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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:53 pm
Today was like any other day. It was around 8 A.M. and Ita was standing, dressed In the door way of his home. He was wearing his Chuunin flak jacket, along with a black tight t shirt underneath. On top of that, Ita was also wearing black pants along with black sandals. Strapped to the back of his waist was two ninja weapon pouches containing various ninja tools. Strapped diagonally across his back was his Konoha katana as well. Ita’s konoha head band was also strapped to his forehead, Ita’s long hair tied in the back falling a little past his shoulders.
Ita then took a step out of the door way. By doing so, it allowed a sliver of the sun’s light to shine upon Ita’s face, catching specifically his eyes. Ita’s eyes seemed to be changing. They were no longer naive as they once was. At the young age of 13, Ita was turning into a man; or rather a weapon.
Today Ita would explore his abilities and work on establishing a technique that he could use at long range to protect himself and his friends. Now that Ita had satisfied himself with close range maneuvers, he now needed to be able to cause damage on a massive scale. That was a true sign of power. Although, after what had happened during his last mission, Ita hoped to produce a skill that was a little less devastating on the environment, but still devastating on the opponent.
Ita left his home and began his walk towards the Leaf’s training grounds. As he walked he noticed many of the usual sites: shops, locals, you name it. Ita finally arrived. The grounds for the most part were relatively empty. Not many would be up at this time. Ita made his way to the middle of the area where he sat down so that he could begin to ponder on where to begin. Ita crossed his legs while sitting on a flat rock, raised off the ground about a foot.
Now that I can use chidori freely without restriction… I need to figure out how to amplify that technique on a bigger scale. If I can allow raition chakra to emit from every pore of my body, I will be able to release it in almost any direction at my own will.”

Ita took a deep breath while concentrating on his internal chakra system. He straightened his back so that he was sitting perfectly straight with amazing posture. Ita began meditating, allowing the chakra in his body to fluctuate in different ways. After a little while, if someone where to be watching, small strings of electricity would appear about Ita’s body, appearing for a short amount of time and the disappearing once more.

Last edited by Ita on Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Mon Mar 14, 2016 3:33 pm
Having woke up early enough Kin had figured she could get in an early morning session at the training grounds. Jumping from her bed and changing into her ninja gear. Tying her headband around her forehead and pushing her hair back she opens her bedroom door and rushes through. She runs down the stairs and grabs her kunai pack which she left crudely on the table. Closing the door behind her she runs toward the training field. 

"An early morning training is just what I need."  

Upon arriving at the training fields she notices electricity flying toward the sky. "What in the?" Moving closer toward the field standing under the gate she remarks that the man practicing his Jutsu is a Chuunin and his name is Ita, he is an Uchiha clan member. Kin watches in aw off his fantastic powers.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:05 pm
Ita’s right eye opened. He began scanning the training grounds in front of him. Ita had felt a new presence in the area. By the looks of it, their chakra signature was small and most likely of an academy student of a fresh genin. Confirming his thoughts, was the girl just some ways away in the distance. She had a leaf headband strapped to her forehead.
“She looks like a genin judging by her headband.”
Ita thought to himself. Quickly, Ita stopped messing around with his technique momentarily, waiting for the girl to possibly confront him asking for help. For the most part, Ita didn’t seem to be too frightening at first glance. He was just a boy after all. Also, Ita was definitely not above helping others. If she would come and start conversation, then Ita would be obliged to help her. It would give him something to do anyways.
On second thought, Ita figured he would simply confront her on his own. It was good to become familiar with other ninja of the village anyways. Ita made a few hand signs and a shadow clone of himself appeared next to the rock standing upwards. The clone then made a hand seal and body flickered right behind the girl, tapping her on the shoulder with his right hand.
“What brings you to the training grounds this early? No one else is here besides me.” Ita’s clone inquired of the genin.
After she responded, Ita would continue to speak to her. “Well, if there’s anything I can help you with feel free to ask. I know a fair amount of beginners techniques that could give you a competitive edge, if you are willing to work for it.”  

Ita continued, “Did you just graduate from the academy? Oh I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Ita. I’m a Chuunin.” The boy smiled at her.
TWC: 775
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:40 am
Startled by the clone standing behind her, the shy girl jumps and lands in a defensive position. Upon hearing his voice she calms down and listens to him. "I like to come early...I'm not really a people person...Yes, I did just graduate from the academy and I was assigned to Squad 12." The girl replies to the man. Upon second inspection, she could tell he wasn't the real Ita and he was a clone as there were two of the young male standing in the vicinity. "I was actually hoping to learn a new genjutsu...It"s called Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique. Would you know it by any chance." Kin looked on hoping he would she always hoped someone would help her learn the technique she had a hard time figuring it out by herself seeing as how she has been trying for a month and there has been no significant breakthrough this would be her last resort. Kin would be consider the weakest on her squad as she was not as out going as Ichizo or skilled as Izo she knew that she would have to catch up somehow and maybe being a genjutsu specialist would help her in doing so but this type of Jutsu is by no means easy to learn but she has the determination to do so. 
(WC 221)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:09 pm
As Ita’s clone tapped her on the shoulder, she jumped. She seemed to be very skittish. She told Ita that she wasn’t really a people person. Fair enough. Not everyone could truly understand everyone else’s ninja way. Upon further investigation, she told Ita that she did just graduate from the academy and she was assigned to squad 12. Squad 12? It was not too long ago Ita was a part of a squad himself. Squad 9, but after some unfortunate circumstances they had lost a member. Ita’s eyes would shift.
The girl would then completely leave her comfort zone and ask Ita if he had known a genjutsu called “Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings”. “Well she sure isn’t shy.” Ita thought to himself. Ita could see how hopeful the girl looked. Well, if she was willing to learn, Ita would be willing to teach. It’s funny actually. Ita was starting to turn into Yen, without the lectures though. Ita figured he might as well help the girl. It wasn’t abnormal for the girl of a shinobi squad to be the weakest link, but with ITa’s help she could definitely become a key piece in her team and gain some confidence in herself.
The technique the girl inquired of was something he had learned from his friend Jace. It was fairly simple. A technique used to simply change the users surroundings to simply trick their foes.
Ita spoke to the girl, “Yes, I know that technique. It’s pretty easy.” Ita locked eye contact with the girl to draw her attention. With Ita’s offhand he would slide it behind his back, retrieving a kunai with an exploding tag attached to it and allow it to fall to the ground between them.  Upon doing so, Ita would use the false surrounding technique to radiate his chakra into the surrounding area. His chakra would be invisible unless someone had dojutsu. ITa changed the area slightly. The kunai bearing an exploding tag would simply appear to be a flower sprouting out of the ground.
“See this technique is simple as it is deadly. You saw me drop the kunai, but it changed before your eyes. This is something that requires someone to always be aware of their surroundings. Even if it is something small like a flower. Because if you were to be caught off guard. I could blow you to bits.”
ITa made a hand sign and released the genjutsu causing the flower to revert back to a weapon of death. Ita snatched it of the ground and placed it back in his ninja weapon pouch.
“Your turn. Just focus your chakra.” Ita would say, smiling at the girl.

While Ita’s clone was teaching the girl, he would simply continue to be meditating on the flat rock in the middle of the training grounds. Ita had been working with his ability to control raition chakra and was trying to amplify his chidori throughout his body instead of having it confined to just his hand. Learning such a technique would be crucial and with Yens help, ITa realized the opportunities of learning such a technique presented itself. In combination with new suition jutsu, ITa could simply advance his power tenfold. As Ita meditated, he allowed his raition chakra, mimicking the chidori, to cloak over his body. To do such, it took a lot of concentration and focus. The current only lasted for a few moments before fizzling out, but ita would continue to train as he trained the girl.  
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:35 pm
As the clone stood in front of Kin and takes out a kunai a worried look runs over her face, then he takes the explosive tag off, the young kunoichi has every possible scenario playing in her head on repeat. Would she have to take him out, would she be able to take him out she was unsure about it all and just stood until he made his move. Then in a blink, the Kunai was in the dirt. Looking up Kin sees Ita flash the hand signs, looking back at  the ground the explosive kunai was gone and a flower replaces it. 

As she looks closer at the flower Ita's clone dispels the jutsu and picks up the kunai. As he begins to speak about how dangerous this Jutsu can be and how observant you have to be all Kin could think about was how this jutsu could be a game changer for her and her squad. She would no longer be as far behind Izo and Ichizo who both excel at taijutsu and ninjutsu, if she could perfect the art of genjutsu then the squad could do excellent things together.  She began to make the basic hand seal and focused her chakra into her core in order to release it in the form of the jutsu she waited for his directions. Her chakra build up was pretty intense for someone of her skill level you could feel the pressure as it began to circle around inside of her it later could be felt on the outside the gust's began to change direction of the air currents. "Okay what do i do now Sensei?"   

(WC: 275)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:51 pm
Ita’s clones eyes blinked slowly as he tried to compute the correct answer to the girl. Which was a lot more difficult than done. Ita spoke to the girl, “haha well, it is kinda hard to explain. I use my sharingan to copy the flow of chakra and replicate it. That’s how I get my understanding of jutsu, so bear with me while I try and explain.” Ita said.
“For this technique, you are going to want to expand your chakra throughout the surrounding area. How genjutsu works is it plays tricks on your opponents through messing with their chakra. So by doing so, you can make them perceive things that truly aren’t there. By messing with their chakra, you have direct access to their senses, which include sight, scent, and touch and so on.”
Ita took a deep breath and thought to himself, “I hope I explained that simply enough.”
“Now you try, try changing this kunai into a flower in the ground. I can tell if you are doing it right by the use of my sharingan.” Ita said to her as he blinked once more, his three tomoe sharingan becoming present, the girls reflection reflecting in his crimson colored eyes. He smiled as he awaited her attempt.
Ita was beginning to make some progress. He was no longer just sitting down and meditating, but he was wandering into the second stage of his training. Ita rose from the flat rock and over to some logs nearby. Ita pick one of the logs up and set it up about 5 meters away from the rock in which he was sitting before. Ita now stepped back up on to the rock. Focusing his chakra about himself, Ita was finally able to replicate the same chakra in which he used for chidori. The current of this chidori energy cloaked his body. Ita raised his right hand towards the log which stood about 5 meters away from him. For a few moments there was nothing. Ita pressed his chakra more, causing it to begin to extend from the current around his body towards the log. This was the tricky part about all of this. Ita needed to be able to control the current at will, sorta how Yen was showing him how to manipulate the flow of water. They were somewhat similar, right? The chidori current began to make its way towards the log but fizzled out. Again. Ita focused his chakra once more towards the log. This was going to be a long learning process, but by the time he was able to perform this technique, the possibilities would become endless. This would also deal with Ita’s taijutu problem. This technique in correlation with his Space time techniques would be crucial to ITa’s survival.  

Ita continued to try and extend his chidori chakra towards the log. This time, he saw some promise in his training. The chidori current reached out past his body and towards the log. Once the chidori chakra came into contact with the log, it consumed it completely. Ita sent a charge of power through the current, and immideiatly, the log split into thousands of little wood pieces. There was a sound of crackling wood in the air and that was sweet to Ita’s ears. Progress was beginning to be made and it was another step in the right direction. Next Ita would have to continue working at lengthing his control of the current and in which directions he could extend it. Once Ita was able to find his maximum range with the technique, he would then need to focus on using the technique to its full extent, striking multiple targets and different ranges. There was a lot to be done, but at least he was entertained by the fact that he was helping the girl out.
TWC: 2,000
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:55 pm
She takes the Kunai and throws it into the ground. Kin focuses her already concentrated chakra toward the kunai with more than five minutes having already passed and nothing substantial happening she gives up. Throwing her hands down and turns away seemingly upset that she isn't getting it. This is very unlike Kin normally she could get a Jutsu in no time at all but instead, this jutsu is definitely getting to her.  

The twelve-year-old was by no means a prodigy but she was an exceptional ninja. Kin is the daughter to two chuunin of the village and would typically help her when it came to learning new jutsu but this was seemingly her weakness. As she faced away from him a single tear runs down her face she is upset but this should be used as a great learning moment and focused her fear into determination.  Making the hand signs she refocused her chakra into her core and weaved the standard ninja hand signs. This time, she focused on the kunai rather than on what she isn't doing and she could feel her chakra running from her body and into the air surrounding her though she was getting weaker due to the fleeting chakra it bothered her no and she continued until the kunai did disappear and created a beautiful sunflower in its place. In a moment of pure joy she jumps up and the jutsu breaks due to lack of concentration. 

"I did it! I did It! Wait let me try it again?" She stands there nd focuses but then to no avail it did not work for her. "Wait but I just did it? Why isn't this working?" Kin had general worry in her voice but she knew this was the general thing that happened to most ninja when they try out a new genjutsu. It would hopefully only take getting back into the right headspace and she should be fine. "Okay Kin you can do this it shouldn't be that hard you already did it. You can do it!" She stood in front of him knowing that she can do it and had a new confidence that maybe just maybe the jutsu  would work and she can be as strong as the others. But at last, nothing works and the jutsu failed. "Why. Can't I do it." She sat down on the ground next to the kunai and  examined it. She was clearly and noticeably upset she saw all the ridges and edges and it fascinated her and kept her mind off the fact her jutsu was not working. 

TWC 433 only need 567 more word to claim the jutsu.
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:45 pm
The boys eyes watched over the girl as she worked. She seemed to be having some difficulty. He watched as a tear rolled down her cheek. For some odd reason, this made Ita feel a bit sad. But instead of interfering, he decided to see how she would work; after all, Ita’s clone was simply, well, a clone. She seemed to snap out of her self-pity and used her feelings as a means of determination. She mad the hand signs once more and began focusing her chakra. She had finally done it. Her chakra took the form of a sunflower around the kunai. Ita would easily tell this was a genjtusu however due to his sharingan.
“I did it! I did it! Wait let me try it again?” the girl said. She tried again, but unlike before, she failed. And failed again. Then ITa watched as she sat on the ground next to the kunai clearly upset. Ita seemed to be a bit confused. He wasn’t too well with girls or comforting others for that matter. There was an awkard moment for a few seconds and then Ita squatted next to her. The boy placed his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes. His eyes closed and he gave her a reassuring smile and then spoke.
“Hey don’t get too upset, I struggled with genjutsu too. Just try real hard to concentrate. Clear your mind and picture your surroundings and allow your chakra to encompass everyone and everything. You’re doing great.”
Ita retracted his hand once he knew that she was comfortable and ready to try again.
Ita was hard at work. Now that he was able to direct chidori chakra away from his body towards a specific target, he needed to begin working at how far he could do such things. He set another log up about 20 meters from the point at which he had begun. He took a deep breath and allowed a current to envelop his body once more. Ita now raised his hand and allowed the chidori current to stream outwards towards the log 15 meters further away from the last one. The current cut through the air with great speed and to Ita’s surprise, enveloped the second log. With great power and luminescence, ita shattered the log as he did the last one.  
Ita set up another log, this time 30 meters exactly away from where he begun. Like he had done before, ita raised a hand and allowed raition chakra to current away from his body towards the log. The lightning began to fizzle out towards the end and Ita didn’t think it would make it, but by a hair, the lightning came into contact with the log and enveloped it once more. Ita allowed the chakra not to destroy the log this time though. Ita attempted it again, finding the same outcome. Thirty meters seemed to be the extent of this jutsu. Very well. Ita now moved onto his next challenge. Being able to produce separate streams of raition at the same time. Ita placed two logs side by side each other about 15 meters apart. Ita stood on the rock and successfully, he produced two separate streams of lightning from each hand towards the two logs, engulfing them, and destroying them.

There were not beads of sweat streaming down Ita’s face. Such a powerful technique was beginning to wear Ita down, not to mention he was beginning to exhaust his chakra. However, his task was not done. Ita still was tasked with having to strike multiple targets in different directions while even in motion. This was entirely more easily said than done as it would require the ut most attention and focus. Ita began producing more logs of the trees about the area with the help of his chidori in combination with his katana. It allowed for him to slice through wood with ease. Now that there was an abundant amount of wood next to his flattened rock in the middle of the training grounds. Ita would take a few moments to catch his breath, as he took a seat on the ground and began to stair off into the distance at his clone and the girl, watching them work together.
TWC: 2,714
Kin Hayata
Kin Hayata
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Student Teacher(p. Nk) Empty Re: Student Teacher(p. Nk)

Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:31 am
Kin sitting there saw her Kunai and focused on it with all of her will. Her eyes they were detected and squinted her hands where curled doing the hand sign. The chakra was flowing like as if a new life force was coming from the girl. In this very moment the shy girl is no more and this young woman sat in her place. Her pale pink hair started to flow into the sky. Sweat rolls down from her face Dripping into the grass. "You can do it. I know I can the young girl thought to her self mentally paying herself on the back. The Kunai monetary warps out of reality and faint pigments of the green stem of the sunflower re appears but only for a second then with sheer will power and determination the sunflower blooms with a yellow that would rival the sun in hue the stem wast tall and kin belive d this to be because of her sheer focus on making the stem the hardest part for herself. Now all Kin has to do is never to produce this Hutus under stressful battle conditions which is definitely easier said than done but it's a challenge that she was definitely up to now.

TWC: 208

Last edited by Kin Hayata on Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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