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Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:19 am
”Truly, it is.” Kirino responded when Maloren said “Mother nature at its finest no?” She smiled towards the fox and then to Maloren. He then began to apologize for calling her pretty so many times and thought she would shove a bone sword through him. Why would I physically assault him for complimenting me? She wondered as he moved on to the girl’s rather calm nature. ”I try not to get worked up about things, otherwise it becomes harder to think. When you lose focus on what you are fighting for things get out of hand.” The Kaguya had an excellent example of what happens when emotion dictates your actions over rationality, things become unstable and the bigger picture gets lost.

As the white haired girl moved she looked at the fox. ”Does Foxxy want a bath?” The fox perked its ears up and wagged its tail at the words. She listened to the teen’s hobbies as she barraged the tree. When she finished punching and Maloren got ready to kick the tree away, she also prepared. When he finally kicked the thing using body flicker the girl got in the way of the tree and its direction only to catch it and throw it to the ground. That was farther than I expected. So he is not only fast, but strong. Taking one of his attacks may not be as easy as I had once expected. She walked bak over to where she had been before and the Hyuuga was doing another demonstration of the kick he had just performed.

Kirino activated her clan’s defense as the tree flew, a layer of chakra to coat the bones making them denser and stronger. There were no visible signs of the jutsu, but it seemed they were for not as the boy started spinning and began to use his chakra to grind against the tree. ”So that is what you were trying to do before?” She said looking at the display, if he didn’t answer Kirino would understand it was typical for ninja not to reveal all of their abilities to each other. It seems Maloren had been working on the kick before they had even met, which was incredible. He sent the whole tree flying in a single blow.

”Well I like to dance, wear dresses, and clean. Dust annoys me to no end.” She joked at the end. Much of the girl’s taijutsu was based around dancing the clematis was a two part dance half of which Maloren was able to see. She walked over to the fox and picked her up. ”Would you mind taking us to the river Maloren?”

WC: 442
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:15 am
Maloren smiled as she pointed out his plan for her earlier. "Yes, the technique would've done considerable damage had it been fast enough. I greatly underestimated your speed though." He explained as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He wasn't one to usually underestimate people, he should've side stepped and then activated the defense, but foresight was 20/20 after all. He listened to her hobbies and chuckled at the end, clan life made him a bit of a clean freak as well. He constantly kept his room dusted, swept, and things put away in their place. He raised an eyebrow at the dancing part and looked toward her. "Dancing as if in fighting with your techniques, or the actual recreational kind?" He asked curiously as she moved to pick up the fox. "She's covered in blood, and you're wearing all white, I don't mind carrying her to the river, I can just take off the shirt and wash it in the cold water. The shirt's dark enough that it wouldn't be noticed anyway." He offered as he moved over to them. If she accepted he would pick up the fox and give her a scratch behind the ears before motioning toward a direction "Follow me" He would say. If she didn't accept he would simply do the motioning and they would begin moving toward the lake.

"This actually happens to be one of my favorite training grounds. If I'm not found here during the day I'm usually in my homes garden meditating or on a mission." He said with a smile as they walked toward the lake. It wasn't very far, just a few hundred yards through the trees. They made it after a few minutes of walking and if he was holding the fox he would kneel down by the lake and gently set her before taking off his own shirt and dipping it into the water and beginning to scrub the blood out. After a few minutes of scrubbing he would set the shirt down and stretch before standing up and looking at his companion. "Shall we train together while we're here? It'd be a shame to waste the day away on me getting thrown like a toy and watching a fox take a swim. Although making a new friend is always a plus." He said the last with a grin as he pulled a scroll out of his pants pocket and opened it. If she was holding the fox he would simply ask his question and then pull out the scroll. It happened to have his list of techniques to learn and he pulled out a pen and crossed out the Strong Wind technique before circling Evening Elephant. "Looks like Evening Elephant is next for me..." He would say before putting the scroll away and looking back at her. "So, up for it?" He'd ask before turning back to Foxxy to make sure she was okay in the lake. He would then stand up and crack his neck before moving over toward the middle of the training field.

Even if she declined the training offer he would still move toward the field after acknowledging and saying that he would get some in while the day was young. He would kneel down and begin to meditate on the technique he intended to learn. He would need to punch with a vast amount of chakra infused force to create something as powerful and contained as a wind tunnel. That would require a great amount of practice and training. He was slightly at a loss as to where to begin to he settled for focusing his chakra within his body, moving it through himself to become more attuned with it for the technique. Releasing chakra in bursts was nothing new to someone who practiced the gentle fist. But the difference is that this burst was about sheer power instead of the small controlled burst he was used to utilizing for his techniques.

“I need to become more powerful…” He would say simply, he would only be aware of her presence in the back of his mind as the forefront was used on his training. He suddenly opened his eyes and walked back toward Kirino again. “Up for another spar? No techniques, just chakra infused punches and kicks to become increase strength and chakra control..” He explained as he waited for her response he would look back out toward Foxxy “I wonder how long it’ll take her to realize there’s fish in here…” He mumbled under his breath before turning back to the pretty Kaguya at his side.

Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:49 am
”Well I enjoy both types of dancing, I suppose.” She said while gripping up the fox making sure none of the blood touched her clothing. She let Maloren take the fox from her as they all moved over to the river. ”I like to do some gardening as well actually.” She said while continuing to follow.

Kirino watched as Maloren began to clean the fox off, paying more attention to the view than the sight of the shirtless male. He seemed to be up for some more training as he asked the question. ”Training together sounds great.” Kirino said with a smile while moving five meters back. The girl cracked her neck by forcing the bones to move and stretched out her muscles. She then watched as Maloren pulled out a scroll and began to read from it. Kirino was curious to know what it contained, but asking would be very rude as it likely contained something secretive. The teen circled something with a pen and then said next was to learn the evening elephant. ”I am rather close to having that move completed, perhaps I can show you when I have completed it. As of now I can’t make the vacuums form. I am close though.”

The fox swatted at the water in the lake, seemingly spotting a fish or something. The animal was not hungry at this point though, only curios as to what lay beneath the surface. It jumped as one of the fish jumped from the lake and almost touched the fox. Scared it ran over to Kirino with its tail tucked under and nudged itself between her legs looking for her protection. ”Poor girl, did the fish scare you.” The answer was undoubtedly yes as the fox wagged its tail when spoken to, but not before.

”Just chakra infused punches and kicks?” Kirino asked looking confused. Does he mean I should only use Kaguya clan style taijutsu? The hyuuga clan must have something to do with chakra as the move he used previously looked like it used chakra as a shield. ”I will agree to the terms of the spar.” If things get too difficult I will change up my style, I should alert him before I do so though.

WC: 375
TWC: 3129
Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:59 pm
It seemed that Maloren did not want to take the initiative this time, as they both didn’t move. Kirino decided that as he had thrown the first punch the last time maybe it was her turn to start. The girl moved forward starting her momentum, she was wary of the technique he had used before. The one where he used his own chakra as a shield to deflect incoming attacks. If he tried that trick again it would likely end in failure, as she had learned the move took some build up to use. Unlike many other defensive techniques where they could be used with a thought or simple motion. This jutsu required the user to spin and activate their chakra network, thus sending the energy outward like a shield. The spinning was a flaw in the technique, as the speed in which the user spun did not reflect upon the speed at which the chakra builds. If Maloren were to start spinning Kirino would hop backwards out of the reach of the technique.

If the girl was ever in front of the boy close enough to hit with the evening elephant she would send her fist forward, creating the vacuum Maloren had been talking about. The five punches would come at speed 128, power 120. Getting hit by one was likely to knock the genin out, likely feeling the pain of the attack whenever he woke up. If it connected. She would stop her attacks if it seemed the boy wasn’t going to dodge or wouldn’t be able to handle the force. The last time Kirino had attacked him with her full force she had thrown him across the fields of the training grounds and he fell unconscious momentarily. If that same thing were to happen again the girl would be forced to take him either to the Hyuuga clans district or straight to the hospital. It all really depended on the severity of his injuries. Kirino thought the boy was quite nice, but she didn’t really want to have to carry him. The boy’s speed indicated he had some measure of skill, so it was likely he would be able to dodge.

If he moves what is my next attack? Do I follow it up with normal taijutsu or use Kaguya dances to throw him off? He has yet to see Clematis Dance: Flower or Bone Armor, but maybe I should keep those hidden. It was a process when the girl fought thinking out the decisions herself and the opponent would make. It was about outsmarting your opponent, not really about the battle at all.

WC: 437
TWC: 3566
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:56 pm
Maloren's eyes tracked Kirino's movements easily and started moving at the same time to start his own momentum. He would move at his top possible speed to close the distance along with her as she swung back her fist to strike. He could see the chakra build up in her fist as she swung it forward, he easily ducked below the punch itself and spun around on a heel to appear behind her. He would then witness the wind tunnel he was working to make appear as she swung with great power and released the chakra build up. The tunnel seemed powerful and was proven to be as well as it struck a tree and basically obliterated it on impact, a large gash left in the earth where it traveled through it to destroy the poor piece of mother nature. He shifted his footing quickly and swung his own chakra empowered fist, the build of the lifeforce energy packed densely in his fist as he swung. He was surprised to see a, smaller, but still deadly wind tunnel appear as well, proving she was closer to learning the technique he was working on than he was. “She’s been practicing this too.” He thought as he continued moving to attempt the technique again.

His byakugan was activated as he saw his own carving in the ground from where the wind tunnel he had created was left behind. Even if it wasn’t as impressive as Kirino’s It just proved she was stronger in this regard, and that he needed to train harder to not let her get ahead of him. He could easily see a possible rival in the fair haired Kaguya and that thought alone spurred him on. “I need to increase my own training it seems..” He muttered under his breath as he swung another chakra infused fist toward his temporary opponent. The wind tunnel firing out of it reminiscent of a cannon firing as he swung. It was a bit larger this time, obviously a bit more powerful and he nodded his head a bit before moving at his top speed of 110 as he began to try to move around Kirino releasing assault after assault at the girl. Each wind tunnel getting slightly bigger and more powerful as the last. The chakra exhaustion was brutal as he continued the assault, this time choosing to get in as many shots as possible to see if he could get the technique down with a flurry of them.

Sweat began to pour down his face as in his fatigue as he pulled a fist back one last time and moved in front of her. His chakra saturating the punch with its strength as he swung as hard as possible, intending for this to be the last time he practiced the technique today. His chakra was spent, his body exhausted and his lungs burning for as much of the life giving air around them as possible. The resulting wind tunnel in the punch was powerful, too powerful for the technique to be considered anywhere near correct. He had put too much chakra into the punch and brutally overextended himself in the process. The resulting scar in the earth in its wake would require an earth ninjutsu specialist to repair as he ripped through the ground of the training field, temporarily parted the water of the lake foxxy had just been swimming in and tore through a fair number of trees. No, he would need a great deal more practice with this technique before he had it learned. He knelt down, unable to even defend himself from any counter attack Kirino had started as he landed on his knee, his breathing labored and hair matting his face. He deactivated his byakugan as he looked to her. Whether or not he was in pain from any counter attack was irrelevant as he was too tired to even move.

“I think…..t-that’s enough….for the day….Miss Kirino.” He said between breathes as he looked up toward the sky and fought to calm his breathing. After a while he would finally have it under control and he would wipe the sweat off his forehead before grinning over at his companion. “I think I’m going to home and rest now, if you ever want to train or even just chill out then feel free to look me up there.” He would explain before standing up slowly, losing his balance for a split second in his exhaustion and catching himself on his feet. He would nod over at her politely before moving, slowly out of the field to go rest for a couple of days before continuing to train the technique.

TWC: 4948

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Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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A Training We Will Go! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Training We Will Go! (Private)

Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:37 pm
Kirino moved out of the way of the wind tunnel created by Maloren and kept her own fists going as she did so. Making a second tunnel that would crash into the boy’s slightly smaller wind tunnel. Even though hers was larger they packed nearly the same power and left gusts of wind in their wake as they collided against each other. ”It seems you are close to learning this technique.” Maloren seemed to be faster when it came to moving though as her eyes followed him he tried to get around her, he wasn’t much faster though and she could still turn and send another tunnel of air forward as he did the same. This is pretty evenly matched, if he doesn’t make any mistakes he could definitely beat me. I think I have two punches like this left and he has maybe three, I lost count. Even if he only has two I’ll prepare to dodge using body flicker.

Maloren’s assault wasn’t over though as he began to release more tunnels of air that spiraled forward, Kirino wasn’t about to give up though as she began to swing her fists wildly creating larde vacuums that spun towards her opponents.  They clashed in a cycle which ended after exploding into the others. When the wind stopped Kirino was sweating slightly and puffing for some of the air to return to her chest. It seemed she wouldn’t be able to get that moment to relax as the final punch seemed to be stronger than the others and picked up pieces of the ground as it moved forward. Increasing blood flow to her legs Kirino prepared to make one solid jump to the other side. Using the body flicker technique, the Kaguya moved away from the vortex and to the side of Maloren, who seemed to be worn out after creating the giant vortex. He seems to have used too much of his chakra creating that last tunnel of wind. She watched as he breathed in and out, it seemed labored. The color began to return to his face not long after though. The girl moved forward ready to strike and patted him on the head. It seemed Maloren shared her thoughts on the training for the day being over. While Kirino had already recovered from using the technique, Maloren was another story he still seemed exhausted. ”Yeah, I’m pretty tired myself. I think I need a break maybe a hot shower.” She winked then helped the boy stand up. ”Maybe some other time we can train together again.”

Maloren said that she could look him up if she ever wanted to train again or something else. Was that an invitation to hang out for something other than training. She smiled then walked off to go get her fox. ”Maybe I’ll find you to go dancing sometime.” She called back while still continuing to move forward. Now where did that fox run off to? The animal was around a few minutes ago now she would have to find the fox again. It wasn’t long before Kirino heard the yipping of her familiar it seemed she had found a squirrel and was trying to bark it out of the tree. The girl picked up the animal and held it in her arms as it continued to bark at the rodent in the tree. The squirrel didn’t seem worried as it bashed the acorn against a tree branch and gnawed at the outer shell.

Walking to an area without people or things to break she continued her work on the evening elephant. She made one punch which sent forward a huge stream of air that picked up dirt and grass as it moved forward. Kirino followed with one more punch that much like the previous kicked up things in its wake. The third, fourth, and fifth punches were exactly the same as they moved forward. Each punch in itself was powerful used all together though they could be used to pulverize someone. It was a fearsome technique as it used pure raw strength to propel itself. Kirino turned her head to Foxxy who was sitting by quietly. ”Time to go home.”

WC: 698
TWC: 4264
Claiming Rewards: (Evening Elephant, 21 stats, 21 stats for familiar)
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Fri Jul 01, 2016 1:58 am

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