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Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:11 pm
The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing loudly and joyously, the skies were clear with abundance of trees swaying to the wills of the soft wind that blew past.. All it seemed were in favour today of the people who lived in konoha.

In said location, at the uchiha district to be exact, there was a really excited boy. Who was doing his best to look his best today, it might just be a special day for him. 

Kouse had just finished his morning exercise and was back in his room, on his bed, he touched his neck, where he had been marked just some days earlier, he smiled as memories of the female hyuuga he had met crept into his mind.
Her snowy white hair, her captivating eyes, her cheerfulness had all contributed to make her permanently on his mind.
Those few days that had passed since they met had seemed longer than he thought was normal.. Thoughts of their hug invaded his mind, the way they had been close. Thoughts of him placing a kiss on her neck and their promise to meet each other again.. Soon. 
He wondered if he was also on her mind, whether she looked forward to seeing him again, whether she had felt the pleasant feeling he felt when he tampered with the seal that morning before his morning exercise,he hoped she had felt it and understood what it meant. 
she may well have forgotten him and moved on with her life...this thought made him frown slightly.
That was why he wouldn't be using the mark seal to track her.. He would walk all the way to the hyuuga district and pay her a surprise visit.. Well a surprise visit only if she didn't use the mark seal to locate him.
Kouse oiled his long hair.. It was glistening.. He didn't know whether to pack it in a single ponytail or let it fall freely onto his waist.. He had been teased many times that it was girlish and had started tying it constantly.
Kouse put on his black trouser, his white long sleeve collar shirt, his polished black shoe, his black belt and his jacket.
He combed his hair down and doused a generous amount of hairspray on it and decided to tie it in a bun, well only until he got to the hyuuga district.
Kouse said he was going out to do somethings to his elder sisters, their parents were out.. He saw the looks they gave him.. Yeah they knew he wasn't dressing like this to go for training. 
He walked slowly and calmly, not in a rush...he didn't want to worry needlessly.
He saw a flower shop by the road, he was still in the uchiha district. 
He was about to pass when he saw white flowers on display.. They reminded him of hikari's hair. 
He turned and entered the shop. 
The majority of the people in there were females and they looked at him with eyes which clearly said 'woah isn't that kouse uchiha?'.. He struggled to keep his composure, these were girls he had shown no interest in when they tried to get his attention and he had never looked this well dressed before and knew the stares he normally got would be intensified now.
He walked straight towards the counter.."I want white flowers". 
The female behind the counter openly stared at him. 
"we have lots of white flowers here.. The aztec pearl, satin pink, white pim, White Rhododendron, Madonna lily and of course the white rose"
Kouse was confused as to which one he should choose, but as he looked at them all they all reminded him of hikari. 
"Just get me them..all of them, arrange them all in a bouquet for me, all of the same quantity, the better looking it is, the higher your tip" kouse could swear he heard audible whispering and sighs around him.
It took over 5 minutes but the wait was worth it.. The bouquet was beautifully arranged and all white.
Then something came to his mind and he whispered it to the florist. 
The florist thought for a second. 
"I know just the right flower" she left and returned minutes later slipping in one into his pocket. 
Kouse smiled at her, paid and left the shop. 
He sealed the bouquet in a scroll.. He didn't want anyone who he had some beef with him know his intentions and sabotage it,all in the name of payback,and he had a lot of those people in the uchiha district. 
As he walked towards the hyuuga district, he wondered what hikari was doing and if she had gotten and understood the sign he had sent to her before he went for his morning exercise.

Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
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Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:26 pm
The sun was shining brightly into a room of the Hyuuga district where a girl with snowy features resided. She had just gotten back from the library with a stack of books (fire element jutsu, lightning element jutsu, medical ninjutsu, taijutsu, and a book about summons and familiars). "I think studying went well today, and the librarian was so nice to let me borrow all these books! She must really trust me with her books to not give me a deadline to return them by! I feel so much better now that I can find more jutsu to learn!" Hikari spoke to herself, changing out of her regular clothes and quickly taking a shower, as she does every morning. I better hurry with everything, I think Kouse may be paying me a visit, and it could be soon! Before my trip to the library this morning I felt my neck tingle a little, obviously he had been trying to communicate with me through the mark seal. I wonder what he has been up to and how he has been, it's been a few days or so since our first meeting and I haven't seen him, even though we live in the same village and train in the same areas.

After her shower, she stepped into her room and changed into her normal ninja clothes, unsure of what they would be doing once he showed up. "Maybe we will train again, or he might even take me out on a date. Haha who knows!" After she calmed down her laughter, she smiled to herself, drying her hair with a towel, as the birds entertained her with their songs. She hummed quietly along with the birds tunes, loving the sounds she could create with the help of nature. 

"You know, I wonder how everyone else is too! Salzem, Ryugia, Cole, and Mitsui. I haven't seen them in ages if feels like!" Hikari flopped on her bed, looking up at her ceiling as she pondered what the boys in her life could be up to. She started giggling, knowing they were all probably training or on missions, none of them would be having a day off just yet. "Which reminds me, I need to get back into some tough training!" With those words spoken, she quickly finished getting ready so she could read some of the books she got before he got there.

She decided to start with the medical ninjutsu book, as medical ninjutsu was her favorite thing to learn and study. "I must get this love of medical nin stuff from mom, because I sure as heck did not get it from dad haha." Her mother, Yuki, was a grand medical ninja and one of the best in the village, eight years ago that is (before she was killed during a mission). She flipped through the medical book, reading all the jutsu until she got to a page that peaked her interest. "Chakra Absorption Technique...this page says that 'these are techniques that allow the user to absorb another individual's chakra. They are typically used to absorb chakra from an opponent and add it to the user's own chakra reserves, allowing them to utilise it as if it were their own, while simultaneously exhausting the opponent's physical energy and limiting the techniques that they can perform.' This jutsu sounds so cool! I cannot wait to try it out!" She book marked the page and then finished the book, not finding any other jutsu she would be able to learn at the moment. 

She then started to read from her next book, the lightning element book (since it was her newest element and she had no idea what jutsu she could learn with it).

[WC: 621]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:28 pm
Kouse arrived at the hyuuga district in high spirits. 
He then used the mark seal to find the house that was hikari's home. 
He smiled when he located it, he brought out the scroll he had sealed the flower he had bought her and he passed the chakra through it. 
With a puff, a beautiful bouquet of white flowers of different kinds appeared. 
Kouse picked it up and knocked twice on hikari's door. 
He then quickly removed the band holding his hair into a pony tail. 
Allowing it to fall freely to his waist.
The time it would take hikari or anyone to come down to check, he used said time to adjust himself.

Wc(114) twc(909)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:57 pm
Hikari was still reading through her lightning element jutsu book, having been ready for Kouse's arrival a very long time ago. She had stopped at a page that intrigued her, she book marked it so she would be able to use it during her training. "Lighting Clone Jutsu, this could come in handy. It says it 'allows the user to create a physical shadow clone infused with lightning nature chakra. The clone can act and perform just like the original, with the exception of using the shadow clone jutsu. The stats of the clone are equal to the user's stats. The user can only have 3 shadow clones out at once. Upon destruction of the clone, the clone reverts back into its natural element, Lightning. When it does, anything within 5 meters, or within contact, will be electrocuted with a power output of 66. The target will be stunned if it's health is less then half the power output of the clone, longer if higher. The target is considered immune to the stun effect if their health is higher than the clone's power output.' I could use this during battle so I can trick my opponent and harm them at the same time! So cool!"

She continued her reading, wondering when Kouse would arrive at the Hyuuga district and find out which room she was in, thanks to the Mark Seal. Ah, so he is here. Just in time for me to read this last page before he finds me and knocks. Perfect! She could sense he was there from the Mark Seal, and had just enough time to read what was on the page she had found next, bookmarking it in case he came quicker than she thought.

"The Lightning Release: Lightning Javelin is the 'earth spear counterpart for lightning users, with this technique the user surges lightning chakra through their body, ionizing their neurons in a balanced nature that result in increased neuro-transmission rate, thus granting the user stat boosts'. I could use this in combination with my Great Fireball jutsu! Perfect haha!" As she said that aloud, her heard two knocks at her door. Perfect timing! 

With a smile creeping onto her lips, she reached her door and opened it. "Hello Kouse!" Her eyes widened and instantly her cheeks were pink at the beautiful bouquet in his hands made up of many different kinds of white flowers, reminding her of her hair and eyes. "Those are so pretty Kouse, thank you very much!" He is so sweet, I did not expect him to bring me flowers! No guy has ever done that before...And woah! His hair is down, it is so pretty! It makes me almost want to touch it, to run my fingers through it...But I won't, that would be weird!

[WC: 1,086]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:14 pm
After knocking kouse didn't have to wait at all.. Hikari must have been expecting him because she had responded to his knock quickly. 
She opened the door and he smiled at her.. 'Hello Kouse!' she had greeted him, no surprise on her face. 
Yeah she we had been expecting him. 
When she saw the flower he held he saw her cheeks turn pink. He knew she must know why he got a bouquet with only white flowers, cause of her beautiful white hair. 
"well this is for you" kouse said as he gave her the flower bouquet.
He smiled more at her thanks 'thank you very much!'. 
Kouse studied her.. White hair, pink cheeks and lips, excited eyes holding a bouquet.. He chuckled "I think it would be best to keep the flowers at home and in a vase,if you want to though" 
He would wait for her response and reaction then he would step back. "so are you ready to begin our date?" he would stretch out his hand to her, for her to take it "although it would be us taking each other on a tour in both the hyuuga district and uchiha district respectively" 

Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:19 am
She took the bouquet in her arms, briefly over taken with the lovely smell of all the flowers. There were quite a few different kinds in the bouquet, some she did not even know the names to. These really are beautiful...he is so sweet and thoughtful. "Ah yes, I'll go put these in a vase and then I'll be back!" She agreed with him that the flowers were better off in her room, adding their fragrance to the area. 

She left her door open as she went to fetch a vase and fill it with water. Her room was a spacious one with a little dining area, a kitchen, a small living room area, and an area for her bed and desk. It was big enough for her to love comfortable and without any complaints. Hikari, after a big of searching, found and filled up a vase that she then set the flowers in and placed on the table in her dining area. Returning with the same smile on her face, she accepted Kouse's extended hand and exited her room, not needing to lock it for it was safe in the Hyuuga district.

"Woah, so we are doing a tour as our date? This will be so much fun! Okay where should I start? I guess right here? What do you think?" She wasn't sure if he would want to see her room, or if just the view from when she left her door open was fine, or if he had a specific place in the Hyuuga district that he wanted to see first. If he has no requests, she would start the tour where they stood, outside her room in the living area of most of the Hyuuga's.

[WC: 1,375]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:51 am
Kouse watched as hikari decided to go in to place the flowers in a vase. 
She went back into her room and did so.
While she was inside, kouse wondered where in the hyuuga district would she take him to.. Were there beautiful spots on the hyuuga district? He wondered. 
She came back out, smiling pleasantly, he couldn’t help but smile back. 
She accepted his offered hand.. Her hands were warm and fit perfectly into his hand, he slowly rubbed his hand on hers. 

"well I don't mind, infact I would follow you wherever you want me to go".. He added "I know you would pick all the right spots to show me, and besides we've got all day" 

Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:07 pm
At Kouse's words, her cheeks instantly went to a light shade of pink. Wha-why am I blushing?! I'm such a dork, I bet most people don't blush as easily as me... They started walking, hand in hand, as she got over her embarrassment. I've never held hands with a boy before, it's kind of nice... "Ah well this is just the basic living area for all Hyuuga clan members. Coming up in front of us, the open area, is where most of us train, like the Hyuga there. Hello Ren and Mr. Soto!" A boy with long black hair tied up ina long ponytail was training against an older man, who also had long black hair. Hikari, with a smile on her lips, waved to them and they nodded their acknowledgments, too focused on training to do much of anything else.

As they contnued onward, turning the corner to the left, Hikari noted the other smaller training dojos inside rooms to their left, for the younger childen who were just starting to learn the Gentle Fist Techniques. "As Hyuugas, we start training early haha. Do the Uchihas do that as well or...?" She trailed off, waiting for Kouse's answer for she really had no idea, she hardly knew anything about the Uchihas except that they had the Doujutsu called the Sharingan, which was a very powerful Dojutsu, even more so than the Byakugan. After a moment of her waiting for his response, Hikari took a left yet again, this time coming to a long row of rooms just as before, except these were mostly not living quarters. She lead them forward, heading to the room that was facing them at the end of the row of doors, all the rooms doors being closed.. "Most of these rooms I have never been in, and some are probably living areas like the other side. There is a kitchen and a place to wash our clothes and dry them, so basically this has the necessities that a normal house would have. My room has a kitchen, but some people don't want that big of a room so they chose to have a smaller space that has enough room for a dresser and a bed, so they can just use the facilities on this side of the compound." 

[WC: 1,759]
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:38 pm
The blush kouse saw appear on hikari's cheeks made kouse smile,he was pleased he could make her blush so often. 
He also smiled when he noticed they had both involuntarily held hands.. It was a good feeling kouse felt as they walked.
Hikari proceeded to show kouse around the hyuuga district  'Ah well this is just the basic living area for all Hyuuga clan members. Coming up in front of us, the open area, is where most of us train, like the Hyuga there. Hello Ren and Mr. Soto' 
She greeted two people, most likely hyuuga.. Kouse noticed that one was a boy with a long black hair and the other was an older man with long black hair also. 
They continued onward...and hikari asked kouse a question that made kouse nod.
"Definitely!.. We get to know how the sharingan is activated before we even get into the academy."
They took a left,this time coming to a long row of rooms except these were mostly not living quarters.
They moved forward towards a room that was facing them at the end of the row of doors, all the rooms doors being closed. 
Kouse listened intently as hikari explained     'Most of these rooms I have never been in, and some are probably living areas like the other side. There is a kitchen and a place to wash our clothes and dry them, so basically this has the necessities that a normal house would have. My room has a kitchen, but some people don't want that big of a room so they chose to have a smaller space that has enough room for a dresser and a bed, so they can just use the facilities on this side of the compound.'
Kouse nodded at hikari he was impressed with her explanations so far. 
The hyuuga district was a well organised and arranged place after all he thought. 
He had heard rumours that the hyuuga district was not in good living conditions and he had believed it until now. 
Kouse smiled "well, the hyuuga district is even more organised than I have heard" kouse said "no wonder wonderful people like you can live here" 
Kouse looked around "is there more things that you think I should see? Or do you want us to start our trip to the uchiha district?" kouse asked. 

Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)  Empty Re: Uchiha and Hyuuga date! (hikari)

Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:09 am
Hikari was enjoying their date so far, learning a bit about the Uchiha and how they too learn before they are old enough to become actual shinobi. She was also enjoying holding hands with Kouse, she liked the feeling of her finger's clasped around someone else's, it made her feel warm and safe, two things she sometimes seldom felt. Then, as they were approaching her favorite area of the Hyuuga district, Kouse told her that the Hyuuga compound was more organized than he had heard and that there was 'no wonder wonderful people like you can live here'. She lightly chuckled at his sly words, he was still as flirtatious as always. 

"I am glad we are more organized than you have heard, and why thank you! Us wonderful people appreciate your compliment." She joked at him, though she was serious about appreciation his compliment. Then he asked if there was more to see or if they should go to the Uchiha district. With her free hand, she shook her index finger at him and winked. "You haven't even gotten to the best part yet!" Then she opened the door at the end of the hall, the smell of freshly bloomed flowers wafting through the air. It was not a room that lay hidden behind that door, but it was a magnificent garden full of blooming flowers and blossoms; roses, lilies, cherry blossom trees, every flower imaginable was in the garden.

"I come here often, it is my favorite place in the Hyuuga district. It's serene, always smells amazing from the flowers, and sometimes cute little animals will wonder in here, curious as to what the flowers are." Her eyes twinkled with joy as she spoke, if was evident she really did love it in the garden. Hikari lead Kouse to the cherry blossom trees, right in the middle of the garden. Some of the blossoms blew this way and that from the wind, and some even fell on them and in their hair. A soft laughter filled the quietness, as Hikari's gentle fingers knocked a blossom off of Kouse's shoulder. "Cherry blossoms are my favorite flower, well they are tied with roses haha."

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