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Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:40 pm
Gin was at the training grounds trying to learn a new genjustu that she thought we push her into a category of a powerful genjustu user and they technique she was learning Demonic Illusion: Decending Hell a move where a giant ball of fire rains down on the victim and it grows hotter the closer it gets to them and when Gin heard about it she got pumped so she set out for the training ground and here she is ready to train for the genjustu but she had no one to try it on so she looked around the grounds to find someone to try it on and see if it would work because she can’t cast it on herself it would be too easy for her to break out she needed someone that was strong enough to be tested on but also strong enough to break out but who would be up to the task I mean most people are scared of the power that is genjustu Gin heard somewhere that genjustu can even harm the victim like it comes to life. Now that is next level stuff. She wanted to strive for that kinda of level because Gin is mainly just support rather than actual fighting and Gin didn’t want that she wanted to win a fight not help with one and with this genjutsu she was sure to get a victory one of the times. So Gin searched around but who… who would help her and be strong enough to break out and tell her what was wrong with the illusion and how to fix that?

WC- 270/2,000 Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell

Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Re: Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:55 pm
Salzem always seemed to end up in the training grounds despite his most sincere attempts to avoid it. No matter how many turns he took, no matter how long he walked in the opposite direction, some how he ended up back at it's entrance. Resigning himself to this seemingly endless fate, Salzem wandered into the grounds, boots crunching the sand beneath his feet. It was a beautiful day outside. If there were birds, they'd be singing and if there were flowers, they'd be blooming. By suna standards, it was actually a very nice day. A relatively cool breeze fell over the grounds, giving Salzem some comfort he desperately needed. Anxiety seemed to be the common emotion tainting all others within him. Ever since he caught that familiar scent on the wind... he just couldn't kick it that something was coming for him and that it was right at his back. He found himself constantly looking over his shoulder both literally and figuratively and found his temper was less and less in check.

He simply couldn't relax, well... except today when this cool breeze washed over the training grounds. It was a small comfort, a VERY SMALL comfort, but it released the tension in his shoulders just the tiniest bit. The edge in his eyes seemed to dull as he gazed around at all the training kids, all wanting to become ninja. It was sad that none of them knew what it actually meant to be what they are. Some days, he felt the temptation to simply point it out to one of them that they would need to kill, to murder, betray and destroy for they're cause and only then will they be considered ninja. Of course, he didn't do this. That'd be stupid. They'd figure it out in time. Sad thing was, they'd probably figure it out the hard way.
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Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Re: Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:16 pm
Gin looked around and spotted her old friend Salzem and she speed walked over to him “Hey again!” Gin said in her always happy voice as she stared at him thinking back to the time where he was 7 feet tall and it made her laugh “I’m sorry it is weird seeing you like this.” Gin looked at him studying his mask as she forgot for a second what she came to him for her mind wandered a bit before she remembered what she wanted “Oh, I almost forgot can you help with a justu I am trying to learn after all you are really strong and all.” Gin said pulling out her violin and showing him signaling him that she will be learning a genjustu as she steps back a bit and prepares her violin for playing as she tried it for a bit just to see if her violin was ready. She then pulled her bag to her and opened it taking out a book and flipping to a page where the genjustu was and she handed it to him showing what she wanted to do as she waited for his response as she looked around.

WC- 468/2,000 Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell

Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Re: Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Sun Jul 03, 2016 2:27 pm
Salzem stopped as he was approached by his friend, Gin. She greeted him, then seemed to stare at his face as if she were looking for something. When she laughed seemingly spontaneously, Salzem looked at her, confused. She explained a second later that it was strange to see him like this. He was still getting used to it himself... He didn't offer a laugh in response, nor a smile. He wasn't in the mood for such things. He looked at her silently, as if he was anticipating some kind of explanation. As if on cue, she stated that she had a technique she needed to train for and that she wanted his help. Gin stated that he was strong, that she needed someone like him to train with her. He sighed deeply, shrugging his shoulders. Even if he wasn't in the mood to get struck with something or getting his hair set on fire, who was he to be a detriment to her training.

"Sure. Is there anything specific you want me to do...?" Salzem asked, looking at her suspiciously. Of course, he was asking if she wanted him to attack her, draw his weapon or something. He immediately retracted these assumptions, however, as the girl pulled out her violin and dug up a book of some kind. She tossed it to him and, snatching it out of the air, Salzem flipped to the directed page and read the name of the technique out loud.

"Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell....? A genjutsu...? And I'm going to be subject to this?" Salzem asked, looking from the book to Gin, an unreadable expression on his face. He'd stare at her for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and breaking the look.

"Whatever you need. Hit me with it."
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Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Re: Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:02 am
Gin exhaled slowly and grabbed the book again seeing what she had to to but turning it into her music as she slowly began to play as the music slowly moved towards Salzem and everything slowed down and he should be seeing himself alone in a desert and a big meteor falling as Gin kept her slow breathing and good tempo trying not to mess up. She watched Salzem to make sure nothing bad happens to him I mean this is a powerful genjustu and in the genjustu the heat should be rising to a very scorching like temperature she played a soft tune but not she wanted to make sure it wouldnt be that easy to get out of as she made it louder and faster adding more of her power into it she watched him carefully becasue if she saw signs of him being hurt she was going to stop and try a justu that would stop it. But for now she up the stakes by testing her limits as well trying to make it difficult for him to escape her song and being that she is the only sound genjustist in sunagakure she needs to live up to that title and be a very strong person not only for herself but for others because Salzem is strong enough to beat her in one move so she wanted to be strong enough to beat that and Ryu is faster, stronger, and smarter than her so she needed to get stronger than him and this was a start a start to a new life for Gin. A life where she isnt a damsel in distressbut the person you call to save that person and not only as support but the person that is celebrated over. So she played her song with all of her might making the meteor in the genjustu bigger and hotter as in reality she began to sweat herself from all the movements in her hands and the stress from concentrating. But there was no way in hell was she going to be beaten easily and not just by anyone should wanted to win for once and not be stuck in the background.  

835/2,000 Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell

Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem) Empty Re: Into the depths (P,Nk,Salzem)

Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:06 am
Itski began playing her tune, but it all seemed to fade away a moment later. The surroundings, the people, the music, it all disappeared, leaving the lycanthrope standing in what appeared to be an empty desert. He looked around, confused, waiting for the "descending hell" part of the jutsu to show up.

"Hey... uh.... Gin...? Are you sure you're doing the right technique?" Salzem asked, before something above him caught his eye. Salzem turned his head upwards only to see a massive fireball nearly filling up the sky headed his way. Immediately, the ninja recoiled, eyes locked on the appropriately called "descending hell."

"Oh..." Was all Salzem could say as he stared up at, what appeared to be, his imminent death. The massive ball of fire made it's slow decent upon the entire area, the temperature rising as a result of it's approach. The sanguine-eyed ninja began to sweat profusely, the incredible, scalding heat becoming much more simply uncomfortable. Sunagakure was uncomfortable, but this was just painful. He didn't take his eyes off the meteor, figuring that Gin would end the technique once she figured that she'd caused him enough misery. And yet the jutsu persisted, the gigantic fireball still slowly sliding down the track that lead to him, the temperature seeming to endlessly climb as a result. The heat was now starting to grate on Salzem's patience, frustrating him with it's endless torment. He closed his eyes and tensed his muscles in an attempt to block out the pain and let the genjutsu run it's course but the endless climbing heat just dug so deeply into his head....

In frustration, Salzem flooded his body with chakra, sending it to and fro from his brain to his limbs and back, purging the foreign chakra causing the genjutsu. Only when he'd finished did he notice the pain had subsided to a dull discomfort. Salzem opened his eyes, their sanguine irises filled with annoyance.

"Yeah. It works." Salzem noted dryly.

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