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Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:56 pm
Maloren awoke that morning as he always did, early. The sun was just barely rising over the horizon, birds had just woke up to begin their song, and most people in his clan wouldn't be up for another hour. In short, it was perfect. He moved through the deserted compound as he moved toward his favorite spot in the gardens where he could meditate and perform his Gentle Fist exercises. When he arrived he would be surrounded by flowers of all kinds. Example were the Earth Countries Dragon Lilly, the Lightning Countries mountain rose, and other kinds of flowers that he personally found beautiful ranging from Tulips to Azaleas. He sat down to mediate within this great beauty within his compound for a while before his family awoke. At that point he would eat breakfast with them and move back to the garden to begin his katas. After about an hour of doing them he looked up to the sky and judged it to be about nine in the morning. He decided it would be a good day to train as he had no missions, and nothing else to do. So he left toward his favorite training ground.

Maloren arrived at the training ground after about twenty minutes of walking. His favorite one being the same location that he met Risako, and learned the sixty-four palms, and mountain crusher. It was a large training ground with a pond near the edge and training dummies all over the field. It gave plenty of space to work with in case anyone else decided to join in. He moved toward the training area where he learned the mountain crusher and gave small inaudible chuckle at the destruction caused. A line of trees a good six to seven trees deep were torn out of their ground by the roots. And splinters littered the ground from the two training dummies he obliterated. He chose another training dummy from this location and began striking it, trying to get his heart rate up a bit before the real training began. Today he intended to make the protection eight trigrams sixty four palms his own. The defensive technique required knowledge of the sixty four palms and the Palms Revolving Heaven in order to perform. The user had to create tiny lasers of chakra from the palm of their hands, no bigger than a single tenketsu, and use the sixty four palms with great flexibility to surround themselves in what was basically a laser net of chakra, capable of tearing through many offensives he could think of. 

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Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:13 pm
Jace had awoken this morning just like any other. He was finally free to do as he pleased today, which was a welcome reprieve from all the missions he had been being assigned to lately. Even though he had woken up early out of habit, the young Uchiha took his time getting out of bed and beginning his morning routine. It was good to have a routine. Especially one that includes waking up early and eating a hearty breakfast, since it WAS the most important meal of the day. By the time the boy had made it downstairs into the kitchen, Kira had already set out a spread of food on the table for him. One of the many things Jace loved about his mother was the fact that she was always smiling and always had good food ready to be eaten. As he sat down to begin eating, the thought crossed his mind that he didn't express his appreciation for his mother too often. "Mom. Thank you for breakfast. I love you." he said as he finished a mouthful of eggs.

"You're welcome sweetie. I love you too." she said with a smile on her face. "Now finish your food before it gets cold." Kira added on as she began to wash the dishes now piled in the sink. She never complained or shirked from her duties as a mother and a wife. Thanks to her, the house was always clean, clothes were always washed, and there was always fresh food on the table for Jace and his father to enjoy. She was really something else, being able to always make sure all of that was done on top of her duties as a Chuunin to the village.

It was only a few more minutes before Jace had finished his meal and was heading out of the door for the day. He hadn't done much training lately and he wanted to find someone he could practice his genjutsu on. He could always train with his best friend Ita or his hopefully soon to be girlfriend Queen, but for some reason genjutsu didn't work on the blonde girl and Ita had his sharingan which basically made genjutsu useless against him. Since Jace specialized in the art of genjutsu, they weren't exactly the best training partners for him. So today he had decided he would find someone at the training fields to practice with, no matter what. Upon arriving, the boy noticed immediately the destruction about the field. It wasn't much, but the signs of use were obvious. Taking his attention off of the messy details, Jace noticed a familiar boy striking a wooden training dummy repeatedly. If Jace was not mistaken, the boy's name was Maloren Hyuuga. He should do well as a partner for the day. 

Jace quickly made his way over to the boy, stopping only 2 meters from the boy's right. "Maloren, right? I'm Jace. We completed a few missions together. I was wondering if you would like to train together?"
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:02 pm
Maloren heard him approach, but didn't realize it was the uchiha from those missions. He didn't have his byakugan on after all, so his range of vision was limited at the moment. He turned toward the boy and nodded his head at his introduction. "I figured you never told me your name before you didn't trust me. Perhaps that was incorrect?" He would say in reply before he gave him a bow of respect "And I would enjoy a training partner for the day. I'm currently about to start trying to learn the Protection Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. What are you working on?" He'd add on after the bow. He looked the boy up in down and noted that besides that fireball from before he didn't really know what to expect. He had the sharingan so he could be a genjutsu user, or maybe he did prefer taijutsu like himself and their third teammate Queen. He couldn't really see a team of three taijutsu users though. At that thought he could've sworn he heard a ghostly voice screaming 'YOOOOOOOUTH' but he ignored it. He figured Jace would either be a genjutsu or a ninjutsu user. He could live with both in practice, but he'd need to work on his genjutsu dispelling abilities if he were to fight them in the field. 

"You wouldn't happen to have any blunted training kunai on you? I'd need you to throw something at me in order to practice my technique, and I'd rather not get skewered. If you don't we'll need to get a bit creative." He stated as he activated his byakugan and looked around for something useable. They could try rocks, or senbon would work too, if Jace had any. He would have to get used to making the chakra laser first though. That would take a bit of time, but he could practice that while Jace did a technique or two on him and when he got them down then try the entire thing. He figured that would be more then fair. Afterwards if he wanted maybe they could have a friendly spar. Although he would be wary against a genjutsu user, he didn't know how he'd fair against one since his byakugan couldn't dispell them. 

While he thought of this he began trying to form a concentrated beam of chakra from the palms of his hands. He'd have to get both done if he were to perform the technique. He formed the chakra into a single chakra point on his palm, that much was easy since it was on his hand and he practiced doing things like that for years. The problem was getting it to shoot outward in a small beam that could cut through things like a certain sci-fi movies weapons. He began trying to force the chakra out into said beam but only get it about an inch or two out from his palms. He'd need to focus his chakra and refine it for this technique, as opposed to the brute power he'd used in the others. 

He realized however that he had kind of begun without telling Jace he had. He looked up at him and gave a grin. "Sorry, got curious as to how long getting these chakra beams of death to come out of my hands would take." He joked as he continued to try and refine his chakra into the beams. "You can start whenever you'd like, if you're trying to get a ninjutsu down you can use me as a target and I see your chakra output to try to help you out. If it's genjutsu I WILL probably hate you after we're done for a bit, but go ahead and use me a target." He told the young Uchiha as he continued to practice forming small beams of pew pew from his hands.  

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Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:33 pm
The boy had responded first to Jace's suggestion by saying he thought the Uchiha hadn't trusted him before and that was why he hadn't told the boy his name yet. Thinking on it, Jace realized he actually hadn't introduced himself on the missions they'd been on. In fact, the Hyuuga boy had only ever called him 'Uchiha', probably guessing that much from Jace's sharingan. He instantly felt bad about that. "No not at all! I guess I just kind of, well, forgot. I'm usually very shy too so that was probably why. After completing a few missions with you though I feel more comfortable with you." he said in response to the boy's question. Then the other boy would tell Jace that he would actually enjoy having a training partner for the day and continued to tell the Uchiha that he was working on something called sixty four palms something or other. Jace just assumed it was some kind of Hyuuga clan technique. He had also asked Jace what he was working on, but Jace didn't get a chance to respond before the boy spoke again.

He asked Jace if he had any blunt kunai or anything to use to throw at the Hyuuga while he practiced his own technique. Of course he didn't. He wondered why anyone would carry blunt weapons with them. Even while training Jace and his opponents had always ever used normal kunai against each other. It was in the nature of their job to be injured while training. "No, I don't carry blunt weapons on me." he said in response. The other boy had apparently already activated his byakugan. Maybe he figured Jace wouldn't have anything like he was asking for and started searching for rocks or something. Jace activated his own doujutsu in response to seeing the byakugan being activated. His eyes were able to notice as the boy began doing something with his chakra in his palms. He was focusing the chakra to a fine point and extending it outward from his palms. Was this part of the technique he wanted to practice today? Probably. 

The boy seemed to notice what he was doing and stopped and apologized to Jace for starting without him. Jace simply nodded in response to that. He went on to tell the Uchiha that he could start whenever he was ready and that if he had any ninjutsu or genjutsu he was practicing the Hyuuga would act as a target, though it was obvious he preferred to be the target of ninjutsu rather than genjutsu. After only a moment of hesitation, Jace moved so that he was exactly 10 meters away from the other boy and prepared to begin. "If you're ready, I'll throw some fireballs at you for you to try to deflect or dodge or whatever it is you're trying to do." When the boy had gotten himself into position and indicated that he was ready, Jace would begin. He made a series of hand seals as he built up fire nature chakra within his chest. After only a second, he released 6 fireballs each a foot in radius one after another at the Hyuuga boy. They weren't sparring or anything so Jace was just trying to take it easy and gauge the other boy's strength as he helped him to practice.
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:30 pm
Maloren nodded his head at Jace at his explanation of why he had't introduced himself before. It made sense after all. He himself could be rather shy at times, especially around particularly pretty women. Queen could easily be an example of this if they ever trained one on one. At this moment however his training partner was the young Uchiha. And he backed up as Jace performed his hand seals. He grinned slightly as the ten fireballs flew into existence and he instinctively formed his chakra into a shell around him and spun as they got close. The fireballs were easily combated by the Palm Revolving Heaven technique, clashing against the protective shell of chakra and dissipating into the air. After he finished his ballerina impersonation he stood and faced Jace once more, watching and waiting for his next attack. 

While he was doing this he suddenly had a thought hit him. The technique he was practicing with his hands at this time was a combination of the Palm Revolving Heaven technique AND sixty-four palms. He suddenly realized a way to increase the cutting power of the chakra coming from his palm. He began to rotate the chakra as it left his palm, spinning it like a drill if you will. Causing its cutting power to increase exponentially. He quickly pulled out a kunai and, with the two inch blade of chakra coming out of the single chakra point of his palm, cut the kunai cleanly in half. He smiled wide at the progress and a new look of determination came upon his features. He began to try to coax the chakra out of his chakra point carefully, not forcing it out like with his Vacuum Palm and Mountain Crusher techniques. He did this while maintaining the rotation and was pleased to see he had added a good two meters to the technique. He grinned excitedly at the amount of progress so quickly made and cracked his neck in the usual fashion of his bad habit. He needed to try to find a way to make the ray beam of death extend to five meters. He intended to find a way to increase the range as soon as possible. But first he needed to give Jace his attention before he shot another firey ball of death at him.

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Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:59 pm
Jace watched as the fireballs he had sent flying toward the other boy were easily deflected by some kind of rotating thing that the Hyuuga kid did. It was all very impressive the way Jace's attack seemed to be deflected so effortlessly. When the rotation stopped, the kid was once again facing the Uchiha. Jace was about to send another attack the kid's way when it seemed that the kid had gotten distracted by the same technique or whatever it was that he was practicing earlier. Jace's eyes could see the chakra coming from the boy's palm clearly. He was even able to see it rotating as the boy took out what looked like a normal kunai and used the chakra protruding from his palms to slice it clean in half. Impressive indeed. Not long after that the kid had managed to extend the rotating chakra rod to a full 2 meters. That could certainly be dangerous if it hit. Jace had never truly helped anyone practice this way before. All of his practice sessions were usually miniature spars between himself and another. Most of the time it was between himself and Queen, though the last time they had sparred the blonde had landed Jace in the hospital for almost a week. 

The kid seemed to have noticed he had gotten distracted again because he quickly returned his attention to Jace, obviously waiting for a second attack for him to work on deflecting. Taking a deep breath, Jace made another series of hand seals and once more built up fire nature chakra within his chest. After less than a second he was ready to release the attack. This time it would be a single larger fireball that was launched at the Hyuuga boy. The fireball was at least 2 meters in diameter and moving rather quickly. The Great Fireball technique was a specialty of the Uchiha clan from ages past and it was one of Jace's most used moves, aside from his genjutsu of course. He would wait and watch to see what the boy did this time. Jace didn't mind continuously spewing fire balls at the kid if it helped him learn whatever it was he was working on. He just hoped that he would be able to practice some of his genjutsu as well. After all, he needed to train too.
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:59 am
Maloren grinned at the fireball that was flying his way, this one was much bigger than the other ones and he recognized it as the original Uchiha Clan bread and butter. It would still fail before the Paln Revolving Heaven however. He spun in place once more, letting the chakra surround him in it's protective cocoon. To be honest this technique wasn't really viable unless one had the Byakugan. As one couldn't normally see what was happening outside of the dome while they were spinning. Which allowed the opponent easily maneuver for a brutal assault when it dissipated. With his Byakugan however, one could easily see outside of the dome and know what was happening outside. As the dome disappeared he stood facing his sparring partner unharmed. He looked back down toward his palms and began trying to get the chakra to extend to it's five meter maximum length. He continued trying to pull the chakra out of his palm, forming it into the small ray of chakra that was coming out of the single tenketsu point in the middle of his palm. 

He began trying to use a bit of chakra to push it out, trying to see if it needed a little bit of a more forceful coaxing than he thought. Sure enough he managed to cause the small laser ray of pew pew to extend another meter. He smiled softly at the accomplishment, he'd have the technique down pat in no time. He began to focus on the end of the beam of chakra now as well, trying to see if he could fix anything on that end. Sure enough the beam seemed to simply stop at the three meter mark and dissipate. He tried focusing on the end to see if he could extend it from that end. He began to refine the chakra along the entirety of the chakra laser, hoping to make it thinner, longer, and stronger. He pointed the laser toward the ground to see how strong it really was and sure enough he could cut it into the ground and grinned as it sliced into the earth easily. 

He began to focus on the other palm as well, refining the chakra, trying to get it to extend to the same length as it's counter part. He would need them both to reach five meters if this technique was to work after all. Soon enough he managed to get two three meters laser beams of death in his hands. He looked up at Jace and grinned wickedly, the rest would probably come through practice after all. "Can you give me a shuriken or kunai storm? Go completely nuts." He said as he dropped into his basic gentle fist stance, ready to begin slicing and dicing shuriken and kunai out of the air. He wanted to get this technique done soon so they could work on Jace's technique as well. After all fair was fair right? He cracked his neck in anticipation of the assault to come and studied his surroundings intently with his byakugan. It always seemed to be a habit of his when he knew an attack was coming.

It truly was a gorgeous day to train, the sun was out without being too hot. A light breeze rolled through the field and he could see small, furry woodland creatures running around the borders of the field. He did notice a nasty cloud bank coming not too far off though. He didn't have a problem training in the rain. If his friend Master Matchstick was going to be practicing his fire release though then they might have a problem. But that could easily be fixed when it stopped raining. He flexed his palms in readiness for the storm of sharp, pointy instruments of impalement and waited for Jace to begin. To be honest he was anxious, he needed to get this technique down today one way or another and if he needed to get it done in a storm than he would do so. 

He could see the small animals from before running from the rain as they most often did. It didn't have the feel of a strong storm, just a powerful downpour, which he could certainly deal with. He was briefly curious if his new technique would be fast enough to keep even the rain from hitting him. The kaiten was, but that was a barrier that blocked everything around him, this is was basically a razor sharp barrier that was as complete as fast as he could swing. Which granted, was pretty fast. He then sighed internally and awaited the incoming storm of metal.

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Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:31 am
Jace watched as the boy once again easily deflected his attack. At this point Jace wasn't exactly sure why he was launching fireballs at the kid, but hey target practice was target practice. Before he had a chance to launch another attack at the kid, he got distracted again with the chaka manipulation he seemed to be experimenting with using both of his palms. Jace just watched the boy curiously as the Hyuuga managed to extend the chakra rod he was making to a full three meters from the palm of his hand. Whatever it was it certainly had a decent reach on it. Jace doubted anyone without doujutsu like his own would even be able to notice the weapon the boy was making since it was made of pure chakra. Though he was probably wrong and everyone would be able to see it, but that was beside the point. He watched as the kid tried to cut into the ground with it and a surprised expression crossed Jace's face when he saw that it did indeed cut clean through the ground. 

He watched the boy for a little longer before deciding to start practicing on his own. He made a few hand seals and when they were finished a flock of twenty five crows would appear surrounding Jace within ten meters of him. The loud and obnoxious caws could be heard clearly throughout the training fields as the birds swarmed around the young Uchiha. Jace had already learned how to do this quite some time ago though. He had only summoned the birds to use them as a conduit for the genjutsu he had planned on practicing. He focused on the jutsu he wanted to perform, channeling his chakra and envisioning white feathers, Jace would perform a single hand seal. For a moment it looked like nothing happened. And then a single white feather began to fall from within the flock of crows that he had summoned. He waited for a few moments to see if it would effect the birds, but only one of the crows ceased it's flying and fell to the ground, now completely unconscious. By this time, his attention was brought back to the Hyuuga boy asking him to launch 'a storm of kunai and shuriken' at him. The most Jace would proabbly manage to do was five of each for a total of ten. That was the number of weapons he carried on him at any given time.

He simply shrugged and told the boy he would do as was requested of him. Reaching into his weapons pouch, Jace would fling five kunai and five shuriken at the boy one after another as he had requested. Before he launched them however, he had made sure to control the birds to fly safely out of the path of the sharp objects so they wouldn't get hit. He still needed them to practice on after all.

wc: 1943

Last edited by Jace <3 on Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:59 am
Maloren watched Jace summon a flock of crows to surround the area around him. 'He must be preparing to do his own practice..but that would mean genjutsu..' He thought as he knew he couldn't be using the crows to shoot fire, that would be interesting of course and Maloren instantly had a funny mental image of jace setting fire to all of the birds and sending them at him like little black feathered suicide birds. He barked out a laugh at the thought and watching as he began to maneuver the birds and empty his kunai and shuriken holster. Ten total kunai and shuriken wasn't much of a practice session but he would take what he could get. He'd have to replace them though, but that was easily done with what he had on his person. He happened to have that exact number on him as well. He simply figured an Uchiha have more for those shuriken and kunai deflection tricks they were known for. 

As these thoughts crossed his mind the cloud bank moved over tham and began to unleash it's downpour upon them. The rain falling toward the ground in large amounts. They were both instantly soaked but Maloren certainly didn't mind. After all he'd have to fight in the rain at some point. Shinobi did NOT take weather breaks. As the rain came down upon them he watched Jace unleash the barrage of kunai and shuriken at him. His byakugan caught every detail down to the last scratch on the metal surface from target practice. The sharp and pointy childrens toys flew through the air with a deadly accuracy that he had to give he uchiha credit for. If he stood there and took it like a moron, they'd certainly kill him. He was not however going to do such a retarded thing. 

Moving with the speed and grace one would expect of the Hyuuga clan he began to swing his arms through the air as each kunai and shuriken got within range of he three meter long lasers in his palms. He cut through them all like paper and soon pieces of metal sashimi covered the ground around him as the rain came down. Maloren had noticed something interesting however, the chakra beams seemed to evaporate the small water droplets as they came into contact. That moment he could use the rain as his practice target instead of trying to find rocks laying around. He tilted his head toward the sky and watched a lightning strike flashed into is vision. He smirked confidently at the weather, knowing he would be the victor this day. After all what was a little rain against the all seeing eyes of the hyuuga clan? 

He dropped down into his stance, steadying his breath as he did so and closed his eyes. He took deep breathes for what seemed like an eternity. Time slowing down to allow him to practice this technique and add it to his list of skills. He entered a stance that would allow him the greatest freedom of movement available to him, his arms would have to reach behind after all. He unconsciously added more chakra to his palm and accidentally made the chakra lasers extend another meter toward the target lengh of five. One more left it seemed, although he honestly hadn't noticed. He focus was completely set upon the rain and he intended to cut it out of the way as well. He took a deep breath and began to swing his arms slowly in order to used to where he could swing them. 

The thunder that went with the flash of lightning marked where he speed up his technique. He slowly extended his arms outward and began to swing them around his body, using the rays of chakra as a razor wire net that would cut away anything that got too close to him. He began to try getting his arms to bend far enough back that he could cover any side of his back with them and soon enough managed to do it. The gentle fist used a good deal of flexibility after all. Now he sped the swinging up even more, the lasers of chakra evaporating the rain as it fell to the earth, never to reach it's destination. The rain seemed to pick up as he sped up more and more, his arms becoming a blur to almost anyone that looked. The razor wire of chakra seemingly forming a shell of death to any who dared to test it.

Now it was as if mother nature herself was testing his techniques power as the rain suddenly picked up without warning. His arms becoming a blur of protective death as they moved around at speeds that almost no one could see, cutting through the downpour as if it were revolting against the weather itself. The speed with which he was performing the technique made it seem as if a dome of chakra had appeared around him, one that was easily seen through of course. lightning struck the earth not far from them but Maloren continued to stare defiantly, managing to keep the water from touching the ground in his protective sphere. Thunder boomed through the clearing and Maloren briefly wondered if this storm was in fact getting more intense as time went on.

He had been at it long enough to allow his clothing to dry within his shell. Time seemed to slow down for him as he swung his arms, evaporating every drop of rain as it fell to the earth. He continued to manipulate the chakra output of his palms, intending to make the technique increase to it's five meter range. He only had one more meter to go but he just couldn't figure out why he couldn't get that last three feet of length. His arms were getting tired and fatigue assaulted his body as he began to slow down because of it. The rain storm however did not slow down in the least, seeming to renew it's vigor at the idea of the defiant warrior, who dared tried to defy him, slow down. A drop of water made it through the haze of evaporating destruction and landed on his forehead. 

"No, I can't lose this easily..I have to keep going and I have to reach the five meter mark. I won't lose to RAIN of all things!" He thought frantically as suddenly his arms moved back to their original speed. The water no longer able to make it through the barrier. He began to focus on the chakra output now, as he could keep the barrier up without actually thinking about it now. Something he was more than a little proud of. He analyzed how he was releasing the chakra and realized he could probably push more out a little faster. A little more powerfully if he really pushed for it. He grit his teeth and pushed for the extra mile, suddenly seeing the range of his dome increase again to it's full five meter length. He grinned excitedly at the prospect of success as he steadied his chakra as it left his palms. The thin ray of shinobi life force was completely symmetrical on both hands. Two thin, five meter lengths of chakra that could cut through almost anything if he tried. 

He closed his eyes and steadied his now ragged breath as he maintained the barrier against the storm. Nothing could touch him now, of that he was sure. The bulging veins around his eyes proving that he could obviously still see thanks to his byakugan. He began to try to think of other things. So he could allow his body to perform this technique without his needed thought. Because that would allow him to perform it effortlessly to protect himself or his comrades. That of course, was completely unacceptable, and so he trained his body to prevent it. his thoughts quickly went to his family. They may talk about representing the Hyuuga Clan way too much for his liking but he still loved them. If this technique could protect them in the future than it was worth it. 

He thought about his sensei, he didn't trust her, he probably never would. But she still kept him making more progress than he had ever made before and for that he would always respect her and her power. If this technique could save her in the future, than it was needed to ensure that. He thought to his teammate Jace, and Queen, he had only just met the duo and he already felt a bond with them. He wouldn't allow harm to come to them if he could do something about it. Because that's what teammates do for one another. If this technique allowed him to protect them when the time came, than it was worth it and it would never go to waste just for that. His arms continued to move on autopilot, not slowing down again, his stature a defiant point in the storm. The ground under his feet was dry, his clothing dry, and he would maintain. Because he would use the exact same determined defiance to defend those precious to him. That simply meant that he couldn't afford to lose here. 

His thoughts brought him to Risako and he unconsciously smiled at the thought. A peaceful smile, not a grin, or a smirk, but a real smile. She helped him perfect the technique he needed to learn before all others. If anything she was the reason he was here at this moment, defying mother itself because of it. He didn't know what he felt toward her but he knew it more than simple friendship. For his blush deepened at the mere mention of her name. He thought back to when they had the popsicle just the other day and the smile grew. He'd be meeting up with her in a couple of days at the academy and he couldn't wait to see her again. He brought his concentration back to the real world and opened his eyes once more. 

He had obviously gotten this technique down pat, now he was simply maintaining it against the storm that was slowly slowing down. He slowed his own tired arms down with the rain, making sure not a drop hit the ground. He maintained whatever speed was necessary to keep that from happening. Slowly though the rain stopped and he let his arms drop to his side. His breathing was haggard and his reserved were shot. He needed a few minutes to catch his breath before he could help Jace learn whatever genjutsu technique he wanted to learn today. He turned off his byakugan for a few minutes to allow his chakra to fill up without it's maintenance cost, as efficient as it was. He cracked his neck unconsciously and reached into his shinobi pack and pulled out a couple of candy bars. He proceeded to toss one to Jace before opening the second one himself. "Snack break.." He said simply, through his efforts to catch his breath. 

It was at this moment that he took in his surroundings. Everything was, well wet of course, but the wind from said rain had also damaged some of the tree and he briefly wondered if Jace had gotten under cover before it had started. He looked around at what had been his sphere of influence, a term he liked the sound of, and saw that was it bone dry. The water hadn't managed to reach the ground, exactly as he had planned. He sat down on the dry spot, intending to take five to let his breath and chakra replenish some before helping out Jace. He owed the guy a lot for his help in this and so he would repay that in full. 

"So explain the genjutsu you want to learn.." He would simply say as he motioned for him to join him on the only source of dry ground in the village. He had long since known it would be genjutus, ever since the crows. They weren't used for fire jutsu after all, but were a common medium for uchiha to use genjutsu. He took a bite of his candy bar and allowed the kid to begin his explanation, eating the candy slowly while he did.

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Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha Empty Re: Training of The Hyuuga and Uchiha

Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:01 pm
Jace watched as the boy responded to his attack once again. This time was a bit different from the first two instances. Instead of simply using that cool spinning thing he was doing before, the Hyuuga sliced every single one of the kunai and shuriken in half with those cool chakra rod things he had created to come out of his palms. Well, Jace was going to have to get some new weapons soon. Thunder clouds had rolled in and it had begun to pour during Mal's demonstration. After he had finished tearing apart all of Jace's weapons, the Hyuuga began to continue practicing his technique on his own, leaving Jace to do as he pleased in the meantime. The Uchiha had continued to watch the boy for a few more moments before deciding to finally focus back on the genjutsu he was trying to finish learning. Taking his eyes off the other boy, Jace returned his attention to the flock of crows that were still circling above him. 

The loud cawing of thirty large black crows could be heard just faintly throughout the training fields, almost completely drowned out by the sound of roaring thunder as the storm went on. He felt his clothes begin to get heavier as the rain soaked through them and started to weigh him down. He just shrugged in response to the wet and the cold, he would have to fight in the rain at some point, he was sure; might as well start now. He took a deep breath before beginning on his training of the temple of nirvana technique. It was an A rank genjutsu that Jace was certain would become quite useful for him in later battles and missions. Putting people to sleep? Definitely an edge. Not many people seemed to be versed in the arts of genjutsu, but Jace was getting better and better with it each and every day. He was glad to have such an affinity for the art. 

After a few moments of manipulating the crows he had summoned to fly around him lower to the ground, Jace was finally ready to begin his training. Once more the boy would focus his mind on the image he wanted to create, letting his chakra begin to flow outward around him. The key to using any good genjutsu is to catch your opponent off guard. He would have to figure out how to do just that using this technique once he had it down. For now, he needed to focus on actually practicing it. He let an image of numerous white feathers floating down from the sky above take over his mind. His target was the flock of crows that he had ordered to circle around him. He had already managed to put one of the birds to sleep, but that was no where near good enough. Ideally, this genjutsu should be able to knock out the entire flock in one swoop. The Uchiha had been practicing this technique for quite some time now with hit or miss success. Luckily when he used the technique in the mission at Konoha prison it had worked flawlessly and put all of the small fry prisoners unconscious almost immediately.

He knew the technique required a single hand seal which, though he preferred to cast genjutsu without them, was not as bad compared to a technique requiring a good number of them. At least he could perform a single hand seal quickly and on the fly. He also knew the general range of the technique. According to the scroll given to him detailing how to perform the technique and its abilities, it could effect an area of approximately twenty meters. That was a good distance. He could feel the rain getting heavier as he recited this information through his mind. Jace had a habit of going over every detail of a technique he was still learning every time he wanted to practice it, just as he was doing now. His thoughts had completely drowned out the sound of the roaring thunder and constant cawing of the birds around him. He had even nearly forgotten about the other boy practicing not far from him. 

After what seemed like forever, Jace was finally ready to perform the technique. He moved his hands to create the single seal that was needed for the technique, the Tiger hand seal. Immediately numerous illusory white feathers would begin to rain down upon the surrounding area, piling on top of themselves on the ground. One by one, the Uchiha watched as the crows stopped their cawing and fell to the ground, becoming completely unconscious. It seemed like his hours and hours of practicing had finally come to fruition. The weather seemed to agree as the rain had stopped mere moments after the last crow had fallen. A smile crossed Jace's face as he released his jutsu and both the crows and the feathers vanished. Looking over at the other boy, it seemed he had finished what he was doing as well, and he was completely dry! Jace had no idea how that had happened but he was definitely impressed. 

The Hyuuga had tossed Jace some sort of candy bar and motioned for the Uchiha to join him on the patch of dry ground where he was now sitting. He had said something about a snack break? Jace merely shrugged and opened the candy bar as he moved to sit beside the other boy, taking a bite out of the bar as he went. The boy seemed to have finished whatever training it was that he had been working on since he had asked Jace what genjutsu it was he himself had wanted to work on today. He didn't know how the boy had known Jace wanted to work on a genjutsu since he hadn't mentioned it, but he wasn't one to complain. Even after the flirting with 'his girl' on one of the last missions they had gone on Jace held no real ill will toward the Hyuuga. Sure, seeing the boy hit on the pretty blonde taijutsu prodigy had angered Jace intensely at the time, but he wasn't normally one to be so enraged. In fact, he had rarely gotten mad at all before that incident he tried vehemently to forget where he had slaughtered at least ten men. 

After a moment of silence where he had finished his candy bar, Jace would finally respond to the other boy. "Well, while you were working on that cool spinny thing, I finished getting down an A rank genjutsu I had been working on for some time now. There is another genjutsu I wanted to practice, but if you had something else you wanted to do I'd be ok with waiting."

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