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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty In Need Of Service[Mission]

Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:11 pm

It was a very rainy day as it always was in Kumo, if it wasn’t raining then it was really windy or sometimes both. Chronos was used to this whether, but this rain felt a lot different it rained a lot harder as well, that might have been what felt off about today or it could be something else. “Ah, I need some Ryo.” Chronos said as he looked outside the window, the rain that was once they're turned into a slight drizzle making the grass look misty as he looked out of the window. “Nice, I guess I can do a mission in this whether depending on what it is.” Chronos said putting on a hoodie and pants.

When Chronos stepped outside he had seen lightning strike from afar, it made him remember his element, maybe he should train that one day he thought to himself. For now though it was time to get some Ryo in order to buy some ninja items and such. Like every other ninja Chronos went to the mission board to see what it had in store for him, “No, D-Rank missions are too low, C-Rank huh. It would be fine to boost up the level a little bit.” Chronos said taking the paper from the mission board and reading it. “4500 Ryo! This has got to be my lucky day!” Chronos was overjoyed that this mission payed well and it was only a C-Rank he could only imagine how much he could get from an S-Rank. Upon looking at the price Chronos scrolled his eyes up to the actual details of the mission and it read ‘The Ninja Academy was suppose to be getting a surprise instructor today from one of the lesser nations. But he haven’t arrived to the village yet since he had to come through the hidden cloud mountains. The Academy fear that he is walking around lost so a team or Single platoon can go search for this man but be aware there been sightings of a certain Genin who don’t really like the cloud and attack anything that comes from there. He fail at simple jutsu so he mostly stick with traps so keep your senses sharp.’. “So, basically this was a escort mission, it’s kind of a search and rescue at the same time, but eh, I’ll take it for what it is.” Chronos said holding the paper in his right hand and beginning to walk away from the mission board.

As he started his walk he dropped the paper and was about to pick it up from the puddle it had fell in until he seen someone in the reflection of the puddle. “Huh.” Chronos said confused that he didn’t notice the presence of another being near him, maybe he was just too excited about the mission payment and was caught off-guard. Chronos starred in the puddle for a little while longer kind of mesmerized by the ripples flowing through the water, with each water droplet hitting the surface of the puddle the image in the puddle grew harder to make out so, he decided to lift his head and see who it is. Who he seen was quite surprising since he had never met this person in Kumogakure before, but hey, it’s a big village.
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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:51 pm
Hikashi woke up in her feathery bed feeling the sweet echoes of rain fill her with happiness. The girl loved nothing more then the answer of rain to her morning pains. Nothing psychical of course, it's just that she has to live with Kurame. Hikashi loved Kurame, but couldn't stand the punk sometimes. Every single time she wanted to find him he was completely gone! It was tiring to find someone so fitting to be a ninja. She knew ninja had to be like top spies, but to hide from your own sister! How could he! The women, only 17, hopped out of bed and got changed into a marvelous blue, full body jacket, some white gloves, her cylindrical hat, and her unfitting pink umbrella. She looks into the mirror on the wall to see her disgusting hazel eyes. Hikashi was known by those ugly, monstrous eyes she bore. She had no doujutsu or anything, but she had to bear the constant stress of eye color. All of it seemed completely ridiculous to her.
"Lady Hikashi, good morning!"
She quickly turns to the mutated jellyfish, doll looking creature she called friend and smiled.
"Toru, how have you been?"
She shines a rare smile as she pins the Toru to her clothing harmlessly. The Toru has no feeling in the equivalent of a tentacle sheet. The creature's eyes light up feeling a great sense of happiness to be with Hikashi, and to be noticed.
"I'm doing very well! I couldn't sleep all night, but then again I never sleep... hehehe."
Hikashi looked at the creature alarmed, and soon they begin to talk about the mysteries of life together. Hikashi quickly eats breakfast and is out the door to find a mission to do. Might be fun, she thought.

As Hikashi walked through the rain, she quickly felt a surge of emotion go through her as she saw someone at the mission board. This person... seems strong, she thought. She tried to not act surprised as she watched him pick out a hefty mission. Her eyes lit up thinking about what kind of power this kid must possess.
"Hey, do you need any help? I am a kumogakure ninja too."
Hikashi's deep feminine voice said this softly, in fact it was too soft for the ninja to hear. The rain must have caused her voice to be blocked! She took a deep breath in the cold rain as she saw the ninja look up at her. Hikashi blushed, feeling embarrassed to have followed the ninja. She quickly spoke out in her panic.
"Would you like any help with that mission? I was just passing by..."
She felt like a great weight fell upon her as she waited for the decision. The Toru seemed to have been getting ready in case a battle had occurred. The familiar was well aware of how harsh the ninja world was, unlike Hikashi.

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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:18 pm
As Chronos was pulling his head up and grabbing that now soggy brownish paper he seen a young lady in front of him that seemed to be very introverted. She seemed to be very nice and had something attached to the center of her chest that resembled a ghost somewhat, maybe it was a trinket that was used for memorabilia. “Oh, hello. I was startled when I seen you in the puddle, I didn’t expect anyone to sneak up on me although I have no reason to be on edge. I guess it was just reactions.” Chronos said raising his hand that held the soggy discolored paper up to his head and holding it there with a friendly smile. The rain continued to pour on from the grey streaked skies, it reminded Chronos that gravity was pulling the water from the clouds and dropping them onto the ground. If you think about it, it’s kind of depressing and intriguing as well, but Chronos knew he had to say more than what he had already said. Seeing she was at the mission board maybe she was looking for a mission to do, it would be extremely helpful if Chronos could have her come along making the mission a lot faster than what it would have been by himself.

“Would you like to do this mission with me, it’s really easy. All we have to do is find the instructor of the academy who had gotten lost somewhere in the mountains, how unlucky of him. Oh, I forgot to ask, are you a ninja by any chance, it would be kind of weird to bring you along and put you into danger.” Chronso said now unfolding the paper and showing her the mission. Chronso could see that it was hard to see so he decided to just put it back in his pocket. “Sorry about that, I forgot I dropped it into the puddle which you probably saw.” Chronos laughed. “Oh and one last thing, I can’t believe I was this rude. My name is Chronos Uzumaki and you are?” Chronos was very scatterbrained seeing as though he was caught off guard in such a social situation, he never really had to talk to people and hold conversations unless he was asking them to help him train or spar. This really made him think of how much his life revolved around the ninja world.

[WC 954]
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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:31 pm
Hikashi was startled by the ninja. What do I do, she wondered. She quickly eases down hearing him speak. This ninja didn't seem to want to beat her up like some of the ninja. She looked at the paper to see it was drenched by the rain. She smirked a bit just by how awful it was to think about. Such a precious piece of paper doused in information was now crumbled up into a ball of disrespect! Her heart softened when she remembered she had little to no friends in this village, not to mention her lack of confidence either.
"You have every reason to be on the edge, it is a harsh ninja world especially on missions. You seem like the type to be strong though."
She hoped she wasn't speaking too critically of herself. The thought of losing this possible partner was gripping to her. The response the ninja in front of her had was perfect.
"U-u-uh I am a ninja."
She paused, just enough time to be interrupted.
"But, I am not a strong one at all. I can fend for myself in some cases... I am just a Genin though."
Her confidence came out.
"Yes, I would love to go on that mission with you."
She smiled hoping this ninja would enjoy how to the point she was. Hikashi never really was confident before, but something about being asked for a mission made her feel like a goddess. As the ninja spoke about dropping his paper in the puddle, she laughed at the sheer bad luck of it. The ninja spoke again after the laughter subsided.
"I am Hikashi....."
Damn it all, Hikashi thought.
"Meijin! I can only use one element, it's something people consider the curse. Chronos, I feel this mission will be easy with your strength here. I might study along the way though, is that alright?"
Her tone was more serious and bold. Her confidence was showing through more then ever. Was this how it felt to be a ninja, Hikashi thought. She waited for his response, then flipped to the page in her jutsu book about the water clone jutsu. Her eyes quickly absorbed the information at a very quick speed, nothing superhuman though. She quickly closed her book, and smirked at Chronos.
"Lets go do that mission!"

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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:41 pm
“Would you like to do this mission with me, it’s really easy. All we have to do is find the instructor of the academy who had gotten lost somewhere in the mountains, how unlucky of him. Oh, I forgot to ask, are you a ninja by any chance, it would be kind of weird to bring you along and put you into danger.” Chronso said now unfolding the paper and showing her the mission. Chronso could see that it was hard to see so he decided to just put it back in his pocket. “Sorry about that, I forgot I dropped it into the puddle which you probably saw.” Chronos laughed. “Oh and one last thing, I can’t believe I was this rude. My name is Chronos Uzumaki and you are?” Chronos was very scatterbrained seeing as though he was caught off guard in such a social situation, he never really had to talk to people and hold conversations unless he was asking them to help him train or spar. This really made him think of how much his life revolved around the ninja world.


“Well, I’m not that strong, or at least I don’t consider myself to be that strong, but I greatly appreciate the compliment.” Chronos said with a friendly smile letting the socially awkward person know she wasn’t in the wrong by asking that question. “Oh, so you are a ninja? That’s great we should definitely do this mission together then.” Chronos was elated that he had found someone he could do this mission with and potentially be a long term friend, he didn’t think Hikashi knew how important this was to Chronos. Hearing the girl stutter as she said answered his question though left Chronos a bit uneasy so he decided to have her open up, “You know, it’s not good to go on a mission if you aren’t 100% confident in yourself or partner.” Chronos said making sure that before they went on this mission there were no uneasiness, everything should be smooth, but he knew it wouldn’t happen right away. Right after he said that she said she would love to go on the mission with him, so it did seem she was opening up even if just a little bit, this would prove very useful in the future Chronos thought to himself.

Again the ninja spoke, “her name is Hikashi?” Chronos said this in his head a few times over to make sure it was ingrained in his mind, “Ah, what a beautiful name.” Chronos said making her feel as comfortable as possible.

“Meijin eh? This is my first time hearing of a clan other than my own, it seems like most people try to hide their clans. I would assume that is due to the rareness of it and how people desire a Kekkei Genkai, but anyways I’m okay with whatever you want to do. As long as it doesn’t put us in danger that is.” Chronos  said with a chuckle. As soon as the ninja said “Let’s go on that mission.” Chronos began to walk towards the direction of the Kumogakure mountains, hopefully she was in close pursuit. Once they had finally arrived, Chronos decided to take a break and discuss what they would do in order to find the lost academy instructor and what they would do if possible missing ninjas showed up.
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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 7:09 pm
Hikashi smiled for how nice the man was, and followed him towards the mountains while thinking over that jutsu again. Along the way she tried the water clone jutsu multiple times, but failed every time.

Once they got to a resting point, Hikashi quickly caught her breath and felt like screaming into a pillow. Before Chronos could talk, she quickly spoke.
"I can't believe I can't even make a simple clone right! A simple clone! How hard could this possibly be?!"
Her eyes looked as if they boiled with hatred. She looked at Chronos, and then towards a girl walking out of the bushes. This girl looked younger then Hikashi, and quickly laughed and pointed.
"Someone really needs to get their act straight. I knew anyone with those alien eyes couldn't become a good ninja. I will just have to..."
Hikashi interrupted fiercely.
She weaved a half tiger hand sign as she sent glares that could cause anyone to turn the other direction and start sprinting. A clone of Hikashi was formed from water, and the two stood side by side. They spoke in sync.
"You will not say another word!"
She pointed forward, and the clone ran at a considerably slower speed then Hikashi usually runs at. Hikashi looks at the clone and gawks with a single bead of sweat going down her forehead.
Her clone suddenly exploded from being too unstable. If Chronos didn't speak, there would be a moment of awkward silence as they tried to figure out what to do next. The girl broke out with laughter and motioned with her hand in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.
The girl ran away as Hikashi gawked at the puddle of water her clone used to be. She pounded the ground, then looked up to see a man laughing at her as well.
"You must be the poor souls who are here to help me back to the village. Lead the way."
He chuckled and looked at Hikashi, then at Chronos. The body odor radiating off this man was very... notable.

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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 7:49 pm
On the way to their destination Chronos could see that Hikashi was training her water clone jutsu very hard, it would stumble and deteriorate in little to know time, it was obvious that she was getting frustrated like any other ninja would at this point of trying to do a jutsu. As they continued their walk a little girl had appeared from the shrubbery, who could she be and why was she here? She behaved as any child would by laughing when she seen Hikashi mess up on the water clone technique, you could see the childishness of the girl as she laughed and pointed. All of the sudden he heard a sudden uproar from Hikashi yelling at the child, it was good to see she was in good spirits.

Soon the child ran away into god knows where and all of the sudden the man they were looking for appeared. “Hello sir, we have been looking for you all over. We would like to show you the way back to the village.” Chronos said with a politeful voice making sure to respect the instructor. As the man got close to the two of the ninja Chronos could smell a certain odor come off of the man, but who could blame him, he had been lost in the mountains for quite some time now so you couldn’t fault him for his fragrance.

“Well, this mission was easy, I didn’t expect it to be that easy.” Chronos said.
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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:23 pm
Hikashi looked at Chronos a bit upset for getting that angry in front of him, but who was she to care anyway? The group headed back down the path to the village while Hikashi studied fiercely. She made little to no conversation, and her Toru had fallen fast asleep with it's eyes opened. What a weird creature, Hikashi wondered.

Hikashi shivered in the rain feeling like she would catch hypothermia.
"C-chronos, I-i am so cold."
Her eyes lit up when she remembered how helpless she was.
"Can you give me a kunai for the way back? I didn't bring any weapons, because I spent all my money on this water-proof book."
She held out a shuddering hand to Chronos for a kunai as the instructor came forward with a kunai.
"Here, allow me."
He smiled and place it on her palm. She smiled, and quickly scanned around the area. She took her missions a lot more seriously then she let on.
"Thank you, also Chronos, stay alert. We won't always have ones that flee."
She looks to see a small group of Genin all in kumogakure ninja clothing. They are confident enough to walk straight towards us, Hikashi thought. What kind of monsters are these people? She looks at Chronos, and tightens her grip on her Kunai. The ninja began to speak with a harsh tone.
"How about you two posers just leave this man to us? It will only be a second."
Their eyes were focused on their target and nothing else. Hikashi spotted the girl from earlier with a katana on her back, a man with a plank of wood with fuinjutsu seals all over it, and a man with a...massive sledge hammer?! Her eyes darted over them trying to figure out the small chance they had of winning.
"Chronos, they will probably attack as a group and try to attack me or the instructor since those are the two weakest targets they can see. You need to be on the offensive."
She learned combat mostly from her brother, who knew a vast amount about fighting. The group all charged towards Chronos, Hikashi, and the instructor with their weapons ready. Hikashi became fierce again as the girl hopped over head towards Hikashi. She switched the kunai to her right hand as the instructor nudged her. Hikashi then grabbed the kunai the instructor slipped to her while throwing the one in her right hand towards the girl. The girl blocked with her katana, and the piece of weak metal shattered.
"No matter, you are defenseless now anyway!"
Hikashi then alternated to her left hand and nailed the girl right into the thigh. She then took a few steps to the right as the girl went skidding across the ground in pain. Now the other two were coming for Chronos, what could she do? Hikashi breathed heavily from exhausting herself throughout the trip. She held up her fists in an effort to defend the instructor.

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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:56 pm
Chronos was about to hand her a kunai until he seen the instructor reaching in his pouch, he assumed he was going to so in order to avoid an awkward situation he pointed towards the instructor. Once she had the kunai they noticed there were some genin up ahead, they looked like a bunch of trouble makers that wanted to cause harm to them. Once he heard them talking, he noticed that the fight would be unavoidable, so he readied his stance, at this moment they began their assault and he noticed two of them were after him. “Hmph, you guys are light weights.” Chronos said taunting the genin to see how they would respond, of course they showed their frustrations by attacking Chronos with all they had, but Chronos was able to nimbly dodge. This was until one of the ninja with a plank of wood suddenly launched it at him without warning, having a little time to react Chronos was able to catch the plank of wood which injured his left hand pretty badly due to the splinters and such he got from the ragged plank. Good thing Chronos was right handed, so he took out his ninjato and infused his chakra with it, after this he immediately sliced the plank in many different pieces.

The ninja that had the plank chuckled, “All talk eh?” Chronos was a little unnerved by this. “Well who still has their weapon.” Chronos said laughing it off and then rushing the ninja. With his ninjato Chronos was able to move swiftly to get to him, but right before he was about to hit the ninja with the hilt of the sword Chronos was hit by the sledge hammer which felt like a ton of bricks, but die to his high strength he was able to back away from the duo. “It seems you guys aren’t all brawn.” Chronos said laughing at the two ninja. “Sadly we can’t say the same for you!” The two genin yelled simultaneously as they jumped at him. “You’re right, it is sad that you can’t say that, but oh well.” Chronos said as he launched his final attack for the both of the ninja, rushing Chronos was a pretty bad idea due to him having a lot of speed, it was always hard to tell for his enemies at the beginning of the match due to his slow start off, but when he did get in his groove, it was usually over before they knew. This case was no different, Chronos smirked as they both charged him only a meter apart, he readied his ninjato in his right and dashed between them, a few seconds of them standing off as if they were samurai the two ninja fell to their knees.

As Chronos looked back it seemed both of them were just mere clones, or substituted logs rather. “When they have the time to do that?” Chronos asked himself. “Well I have a surprise up my sleeve as well.” Chronos put his hands together in order to weave the signs for the jutsu and a sudden mist erupted from him, he then activated his chakra sensory in order to sense the individuals around him. In the mist he sensed erratic movement, he then chased down one of the chakra signatures and seeing that it was the guy with the sledgehammer . Chronos showed no mercy and hit the back of his neck with the hilt, a light gasp of air left his mouth as he felt to the ground for good this time. “That’s one.” Chronos said. “Hey Sledge are you okay.” The other ninja yelled out, “Well that wasn’t smart on his part.” Chronos said following the sound and chakra signature to make sure it wasn’t Hikashi or the instructor, once he arrived at his victim’s position he dealt with him the same way he did the other ninja. A swift blow to the back of the neck rendered the ninja unconscious. “Whew, that was a workout and I didn’t expect hidden mist to work so quickly, but all of those chakra control training sessions I did came in handy.”

Once finished with them he released the mist and to his surprise he couldn’t find Hikashi or the instructor, “I hope everything is fine with them.” Chronos said as he walked through the mountain area looking for their chakra signature. Once locked on he sprinted to their position, but not revealing himself, he decided to stay concealed until he thought Hikashi would need him help. Otherwise he would watch and let her handle this on her own.
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In Need Of Service[Mission] Empty Re: In Need Of Service[Mission]

Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:13 pm
The thick mist was hard on Hikashi, because she felt a sudden wave of vulnerability. The minute she shouted was the minute she gave away her location. The rain drizzled down her as she held her umbrella firmly. Might as well, she thought and then her fingers got to work to make a tiger hand sign. She concentrated on all the times she had been useless in just one day, she remembered how weak she felt earlier, and finally she thought about Kurame. She closed her eyes and formed the clone. Within seconds she saw the clone formed perfectly and she felt like jumping up in down in a wave of happiness. Her clone stood by her completely quiet. Hikashi knew the clone had the same idea of her.
"Chronos! Where are you?"
The clone was shouting this as it was running through the mist aimlessly to distract the enemy. Hikashi smiled, and began to walk the other direction to get out of the dense fog. She was sure to grab the instructor and lead him out of there. Hikashi would then wait for the mist to clear waiting for Chronos.

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