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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:51 am
Salzem wanted nothing more than to meditate all day and forget that moment at the gates. If his suspicions were correct and the newcomer was here to off him for Konoha, then he'd have a fight on his hands. One that would likely damage Suna. Perhaps even if the Kazekage came and intervened. He doubted that Konoha would send nothing less than their best to capture a "traitor" and a prison breaker as well. Salzem wandered through the streets, looking for something to do. Something challenging. Something that would serve as training.  He looked about at the many stalls that were set up in Suna's trading quarter, trying to find someone who was moving or readjusting, something that would require a lot of heavy movement. Salzem eventually found one: a Fruit vender who needed help shifting the melon boxes around. Salzem offered his aid and the owner of the stall-keeper accepted readily. As per the owner's instruction, Salzem shifted the assortments of fruit about, genuinely surprised at the weight some of these baskets of fruit possessed. Of course, this kind of physical stress WAS meditation for Salzem. The burning sensation in his muscles as he worked served as a great head-clearer for him.  He worked an hour or so, adjusting, readjusting and never once complained or regretted his decision. To one who actually paid attention to the endless repetition, they might find it incredibly boring and soul-crushing. Salzem however, focused more on what he was doing than how many times he was doing it. When he was finished, Salzem went about his business in the Sand, grabbing a quick bite at one of the local Ramen eateries, and went to find a nice shadow to nap in. Some people would find sleeping in the sand horrible, what with all of it in your hair when you wake, or how hot it must be, but Salzem didn't mind the heat, nor the sand. In fact, he rather preferred this harsh environment to that of the leaf. At least here, he wasn't pestered by monster ridden forests or frenzied missing ninja. The Sand did get a little warm at times, but never uncomfortably so. Not to mention, Salzem had learned never to take Sun-resilient balms and shade for granted ever again.

Over all, Salzem found Suna to be an enlightening experience. It let him know how people lived in more hostile environments and how strangely comfortable they could be.... As Salzem laid down in his shadow underneath a local home, his mind kept drifting back to that strangely familiar chakra he'd felt a while ago. Could it have possibly been one of the kids he's taught? He couldn't believe Konoha would send someone like Kouse or Hikari to come after him... Cole? Maybe. He has gotten the better of Salzem on more than one occasion. He blinked , frustrated, unable to work up the exhaustion to get some sleep. Perhaps it was his body telling him to stop sleeping his days away. Maybe it was the anticipation for whoever will track him down. He'd sensed the person moving through the village every once in a while, but never close enough for him to fully detect who it was... Regardless, Salzem sat up, then got to his feet, cracking his knuckles. Well, If they, whoever "they" are, were looking to bring him back, we was going to have to show them his sincerity on staying.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:58 am
'Gulp,gulp' arghhhh! Kouse sighed in relief as he just finished up his 4th cup of cold water.
The instance he was allowed to get into sunagakure by the surprisingly friendly kazekage he had asked for directions to the nearest eaterie from the first person he had encountered, a young fellow who had hesitated answering him for some seconds to look just above his left shoulder.
At first kouse was confused as to why said individual was acting weirdly until Skipton told him telepathically that he was staring at her in surprised admiration.
Kouse smiled at this...well Skipton was a sight if not a rather small one...a nearly transparent looking jellyfish with tentacles and a read colour at its head...and added to that..floating on the would make any civilian stammer and even some ninjas eyes to widen in surprise.
After kouse had introduced Skipton to the awestruck civilian he was promptly directed to the nearest food shop per his request.
He had taken no time at all moving to said location and promptly ordering several cups of cool water, 4 for him and one for Skipton...even her needed to cool off a bit and she submerged into one cup.
Now refreshed and waiting for his meal to be served, kouse relaxed and took in his surroundings... The shop was all but empty save some handful sitting at the corner of the shop,huddled together and whispering things kouse wasn't interested in. The shop was kept clean and the thankfully it was also properly aired...the heat outside had nearly caused him to faint.
As his meal of rice,stew,meat,eggs and another cup of water were served kouse was reminded of why he was here....he was not at sunagakure to relax or take in the sights...he didn't leave konoha to come taste a plate of he was here to get a certain individual back to peaceful means or by force if necessary.
Kouse took big spoonfuls of rice, he ate as fast as he could without being seen as one who lacked eating manners. He decided he had had enough relaxation and it was time to go look for salzem.
He dropped some money on the table...he knew it was at least twice more than his expenses were but he didn't mind..he was satisfied and adding a tip was kouse telling the cook that he was happy with his services.
Kouse walked about sunagakure proudly wearing his konoha headband on his fore head... He grit his teeth, and that's what salzem was meant to be doing...why did he leave konoha, why did he have to become a missing ninja..and why hadn't he let him know that he was leaving, kouse clenched his fists.
As kouse walked about sunagakure he marvelled at the amount of people in the village...he had expected that in an environment this harsh there would be less people in the village. He couldn't believe people could do menial jobs outside all day under this sun. The heat of the sun just didn't bode well with kouse.. He knew he would get used to it if he stuck around a bit..but for was causing him great discomfort.
He saw a bench under a tree..and headed towards it and sat down heaving a sigh of relief. 
Kouse felt the familiar chakra signature he had sensed at the suna gates again...he quickly followed it until he arrived at a home.
Kouse blinked twice as he stared at the backs of an individual who was just flexing his knuckles.
"Is that you salzem?" Kouse asked in anticipation... It had been awhile since he had met or seen him...ever since he had left the mission they had gone to along with cole and hikari so suddenly he hadnt seen him since.
If said individual was in fact salzem he would smile brightly at him...all thoughts of coercing him to come back to konoha would escape his mind...and he would just want to catch up to a friend,mentor..."how has it been sal?..its been awhile hasn't it?"


Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:46 am
Salzem soon found himself face to face with his old student Kouse, smiling at him as if he'd just gotten back from vacation. He eyed his old friend suspiciously, unsure if this was an act or not. He ignored Kouse's initial questions and only stared at him coldly, as if staring down an assassin. This could not have been a coincidence... Salzem's guard raised instantly, ready for any kind of threats or blackmail that would no doubt force him back to Konoha. He knew from experience that Kouse hated traitors, he hated Missing Ninja and didn't expect him to treat Salzem any different. This had to be leading up to something... he just knew it...

"Kouse." Salzem spoke as if his voice were a weapon. "What are you doing here?" Were Kouse to try to convince him to stay, Salzem would raise a hand, halting him right there. "I'm not going back." He'd say flatly. And he meant it too. He had a reason for staying now and not even under the threat of death would he go back. The rumors circulating out of it wasn't exactly helping either. From what he heard, Konoha was still degrading into chaos, except now anyone coming in or out that wasn't a village ninja would be executed. Salzem was glad that he got out when he did...
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:45 am
The look salzem shot at him wasn't what he expected...he wanted to get reacquainted with salzem.. Have a nice little chat before they had to launch into the topic of him getting his ass back to konoha. 
'Kouse,What are you doing here'...his tone cut Kouse's ears like daggers...he frowned..he sounded just like a missing ninja who had done something he didn't.. Couldn't come back who had taking things too far and was now scared of the consequences of his actions.
Kouse looked at salzem closely and saw the way he looked at him...he was suspicious. He knew about Kouse's experience with people who leave and become missing ninjas..maybe that was why?...kouse that wasn't enough reason to reply him that way.
With the same tone or even colder now if that was possible salzem said 'I'm not going back'.
At this kouse took a step back...then another..and yet another. This wasn't the salzem he had come to look up to...this wasn't the one who had helped him through a lot obstacles.. Who had trained him...gone on missions with...without the 'old' salzem he wouldn't even be what he was now.
Kouse didn't know what salzems reasons were to leave konoha...but...kouse folded his arms and flashes of how salzem was and how he is now....but the reason must be good. Nothing shot of unbelievable would make someone like salzem become a missing ninja.
Kouse gritted his teeth...he owed salzem a lot...its not anyone kouse knew would turn a missing ninja and would make him travel all the way to suna to get them to come back to konoha.... But for salzem...he would do so and he had done so..and would do more...much much as it would take to bring him much as he was capable of doing.

But first he had to know why he became a missing ninja and what happened..."what happened sal...what happened that you had to leave and become a missing ninja" Kouse's tone had completely changed..from a friendly to a dead serious one.
Kouse would wait for his answer then would ask another question "did you honestly think I would hear about this and not come after you?..sal?..after everything we've been through? think I wouldn't do everything I could to help you come back to your old self?" Kouse would shake his head and smile "do you think so lowly of me?"

Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 11:40 am
The sanguine-eyed ninja raised an eyebrow when Kouse referred to "his old self" and "oh, what happened to you" as if Salzem had become a monster. Well... he supposed in one respect, he has but that wasn't what Kouse was referring too. He was referring to his missing ninja status. Salzem only rolled his eyes and sighed at Kouse's last remark.

"Kouse... Listen good." Salzem said bluntly. "This has absolutely nothing to do with you. Absolutely nothing." Salzem stared into his eyes, daring him to look away. "Go back where you're needed." Salzem did feel his words were a bit harsh. In fact, possibly heart breaking. However, he meant what he said. The last thing he needed was to cripple one of his students and old friends in his new home. He closed the distance Kouse had put between them and grabbed his collar with his right hand, tightening his grip so Kouse couldn't break away.

"I think lowly of what you did, coming after me." Salzem said, glaring at him not with hate, but with disapproval. Although Kouse had gotten farther than Salzem did, he knew in his heart that if they came to blows, they'd both do things they were going to regret. Salzem let go of Kouse and shoved him away, all in one motion. Salzem's pupils turned into slits as the wolf inside gained more ground. Although this never happened intentionally, it did wonders for intimidation.

"I am who I choose to be." Salzem growled. "It is not your place to tell me where I should be or who I am. If you think you deserve that right, come. Attack me. Prove you have the strength to drag me back to the leaf. Or get out of my sight." Salzem's fingers curled into fists as he said this, ready to fly if need be. He wondered if Kouse would fall for his attempt at intimidation. Likely not, if Kouse was as determined as he seemed.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:58 pm
Kouse couldn't believe his ears...such words coming out from salzms mouth 'This has absolutely nothing to do with you' Kouse's frown increased in ferocity..'Go back where you're needed' Kouse's teeth gritted harder.
He watched as salzem grabbed his collar..kouse didn't even try to breakaway... He peered straight into salzems eyes but what he saw made him all the more angry..he saw disapproval.. Disapproval that he had come for sal?.
'I think lowly of what you did, coming after me' kouse flinched this time but not from fear but from anger...anger not at Salzem but at whatever reason had driven him to become this way.
But still kouse didn't even raise a hand nor struggle against his hadn't gotten to the point in which he would get physical with sal...that was a last resort and he didn't want that to ever happen...friends didn't get any better than sal.
Kouse hit the floor as sal shoved him away...kouse stood up slowly...he hadn't expected this hostility from he couldn't believe that this was the same person.
Kouse saw the transformation sal made..his pupils changing in shape but he ignored it as he was about to speak, to try to get some sense into salzem..but salzem was not finished.
'I am who I choose to be,It is not your place to tell me where I should be or who I am. If you think you deserve that right, come. Attack me. Prove you have the strength to drag me back to the leaf. Or get out of my sight.'
Kouse's eyes widened... His thoughts were so much that he himself couldn't keep track. His anger was at the boiling point..he knew an all out fight with sal would most likely result in him dying...being killed...was he serious enough to put his life on the line for sal?..would his death finally make sal come to his senses?.
"Yes you are who you choose to become, but who choose to abandon friends,friendship and home to become someone most people hate?, to be tagged with the same title as people who steal, torture...and kill!" Kouse could not contain himself anymore and his voice increased uncontrollably "its not my place to tell you what you should be?" Kouse shouted out the next sentence out "Then don't create bonds only to sever them and thinking it all falls down to what you decide!" Kouse reduced his voice a little as the sun shown brightly down on sunagakure.
"Cole, hikari, risako....what do you think they would do? think I'm the last person who is going to come after you like this? must have forgotten what friendship is".

Kouse knew that the moment he attacked sal he was all but throwing his life away..depending on how far gone sal was.
"you might not know but you saved my life, when my father and sister were killed and my sharingan stolen in quick succession I was tired of life.. Tired of this cruel world and was ready to make a grave mistake that I would not even have the chance to kill myself.. But you were there to listen to my console" Kouse's voice cracked as memories flooded his salzem helped him when he was an academy student to learn a certain jutsu..his first real fight was with salzem.. The jutsus salzem had thought him...after his eyes were stolen..sal was there to soak up the pain of loss..when his father and sister died yet again sal was there...and finally the mission that made kouse a chunin..yet again sal was there making it possible.

Kouse looked at salzem with an anger he had never felt before "you want me to attack you, to show you how strong I am before I can get you back home?" Kouse gripped his sword with his left hand "well so be it!...but if you think you can just knock me out and expect to be left alone then you've got something else coming, only one thing would truly stop me from trying to get you to come back sal and that's if you kill me" kouse locked eyes with salzems now slit ones..."it's not only a test for me but for far are you willing to go sal..cause after me expect lots of other ninjas to come after you kouse slowly drew his sword out..and held it in his left arm. "If my death is the best I can offer to change you...well then..." 
Kouse didn't finish his statement...just before he attacked he shot salzem a of regret..that this was all he could do to help him.
He wanted a fight? Well he would have one.

Kouse performed the bodyflicker move and with his katana drawn he would move at a speed of 165 appearing just behind salzem a little to the left side of him and would instantly raise his left arm in which he held the sword and would use the handle of the sword to hit the back of his head to knock him out with a strength of 36 at the same time his left leg would stamp down with a speed of 100 on Salzems left leg with and hold it there with a strength of 36.

Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:33 pm
It seemed Kouse would call his bluff after all. But that was okay. Salzem had tuned Kouse out the moment he began his rant. He had heard this spiel once too often and wasn't looking forward to another rehashing of it. However, the words Kouse spoke just prior to his attack caught his attention. Kouse had effectively made a vow to not stop hunting him until he was dead. A dare for Salzem to kill him. A temptation so that he would no longer bother him. Salzem had done all he could for Kouse before he left and yet here he was again, demanding more. Salzem just sighed in resignation as Kouse attacked, slamming the back of his head with his sword, then attempting a kick on his leg. Neither effected him. Not strong enough.

"Kouse." Salzem said, turning to face him. "You're not trying hard enough." With those words, Salzem reached used his taijutsu bodyflicker to appear behind Kouse at speeds of 180, far beyond Kouse's ability to see. Likely, all he would see was Salzem's figure there, then gone. The moment he dropped out of the body flicker behind Kouse, Salzem would place a hand right above Kouse's back, seemingly gently. However, wind began to culminate into a sphere, then into a large tiger head which would slam into Kouse with a power 50, heavily damaging, but not killing. In addition, the tiger head would explode, covering a massive area of 50 meters (about 150 feet) for another 50 damage, not effecting Salzem at all. This series of blows wouldn't kill him, but it would heavily damage him. Perhaps knock him out. He doubted Kouse could get out of the way of such an attack. At least, not without any aid. Salzem had yet to show off his true power and Kouse was already at a massive disadvantage. What got it in his head that he was going to win this fight...? Why even try? He would've been better off in Konoha, as rotten as it may have become. If this blow were to hit, Kouse would be blasted at least 30 feet from Salzem, likely incapacitated, leaving his fate up to the sanguine-eyed ninja.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:21 am
Kouse wasn't all that surprised that his attacks had no effects on salzem...he knew salzem was strong...much stronger than him. This was a battle with only one outcome...but kouse wouldn't stop..he had to do his best..fight till he couldn't move anymore.
He heard salzem say he wasn't strong enough... Like he thought he ever was strong enough to take him down, but salzem didn't wait for a reply and had vanished.
Kouse knew moments later where salzem was but he knew he couldn't turn to defend himself in the moment he felt salzem at his back Skipton who up till now had been under his hair activated her rapid germination technique which gave her speeds of +70 and health of +70...reaching a size of 7 feet..She activated said technique while still on Kouse's head but positioned herself in a way that as she grew her body covered his back at speeds of +70. And would keep herself wrapped around kouse for the follow up attack.
Salzems attack even with Skipton's timely help would push kouse forward making him struggle for balance
Immediately deactivating Skipton's technique kouse would take steps back...about 30 meters gap from salzem and create a water clone..then said clone would perform the hiding in the rain technique.. Making rain fall directly on salzem...kouse then would perform the fist rock technique,his strength going up to 61..he then blended with the rain at speeds of 50...waiting until he was behind salzem.then he would solidify..then punch the back of his head with a power of 61 and a speed of 100...trying to knock him out.

Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Wed Dec 30, 2015 8:06 am
Salzem's attack hit home, but it only knocked Kouse back a few feet and in addition... some kind of jelly creature had enveloped him... Was this some kind of new jutsu...? Salzem didn't have time to ask. Kouse summoned up a new water clone, which began casting the same rain jutsu trade-marked by Cole. Kouse never had the opportunity to know it, but Salzem has experience in fighting this technique. Its called chakra sensory. Such a simple solution to such a simple technique. Salzem may be able to detect where Kouse was going, but not the attack he was doing... He supposed it was time to show off his newest surprise... Salzem allowed the beast inside to run free, his body contorting, twisting, snapping and swelling as he changed. In an instant, he'd changed from a human, to a 7 foot, black fur-covered werewolf, howling triumphantly at the sky at the rain. With his new sense of smell and hearing, Salzem could deduce the attack Kouse was doing. A simple blow to the back of his head.  Salzem whirled around as Kouse closed in from behind, Slamming a gnarled fist into Kouse's fist (Strength 70, speed 100) Which would likely break Kouse's technique and his fist as well. Salzem would then, before Kouse could recoil, ignite his gnarled claws, creating a massive steam cloud to rise up as fire met water. He would then grab Kouse by his collar, (speed 160, Fire damage 60) likely setting Kouse ablaze right there. He would then toss Kouse into his water clone (speed 160 strength 70), reverting it back too it's natural state, putting out Kouse, and ending this rain all at the same time. Salzem would then stare down at his friend, snarling and showing his twisted fangs.

"Stop, you idiot." Salzem would snarl through his bestial form, his voice low and gravelly. "This is stupid. This fight is stupid. Stay down and leave." The wolf inside protested his words, but Salzem stayed strong. This fight shouldn't be happening. Not like this anyway. "You're being an idiot, Kouse. I'm happy in Suna. Are you going to take that away because I left Konoha? How very selfish of you." Salzem snarled these words with distaste, as if he didn't know who Kouse was anymore. Hunters... the most selfish of all ninja.
Kouse <3
Kouse <3
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Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse) Empty Re: Reuniting of Teacher and Student (Salzem, Kouse)

Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:08 pm
Kouse didn't expect salzem to be able not only to prevent himself from being hit by Kouse's punch but to meet it head on with his own fist. And what was up with salzem? Was this what he truly was on the inside now?..a beast?..Kouse's eyes widened as he saw the transformation sal made..turning into a giant wolf 7 feet tall... Kouse's eyes widened as his fist met Salzems. At impact the rock encasing Kouse's right arm promptly cracks and crumbles away and said impact also affected Kouse's wrist, breaking a few fingers and wrist.
Kouse flinched in pain...even his fist rock technique wasn't strong enough...he hadn't tried any of his most powerful jutsus yet, even though it would most likely also be blocked by sal too he had to try. But sal didn't give him another chance to attack. Kouse would then see steam coming out of sal's claws and said claw would grab him burning him.
It burn like hell but kouse bit his lip determined not to cry out in pain..and the next thing he was tossed into his own waterclone.
Kouse tried to get up immediately but he couldn't...he was dazed and weak..Skipton had attached her tentacles into him readying for a special technique in case his injuries became bad enough to kill him. His promise to keep fighting until he couldn't move kept him from passing out.
'Stop, you idiot.' Salzem spoke up 'This is stupid. This fight is stupid. Stay down and leave.'..kouse chuckled as he heard what salzem said...stay down?..leave?..wasn't he listening to him when he had spoken earlier?.
Kouse's right arm felt numb..he didn't know exactly the extent of the damage nor did he try to find out.
Even as he lay down in pain his anger didn't dissipate.. But intensified as salzem said he was happy at sunagakure.. And happy as a missing ninja.
Kouse shook his head "I clearly misjudged you sal, for you to just break the bonds you had with us all in konoha so easily..and you didn't just leave konoha.. You became a missing ninja! don't see people running after me do you?..I'm in suna and not a missing nin" images of the times past he had with sal appeared in Kouse's mind..the time he was being trained by sal..but that image cracked and vanished from his mind..image after image appeared in Kouse's mind..all memories he had with salzem wiped off from his memory and was replaced with what he saw now...his eye pupils slits like that of a wild animal..his voice a snarl..he flinched not in pain but in sadness as he made the comparison to the salzem of the past and he knew there was nothing he could do to get him back..well nothing he could do right now.
Sal hadn't killed him so that meant there was still hope in getting him back to his senses. He would get him back before he did something that would make konoha begin hunting him down.
Kouse closed his eyes "fine sal, you wanna stay at suna? Fine but that doesn't mean you have to be a missing ninja...but if that's your decision then that's that" kouse would open his eyes and look at sal.
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