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Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 2:30 am
Kirino woke up in the morning, made a light breakfast, took a shower, and headed out the door for a day of training. She brought Foxxy along to partake in the day’s activities and walked all of the way to the training grounds. There were number of people she crossed stepping through the gates some of who waved and others too focused on upcoming events who did not. The girl waved to anyone waving at her and found a secluded spot to begin her training. It was a perfect time in the morning to learn evening elephant. She began to punch the mannequin following each thrust forward with another. The strength of her taijutsu had raised in the last couple of months to the point where mannequins would no longer cut it. The thing looked like swiss cheese after the first set of fists flew at it.

Luckily for her there were trees to punch. She began by throwing punches at it shaking the thing with each blow, causing the leaves to fall from the tree. Along with some angry birds that chirped loudly as they flew away from the tree. I didn’t know any birds were in the tree, hopefully there isn’t a nest. Kirino putting some chakra into her feet climbed the tree and spotting nothing that seemed like a nest, jumped from the structure. ”Well no eggs for you to eat Foxxy, dog biscuits it is.” She said throwing a treat to the animal which chased down the snack before eating it hastily.

She turned around and began striking the wood again, after a couple of minutes the bark was beginning to give way and dents were starting to form on the tree. This won’t hold up, much longer a few more strikes and… “Crack!” The tree went as it started to fall backwards the girl grabbed the thing with both arms and pulled it back into her holding the thing with relative ease. She gently began to put the thing down as to not break anything. ”It is all right, I’ve got it.” She said politely to anyone asking if she needed any help. After the object was safely down she looked around with the field clear she could use the tree as a weight which could be lifted. Picking up the tree slightly she crawled under it, once in the middle she pushed up making the tree move up along with her arms. She began doing sets of ten letting the tree rest on her chest, between sets lifting it once she was ready again.

WC: 430
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 3:37 am
Maloren awoke in the morning, awake and alert almost instantly as was generally required in his profession. He sat up in bed and stretched as he yawned loudly and stood to go shower. He moved through the room and grabbed his clothing from the dresser. He would be training today, so he went with a simple white robe that most Hyuuga wore when they trained. He set the robe aside, ready to be changed into before moving into the restroom and taking a nice hot shower. He began to wonder what he should train today as the steaming water cascaded down his form. After the shower he quickly dried off and dressed, making sure to bring a few candy bars as well so he could eat them if he got hungry while training. Were they bad for you? Yes absolutely...Did he burn enough calories by training to eat a case of them a day and still be incredibly fit? That's generally what happened as a shinobi. He moved down stairs to eat a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast before stepping outside. As the sun shone down on him he cracked his neck and yawned once more before nodding his head and moving toward the training grounds. He moved through the village slowly, enjoying the day as he didn't have anything important to do except train the day away. 

He soon arrived at the training grounds and decided it would be good to learn a techniques he'd read about a bit back. The Leaf Strong Wind, while simple in theory was more difficult in execution as it required an incredibly power spinning back kick. The kick itself was fast and strong enough that most people couldn't even follow it, much less defend against it. It was used to follow up other combos in a chain, or to recover from a failed one in an attempted strike. He nodded his head at his goal and dropped into a very familiar ready stance. It was of course the starting position of the gentle fist style of taijutsu. He figured it was as good a place to start from as any as he kept his legs the required distance apart, and he was comfortable with it. He stared at a tree he had stopped in front of when he arrived as the training grounds. It was fairly sturdy, with a few punch marks from previously training shinobi in it. He took in a deep breath and released it all at once before leaping into the air and spinning, bringing his leg around to connect the back kick before striking the tree with an audible impact. The power behind the technique wasn't even close to being the amount needed however as the tree didn't even shudder. He knew the technique would be strong enough to rip the tree from the ground when it was complete. Therefore he needed to increase the power of his legs. 

With this in mind he stood and and moved to the tree and tried the kick again, hitting it but not doing the damage again. This was expected though, he began to repeat the kick again and again to build the power necessary and as he did he began to consider things about life again. He began to wonder about Risako and how things were going between them. He knew he liked her. But he couldn’t tell what she thought about him at all. They had plenty of these awkward moments that would end up in him almost in bodily pain, or he’d do something stupid and get his movement sealed by the silver eyed chunin. It really drove him up the wall sometimes. He shook his head and figured he could work on that later, right now it was time to focus on his training. He knelt down and focused on the power behind the attack, wanting to at least get the strength aspect down. He suddenly leapt up and spun, bringing his leg up to smash into the tree with an absolutely stunning amount of force. That rang out around the clearing, the force was enough to leave a notable impression on the tree, but it still wasn't enough to complete the technique.

He stood and grit his teeth in annoyance before activating his byakugan in slight annoyance at this. He would make this technique his by the end of the day and that was final. He wouldn't settle for less. He channeled this annoyance toward his training and moved back into his stance. He was about to try again before his eyes picked up an interesting site. He focused his vision on what it was and saw a chakra system not far away, not quite close enough to distinguish the person but he figured a small break from his enemy 'Treebeard' would be welcome. He moved toward the chakra source, maybe seeing if he could be of help. He deactivated his byakugan just as he moved through the trees enough to see who it was. It was rude for a doujutsu user to study people with their eyes when they weren't in combat or didn't have permission of course. He came upon what appeared to be a girl about his age as she struck a tree for the final time, knocking it down, and catching it. He moved to help before he heard he say that she had it. "Well she noticed I was here.." He thought to himself before witnessing her begin to bench press a tree. He raised an eyebrow at this and decided to make his presence known, lest he surprise her and she drop it on herself. "Good day madame." He said simply before moving a bit closer "Need a spotter?" He joked lightly before moving behind the tree and getting a good look at her. He eyes widened the girls appearance, simply because she was absolutely stunning. He blushed stupidly before stuttering out "B-Beautiful.." as if he practiced it in front of a mirror for hours. He stood there for a moment before realizing he was staring like a slack jawed idiot and shook his head to clear it. "Sorry, Maloren Hyuuga, at your service." He said with a polite bow, nothing extravagant, he wasn't trying to act like a moron, just be polite. "Might you be interested in a training partner?" He asked as he brought his head back up straight to look her in the eye, whether she got up from her special form of tree hugging or not.

WC: 1092
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 4:22 am
The girl stopped pushing her arms forward as someone asked if she needed any help. Coming from beyond her range of sight with a tree in the way, she noticed a pair of legs that approached from another angle where she could make out the person who now seemed to be staring at her. His face turned red as he blurted out the word beautiful. Oh, me? No. She mouthed while thinking that bench pressing a tree was not something most would find attractive. Kirino lifted the tree slowly hoping the teenager around her own age would move out of the way in time. Once it was at an angle to help her stand she used it as leverage to get up.

Once standing you could see clearly the white and violet kimono the girl had been wearing, along with the rest of her figure. The boy’s eyes looked pale white, but he seemed to move on from just looking to thought out words. ”Hello Maloren, I am Kirino.” She said brushing her hand with a hand while giving the boy a smile. He wants to train together, well it might be more fun than breaking trees. She nodded and looked around for an open area. ”Sure I could use some help, training with others makes the time go faster.” The Kaguya whistled and a fox came running to the girl’s side. It sat down, until she started to move. ”This is Foxxy, I think a more suitable place to train would be over there. That way we don’t bother anyone.” She said shrugging while beginning to move.

”Are you working on anything in particular? I know some taijutsu, but not a whole lot more than that.” The girl stated as she offered up her help and beginning to shift her bones prepping them for the stress they were soon to be put under. The cracking of the bones was loud and didn’t involve any movement on Kirino’s part. As she walked the bones shifted slightly producing noise, it was something she did frequently before practicing against someone or even fighting. Hmm, I wonder what this guy will use to battle. He seems pretty in shape, maybe he uses taijutsu as well. Once in the cleared area she would nod to the ninja and say she was ready letting Maloren have the first attack. The first couple of hits would determine what route the girl should take. To use bone armor or to use clematis dance, to take it easy or to go all out, all things to be determined.

WC: 430
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 4:58 am
Maloren nodded his heard at her name and gave her a polite smile. He listened to her whistle and raised an eyebrow before seeing a fox come running to her side. She introduced it as Foxxy and he looked down gave it a smile before gently giving it a scratch behind the ears before following her toward a more open area. He listened to her question about whether or not he was learning anything in particular and nodded his head in response. "It seems we have similar mindsets on combat Miss Kirino, I too am a taijutsu user." He replied with as he heard a strange cracking sound from the girl. He narrowed his eyes in thought at what that could've been. His studies of other clans led him toward the thought that she could be a Kaguya. An exceptionally dangerous enemy in close combat, which would match up with her choice in taijutsu. He stopped when she nodded and waited a moment to study her for a second. He remembered reading that the Kaguya clan were masters of their bones, and could harden them to steel like strength. She would be a difficult opponent to fight, he would need to rely on his speed to face her, but he didn't even know if he was faster than her. He'd have to hope so, or this would be a very short fight. He grinned in excitement of a possible good fight before raising his hand to shake hers. "From one Shinobi to another, I hope this is a good spar.." He said simply if she shook his hand or not he would back pedal to about 10 meters away and give her a respectful bow before dropping into his gentle fist stance and activating his byakugan without a word. The veins around his eyes bulging to show it was activated. He studied her intently and could indeed see a build up of chakra in her bones, ready to be used. He sighed audibly at this. "I should've known I'd be facing a...Kaguya..." He said simply, hoping to slightly catch her off guard as she never did say her clan name. At the same instant he said it he'd release a lightning quick Vacuum Palm toward the girl. The attack would launch with a power of 105 and a speed of 70 towards the girl before he moved to get within range of his close range attacks. 

This would normally be suicide for most taijutsu user to engage into hand to hang against a kaguya, but because of his byakugan he could see where the chakra in his bones was being concentrated and hence see where the bones would strike from, thus allowing him to dodge the attacks. He hoped that would be enough, seeing as he walked in on her bench pressing a tree, he knew he couldn't let her hit him or it's be over in an instant. "You know I may not have mentioned it before.." He would call out as he moved toward her at his max start up speed of 55. "But you are extremely beautiful." He said, hoping to catch her a bit off guard, it was the truth of course, but as a shinobi everything, even a simple truth could be a weapon. If he could move in close enough he would speed up to his max speed of 110 and attempt to activate his clans Mountain Crusher technique. This would cause him to dash forward the rest of the distance with an increase of speed to launch a high density blast of chakra at his opponent. The blast is easily strong enough to blow a hole through the chest of most people, but he knew with her reinforced bones she would be fine. The technique would launch at a speed of 75 with a power of 110. As he did these things he would constantly be on the look out for her retaliation, as he couldn't be caught of guard against her, or it'd simply be his end. 

WC: 676
TWC: 1768
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 6:34 am
The fox accepted the pat on the head and rolled over to have its stomach scratched. If the girl were a proper ninja she would use the distraction to assault the Hyuuga, but that trick was reserved for enemies. ”Well that is good news, with ninjutsu you never know what you will be dodging.” She said with Maloren following along to the area. Once there she turned and looked at the teen who extended a hand forward and gave her good will during the spar. ”I hope, I can meet your expectations.” She said shaking his hand and hopping 10M back as he had done. Maloren then activated an ability that seemed to put strain on his eyes as the veins on his face intensified. He then informed the girl he knew of her bloodline, the shikotsumyaku. Hmm, I don’t recall using my name. Does that jutsu he is using give him insight into my abilities? Her face remained calm as she thought of the power behind the eyes, but she was definitely thinking of what else those eyes could do.

Well it definitely wouldn’t be bone armor, Kirino thought as the wind projectile flew forward. Quickly removing her spine, she sent the whip forward (Power 100, speed 108) at the incoming vacuum palm. If the two came into contact the two taijutsu would collide causing the vacuum palm to be halted along with the vine. The vine would remain however as it wasn’t something that would just disappear upon being impacted. With Maloren following up his attack the girl began to move backwards at speed 54. Did he just call me beautiful? During a spar… Well it was a little awkward, but Kirino would let it slide and add in her own comment. ”Thank you, you’re not bad looking yourself.” She smiled while planting a foot into the ground to spring backward with.

The two would eventually wind up at top speed, but Kirino still had a use for the whip. As she began to gain momentum she moved at her top speed of 108, which probably meant the boy was going to do the same. I hope he knows how flexible my bones are. Sending the spine forward it would cover the distance they were standing and what was once a four-foot spine began to extend to cover the distance and attempted to wrap around the boy’s leg at speed 108. If she was able to get his leg she would pull hard against him causing him to come towards her, if not she had something else in mind.

If Maloren got in close enough for his mountain crusher the girl would use a taijutsu move that used a jump to dodge attacks, followed by gripping their shoulder to launch them away. (The dodge will be at speed 128, I’m not applying vine cause it doesn’t make sense to. The throw is at power 120.) If the hand managed to touch the Hyuuga’s shoulder he would be unable to avoid the rest of the attack as most people would be unablt to move once they were gripped by this taijutsu. If the boy had been holding anything while being thrown he would likely be unable to hold onto it for much longer, as the force caused people to release their grip on what they were holding. Kirino had witnessed the effects of the jutsu when she used it during a mission and during training with another leaf genin.

WC: 580
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon May 30, 2016 5:33 pm
Maloren felt his eyes widen at her response to his attempt to throw her off guard, it almost worked in the reverse as he had almost lost his own footing, he managed to keep himself moving fluidly with no issues though as she pulled out her spinal column and used it as a whip to block his Vacuum Palm. She then moved at a top speed that seemed to closely match his before extending the whip to try to wrap around his foot. He gave a small hop over the whip, avoiding it completely since it would have to be low to the ground to wrap around his foot in the first place and moved on with the mountain crusher. As he closed in the range however she seemed to do something fairly odd, his opponent seemed to hop up toward his shoulder to attempt to move around him using his body as momentum. He wouldn't give her that option though as the moment she leapt up to do so he spun around in a circle in place and activated one of his clans defenses.The Palms Revolving Heaven, the thick chakra done would immediately whirl around him in a protective barrier that spanned a 3 meter distance. The chakra surrounding him would theoretically grind against her causing damage if she couldn't somehow avoid it, although he could foresee how as she was already in the air when he spun. He was curious how she would get out of it, his byakugan watching her every move. The technique would assault her for 95 power if she ran into it and it's defenses were fairly decent too requiring a power of 120 to break it with any kind of technique. Although if she did so with taijutsu it would damage her in the process. 

He grinned in spite of himself as he spun, he loved a good spar, and the fact that she seemed able to keep up with him was a good sign of her abilities. It meant they were at the very least closely matched, and sparring opponents like that were hard to find. At least, ones that couldn't paralyze your movements in an instant anyway, damn Risako and her fuinjutsu, it's like cheating. He thought with a snort at the amusing thought. After the Palms Revolving Heaven technique ended he would immediately drop into the stance for the 64-Palms. If she was still within range he would utilize it against her and throw the initial strike at a speed of 130 and continue it through the 64th strike should he be allowed. If she wasn't within range however he would hold the stance and watch her. Not letting his guard down. 

WC: 453
TWC: 2221 

AC left: 194 (174 if 64 palms gets used)
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Tue May 31, 2016 2:21 am
As the girl took to the air above him the boy seemed to begin spinning, before the chakra could gather she placed her palm on his shoulder halting his momentum. (speed 128, power 120) and threw him away, likely knocking him out in the process. If the boy was still conscious after a toss like that, the girl would likely let him pick himself up, as she debated upon whether or not he was some type of superhuman. A toss like that could kill if the boy were an enemy, but he wasn’t his headband made him an ally so he would only be thrown in a way that would likely cause him to fall unconscious without breaking any bones.

After seeing the boy down for the count the adrenaline from the spar would end its effect and she would realize what she had just done. Oh, no I threw him way too hard. She ran over to where the boy was and checked his bones to see if any were broken. She would then use a seal for chakra anesthetic to numb some of the pain, plunging her fingers into the boy’s chest just enough for the jutsu to take effect. Once that was done she would kneel onto the floor of the training grounds and let the teen rest his head on her lap. After beating him up, it was the only thing she could do that would likely not leave him feeling miserable. I’ll have to ask him why he was spinning when he wakes up. He may still be quite out of it even if he does.

Looking around with Maloren’s head still resting on her legs, she noticed Foxxy had run off. Whistling for a minute made the animal run forward with a rabbit in the things jaws. It was dead of course, the rabbit was quite big and likely put up little fight. ”Umm… Good girl. And eww! She said picking up the hare with a hand only to throw it twenty feet away, for the fox to chase and eat it somewhere else. Well if I’m ever out on a mission and need food Foxxy can find some… I guess. The fox seemed to enjoy its food as it used its paws to hold the dead animal down and tore into the carcass with its teeth. Hopefully the fox would be finished by the time the Hyuuga woke up. There’s nothing like waking up to the sight of something gross.

WC: 417
TWC: 1857
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Tue May 31, 2016 2:33 am
Maloren tried to activate his rotation to halt her assault before she moved way faster than he expected. The next thing he knew he was lifted off the ground like a rag doll and thrown over her like a toy. The last thing he remembered was thinking 'This is gonna hurt isn't it?..' before impacting the ground with a solid thud. He dreamed for what seemed like hours about sparring the girl from before. He had fun during it and intended to do so again in the future if he could. After a few minutes he awoke, eyes opening slowly as he looked up at the pale, white haired, white wearing girl that threw him around as if he were a bug. His eyes widened, his mind not quite catching up with his mouth as he spoke "Now that is a beautiful sight to wake up to..." He said simply before his eyes widened even more so and his face turned crimson at what he said. His hand found his way to his mouth and he started sitting up quickly, he couldn't believe he had just said that. If she threw him around before, she'd certainly do something far worse now. 

His attention was momentarily pulled aside by the sound of something eating. He looked over to see Foxxy eating a large rabbit she had killed during his and Kirino's spar. His own stomach growled at the thought of food and he blushed again in embarrassment before reaching into his pack and pulling out a couple of candy bars. He offered one to her, whether she took it or not he'd open his and take a bite. He couldn't think of what to say, he just embarrassed himself royally and he couldn't believe he'd let himself do it. He considered what to say for a moment before turning toward her. "I-I'm sorry about that...I didn't mean to do that...But what I said is true, you are extremely beautiful..I mean.." He fell off, feeling as if he were only digging his grave deeper and deeper, his blush had increased to the point where one might think he was about to pass out again. He sighed audibly at his own stupidity and shyness and decided to let her speak next before he made the situation worse.

WC: 388
TWC: 2609
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Tue May 31, 2016 3:58 am
Maloren seemed to be one of those people who blurted out their thoughts, whenever something happened. It was funny enough to make her giggle, she tried to stifle it by covering her bottom lip with her right hand as the boy became red in the face. ”I’m sorry, it is just… Calling me that has seemed to bring you more pain than good.” She stood as Maloren had taken his head off of her lap. He also seemed to notice something that Kirino had hoped he wouldn’t have to witness. The messy meal, her fox was eating. It was a big rabbit for a little fox, so she would likely be done soon and she would definitely be getting a bath that night. Her paws were dirty and her coat had crimson blood on it, mostly around the mouth.

Kirino accepted the candy bar, but didn’t eat it right away. Instead she sat it next to her hoping the sun wouldn’t turn it into something nasty before she would have the chance. ”Thank you.” It seemed the Hyuuga was really infatuated with her looks, while it was nice to hear it from someone… It started to lose its appeal after some time. He seems really focused on aesthetics, I guess it is kind of cute though. ”So, how are you feeling I didn’t mean to throw you that hard?” She said while quickly trying to change the subject, to avoid thinking on it any longer.  

”So what do you like to do, when you aren’t training?” She started to look around for a rock or close tree as she spoke, upon seeing her target she would walk towards it hoping that the Hyuuga would follow. Wait why am I hoping he follows me? She didn’t dwell long as she raised her fists and began to rapidly punch the tree that was spotted, she hardened the bones underneath her skin which caused the attacks to connect with much more force behind them. The tree made loud cracking noises as each blow connected one after another, it sounded like fireworks. As she was about to punch once more she stopped. 

”Another hit like that will probably knock it down right?” She asked either to herself or Maloren. Looking at it she looked to the Hyuuga. ”Do you think you could knock this down? I’ll catch it, probably going to chop it up and use it for fire wood or something.” His attacks seemed odd when he had come at her before she was just realizing it now, but his movements were different than normal taijutsu. If he could knock down the tree with a kick she would likely find out if there was something different about it.

WC: 455
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
Stat Page : Here
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9100

A Training We Will Go! (Private) Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Tue May 31, 2016 4:32 am
He smiled at her concern and gave his head a couple of knocks, the blush on his cheeks gone and a grin replacing it. "I'm quite alright Miss Kirino. I've a hard head, it would take a bit more to do lasting damage." He said as he finished his candy bar looked over to the fox that was still enjoying his meal and smiling softly. "Mother nature at it's finest no?" He said softly, the sight didn't bother him at all, his stomach was made of stronger stuff. It had to be after seeing a hole in a mans chest the size of a head that HE himself caused. He turned back toward her and smiled once more, he would have to stop with the beautiful comments, it only gets old after awhile. He chuckled at a thought before speaking "Sorry for commenting on your appearance so much...during the spar I was trying to catch you off guard with it...when I woke up my mouth moved faster than my brain and just now I was trying to apologize for saying it without you thinking I didn't really mean it. I don't feel like having a bone sword shoved through my head you see. But you seem much more mild tempered then some of the other women I've met...That's a good thing by the way.." He finished with slightly widened eyes before standing up fully and stretching out to his fullest.

He cracked his neck before looking over to Foxxy again "Looks like someone needs a bath, there's a lake not far from here if you want to throw her in and let her swim around." He said as she moved toward the tree. He raised an eyebrow as she asked her question and began moving toward the tree. He shrugged as he moved with her and thought about the answer. "Well most of my time is spent training, I'm almost entirely self taught, so I need to keep it up or I'll fall behind. But I love reading, meditating, and recently I've started getting into cooking.." He replied as she began to pummel the tree into submission. He raised an eyebrow at the ferocity of the blows as the bark began to tear away and tree groaned underneath the pressure. 

He raised an eyebrow at her request, she bench pressed a tree just like this, and threw him around like a rag doll, and she wanted him to knock the tree down? It seemed a little odd but he shrugged and dropped into his stance. He sighed audibly before deciding to try that technique he was practicing again. He leapt into the air and spun around quickly, bringing his leg around and a devastating back kick that not only struck the weakened tree, but tore it from it's root to knock it away a few dozen meters. He landed on his feet with the grace of a cat and felt his eyes widen as he realized he had done it. He shook his head though, mumbling under his breath "She weakened it that's obvious...I need to try again.." He said before looking over to a tree that was near where they were. "One moment please Miss Kaguya.." He said before moving over to the tree, a smart part of him hoping she was watching, while another part was simply intent to get this technique down. He dropped into his stance once more took a deep breath and released it in one shot before spinning into the air once more and connecting with another spinning back kick that hit the tree with thunderous force. As the loud crack sounded through the field it was accompanied by the sound of wood breaking as he didn't tear the tree from the ground, instead the tree broke along where he kicked it. The upper half began to fly toward Kirino before as raised an eyebrow and spun, activating his clans signature defense. The dome of chakra surrounded him and redirected the tree off to her left, after grinding a good chunk of it out. He ceased the spin after the danger was passed and he breathed a small breath to calm himself down before walking over to her. "Sorry, I was working on that kick before I accidentally saw you before, I hadn't gotten it down yet and had to make sure I didn't manage it before simply because you weakened the tree..." He explained as he thought about something to say. The realization hit him like a truck as he realized she asked him about his hobbies, and he hadn't done the same. "So what do YOU like do when you aren't training?" He asked. 

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