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Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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Helping Hands Empty Helping Hands

Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:36 am
Holy Helpers

Castiel found himself in an unusual place, one that he was not accustomed.  The location was fairly sparse with just a few buildings in the nearby area, that were simply an assortment of shops and other businesses.  Off to the right was a small copse of trees that also encompassed tents and shelters being used by many refugees who had been fleeing a conflict in a minor village not too far from Hoshigakure.  Castiel had began wandering earlier that morning in search of something to get into that day, never would he have imagined he would wander into this location.  It smelled pretty bad and looked even worse.  Many of the children in this slum seemed to be floating on the edge of starvation having not had a decent meal in what seemed like weeks.
Castiel's mind had taken him away and had placed his mind in the clouds pondering the secrets of genjutsu and illusionary casting.  He wished to one day see a world where there was no violence, and no conflict and his ultimate dream led him to want to create a peaceful genjutsu one that would bring happiness to those ensnared.  However for now he would simply do what he could to help these refugees and to aid them in their struggle, understanding that his own struggle was much less than these poor souls.
After realizing the situation he had wandered into, the brown haired boy would walk over to a mother of three and offer his help to them in any way possible.  Lifting a wooden pole with two water pails attached to each side and hoisting it over his shoulder, helping her to transport the water.  He would put a large genuine smile on his face and speak to the refugees kindly.

Last edited by Castiel Yuhi on Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Helping Hands Empty Re: Helping Hands

Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:33 pm
The slums Akihana was visiting today lay towards the outskirts of the city blessed by the stars, away from the royal palaces as it was geographical possible to be. In act, rumor had it that parts of the campsite's weren't even considered "Hoshi" enough to aid, no doubt a propaganda started by one faction or another for control over local sources. As the blonde approached however, she couldn't help the sadness that seem to envelop her slender frame. True the world was far from perfect but all these refugees weren't living in this state due to lack of the element of choice. When she had first arrived in the city, Akihana and Den had gone all out in their efforts to help, springing freshwater fountains to replensih the people and the sparse greenery of the city, distributing food conjured from Sanctuary and providing medical help to those in need, only to be shunned. It had taken Akihana a while to realize that the people of Hoshi would except help, just on their own terms.

So now the kunoichi approaches the camp with her picnic basket, the item as symbolic as her long blonde hair swaying softly in the desert wind underneath the small golden crown that rested atop her brow. The kuboichi rarely used her appearance like this but today counted as it was to help. As she approached the first encampment, it was the children who came running before their parents, a joyous shout in multiple different tongues that Akihana had learned to associate with "mother" and "Queen". She welcomed the children with a bright smile and hugs, opening her basket to reveal the  assortment of food items it contained. The food was still the same, as was the water, the only difference was that it looked normal because it came from a basket rather than conjured out of thin air, making it more acceptable to the masses who still did not quite trust the shinobi arts.

As she made her way through the children and adults, distributing bandages and heal creams, more food, water, helping to straighten out dangerous looking shelters, the medic noted a young man attempting to help as well. One only known to her because she had seen him in her class. Though the faces were still a bit of a blur but her chakra sensory could identify him easily enough.

"Good morrow," she greeted politely when she neared him, appreciative of the fact that he wasn't using his chakra bur rather helping as any normal civilian would. It meant he understood the nature of the cause he was attempting to help. Fw shinobi showed such foresight on missions. "How are we doing so far. Any sick we need to handle before a disease becomes contagious?"

(461 words)
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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Helping Hands Empty Re: Helping Hands

Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:17 am
The boy struggled to move the heavy water pails on his shoulder, he had more strength than an average human, but not by a great deal and the act of working was not something he was accustomed to.  So when the water had reached its destination he set it down..  That would be when the boy would notice a woman helping with the village slums alongside himself.  Castiel often found himself doing these random acts of kindness, he didn't know why he had such a soft spot for the down trodden.  He himself had no place to call home, spending much of his time searching for food and shelter and hiding in street allies practicing his genjutsu abilities.
The moment the boy would see Akihana, he would recognize her immediately, the nice teacher that taught him all that stuff in the classroom.  He would put his hands in front of him with the palms touching and bow in reverence to the woman, though he knew better than to refer to her in any way other than basic respect, too many questions.
"Heya, Miss.... uhhhh... I am sorry I forgot your name Ma'am.  And I'm not too certain of the conditions of the sick,  I'm not too great at that.  I did see some sick folks over in a shelter though."  Castiel would say bowing several times again in an attempt to apologize for forgetting her name.  "So what do we need to do next?"
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Helping Hands Empty Re: Helping Hands

Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:46 am
She must have caught the boy off guard, at least by the way he flustered upon seeing her and being addressed. The fact that he'd forgotten her name was not minded by the kunoichi at all. He probably met dozens of people every day, and not everyone was as memorable as they liked to believe they were. Before she could answer Castiel however, a small girl with bare feet would run up to the two ninja, a wide grin decorating her otherwise dirty face.

"You're the Queen Mother, aren't you!" the child squealed, half hopeful half waiting for some great trick to unfold. Someone had probably told the child the rumor and now she needed to confirm for herself. "Nadia told me, she said you have the golden hair and the crown and everything," almost accusingly, the child pointed to Akihana, as if defying the kunoichi to deny her royal status. Akihana lowered herself to the ground, crouching down to match the girl's height.

"Who do you think I am?" she asked kindly, reaching to wipe a bit of dirt from the girl's cheek as the child contemplated her answer. After a pause she looked up into Akihana's golden eyes once more.

"I think you are, I've never met the Queen before but you must be her," the child nodded, assuring her own self at the logic only she could understand. When Akihana enveloped the little girl in a hug, the child blushed scarlet before letting go and running off to tell all her friends that she had in fact, confirmed her suspicions. As the girl left, she turned to Castiel once more, curtsying in reply to his respectful bow.

"Akihana," she introduced herself politely. "Shall we go take a look at the patients then?" The two shinobi would make their way to the tent that housed the sick, Akihana making her way through the half a dozen patients one by one. Most of them suffered from malnourished and poor hygiene, one from a wound that had been left exposed too long. A pregnant woman seemed to be doing fine if uncomfortable, on the verge of giving birth to twins, Akihana could tell after a quick check up.

"Yuhi-san," could you make a note of all their conditions and have them brought to the hospital please, especially the expecting mother?" the blonde requested once she had checked and diagnosed the last patient, hands still glowing green from residual medical chakra she'd used. "They'll get better care. Mention the palace and make sure they're documented, there shouldn't be any problem from there," she explained as they exited the tent.

Finally, when it was time to leave, Akihana spoke up once more. "I'm about to cast a small genjutsu, so please close your eyes, though it isn't harmful, not this variation anyway." Should the young man close his eyes, she would continue, her slender frame glowing a soft silver for a moment as waves and peace and joy radiated from her being. The jutsu was usually used to paralyze and threaten but Akihana's variations always differed. Instead of feeling helpless, everyone in range would be left with a distinct feeling of hope and peace. Hope was a strange thing really, generated by people, beliefs, shinobi. In the end, Akihana liked to think she was doing her part. These people needed to believe things would turn out okay, even if for just a little while.

"Alright, i think we're done for today," the kunoichi would speak, indicating that Castiel could open his eyes. "I and the Queen of Hoshigakure thank you for your service today." With that, she would curtsy once more before leaving, her usual picnic basket in her arms.


TWC: 1079

Claiming: 500 Ryo
Claiming 903 towards:
Claiming 173 Towards: (did med stuff)
Castiel Yuhi
Castiel Yuhi
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Helping Hands Empty Re: Helping Hands

Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:48 am
"Oh shit," the boy had thought to himself, as the young child walked up and referred to Akina as the queen Mother.   Castel was taken aback having back pedaled a few steps and preparing to bow to a knee.  He felt it was an odd occurrence that the queen would be out and about with the common folks, so when Akihana dispelled that rumor he would audibly sigh with relief.  He was wearing grungy pants and a soiled shirt and was in no way prepared to greet the Queen.  

The relieved boy would then follow Akihana toward the tent and attempt to assist her in any way possible, though he truly had very limited knowledge of the medical arts.  He would enter the tent and nod when Akina ordered him to track the conditions, though his eyes would be wide.  

Looking at the first patient was a small boy with open sores on his body.  Castel would walk up and ruffle the boy's hair playfully. "So what seems to be the issue? " Cas would ask.  The boy would respond "I cutted my hand and now it's all puffy and pink," the boy would state, Cas would immediately recognize that as an infection.  He would note the injury as "an infected lassersation", because he wanted to sound professional but didn't know the words.

"I'm going to cast a small genjutsu," the words would ring out and the boy would become attentively it.  As then Gen fell over them it would by its nature blind anyone looking directly into it.  Cas could instantly recognize it for what it was despite the obvious alterations made to it.  He would stare directly into it, being caught in the waves of hope and peace.  The genjutsu was quite powerful and it interested him.  It was at that moment that he felt an intense burning resonating from within the eyes.  The appearance of it began to appear as squiggly lines, if anyone would note his eyes they would have taken on a deeper crimson red appearance.   It woukdn't be long before Cas could completely differentiate the effects of the Genjutsu in comparison to the natural order.  Though he was still caught in it and felt it's effects he could see through at simple as one could blow away smoke.

Castel would place his hands over his eyes and rub them which helped relieve a degree of the pain he was under but it did not entirely cease.  In the next moment the Gen jutsu would stop and keep the injured refugees docile, but would not bother Castiel.

The sick and injured folk would begin standing and filing out awaiting Castiel's lead.  The boy would help the expecting mother up and guide the rest of them to a nearby medical area which happened to also be a cathedral.  He would pace up to the cathedral with the woman's arm over his shoulder and speak to the priestess standing at the doors.

"We can not aid any more, our rooms are full and our people are tired." The priestess would say seemingly turning up a nose at the ragged boy and his band of sick followers.

"Like hell, you will admit these people and treat them with the same respect that you would show a patron.  I am not dealing with your holier than though shit today!" Castiel would exclaim in response to the woman.

"You sir, will show me the respect that I am owed!" The priestess would huff.  She would fix the ruffles on her ornamental gowns and stomp her foot.

"I owe you nothing, and if you do not accept these people I will be sure to let the entire city know that you do not obey direct orders from the queen, as you and your frocks are too good to help the poor."  Castiel would respond amidst her tantrum. 

"Hmph, fine I will accept the sick and injured only, and you appear to be neither, so you are not welcome, go back to your miserable life" The priestess had finally relented as a few hospitaliers would come out and escort the crowd in.

Cas could see that it was nowhere near full from the opening of the entrance, and that would make him smile.  The villagers would thank him with hugs.  "Oh thank you Cass how can we ever repay you?"  they would ask.  Cass just waved and said "Nothing, you owe me nothing" and wandered off.  He looked over his shoulder and saw that the priestess was still ruffled.  

Still within ear shot of her he would hold his hand up and extend the middle finger on it, making sure the woman could see the rude gesture. He could hear her shout and scream and he would laugh as he walked off.

1331 twc
1331 toward Gen so Me lv1 and claiming mission rewards
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Helping Hands Empty Re: Helping Hands

Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:40 am
Wut is this? 

It's denied, that's wut.

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