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Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:04 pm
A certain young Kunoichi was doing some stretches in the training grounds of the Hidden Leaf Village. She had changed significantly since her last encounter with her Sensei. Her previously long brown hair had been cut very short in the back, but the front remained unchanged. Her yellow jacket was battered and more brown than yellow. She now wore a small brown bag on her back and she didn't seem to give off an excited, cheerful aura anymore. She hardly seemed like the same person anymore.

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Re: Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:56 am
Life had begun to pass the young shinobi by as he became a recluse yet again in his cave. There were talks among the village of a new Hokage, the specifics on Jason being unknown but his friend wouldn't openly drop his position? Without notice he wondered if his friend had just abandoned the Shinobi life and went off to live his own thing, but would a friend truly do this? The thoughts mulled and swished in his mind for days before the first light of the new day peered into his cave deep in his forest which caused him to finally come out. With his first stretch his body would have ached and groaned, the popping and cracking of his joints and muscles bringing his body back to life as he tied his hair and left from his home to see what the village had been up to.

His eyes scanned the people who had looked at the male like they had seen a ghost. The child who had once been among the village like he was happy to be there suddenly stopped coming and now? He had just shown himself which had worried some of the older women he had helped so long ago. Many would think it would be because of the news of the Hokage passing, which he had not yet heard of yet with him living in a cave and all. His track lead him to the training grounds where another familiar feeling came into place, one he had remembered during his last spar with Jason. The small female placed in his charge as his student who had disappeared or so he thought for a spell, though with her chakra being sensed he quickly made his way there and stopped near a tree. Looking onto her he could tell she had changed at least physically, but looks could be deceiving.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Re: Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:37 pm
Akiko finished her stretches and activated her Byakugan to start training. She immediately noticed the chakra network of a shinobi behind a tree and turned to face them. "Nice try, but I'm a Hyuuga. You managed to sneak up quietly, but my Byakugan sees everything. I'm not sure who you are, but can I ask why you're watching me like that?" Her short hair moved slightly in the wind as she got into a Gentle Fist fighting stance in case the shinobi attacked. She started memorizing the chakra network of the shinobi instinctively, so she can hit directly on his chakra network if a fight did ensue.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Re: Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:35 pm
A small smile appeared onto his face as he shook his head and stared at the girls eyes, in a flash his chakra network and presence altogether would disappear from her sight, a simple technique he mastered so long ago," The Byakugan is no issue to me Akiko. I've fought Hyuuga long since before you became a ninja though i suppose it has been a while since we have spoken I guess. Means you wouldn't remember your sensei since we have changed quite a bit," still leaning on the tree he watched her movements with small notice, thinking testing her skills but waiting until she had made a move herself.
Akiko Hyuuga
Akiko Hyuuga
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Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Re: Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:32 pm
"Sensei?!" Akiko was surprised that it had been her Sensei that had snuck up on her, but was even more surprised at how he seemed to vanish. He can hide from the Byakugan?! I'm glad he's my Sensei! That's amazing! She carefully scanned her surroundings trying to find even a hint at where he went. "Alright... I admit defeat! Where'd you go?" Her mind ran through what she just saw attempting to figure out what had happened. He couldn't have just vanished like that, right? I've heard stories of ninja that can teleport, but do they really exist? Akiko bent down on one knee and continued to attempt to see her Sensei.

WC: 112
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time Empty Re: Student and Sensei Meet after a Long Time

Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:38 pm
All he could do was smile and shake his head and he stepped into full view and pointed at his head," Deactivate your Byakugan and you will be able to see me clearly. I didn't disappear I just hid my chakra network from your sight and senses. Clever trick we came up with a while ago and it is useful when you actually want to be a ninja," though she would be able to tell there were two distinct voices at some points where he had been talking before they fused into one clearly deeper tone. It had indeed been so long since he had saw his student, but he wondered where she had been this whole time.
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