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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:49 pm
Orokana was walking around town putting up posters. He wanted to get a small handyman job or butler job, he needed the money and the skill. As he walks around town putting up posters he hums a little. I will cry if i dont get a job soon, my funds are low and i need a new book to read. Orokana walks and walks, putting posters on walls now and again, then all of a sudden he bumps into someone "sorry!"
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Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:35 pm
Jace was just walking around town aimlessly for some reason. He had been doing a lot of training lately and just wanted to enjoy the day. The village was booming. There were people everywhere. Things didn't seem to be going very far in the romance department with Queenie but at least their teamwork was getting better. He felt like he was slowly making some kind of a dent in that icy exterior she put up to everyone around her. She didn't say much about the sword Jace had given her. Maybe it wasn't a good enough gesture. Maybe she really was just as cold hearted as she pretended to be. Na that couldn't be it. Jace was determined to believe she had real human emotions deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down in there. 

Of course while Jace was thinking about all this he hadn't exactly been watching where he was going. So when he bumped into someone he wasn't really that surprised. "I'm so sorry. I err..Wasn't really watching where I was going. Um, are you ok?"
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:41 pm
"Yeah im fine, sorry." Orokana said paniced, picking up some of the posters, then standing up straight fixing his hair and sweater. "it was my bad, My name is Orokana, yours?" Orokana didnt really care, he thought he wouldnt see this man again, but it was polite and smiled politely
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Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:54 am
Jace noticed the boy had dropped some kind of flyers when the two had bumped into each other. The kid had said he was fine and even apologized for the bumping into each other thing when it was clearly Jace's fault. Jace bent down and picked up one of the flyers, noticing that it was about the boy looking for work as a butler. He said his name was Orokana. Standing back up to face Oro, Jace handed the kid the flyer that he had picked up and flashed a slight smile at him. "My name is Jace. If you're looking for work as a butler I think I might know someone who could use you. If you're interested." Jace said to the boy. Of course he was thinking of none other than that snobby rich b*tch that he had a crush on, but the details weren't important. What was important was trying to impress that taijutsu prodigy of a blond. Jace would wait for a response from Oro quietly, still smiling at the boy.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:01 am
"oh, well seeing as im currently busy i would say....i am interested, thanks, what there name?" Orokana said trying to be nice. As orokana looked at the boy he noted he was going to either love this or hate life, his bets was on he was going to hate it. God have mercy on my soul....... Orokana slides the poster into his pockets and fixes his hair, he needed to look good after all. Which he never tried, always having bed head and not really wearing nice clothes, but he handles labor well and is willing to do labor, if asked.
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Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:44 pm
The kid had said he was busy, but he still asked the name of the person looking for a butler. Jace paused for a moment as he watched the kid stuff those flyers into his pockets and fix his messy hair. His clothes were kind of grungy and he looked like he had just rolled out of bed. All in all the kid looked like he came from a poorer region of the village. Jace hadn't really spent much time in the poor areas and he hated to admit it, but he had nearly forgotten they even existed. The appearance of the poor kid in front of him made him kind of sad and a little guilty that he had forgotten. Not everyone had it as good as Jace did and even less had the wealth that Queen possessed. He decided he would take his minuscule allowance and buy the kid a decent pair of clothes. "She goes by the name Queen. Not sure if that's her real name or not though, but she has money and I'm sure she could use a butler." he said in response to the kid's question.

Jace gave the kid another smile with his words. There was something about the kid that really caught Jace's attention. He wasn't sure exactly what it was, but he felt he had to keep his eye on the boy. He wanted to help him however he could. "Here, come with me. I'll get you some decent clothes for when you meet her. You hungry? I'll treat you to some ramen too." Jace added to the boy.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:50 pm
"Queen eh, most likely an alias, but it isnt my business, when can i meet her and when does she want me to start." He looks at jace, and tilts his head a bit. Orokana was happy someone might need him, hopefully she isnt a bitchy type, or he would snap. "also just so you know i can cook, clean, do laundry, anything really, as long as she asks i will do it." He smiled playing with his hands a bit nervous
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Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:26 am
The boy had completely ignored Jace's offer to buy him clothes and food. Well Jace was going to take that as a yes. He was about to grab the kid and pull him along with him when the boy spoke up again. He said something about Queen probably being an alias. Jace wasn't sure if that were true or not but it didn't really matter. He was about to say so but the boy had added on a list of things he could do including cooking and doing laundry and even going so far as to say he would do anything the girl asked him to do. Well he was certainly dedicated if nothing else. "Great! Let's go get you some food and some new clothes and then I'll introduce you two. Come on." Jace said before grabbing the boys arm and pulling him after Jace.

He forcefully led the boy down the street and around a corner. There were people everywhere, the sounds of life coming from everywhere within the village. As they walked, Jace could smell the tantalizing scent of fresh ramen coming from one of the many shops lining the the bustling streets of Konoha. "Come on this is one of my favorite ramen shops." he said to the boy he was pulling along. He dragged the kid into the shop and into one of the booths lining the walls of the restaurant. He would shove the kid into the booth and then sit down opposite him so that Jace was facing the door. It was a habit of his to always be facing the door so that he could see everyone who was coming and going. He didn't like to be caught off guard. A waiter came by almost immediately and asked to take their order. "We'll take two large miso bowls with pork slices and two glasses of soda please!" Jace would say to the waiter, ordering for both himself and the boy.

He had really gotten a lot better at being forth coming or outgoing or less shy or whatever you wanted to call it. The only problem was it kind of came in spurts. There were still times when he had trouble saying anything at all and stuck to himself while there were other times where he just did and said whatever was on his mind. Right now happened to be one of those rare times. When the waiter had left to put in the order Jace had placed, Jace would turn to the boy. "Soooo. Why do you want to be a butler anyway?"
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:10 am
Orokana just let him pull him around, he didnt care, and food? as he had a seat he looked around. "never been in here before, i normally cook my meals at home, so jace, the reason why i want to be a butler is because everyone needs a pawn, a tool, i come fully ready, im already teh villages handyman. so being a butler is a step up for me currently." Orokana looked at jace, he saw jace as an idiot or a man that wants to be friends with everyone, a bigger idiot. Orokana takes out a book of jutsu and reads it. "so, why want me to be a butler for someone else, you like her, fucked her, want to marry her?" Orokana said with a blank expression, looking at him. "because if its one of those iw ill make sure to be good so she likes you more." he said smiling. I might see this guy a lot so might as well try being his friend. "i scratch your back you scratch mine eh?" Orokana didnt need anything, but maybe one day, always plan ahead. "plus most people need a guy that can heal in there house hold right, plus i know genjutsu"
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Jace and Orokanas first date Empty Re: Jace and Orokanas first date

Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:20 am
Queen glanced at herself in the mirror one last time, making sure that everything was perfect. She wore a pair of white jeans and a pink blouse. Her hair was done up so that it came down in slight curls. She was looking relatively girly, something that the girl didn’t really do quite often. She only ever got dressed up for special occasions, and business meetings she was forced to attend, but this was definitely a special occasion. She wasn’t really a type of girl to own up to her feelings, but she kind of wanted to feel normal for once. Like a normal girl, who likes normal boys. She wanted to put away her goal, put away her hated for ninja, and just be a normal teenage girl. That was exactly what she was going to do. She was going to find Jace, and they were going to spend a nice evening together, whether he wanted to or not! Just thinking about it made the girl blush profusely. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she felt like she had to gather the courage to do it no matter what! There was no turning back. “Are you ready miss Yamano?” Her family butler called. Queen’s cheeks reddened just as her heart rate began to pick up. What was this feeling down in her stomach? She felt as if she was going to be sick. “Yes, I’m ready.” The girl lied, as the old butler handed her a yellow rose that he had picked out from the family garden.

Queen headed out the door and went out into the village, searching for the boy who had actually given the girl some human emotion. She searched around for a while, but had no luck finding the boy. He was harder to locate than usual, and eventually, Queen just resorted to asking people if they had seen the cutey. With some luck, some villagers pointed her to the right direction. That’s when she saw it. The girly smile wiped right off of Queen’s face almost instantly. The butterflies in her stomach burned into a fiery crisp. The flower in her hand, dropped into a small puddle that remained from the yesterday’s storm. Jace was with another. Not just anybody else, but with another boy who he pulled by the arm and entered a ramen shop. He… he was with another boy. another boy. Queen tried to process the information, but the mixed emotions that boiled within her caused her to blank out from reality for a split moment. Queen, emotionally destroyed, walked back home and crawled into bed with nothing but her thoughts. She truly thought the boy had liked her back, but it seems like it was all just a façade.

Claiming Queen's broken heart
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