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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:40 am
Salzem grinned at the offer of him creating the combat training. He had discovered he had a special power: the ability to regenerate from most wounds. However, he had trouble controlling this ability consciously. Maybe here, with Ryu, he would be able to finally be able to learn how to use it practically.

"Well..." Salzem began. "I have something like an enhanced healing factor. I can't control it consciously and that's what I want to train." Salzem clenched his clawed hands as if he was getting ready to slash or stab at something with them. "What I need you to do is try to hurt me. I'll heal from whatever you though at me." Salzem paused, getting himself into a combat stance. "This will also double as combat training to help me get my strength back." The hairs on Salzem's body began to stand on end, making him look even bigger than he did before.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Sun Mar 20, 2016 6:45 pm
He wants me to try and hurt him? "Well if you are okay with me just attacking you, then I guess I could help you." The ninja said looking quite confused by the requests. Just remember back to when you cut your leg to learn the medical jutsu its the same thing. 

Philostratus accepted the offer striking at the lycan as Ryu accepted. "You know you could touch my flames and see if you could heal from that." The bird extended its wing out for Salzem to touch. It will probably hurt quite a bit.

Ryu waited to see if Salzem would touch the birds wing. "Are you absolutely certain about this?" The ninja asked looking at the fluffed up lycan in front of him. "If you are and want to stop just say so, you can also take some swings at me if you'd like. Practicing dodging against taijutsu might be good."

WC: 153

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:38 pm
Salzem looked from Ryu, to the bird, then back to Ryu Before reaching out slowly and taking a gentle, but firm hold of the bird's searing wing. Instant agony. Salzem's Hand began to be engulfed in flames, flesh and hair disappearing into the hungry maw of the primal energy. His skin shriveled and crumpled into black papery husks before being absorbed into the flame as well. Salzem recoiled, growling and roaring in pain, waving his hand in the air in an attempt to put out the flame. For a second, he didn't even feel his hand, just the evil sensation of fire. It felt like it leeched the soul of his very being out of the body it was attached to. Salzem roared and, with one mighty swing, the fire dissipated, leaving a searing, bubbling red, bloody mess of a hand where once rested a hand. Salzem whimpered like a kicked dog despite the presence of another human there to witness his weakness. This was how much it hurt and must has been what it felt like to lose a limp. Salzem closed his eyes, willing his arm to heal. He pictured a fully healed arm, one that would be just as good as his old one. While he was thinking this and without him feeling it, flesh began to arc up his hand, covering it again at speeds of 65. Almost instantly, his hand was completely healed in a couple of seconds. Salzem opened one eye, than another. What lay in front of him was a fully healed lycan hand. He smiled, closing his hand and then opening it, testing it. 

"Well... that settles that..." Salzem then cocked his fist back, aiming at Ryu's face. "Let combat begin." He then threw it at speeds of 50 and with a strength of 20. He didn't want to kill Ryu, just test out his new hand for a bit.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:17 pm
Ryu watched as Salzem's hand got burnt, he watched the skin sear off and blood cover the remaining bits, but just as fast as the wound had formed it also began to heal. The skin was back and the hand looked useful once more. "Wow thats incredible how did..." As the ninja inched his face closer to the hand it came forward and nearly hit Ryu in the nose. "Ahh..." Luckily Ryu was able to see the hand coming forward and just barely managed to dodge (speed 60). 

The ninja drew a kunai at speed 60 and held it in his hand. "Hope you don't mind me using this, my punches aren't all that effective." He's pretty quick and sneaky nearly clocked me. Ryu looked over to Philo who was still kind of shocked that Salzem had actually full on grabbed the birds wing instead of just touching it. "Hey Philo just watch this, okay." The phoenix looked up from its stupor at Ryu. "Sure, why not. Just tell me if you need my help." The bird relaxed and decided to watch the training.

WC: 182

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:55 pm
Salzem's fist barely nicked Ryu's left cheek as he dodged quickly to Salzem's right, avoiding the punch. Salzem drew his fist back quickly, watching as Ryu drew a kunai from his weapon pouch. Salzem eyed the knife as Ryu asked if it was okay to use it. Salzem simply bared his teeth and raised his claws, showing them to the kid.

"You might want to draw another one of those since I have all of these." Salzem commented wryly, a twinge of humor in his voice. Then, spontaneously, Salzem lunged at Ryu, closing the distance and throwing another punch, an uppercut aimed at the center of his stomach (Speed 67, Strength 20). Should this attack hit, Ryu would likely double over and fall on his face, leaving him open for attack, However, if he dodged or managed to block the attack, Salzem would swing his other arm around in a devastating back hand, the back of his hand intending to strike the side of Ryu's head and knock him sideways (speed 67, strength 20). Salzem snarled as he attacked, intending to intimidate, but to also get him into the mindset he was actually fighting, not just sparring.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:15 am
"Eh, I'm not really a weapon specialist besides with one weapon I can still use jutsu, with two I'm kind of out of my comfort zone." With the wolf moving in quickly and a fist aimed to the gut, the ninja had to move quickly, that added in with the snarling of Salzem really got the ninja's adrenaline going. Stepping back Ryu was able to dodge the first blow by just an inch. 

Ryu slashed up with kunai at speed 60 power 15 attempting to hit the wolf in the sternum. With the hand coming back for a back swing there was very few precious moments to dodge as the ninja ducked the shades Ryu was wearing were now flying through the sky as the ninja smile widened. "Oh, I didn't think it was like that. But hey its more fun this way." The kunai Ryu was holding now aimed for the right knee of the lycan it came in at speed 60 power 15 like the other one did.

WC: 170

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:06 am
Salzem felt the knife sunder the flesh above his sternum but not enough to slice through bone. Salzem felt pain but blocked it out continued to fight back, his backhand going high of its target. It seemed Ryu was quicker than he looked. Salzem felt a crippling pain in the back of his right knee and as soon as he did and before Ryu could aim for his other knee, Salzem threw a straight kick with his good leg at Ryu's mid chest, intending to knock him back a few meters so he'd have breathing room. With small cuts and stab-wounds like these, within a second, the bleeding had stopped and, within another, the wounds had closed. Salzem was back up to full within a matter of seconds, allowing him to move freely and continue the fight. He figured that it was about time to show Ryu some true speed, some reminiscent of his old, human form. With his great strength, he increased his speed up to 109(taijutsu body flicker), beyond what Ryu should be able to detect. Salzem would move right in front of Ryu, and grab the collar of his shirt with one hand and other hand curled into a fist, cocked back. With his grip iron, Salzem was confident Ryu wouldn't be able to tear away, even if he slashed at Salzem's arms. His arm reach was much longer than Ryu's so his weapon wouldn't reach his body or head. Salzem threw a punch aimed at Ryu's left cheek, (strenghth 18 speed 67) likely hitting Ryu so hard he'd see stars.

AP: 435
 -10 Taijutsu bodyflicker.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:29 am
Within seconds the entire tide of the scuffle changed, the blood at the end of Ryu's weapon screamed minor victory. However, what happened next screamed huge loss. The lycan was in front of him one moment and gone the next, instead of looking around for the wolf the ninja ran forward thinking it was best to not remain stationary. Within that split second though, Salzem managed to grab Ryu by the collar making him gasp for air as the cloth tugged against his skin and a moment later a fist slammed into the boy's face.

There were stars everywhere as the ninja took the blow. Things became fuzzy, less clear, but after a few moments his vision returned to normal. The smile on the ninja's face widened as he attempted to stab the dagger into Salzem's hand at speed 60, power 15. Little dots of blood lined the ninja's saliva as he spat. "Gross!"

Philostratus eyed the battle making sure nothing bad would happen to the one that summoned him. The blow to Ryu's face made him rise out of instinct. This is getting bad. "Hey..." The bird relaxed a little once it noticed Salzem had not punched Ryu at full force and only hurt him a little. Philo remained standing regardless in case it did need to act.


Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:33 pm
Salzem's mouth curled upward into a twisted smirk as he heard the ever-so satisfying sound of his fist cracking against a human skull however, his smirk didn't last long as Ryu shoddily shoved the point of his knife into Salzem's hand, the one clenching Ryu's shirt. The Lycanthrope hissed in pain through his gnarled teeth as he instinctively tore his hand away, dropping the kid to ground, or at least half way because as soon as he pulled his hand way, Salzem thrust his right leg forward, throwing a straight kick aimed at Ryu's torso, right in the stomach (Speed 67, strength 20). The force of the blow, should it hit, would throw the kid for a ride, at least 10 meters in front of him, rolling end over end. Within a few moments, the wound would be healed, leaving only the blood that had escaped splattering his hand. However, the job didn't seem to be fully complete. Salzem still clenched his wounded hand with his free one, still feeling a sharp, stabbing pain radiating through his palm.

"Ugh..." Salzem snarled, clutching his hand until the pain subsided slightly. He glared over at Ryu, even though he knew this was part of the training. His healing factor seemed seemed to be wearing out, unable to keep up with this consistent damage. His healing from now on will likely be slower, even normal should he keep abusing it as he has been. Salzem then bared his fangs, curled his fingers into claws and lunged at Ryu, closing the distance within a second (speed 67). He would swipe his claws across Ryu's forehead horizontally, intending to send him sprawling and with his flesh being stripped away (strength 15, speed 65, sharpness of claws: 42).
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 92350

Regaining Strength (ryu) - Page 2 Empty Re: Regaining Strength (ryu)

Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:19 pm
Being let go was a blessing for the ninja, it enabled him to move, but just as Salzem let him go the wolf threw a kick aimed at the ninja's chest. No time to move, have to block. Crossing his arms the ninja made a barrier between Salzem's foot and Ryu's stomach. While it still tossed the ninja, it didn't have as much impact as one would think. 

With the wolf coming closer while the ninja was still rolling in the sand. Ryu had only one chance to stop the wolf, throw his weapon. The kunai whipped towards the charging wolfs leg at speed 72, power 15. Even if the kunai hit it was unlikely Salzem would stop, so Ryu had to get back onto his feet and luckily just in time to narrowly miss, being struck by a massive claw attack that would surely leave Ryu bleeding. The claws manages to leave huge gashes in the ninja's shirt. That was really close, I need to be more careful. "Hey Philo how are we doing?" Ryu didn't dare take his eyes off Salzem for a second even though the wolf was holding back.

 "He's beating the crap out of you, but could be beating you so much more if he wanted to." Ryu had to agree with the phoenix, Salzem's attacks were agressive, but with a subtlety that no animal could replicate. "Your not a monster, your taking it easy on me, could a monster do that? Your a pretty good guy, if you ask me anyway." The ninja sincerely remarked to the wolf. "And if anyone calls you a monster I'll punch them in the throat, even if its you!"

WC: 278
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