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This One's On Me [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: This One's On Me [Open]

Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:01 pm
Isobu could sense Spite's excitement even with his back turned. He peeked over his shoulder to look at the boy, only to see him bowing his head as a sign of respect. Isobu's eyes widened in shock. This was something he had never experienced before, especially since becoming a member of the Leaf Village. Since the time Isobu was a genin himself, he had to work twice as hard to earn the respect of his fellow ninja. At times, this was not because of his lack of shinobi skill. No. Instead, it was simply because he looked different. Isobu was noticeably overweight compared to the average shinobi, and on top of that, he had light blue skin and giant sharp teeth. To some shinobi and even citizens in the village, he was nothing short of a monster.
However, now things have changed. Isobu never let go of his ambitions and earned the trust of the villagers through his involvement in the community. He was now one step closer to becoming a respected figurehead in the Leaf Village. While Isobu reflected on his life experience, Spite asked a surprisingly relevant question. A trickle of sweat rolled down his forehead toward his cheek. He was quite nervous to reveal the truth of his origin. There was a chance that it could ruin everything that he worked so hard to create. As soon as people notice that he originated from Kirigakure, a village that Konoha previously used to war with, no less, it would be downhill for his reputation from there. Isobu calmly replied back to the ninja. "Actually, I'd like to think my skin has a light blue tint, don't you think? But nonetheless, I burn with the Will of Fire just like you. So where I'm from shouldn't matter"
As Isobu said this, he casually walked ahead of Spite towards the training grounds with his hands on his head. Because he was walking ahead of Spite, he would not see the expression on Isobu's face, which contradicted his calm and collected voice while he was speaking. His face would show immense worry, praying that he had been vague enough to let the topic fade into nothingness. If Spite accepted the answer, Isobu would dash ahead, as if to race Spite to the training field. "Erm - you know, how about I just meet you there, Spite? I've got errands to run, you know!" And with that, Isobu's figure would blur and then vanish from site.
Justu Used:
[2019 WC]
+Spite Uchiha chakra signature memorized
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This One's On Me [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: This One's On Me [Open]

Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:31 pm
Spite and Isobu continued to walk towards the training grounds. Isobu didn't really give him a straight forward answer to if he was originally from Konoha, instead attempting to change the subject. Spite laughed then stated, "I guess it is more or less a light blue tint." Isobu appeared to be walking slightly further ahead then Spite was, he mentioned that he burned with the will of fire, a lesson all young shinobi where taught in the academy. It had a simple yet deep meaning, giving Konoha shinobi the strength to continue fighting against all odds, building willpower and strength of character. It also represents the symbolic hopes and dreams of the previous generation being passed down to the next. Spite knew of this well, what it truly meant to call oneself a shinobi. Spite decided to drop the topic of Isobu's origins, "You're right, as long as you have the Will of Fire in your heart it doesn't truly matter where you come from." Spite chuckled, but before he could say another word Isobu asked Spite to just meet him at the training grounds. "Wha-...?" As Spite began to respond, Isobu vanished. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" Spite let out a loud sigh of frustration, then began to walk towards the training grounds once more. Hopefully Isobu would meet up with him there, if not he could always train with himself.

(TWC: 1432)
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