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5 Step No Step - Riari Empty 5 Step No Step - Riari

Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:51 pm
Logic was ready for his next training session. He was walking about in Hoshi around the village borders until finding a relatively empty area that was nothing more than a plane of grass with some nice scenery around it completely devoid of humans and any other lifeforms. “I’ve been recently classified as being a specialized space-time user.” Logic said to himself. It was true. After becoming a genin, he took a series of test that resulted in him being categorized as one. Now the question became, what could he experiment with now that he knew? “I’ve always been one for manipulating the way physics work within the physical plane.” He said aloud sitting, legs crossed, in the wavy field of grass. The perimeter of the area was marked with trees, bushes, and large buildings above and behind them. Logic was always a scientist at heart. He wanted to know how everything worked down to the minutest of details that could be observed, sometimes even thinking of those that couldn’t. Predicting and trying to examine their possible existence. He often attempted at analyzing movement patterns and his own as well to see if there was a way to make his movements more efficient for say example, faster speeds with less physical force or strength needing to be expelled for the result. The concept he’d be trying to apply was relatively simple and it was already created beforehand.

“The work this works is rather amazingly simplistic in its own right. Many different types of ninja can use this ability and depending on their specialties, they all perform it differently than the others. It has been nicknamed Hoho. I don’t know much of its origin though I understand the structure of its working. Being a user of space-time, I must edit the space in front of me to be able to negate the physical resistance and normal momentum rules that are existing due to variables such as the surface I’m on as well as the objects in front of me such as the constant of air being present. This skill is made for immediate high speed movement.” Logic said aloud in the quiet field. It was common for him to recite a long amount of talking to himself before beginning his training for anything. Generally, this would get his mind thinking in that way and comprehending the objective as well as direction of his training. Now, being ready to start, Logic rose from his sitting position and thought for a moment. “Being that this skill is made for immediate movement at high speeds, I likely be using it to dodge incoming attacks. For this reason, I should practice and train it assuming I’m in a still position or a direct standing stance. It will prove the most beneficial.” Logic thought. He assumed his standing normally and began to run through the concept inside of his mind in a visual form this time. He envisioned somewhat of a board game from a top down perspective using his mind’s eye realm view. The board resembled that of checkers or chess and it was somewhat like that except all the pieces were the same. A simple square. The rules went as followed. A square would be eliminated from the opposing team if it were to be hit by another square that was moving with more force. The force of the square is determined by its current movement and momentum. If two squares hit each other with the same amount of force, they would cancel out sending both repelling backwards at half the original force. If one were to be slightly stronger or weaker, they will be overpowered. If one is at rest, it will be overpowered as well. 

Now here’s where things got interesting. A square at rest can only move one tile in its turn while a square that just moved a tile can now move two tiles in the direction of its momentum gained from the prior movement when it was at rest or it can stop itself by jumping 1 tile forward. This one tile stop is due to momentum. Logic extended these rules and the size of the board as well as numbers of pieces until reaching the point where the amount of force rules stopped at around 500 units of force. First, he simulated a casual battle within his mind at normal speeds and paces. This proved to be annoyingly long so he stopped around the half way mark. “Visualization is one of my best talents. Now to put it to some great use. This will benefit me when I attempt to perform the same action in the physical world.” Logic restarted his board and, this time, would imagine the use of the Hoho skill by the squares. They could accelerate to very high speeds from the resting position making the game highly paced by also interesting on a tactical note as the possibilities extended far into the sky compared to those of before. To simulate what he would have to do, the squares seemed to temporarily distort and displace reality slightly enough that the normal effects of the board friction and air friction within the world didn’t take hold whatsoever. It appeared like a transparent tube of chakra. Logic jotted down this new logic form and made a few notes mentally for storage. “Looks like I’ve done enough on the mental level. But, that’s half of the technique being applied isn’t it?” He dispelled himself from his mind’s eye and returned back to the physical plane. He now stood perfectly still and straight about to attempt his Hoho skill. “I know my body’s speed isn’t even that high yet but if I learn and perfect this now. Who’s to say what I can do with it in the future? It’s not much of a game changer but quite the utility in my pouch of arsenal.” 

Logic began to translate his notes into the normal world now. He would become the square of sorts. The grass and air and much more would become the resistance that he would have to negate through his use of space time manipulation. Though the problem became this, his body wasn’t that much of a square so he would need to adapt and expand the size of the area he manipulated for this. It wouldn’t be too much of a problem and merely a slight hindrance. “Let’s attempt first by doing the sections of this skill.” Logic said ducking down slightly to get a better grip on the ground below him. He implanted his right foot with most of his body weight and leaned off of the left. Using his right hand, he planted it into the grass of the ground in front of him and began to think. “This slight area of connection between my feet and the ground is a pivotal point of exploitation for this skill. I must negate all friction that isn’t happening to my benefit when I move on the ground.” Now, with most of his weight put onto one leg, his right, he would attempt to make the area below simply lose friction all together. To do this, he would think of the normal surface as becoming water, something that could easily be moved through. Though this mentally left him with a contradiction as even water provided some friction. “Here we go. Attempt number one.” Logic pushed down onto his right further and prepared to launch himself forward. He had stared at the point beneath his right foot and imagined it turning into water and did so with so much effort as if trying to reach an arm of chakra out of his body to simply grab and smash the thing until it was reduced into something like water. With three seconds of focus put into this, he launched himself forward of off his right foot. Like a spring, he soared to his front and did a fine flip within the air before performing a clean landing. “It definitely feels much more relaxed to do it that way but I can still sense the friction held there.” He turned around and walked back to where he started and got back into position for another attempt. In his mind, he began to visualize once more. Being a visual learner, this was the easiest way for him to discover and understand any topic. He visualized himself hopping on a trampoline, specifically, how the surface of the trampoline seemed to sink, giving the using power to rise back up into the air. It was a form of energy conservation similar to Hoho. This got him thinking. “I simply need to make the ground react as if it is a trampoline. In this way, it will take away less of my energy opposed to normal ground by giving some of it back to me.” 

It made perfect sense. He snapped back into his physical viewing eyes and looked down and observed his right foot ready for propelling once more. Now with little time as the day was nearly becoming night at this point, he focused in and put all the imagery of his mind into the world that he existed in. The reactions were pleasing. “Here we go!” He said to himself as he propelled forward, it was much looser than his earlier voyage into the air. He had jumped farther and higher feeling more freely and relaxed while doing so. He landed. “So that’s how you control the ground maneuvering. Got it. Next up is to negate this air friction but still allow myself to breath hmph.” He walked back to his prior position and this time simply got into a squat like form with both of his legs. He also planted both hands onto their respective knees.

 Returning to his mind’s eye, he began to visualize the new technology that he had heard of before, high speed gliders that use the ninja’s wind element to augment the speed and amount of gliding they can do. When he visualized these in action, he saw that the air was being dragged around them slowing them with relative ease. Now the question became, how do you stop the air from grabbing onto you? It was simple really. One would need to create some type of force field around them that just pushed it all away from the holds that were binding it, a force field of physical negation. Logic had returned to his physical realm once more and saw the darkness of the sky looking high up above. “So my objective is to mold a field around myself and ahead of myself that will limit the amount of air friction that I will receive. 

Sounds simple in theory, as anything does, but is surely difficult when applied.” He prepared himself first imagining the field around him and putting his mind and body at work to create what he thought was a force field. It would repel attacks so it was anything but. Though, for the time being, it was all that was required. He sprung himself up into the air with eyes of surprise as he realized, looking down, that he had jumped way higher than he had ever before. He didn’t even feel much of the rising sense or the air running by his ears that normally blocked all of his hearing of he was going fast enough. In his descent, he fell back down to the ground and hit with decent force. It didn’t hurt him much as instead of hitting the ground head on, he remembered the trampoline example and found that he was sucked in by the earth and lifted back up with a slight bounce effect. “Seems that one was easier than I thought. Now it’s time to bring it all together.” He got back one more time and returned to his perfecting standing straight up resembling that of what people defined as a “gentlemen” with good posture. Utilizing all of his training done so far, he activated a field of movement and the sense of the floor being nothing more than a trampoline. “Dash!” From being perfectly still just a moment ago, he shot himself forward and changed into an instantaneous run at his normally maximum running speed that took at least some time to build up. Slowing his rush and finally halting himself, he stared back at the prints left in the grass. “Mission completed.”

[WC: 2077 = + 10 Stat Points] 
[Learned Skill: Hoho]

Last edited by Logic on Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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5 Step No Step - Riari Empty Re: 5 Step No Step - Riari

Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:52 pm

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