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Arai Frae
Arai Frae
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Learning the Ropes (privite)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:20 pm
Arai walked home from the academy, hauling a whole bunch of scrolls in her arms. She smiled as she remembered how easily she had passed that test the Academy held earlier that day. Maybe there was nothing to being a ninja after all. The sun was high in the sky, about 6:00 pm. For suna, the air was cool-er the sun was high and the shadows were long enough so she could avoid the bulk of the heat. Arai walked passed a small restaurant, thoughts on how her parents would react on hearing about her test grade. Arai's stomach grumbled in protest and she stopped, looking back at the restaurant with a longing gaze. Well... it had been a long day, and she did do well. Arai dug around in her pants pocket for her allowance and counted up the ryo. Well... it should do for a small treat at least.

Arai walked back to the restaurant, ducking under the flag-door and greeting the cook with a wide smile. The cook smiled back while simultaneously flipping some flat-bread in a pan.

"What'll it be, young lady?" The cook asked. Arai consulted her stomach. It was the dominant figure in such fields. Perhaps something meaty...? Yeah. She had a craving for something like that...

"A small ramen, extra meat, no egg, please." Arai ordered before sitting down at the table and consulting her ryo again. Yeah.... should be enough.... 

"It'll be out in a minute." the cook vowed before placing the flat bread on a separate plate and getting to work on Ari's order. Arai then pulled whipped out her latest book: "A War of Nothing" and began reading. She was a big fan of novels, especially those in a series. This particular book was a large paper-back with the title on the front and the spine, a picture of the night sky with a huge, red moon in the background.

Last edited by Arai Frae on Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:40 pm
Kyofu sat at the desk of his study with the great toad Fukasaku sitting on it in front of a scroll." So you are telling me that you know of Wood Release and saw a lot of it being used during your life time" said a smirking Kyofu who was intrigued by the discovery. The whole time he had been looking for someone who knew of Wood Release or even knew it, and to think that the toads knew of it and saw many people use it. Well they were a vibrant race of beings, looking at Fukasaku Kyofu would say "Well do you care to explain". The toad would laugh and then say "Well Wood Release is quite rare and even those who have Senju DNA can rarely awaken it, hell even most Senju can not awaken the advanced element. So when I begin to show you the ropes do not get frustrated if you can not awaken it " said Fukasaku.

Kyofu would nod slowly and put his arm to the desk as Fukasaku walked up it and sat on his shoulder, his right shoulder. He had decided that he would get out of the house, a blood moon had begun to rise in the distance that only happened twice a year. In the land of ninja Blood Moons were bad omens as when one came it created the destruction of the world. Putting on his ninja equipment Kyofu would climb out of the window of his apartment and jump to the ground."We should go to Mount Myoboku as this village is feeled with sand and you can not do very much Wood Release in the sand " said Fukasaku. Kyofu would nod and decided to take the long way to the cave as he wanted the exercise, he had been cooped up in his lab all day he did not want his muscled to rot away.

As he walked he caught the smell of ramen and meat, deciding to abort his mission to Mount Myoboku he would go to the ramen shop and see a girl who looked like she could be no younger than 14. He saw that she was reading a book that had a red moon on the cover. Ironic thought Kyofu as he sat on a stool next to the girl and said " Reading up about bloodmoons. Hope you are not as superstitious as myself. My friend here says that Werewolves are at their prime on the night of a Red Moon " said Kyofu as he laughed and pointed at Fukasaku.

Don't know the WC but it's going towards Wood Release reroll
Arai Frae
Arai Frae
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:06 pm
"The hell-beast opened it's maw, jawline riddled with jagged daggers. It snapped it's jaw around Matriz's jaw and-"

Arai looked up from her text as she heard the voice of a man speaking to her. She looked at him oddly as he referred to werewolves and lycanthropy as a joke. Did he not know of the curse that afflicted her and her clan? Apparently not. Then again, not many people knew of the curse. They all assumed that it was just stories. Perhaps it was best if it stayed that way in the minds of normal people. Her odd look broke into a smile when the boy laughed and pointed to the frog he had brought with him. She had heard of intelligent, talking frogs however. Perhaps this was one of them? She smiled and nodded politely at the amphibian before turning back to the man.

"Yes. That is what the legends say, don't they?" Arai asked, smiling kindly. If only he knew...  She could already feel the pull of the full moon as all lycans can. This night was stronger than the others, however. It was making her feel queasy... She snapped her book shut just as the cook brought out her meal. She handed him his just-due money and picked up her chopsticks. She was about to dig in when she remembered that she hadn't introduce herself.

"My name is Arai Frae. What's your names?" Arai asked, referring to the man and the frog.
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:17 pm
As Kyofu looked at the black haired teen her voice would say "Yes. That is what the legends say, don't they?" Kyofu would inwardly smirk as he thought of the legends. To all legends there were a starting point, something had to happen for a legend to be started and in this world he assumed that nothing was impossible."Well you speak of legends but I will let you in on something " said Kyofu as he leaned in his mouth inches away from the girl's left ear. He whispered a single sentence "But all legends start from somewhere don't they " leaning back to where he originally sat as if nothing happen a waitress would walk up and bring a plate of ramen and sit it in front of the young lady. The waitress would then look at Kyofu and say "Anything for you sir?" Kyofu would nod and say "Of course, get me a glass of red wine. Extra Red " said Kyofu with a smirk as his single black eyeball and red iris stared up at the waitress. The waitress would laugh and nod her head as she went to the back.

The girl had snapped the book shut and was about to attack her food when she turned towards Kyofu and said "My name is Arai Frae, What's your name?" That was quite weird thought Kyofu, she had asked the question so robotic. The waitress soon brought Kyofu his glass of wine as he grabbed it with his left hand. Of course Kyofu was only 20 years old only a few months from 21 so he was still illegal to drink."Well miss, my name is Kyofu but most call me Kyo and please don't call me Tofu or you may find your self on the ground screaming bloody Mary " laughed Kyofu. However, he was completely serious.

He began to study the girl, she seemed like a very mature girl, she also seemed somewhat intelligent. Kyofu would have thought she was from somewhere else if it were not for her somewhat golden skin which meant she was a native. Kyofu brought the glass of wine to his lip and drunk a little the taste erupting in his mouth.
Arai Frae
Arai Frae
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:33 am
Arai's sense of unease grew as dusk wore on. Part due to the man (who had introduced himself as Kyofu) and how.... strange he seemed. No small part to his appearance. The night was getting longer and she was still far from the desert, where she was supposed to subject herself to the transformation. As the moon rose ever higher, Arai's queasiness grew, as did her hunger. As soon as Kyofu told him his name, Arai dug into her food with an almost ravenous determination. Within moments, the ramen had disappeared from the bowl and into her stomach. The food didn't seem to satisfy, at least, not fully. Her craving for meat grew, and now she wanted something recently killed or raw. She looked back at Kyofu who was drinking in with red wine he'd ordered. It was so deep-a-red that it almost seemed like blood. Thick, juicy, delic- those thoughts were enough for her. Arai got up from the table quickly, knocking over her chair. She shoved her belongs into her pack quickly, nodded in thanks at the cook and hurried out of the restaurant. The Blood moon rose ever higher behind Arai as she made a bee-line for the village gates. The floating red orb cast it's maleficent light upon the curse-stricken girl. A throbbing started to pound in the back of her head and the gates weren't even in sight. Arai cursed silently to and at herself for not just heading home. She might have made it there, at least. At the speed the curse was progressing, She wouldn't have long before the wolven madness symptoms would start to show. She had to get to a generally Isolated location. She looked around frantically and found a small, dark alleyway, no windows on the inside. It would have to do. Arai ran down the alley until she found the back wall where she curled herself into a ball, sobbing and wait for the curse to spring forth and devour her conscious, human mind.
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:21 am
As soon as Kyofu released ths three syllables of his name the young girl would dig into her plate as if she had never ate before, it was quite a interesting sight to see because as Kyofu looked at the girl he saw that she had a small amount of muscle as well as some fat on her skin. And from the way she talked and looked she seemed quite healthy. As the girl's plate was cleared she would look up Kyofu. No not Kyofu the glass of wine that was near his chest. Wierd he thought as the girl hurridly arose from her seat in the chair and made a beeline out the door without even paying for her food.

"Hey" screamed ths waitress as see saw the girl run." Do not worry I will bring her back " said Kyofu as he arose from his chair and walked quietly out of[size=30] the door. Kyofu saw that she was not as fast as he thought she would be. In reality shs was quite slow and if Kyofu wanted to he could have caught hwr very fast. But he decided that he would take it slow as he went to the rooftops and followed the woman to thw villagw gates. Why the gates? The only thing that is out there is sand and a cave thought Kyofu. Soon the woman hit a sharp turn down a ally. It was as if she knew Kyo was following her. Turning down the alley as well Kyofu qould walk up to the girl who was curled up in a ball. Sobbing as if a loved one had just met their death.[/size]

[size=30]Walking slowly to the girl Kyofu would say "Is there domething wrong".[/size]
Arai Frae
Arai Frae
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:40 am
Arai looked up at Kyofu as he approached, eyes filled with surprise and tears. Apparently he had tracked her here. This was bad. For him and for herself... The moon's light bathed in upon Arai, her mind falling to pieces. She let out a scream an clutched at her head as the wolven curse took hold.

"NO!" she howled, pointing a gnarled finger at Kyofu. "GET AWAY! GET... AW-" She was unable to saw anymore. She fell forward, back arching, hair turning white and matted. Her face jutted outward, almost like a wolf's snout. The bones in her arms and legs snapped, lengthened and re-grew, blood pouring from her mouth during the violent transformation. Her fingers and nails lengthened, turning into gnarled claws than hands. Her clothes ripped and tore and she grew upwards. She stood now at 6''9'', her torn clothes worn about her as tattered rags. Her body covered in a thick, matted white pelt and her eyes glowed with the redness of the moon's radiance. She lifted her head to the sky and let out a triumphant howl that could be heard throughout the entire village. Her hunger, her anger, every wolven instinct erupted with new power as she laid her eyes on the prey in front of her. With her blood dripping from her lips, the werewolf that was Arai roared and lunged at Kyofu, teeth seeking his throat.
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:56 am
As Kyofu stared at the girl she let out a scream as she clutched her head with her hands as if a massive headache had arrived "No" she screamed as she pointed a finger at Kyofu "Get away". Kyofu would still stand where he stood as he was not afraid. Her hair began to turn white as well as the little hair she had on her arms. Her face came out as if it was a dog's nose. He heard the cracking of bones and saw blood rush from the girl's mouth. She now stood only inches taller than Kyofu revealing her white mane. She was a wolf, no a werewolf."Fukasaku get back I'll handle this " said Kyofu as he looked down to his friend who had reverse summoned himself. 

But looking down was a problem because as Kyofu looked down the girl had lunged at him almost biting his neck if he was not fast enough and raised his left arm just in time in front of his neck as the girl clamped her teeth into his arm tearing away the thread the protected his muscles below his skin. Blood had rushed out of his arm as he grabbed the girl's side with one hand and throwed her to the wall from reaction. "Now I would not try that again if you know what is good for you " said Kyofu as he pulled out a single kunai ready to in the girl's life if she dared to attack again.
Arai Frae
Arai Frae
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:34 pm
The werewolf snarled in confusion as it's teeth latched around Kyofu's arm instead of his throat. What confused it more was that even with her bestial strength and claws, it couldn't smash through his bones. In fact, she could barely chew throw his flesh. But chew she did, and the delicious flavor of his blood filled her mouth. She opened her mouth to bite down harder, to tear his chewable arm from it's socket when Kyofu wrapped an arm around the side of her torso and chucked her into the nearby alley wall, cracking it. She slid down to the ground, more of her own blood dripping from her snarling maw, more from the force of the blow than from her transformation. The werewolf could barely get to one knee after the force of the counter, let alone attack again. The blood contrasted heavily with her white pelt as it dripped ever-so-slowly upon it. She growled at her should-be-prey, but stopped suddenly as she heard his voice. Something in it set of a spark in her mind.

Memories coursed through her brain like flashes of light. She saw a girl and her family talking of some wolven curse, how strict the older male and female seemed. The scene shifted and she saw the same girl at a restaurant talking to the same man who stood before her now, Kunai in hand, bite mark on his arm. Then she realized. The girl was her. She was the beast. They were one... With this realization, her sense of identity came roaring back, as did her old form. Her fur shrunk back inside her body, that on her head returned back to being mid-back length, smooth and black. Even having returned back to her original, human form, she had sustained considerable damage in their short skirmish, not to mention that sustained during her first transformation. Slowly, Arai opened her eyes, aware of all that had transpired in her transformed state. She had a tired, broken look in her eyes as she wearily stared at the wound she had inflicted on Kyofu.

"I... I'm sorry..." Arai managed to gasp out. She didn't know if Kyofu would be able to here her with how quietly she'd said it. "The Wolven curse... I... I'm sorry..."
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Learning the Ropes (privite) Empty Re: Learning the Ropes (privite)

Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:07 pm
So the legends were true thought Kyofu as he stared on at the girl, beings of such were a huge rise in the ninja world. Kyofu rose his arm that had been bitten to his face. He had heard that the bite of a werewolf could turn you into one. Blood seeped through the puncture holes and fell to the ground."No need to be sorry Arai, you only unlocked a part of your brain that was dormant. I say you learn how to control it and maybe harness the power to defeat enemies in the future " said a smirking Kyo as the red light reflected off of his skin.
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