusion walking downstairs to prep herself breakfast. A loud knock emitted from the other side of her apartment door, nearly startling Souji half to death. "Now, who in the hell could that be this early-" paused the sixteen year old, checking through her peep-hole. Astonishingly, not a soul crept the street nor what seemed to be the proximity of the location. Hesitantly, Souji repeated her usual daily routine as she savagely booted her door opening. Just as expected, not one individual was around within the area other than a mysterious letter stamped with the Hoshigakure's symbol. "W-wait, that mail carrier cannot be human... Can they?" Choked Souji, more-so baffled at the inhumane speed of the carrier than the situation itself. After hurting her little naive brain, the teenager decided to open the letter to have a gander, her eyes drooping due to disappointment.

    "Greetings Shinobi! A desperate family's in need of assistance, relatives spouting nonsense of practice in solitary confinement of children who don't agree in religious beliefs. After thorough assessment, you and another Hoshigakure Shinobi shall investigate the conflict. Discover what you can, don't allow any individual to see Ninjutsu or any form of Chakra at ALL cost's. If rumors are true, please escort the child to the Watering Garden for further assessment."

Screeches echoed throughout the vicinity of Souji's apartment building, a barrage of first furiously smashing against the wall wishing silence on her. Cussing back viciously, The teenaged girl marched upstairs making a mess of her wardrobe to prepare for the day. Sighing, she'd finally pick out her usual pink dress. Adjusting her Shinobi Headband along her wrist, she'd glance at her hair in the mirror. Strands of her natural straight hair fell in bunches, while her bangs completely covered Souji's face. "I don't have time for this damnit! Screw it to everything, this is as ready as I'll be." Shouted the girl once more, grasping onto her hair clip in order to pin her bangs up. Ruffling out her dress, Souji round-house kicked the front door open as the hinges shook weakly. At this moment, several bystander's watched while Souji wound up once more, releasing a kick with relentless force slamming the door instantly. Both hands clenched once another residing behind her back, trying to maintain any form of sanity she had left. Miraculously, almost hilarious at the same time was how the young girl was capable of keeping such an elegant strut the entire time. Quickly she had reached the destination specified to make their rendezvous, always as always. Examining the proximity, this "special" designated area was nothing more than a clearing off of a trail. Souji couldn't the argue the fact that they were a mere fifty meters away from the vicinity. "Might as well make the best of it like old times, orders were I can't even proceed this stupid mission until we've both met... Ridiculous, the only word for it." Whined Souji, slowly venturing off into the wilderness.

 After bashing down several logs, Souji lugged each individual piece towards the rendezvous point. Taking a moment to catch her breath, the Hyuuga created two vertical holes while two on the opposite side appeared diagonal. Two of the largest, straightest logs were buried into place used as supports while the two longest were tied onto the other's with their own freshly woven bark. After anchoring a final log horizontally over the top of the shack, Souji repeated the process similar to previously filling in the frame with smaller sticks. Before the Hyuuga realized it, two hours had already passed underestimating how tranquil and intriguing the experience would truly be. Within the confinements of the rendezvous point stood a woman-made shelter with a capacity of two individual's, fire barriers creating a circular structure around the vicinity to prevent heat or light from escaping. Souji had resulted in spending the rest of her past time "scavenging" firewood, walking a little further into the thick bush. After walking over obstructions and various mud-pit's, the tiny girl decided she was a safe enough distance to begin her retrieval. Loosening the covering's on her Bo Staff, Souji's right hand grasped onto the bottom as it dropped into place spiraling it once before jabbing it into the ground. The girl's back leg bent downwards while leaning most of her body's weight on the front, springing up into the air, revolving in a circular motion as both hands clasped onto the Staff. The tree standing before the tree snapped in two practically broke simultaneously upon impact, the Hyuuga loosening her grip on her weapon as impact caused it to bounce backwards. Using keen reaction Souji followed the momentum of her weapon, allowing it to rotate along the lines of her body. Within moments a flurry of strikes resulted with most the wood being finely broken up into what the Genin desired, flicking her Bo Staff onto her back. With a simple tug of her covering's, her weapon latched back onto her spine like nothing. After walking back to the designated area, Souji got to work making a small yet effective fire awaiting for the arrival of her partner for the mission.

[1014/2000 WC Complete]
[Awaiting on Shika]
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:38 pm
He was nervous.. that pretty much covered a good portion of it right there.  This mission was an interesting one, no doubt, but he wasn't trying to complete it.  No, it was a genin level mission.  He was there to mentor new ninjas.  Like some of those who recently graduated.  Akihana felt it would be best for him to start acting like a leader, especially to help him grow beyond what happened with his last mission.

And that was the other thing, this was his first mission since his promotion. He was still relatively new in the position, much like these hard-working shinobi.  The mission wasn't like others.  This one would require mind over muscle, with a big catch.  No jutsu.  Hoshi had a tenuous relationship with their new ninja.  Many still hadn't warmed up to them, and most of those were the more devote residents.  It made for a.. painful situation.  And it would get worse before it gets better. 

Notes were sent to his two charges: Shika Uchiha and Souji Hyuuga.  They were both supposed to meet at a rendezvous point where he would be, and introduce himself.  A three man team would have been more familiar.. but they were still a small village.

Hearing noise, Arashi activated his bloodline, vanishing into the environment.  One couldn't be too sure.  However, the person he saw walking wasn't one of the locals, it was a young shinobi girl.  Shinobi in that he could recognize the telltale signs.  He considered meeting her, but was more inclined to watch what she did.  Two hours later, a warming fire and shelter was created, which quite impressed the older shinobi.  Waiting until she was just about done, Arashi finally jumped down in his cloud form, slowly rematerializing.

"That.. is actually quite impressive.  Well done.  I see you got my notice as well.  Just waiting for Shika and we can get started.  My name is Arashi Tekiatsu-Akari.  You might have heard of me before.  I'm going to be the team captain watching you two.  First thing's first, though: take off your gear, and the headband.  Nothing on your person that labels you a shinobi.  This is going to be a very delicate mission, one that could affect relations between us and the village.  It's a D-rank when it comes to danger, but trust me, this mission is going to be difficult." he said, crossing his arms.  He had already removed his own gear, which meant his water containers as well.  He would be working with his own body, and what he could pull from the air.

"While we wait, do you have any questions?"
Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:10 pm
Crack! Shika startled, falling out of the tree she was totally conked out in taking a nap in, falling to the hard-packed earth below with a loud oof. She rubbed the back of her head, looking upwards. A letter was embedded into the tree with a kunai, roughly two inches away from the spot her head rested. Freaking ninjas. She was about to surface walk up to get it, but tilted her head before she ran up. Then, she made a rat seal with her hands. "Mass shift technique!" She called out silently. After a brief few moments in which she felt her chakra shift to accommodate the jutsu (and wasn't that weird? Most of what she knew was internal, like the Body Flicker technique or the Henge. But moving chakra outside her body was a strange but not altogether unpleasant feeling). A dull golden light encompassed the kunai, and as if she was pulling invisible strings, she tugged slightly on the object with her energy. Slowly but surely, the weapon began to draw itself from the tree, letter still attached. Eventually, it had fully removed itself, dragging itself some more against the space-time continuum to fall at her feet. It was great timing, too; the technique cost a lot of chakra, and she had the stamina levels of practically an academy student.

She made up for it in other ways, though.

Hmm, let's see what you're hiding, she thought, as the kunai disappeared into a puff of smoke, leaving behind only the note. It was written, though scrawled might have been a more accurate word to use, in bright crimson ink, detailing something about 'liberating a child'. Sounds like a kidnapping, she mused, adjusting the headband around her neck. She stopped for a moment, examining the letter. It looks kind of like some guy's dying message.

P.S., the letter read. Whoever thinks this letter looks like someone's dying message...

She tensed-

clearly needs a better sense of humor.

Shika facepalmed, and re-read the item. So, I have to find Souji and some dude named Arashi... How hard can that possibly be?

~~~One hour later~~~

"Yo," she called out, raising a hand to the two people she saw standing in the environment. She recognized one as Souji, so the other one must have been... The other guy. Eraldo? She tried to recall. She rubbed her hands together, as if plotting something diabolical (which she supposed she was). "So, who are we kidnapping?"

405 words, but I guess a bunch of them don't count 'cause I'm not actually doing the mission in them. <_>
With this post, I claim 221 words in the name of the Mass Shift Jutsu. :B
Kumorasemasu Nara
Kumorasemasu Nara
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Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Wed Nov 11, 2015 4:31 pm
The presence of Arashi crept up upon the Hyuga, swift  tilting her neck to his direction. To Souji's surprise, the supposed Squad Leader appeared to be younger than her! R-right? If not he most definitely has a complexion similar to a child's. Souji cracked a grin, glancing over towards the Shinobi ecstatic to see at least one Shinobi prevailed on behalf of showing up for the mission. Preparatory to the Hyuga's introduction, the boy softly spoke to her:

""That.. is actually quite impressive.  Well done.  I see you got my notice as well.  Just waiting for Shika and we can get started.  My name is Arashi Tekiatsu-Akari. You might have heard of me before.  I'm going to be the team captain watching you two."

... Souji froze for a moment, shy to admit that she had only been accepted within the confinements of Hoshigakure no Sato. Also astonished at how well mannered Arashi was, it was rather in-ordinary for her to be addressed so formally. Like a an electronic switch the girl's brain clicked as the name Shika was being processed thoroughly, contemplating whether or not Arashi was speaking about the previous individual she had done a mission with. Hastily taking a breath, she determined the time was right for her elaboration.

"Thanks, just tried to past some time... Nice to meet ya' Arashi-Sensei, the name's Souji however you obviously know this. Concluding to that factor, you must know of who I am as well. Sadly I'll have to keep my contacts in however, don't take it as offensive or anything. I've been travelling the vast land's of Konoha, Kumo for various years therefore my arrival is new in Hoshigakure no Sato. So I'm afraid I don't know of anyone that well, my apologies."

Souji delicately removed all articles of clothing affiliated with her Genin entitlement, regarding the result of her standing before Arashi bare-foot in nothing more than her dress and anklets. She glanced particularly toward's the boy, horrifying memory's beginning to make such a petty task absolutely mind-boggling. Taking a shallow breath, Souji giggled while her eyes lightly rested together as crackling rustled within the bushes in the right direction, butterflies sprawling inside the teenaged girl's stomach. Shika tumbled into visual perspective nearly causing the Hyuuga's adrenaline to peak. Sustaining the emotion's bared inside Souji, adrenaline level's resided as fear turned into rage.

"You think kidnapping is funny nitwit?!" Yell-whispered Souji, using her impressive athletic reflexes to work tossing Shika into a choker hold. "This is official business ya' know? You can't just go spurting nonsense which can get us in trouble. Besides, we're specified to never discuss the mission once completion let's try to keep it to the bare minimal..." Souji glimpsed down at Shika's head still pinned, laughing lightly releasing her continuing. "Anyhow, I'm sure Arashi-Sensei won't mind if I fill ya' in on some of the minor details. We've all been gathered for a rescue mission, NOT KIDNAPPING... I'll make it short an' easy, basically a load of religious nut jobs confining their children who want to look at lives in their own perspectives until they're mentally broken. Thus, resulting in our call to rescue the child of the vicinity around 50 meters to our right. The difficult task though is we're incapable of using Jutsu, while the three of us must maintain stealth so we're not caught. There's nothing specifying we cannot use techniques in general, just specifically in front of others isn't that right Sensei?" Smiled Souji, both arms crossing over one another before her shoulders relaxed.

469 + 1014 = 1483 WC,

P.S; Sorry bout the wait, technical problems.
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:34 pm
(Note: I'll be explaining what happens in the mission, you two just post how you react.. be creative, but remember the mission objectives.  Besides, we already have the W/C.)

Seeing the arrival of the last person didn't do much to impress Arashi, especially the attitude.  But before he could say anything, Souji stepped in and lashed him verbally for his non-chalant words.  He was definitely starting to like this girl, although he had to admit it was a bit awkward for him to be a sensei for someone who was around his age.  Great.. he didn't want them to think he was a prodigy...

"She's right.  Not all missions are worthy of praise, and this is one of them.  What we are doing can be considered right and wrong.  One man's liberty is a another man's theft.  But part of a shinobi's duty is adhering to a request for help.  That's what this is." he said, glancing back towards the homes.  Souji did her research and gave the general summary of what they were here to do.

"Exactly.  But the biggest danger for a shinobi is relying too much on chakra and not enough on skill.  That's part of this mission, and why this is a challenging one.  Its not fair to call these people nutcases.  Hoshi was a royal and religious city before we came here, and bandits messed our name very bad before we arrived.  While inside the city we're more accepted, out here its another story.  So as hard as it might be, Souji, Shika... I don't want you two to use any techniques that mold chakra.  Basic taijutsu, and that's only if necessary.  If they find any reason to trace this to us, any reason at all, that can chase us out of Hoshi.  Souji, don't worry about your eyes, the contacts hide them, and that will work to our benefit.  Here, cloaks on.  Unity might come in handy." he said, putting on the dark garment.

Arashi then turned to Shika.  "As for you, Shika, take off anything that brands you a shinobi.  No headband, no ninja tools, no scrolls.  Nothing.  If anyone sees us, we are just kids.  The idea is to try to avoid any fights.  Use your ability to hide, evasion is our best bet.  Okay, here is our target." he said, holding out a picture of a young boy, about 13 or so.

"We have to find him as quickly and quietly as we can.  They have their own guards around, so we will have to sneak.  Once we find him, we will need to sneak him out of the building and out of the area.  Then its back here into the trees, where we can pick up our things and get him to the city center, to the water gardens.  We have until daybreak, that's when our ally will be waiting to take the boy out." he said, reaching into a pocket and pulling out a couple of needles.

"This is a gift from Akihana.  The needles are coated in a solution that will induce sleep.  Be careful with them, and don't let them prick you.  Use these in an emergency if you are caught.  They won't remember a thing when they wake up.  Also, if you use these, take them with you!  Do not leave these sticking out of the victim.  And I know it shouldn't be said, but no killing, no marks.  Make it seem like they passed out on their own.  I have a couple of them as well, so I'll keep watch and try to keep them off of you.  Understood?"

After getting approval from both, he smirked.  "So I hear this is your first mission with a higher ranked ninja.  Stick with what I say, and you'll be fine.  Let's go!" he said, kicking off into the trees and leading them to the closest overhang near the buildings.  He held his hand up to stop them, and then looked around.

They were near the main facility, a large 2 story wooden building.  There were a couple of guards walking around it, a few at the doorways, and most likely some inside as well.  Arashi watched the patrolling guards, waiting for them to clear away from the end of the building they were near, and then sliced his forward to signal them to follow.  He landed gently on the roof of the building, and then went over a skylight... these people held sunlight I high regards.

Getting the skylight itself opened was no issue.. they weren't exactly designed with security in mind, and Arashi lowered himself halfway, checking the area.

"Clear.  Shika, take the top floor, Souji, you have the bottom.  All the curtains are closed on the windows, so when you find him, open the curtain so I know.  I'll keep watch outside.  Remember, stay in the shadows.  Let no one see you.  I'll clear a path for you." he said, waiting for them to enter while he closed the skylight, and then went to the edge of the building.

He didn't have enough to take all of them, but he didn't need them.  the guards were mostly patrolling to the long sides, and then peering down the shorter sides before continuing back.  Arashi waiting for one of the patrolling guards to head to the end, and then jumped down towards the back door, pricking the two guards with needles and flash stepping away.  Both reached up to their necks, and muttered something about insects, before staying where they were.  Arashi waited for the last guard to turn towards them before stepping behind him and pricking him as well.  One side clear.

The boy was located one the second floor, and once Arashi saw the drapes, he stepped up to the window, hanging on the edge, and got it open with a small but slightly noticeable creak.  After a quick introduction, the three of them climbed out of the window and to the ground in the back.  After handing the boy a cloak, Arashi looked through the windows on the first floor to signal Shika to come out, and once all 4 were together, he gestured for everyone to stay on the ground and move.


The shout from the open window alerted the others to their presence and Arashi leaned towards the two ninja.  "No ninja, just keep moving!   Get to the trees!" he said, urging them to get one.  They had some guards chasing them, but they were able to get to the trees relatively easily. But the guards were still chasing.  A good group of them. 

"You three keep going, I'll head them off." he said, crossing his fingers.  "Kumo Bushin no Jutsu!" he said, using the water clone jutsu mixed with his clouds, and creating three clones.. all wearing cloaks.  Arashi waited a moment for the group to get deeper in the trees, before having him and all his clones make a break in a different direction, hopefully pulling them all.  Arashi disappeared from the group, and eventually would find a way to evade them and vanish.

All the guards defeated, Arashi met the rest at the rendezvous site.. the gazebo.

"Well done.  I hope you didn't have any problems?" he said, as the sky began to lighten.  "Good work all of you.  We should have someone come by for you to get you out of here.  Good luck with your endevors." he said, waiting until the boy was able to leave.

"You two should get some rest.  I'll report back to mo- I mean, to Akihana-san.  If you want to see me, I.. get to live in the castle." he said, letting them go.

(w/c: 1256, total: 1695)

[Claiming ryo, AP, and 1695/2000 for Cloud Shurikan Mastery]

Last edited by Arashi Tekiatsu on Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:02 pm
They clearly weren't impressed with her arrival. As Souji released her head, Shika rubbed it awkwardly before standing back up to her full height of five feet ten inches. It really doesn't feel good to be thought of as a dimwit, she mused, but I can use that to my advantage. After all, no-one expects anything from the group idiot. She pulled out all of the sharp, pointy things from her pockets, putting them in a frankly unorganized pile against the roots of a great oak tree. Then, unwrapping her headband from around her neck, she placed it onto the ground on front of her. Crouching over, her fingers and hands flew through the rat seal and then the dog seal. The headband began to glow with a turquoise light- the color of her chakra, before splitting off into countless little particles which seemed to scatter into thin air. The Storage Displacement technique.

Then, when she was handed numerous needles coated with a paralyzing agent, she decided to pocket them, after wrapping the tips in spare cloth she had in her pockets. Then, suddenly, Eraldo and Souji took off into the trees, heading towards what she assumed was the target building. Not wasting any time, she quickly scaled one with the Surface Walking technique, before aerobically leaping from branch to branch, until they arrived at one that overlooked the wooden facility. Once a few guards walked another way, the trio leapt onto the roof, where Eraldo opened a skylight. After signaling that it was safe, she and Souji entered.

"Clear.  Shika, take the top floor, Souji, you have the bottom.  All the curtains are closed on the windows, so when you find him, open the curtain so I know.  I'll keep watch outside.  Remember, stay in the shadows.  Let no one see you.  I'll clear a path for you."

She nodded, remnants of her oblivious smile from the first meeting earlier still on her face. Eventually, Souji descended to the floor below, and Eraldo left to take care of the guards outside, leaving her alone. Man, how many people even live in this house, anyways? For that many guards? She shook her head. Might as well check the doors.

Checking multiple times to make sure that no-one was watching, she poured miniscule amounts of chakra into her eyes, which began to throb not in an unpleasant way as her kekkei genkai activated. The Sharingan. She knew he technically said no jutsu, but it seemed to be mainly for the reason of not getting caught by the civilians. Her eyes were naturally a reddish brown, so it would most certainly take a keen eye to spot a difference between her activated doujutsu and her regular eyes. Her irises darkened to a deep red, and a single small tomoe began to rotate and swirl lazily around her pupil. She took a quick scan of the house, checking for the general feel of someone's chakra system. At first, no-one appeared, save for a bunch of signatures outside (the guards?) and several downstairs. However, a faintish feeling began to resound from behind one of the doors near her. Deactivating her bloodline and looking around once more, she stepped heel-first to get to the door.

She didn't have to check twice to know that it was locked. I need to find a relatively quiet way to pick this lock and get the door open without attracting attention. Then, she looked more closely at the doorframe, noticing something glinting at the top. You cannot be serious, she thought to herself, standing on the tops of her toes to pull it down. It, naturally, was a thin, narrow key. Judging by the shape, it matches the lock relatively well... She inserted the key and it opened the door, revealing a thin, preteen boy sitting on a bed inside. His eyes widened at the sight of her, and she raised her hands, in a gesture meant to calm him down. Then, she tilted her head towards the window, and he nodded silently in understanding. She walked backwards, quietly shutting and locking the door behind her from the inside.

Then, she opened the curtains. The boy stood up and walked behind her, hands behind his back.

"Thank you," he whispered. She gave him a genuine smile back.

"Don't tell me thank you until the job's done, kid," Shika replied in an equally low whisper. In a few moments, Eraldo was at the window. Sharing a brief introduction, the trio lowered themselves towards the first floor, picking up Souji before the guards noticed them. Not hesitating for a moment, she picked up the boy and put him on her back, holding him tightly before sprinting into the trees with her impromptu teammate. Once she was certain that they were out of the guard's range of view, she turned towards her charge. "Brace yourself," she said, before she taijutsu body flickered to the gazebo. After a few moments, they arrived at the gazebo, where she put the (now vaguely greenish) boy down. "Remember, keep all arms and legs firmly wrapped around your ninja until the ride had come to a complete stop," she joked, before lying down on one of the gazebo's many benches, using the Storage Displacement technique to retrieve her headband. Then, she remembered she had a bunch of stuff lying around by the base of that one tree.

When Eraldo dismissed her and Souji, she instantly broke out into an even-paced jog to get to her stuff, which she quickly re-located back into her pockets. Then, she scaled the said tree, lying down haphazardly on one of its larger branches. I should probably get down before I fall... She thought, already in a nap-like daze.


[950 Words + 405 Words = 1355 Words]

(Claiming: 1,000 ryo, an exit, and 3 AP)

Last edited by Shika on Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:42 am; edited 2 times in total
Kumorasemasu Nara
Kumorasemasu Nara
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Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:02 am
{Sorry for the long wait, bills were a pain had no WiFi for a little. First world struggles am I right?}

 Shaking her head, Souji agreed to the simplistic conditions of this mission's specified limitations. Luckily the Hyuuga's best trait was nothing more than her impressive speeds, along with the years sneaking around various lands, before arriving to Hoshigakure no sato. "Alright, no techniques? No problem Arashi-Sensei, please let me remind you of one thing however...." She cheerfully giggled, winking pointing to one of her eyes. "I do have wonderful eye's for such a mission. I can simply discover the individual's location in seconds with my By-" Hesitated Souji, glaring over to the Uchiha, shifting her eyes towards Arashi once again. "Chakra Control! Using Chakra Control I'll simply locate the child's Chakra presence. Unless they have children-sized adult's within the proximity I'm sure we won't have any mix up's on our behalf." 

 The three Shinobi nodded in agreement, Arashi ordering Shika to take off any equipment which indicates Ninja activity. Arashi shuffled his hand deep into his pocket, taking out a container full of miscellaneous needle's specified to be used in desperate measures. A simple prick and even the world's largest muscle man would fall faster than a wounded animal, enough neuro-toxin's to knock out a human-being for quite awhile. Slipping the needles gently into her right armlet cuff, Souji adjust the needles to be capable of sliding into the palm of her hand, just in case the Genin may need the upper-hand in draw speed.

 Shadow's of Dusk quickly grew into the darkness of Night time, Everyone waited as light-by-light the illuminated home hid within the quiet, confined silhouette of the background. Souji's body twisted towards the floor, shuffling onto her arm's and knee's rummaging silently through the thick forestry, slowly yet surely successfully arriving to a close enough distance for her Byakugan to sense any life-form within the proximity. Luckily the dark night prevented either of the two Shinobi to note her nerves tensing around her eye's, the Hyuuga's scarlet-red contact's concealing the whites of her eye's. Blue aura's radiated within three separate rooms, the smallest seeming to be upstairs, while the two largest were downstairs in what Souji assumed to be both the kitchen and living-room.

 Exchanging the information with her Squad, Arashi, Shika and Souji leaped into the air, softening their impact on the furthest side of the roof from the supposed parental's. Before the group lied a wondrous miracle, an easy to open Skylight which one-by-one Shika and Souji descended, the Hyuuga creeping down a flight of stairs. Adjusting her toes ever so slightly, the Genin shuffled down the old wooden oak stairway, reaching a corridor with one door on both sides. "As long as I use my Byakugan within a safe distance, monitoring the two shouldn't be much of a problem for me. But...." Sighed Souji, chill's crawling down her spine stopping mid-thought in shivers. "I need to be positive that those are the parent's of the child in order to guarantee Shika's safety."

 Souji's five-foot one, slim athletic toned miniature body peeped around the left corridor's door opening, both aura's flickering wildly nearly five meter's away from the Hyuuga. With no doubt she had confirmed these two were definitely the parent's of the child, quickly ducking around the corner once again without hesitation. For so many guards, you'd expect such a home to be full of individual's, however three almost seemed suspicious... Moment's passed as Souji's curiosity grew overwhelming, deciding to explore the bottom floor a little more thoroughly as Shika's Chakra stayed calmed, still and steadily maintained standing in one area, seemingly to be focusing on getting into the room of the other Chakra presence. Both the final rooms on the bottom floor oddly had five bed's in each, weapon rack's hanging from fireplaces and shelving. Within a few seconds Souji quickly put together her hypothesis, believing there's a large possibility that the proximity is home to the guard's themselves. "If that's the case, I have no time to spare... She's almost in the room, I'll give the signal to Arashi and make my way back upstairs." 

 After opening the blind's on the agreed side of the house, Souji slipped upstairs once again creeping toward's both Shika and the child's radiating presence, closing her eye's calmly as the nerves quickly un-tensed back to their regular state. Introducing herself to the thankful child, all three left through the room window, lowering themselves down to the ground. "HEY THERE, YOU STOP!!!!" rung within the distance, four guard's noting the reunited group on the property. A whistle screeched fiercely alarming the rest of the individual's on guard, a near dozen chasing after the group towards the thick forestry once again. Arashi ordered for the Genin to continue, taking on the burden of responsibility for the majority of the guard's while three chased after Shika and Souji. With the child on Shika's back, the Shinobi bolted into the bush trying to knock off any followers, therefore the Hyuuga decided it was up to her to assist in the only way she knows possible. Slamming her hand's together, she performed the Ram, Snake then Tiger seal after another as Souji howled, "Bunshin no Jutsu!" 

 Focusing Chakra into the palm of her feet, causing a massive cloud of dust to fill the proximity. The teenage girl rotated her whole entire force, launching herself the opposite direction sliding towards the guards. As their eye's focused on the image of Souji within the cloud of dissipating debree, the Genin flicked her wrist less than a foot away behind all three guard's completely unnoticed as all three needle's jabbed into the flesh of the neck of each individual. Before either could turn around, all pathetically dropped onto the ground, Souji gently plucking the needle's out of each one's neck being sure not to leave much evidence. Rushing toward's the rendezvous point, Souji met with the other individual's being dismissed by Arashi being praised for her wonderful work today. In honor, she had bowed toward the boy, watching Shika quickly jog off into the sunrise of Dawn. Yawning, the Genin stretched her arm's behind her head, amazing at the energy such a person has.

Clone Technique = 5 AP:
Byakugan: 10 AP
Total: 98/113

1021 + 1483 = 2504 WC total. 
(200 divided by 3 = 666 WC, Deduct 666 from 2504 WC = 1838 WC.)
1800 WC Left Unspent. <- Going towards 9 AP.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:31 am

Please list claims for approval <3
Shika Yabusame
Shika Yabusame
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Ryo : 500

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:41 am
Okay. I've just listed my claims in my last RP post of this thread. Is that alright?
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.  Empty Re: Hyuuga and Uchiha: Sisterhood of Thievery.

Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:43 am

Approved @ Shika <3
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