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Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Some Can't Resist (P)

Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:49 pm
Salzem sat up against a tree near the edge of the training grounds, not even bothering to hide the fact he was sleeping. He lay comfortably, head propped up where the trunk diverged into roots just above the ground on which he napped. His chest rose and fell slowly, rhythmically, up and down up and down. He had tied taken his headband from its usual spot around his neck and tied it loosely around his eyes so that it hung lopsided, a lazy attempt to block out the early morning light. He had come there to train, to see if he could get back into the old swing of things, but he lost patience half way through. Everything was too soft, to breakable. It was all wood, dirt or stone, nothing he couldn't break with a good punch. With that in mind, there was very little reason for him to even attempt to get stronger if everything around him bent and broke like Styrofoam. No one bothered to approach him to train either, which he could understand perfectly. His reputation proceeded him. He was one of those ninja that betrayed the village, became a missing ninja and left for almost two years before being brought back home. No doubt that girl that finally did was praised like she was the patron saint of ninja because Salzem was treated quite the opposite. It was like the good old days back when he wore the respirator except now they were tossing stuff at him because of what he did more than how he looked. Just like before, though, he didn't really care all that much. None of the garbage ever hit him and their anger was laughable if nothing else. They didn't know anything beyond him running around with a "MN" tag stuck on his bingo-book profile. People were stupid like that. Made him wonder why he even bothered to protect these kinds of people. He was sure someone would say that they would protect them because they couldn't protect themselves or that they are family or something like that. Salzem shook his head at those notions. To him, a village wasn't a family. A concept of a bunch of people settling in one place wasn't what really brought people together. He should probably be getting back into the "Konoha Spirit" or "flame-soul" or whatever they called it again but what did he care? He went on his little missions, he did the work he was required too, he stayed out of the way of as many people as he can as often as he could... It was better than Sunagakure, but it was somehow worse than before, before he left the first time. It was probably the garbage.... yeah... that was it.

Salzem snoozed underneath the tree, the cool shade keeping most of the sun's blinding glare from disrupting one of the many nightmarish scenarios that played through his unconscious mind. He went through them so often, he had the misfortune of concluding they had grown dull, unexciting and certainly not frightening. just... repetitive and frustrating. He knew he couldn't do anything about them... He wasn't there... He couldn't save them because he wasn't there too and he knew that... So why was he having all these damned nightmares?
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:11 pm
Mid afternoon it was, and Enyo was already out and about, the tone of the day seemed to change as it went from carefree to sorrowful gloom. At first glance it would be hard to tell what gave off this feeling, but it was the people of the village, their facial expressions seemed to be pained as if an old memory had came back to haunt them. It was strange because not all of the village folk could have had the same memory. That was what Enyo thought. Being the obliging type Enyo went up to a couple of the villagers to see what was wrong and they all reported the same thing.

A missing ninja has re-entered the village and he looks far more menacing than he had before.” They said. “Did he do anything to you all? Is he the reason all of this trash has covered the village?” Enyo asked jumping to conclusions, his face stayed emotionless. “N-no, but we fear he might soon, we throw the trash at him because we despise him!” The lady exclaimed. Of all the reasons, this had to be the most ignorant. “I will find this Missing ninja but you all have to promise me not to provoke anyone in anyway, if he were really so bad the Hokage would have gotten to him already.” Enyo said.

It was rare for him to talk as much as he did, but he figured in this case it was needed. Strangely enough, Enyo always heard stories about humans being scared of the unknown and misunderstood but never did he see it in person. It’s quite scary. Anyhow, Enyo followed the trash trail, he found mild humor in the villagers having trash ready for this one particular person, his deeds have gone unbeknownst to Enyo as he had just arrived. Enyo wouldn’t make any unfair assumptions just yet until he met the man or woman himself.

As the trail ends he sees that it leads to the training grounds, he hated this place because it was always full of hubris-filled people who trained way too hard. There is nothing wrong with training, but Enyo despised the way some of the ninja here did it. Not to go into further detail he shook the thought out of his head and before him he seen an average looking kid not much younger than himself, his distinguishing feature was his pale skin which looked as though it never touched the sun.

Noticing the training grounds was empty Enyo knew this was peculiar, “Man, they really don’t like this guy.” Enyo thought as he walked a bit further. He thought it would be rude to get into the personal space of the boy as he slept so he kept a distance between the two. “Hello there? Are you the one everyone’s talking about in the village?” Enyo asked fairly certain the answer would be yes. Waiting for a response he would pay close attention to his surroundings along with the boy never taking his eyes off of him.

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:11 pm
How wrong he was to believe the nightmares wouldn't escalate. Blood and bodies everywhere. They hung in the sky, they lay half-buried in the ground. Metal both jagged and forged stuck from several places on and around their forms. Blood ran from them like rivers of water, endless, pooling around his feet... up his legs into his eyes. Vision bled too.... colors mixing, fading... red... black....

Salzem awoke to someone's voice, someone asking something. He groaned in frustration, pulling his headband back down to it's normal place around his neck, blinking his eyes as light flooded back into them. As his vision returned, he saw some long, dark haired kid standing a few feet away, looking down at him in a strange way he couldn't identify. Salzem sat up, placing a hand on his forehead as blood rushed back into his skull, disorienting him for a moment.

"That depends..." Salzem grumbled, running his hands through his spiky black hair in an attempt to get the leaves and dust out. At least it wasn't sand. Nothing was worse than hot, itchy sand running across his scalp. "What are they saying?" T'was a dumb question really because he already knew what "everyone" was saying. "He's a traitor! He left the village! Why isn't he in a cell?" Or better yet, "What was the hokage thinking letting a wretch like him back here?" He loved how everyone in the village could stand around and critisize him for something they couldn't understand themselves. He should probably take their stupidity and bash them across their arrogant little faces with it, but that would take too long and Salzem wasn't inclined to beating up defenseless (if stupid) civilians.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:30 pm
Disorder, something every human’s mind tended to avoid yet to was attracted to in secrecy. The subconscious of the human mind found things such as gossip and rumors appealing as it kept things “lively” in their everyday lives. Enyo had found this out from his years of observing people as the complex emotions each have tend to differ. This human before him didn’t seem to be as bad as they portrayed but there is always a possibility that he is.

As the ninja awoken from his nap under the beautiful darkwood tree he could see that the shinobi had red eyes that would pierce a man’s soul. Was that enough to deter Enyo from asking questions? No, was a simple answer to that question. As Enyo received a partial reply to his answer he cocked his head to the side out of curiosity. “I see, what variable does this answer depend on?” Enyo would ask the shinobi as he would look up into the sky above which was partially covered by the many leaves of the trees above him.

To lessen whatever tension the two had during this conversation Enyo would take a seat where he stood which was still fairly far but enough for the two ninja to hear each other clearly. Enyo received another answer. “Well, it seems you have committed some great travesty in the past and the people have a hate for you that could devour lucifer himself. I’m a bit curious to why the villagers could hate you so much yet the kage himself let you in or at least that is what I assume.” Enyo’s emotionless face continued to ask. Despite the tone of the conversation Enyo found this fun, as it was another chance to understand another human being. The wind blew as silence rung through the air, what would the boy's answer be.

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:39 pm
"Don't believe everything you hear around town." Salzem advised, not bothering to get up from his spot. At least this guy wasn't immediately tossing insults at him for simply being there. That already made him worth interacting with. When one spends day after day dodging garbage and enduring all manners of... creative insults, one must take what they can get in the form of non-hostile social interaction.

"The villagers tend to blow things out of proportion. I'll tell you what I did them." Salzem adjusted himself, bending his knee and resting his arm upon it as he looked on at the arrival. "All I did was walk out of the village." He let out a sigh, obviously tired of giving the same explanation. "I didn't kill anyone who didn't attack me first, I didn't steal, threaten or maim anyone, etcetera etcetera. It's not my fault it took 2 years for your ninja to track me down." He waited for the kid to leave, anticipating this would be enough to sate his curiosity. Salzem couldn't help but feel a certain frustration at that blank expression he gave him, as smooth as polished marble, as featureless as a piece of paper. It reminded him of certain someones who could never move their faces again from their own blank expressions. When this new guy didn't leave, when he just sat there still, Salzem appeared visibly confused. What more did he want, his full life story in novel format? Well he was going to have to wait another year for that crap because Salzem wasn't ready to write a book yet. The lycanthrope frowned, his finger tapping on his knee anxiously as he waiting for the newcomer to realize that his presence was not required.

"Alright, I'll bite." Salzem conceded, pun notwithstanding. "What is your name and what do you want?" He figured the only way he was going to get this guy to shove off was to show some minor interest in him. He'd end up feeling satisfied sooner and Salzem could go back to his satisfying nap sooner. He had to hope couldn't he? Villagers certainly weren't making it any easier.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4000

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:56 pm
Letting the boy talk he sat there and waited for more, Enyo was quite stubborn when it came to things like this which wasn’t one of his most redeemable qualities but it was one he had nonetheless. After the lull of silence the ninja would ask Enyo his name in which he would reply, “Enyo, Enyo Hiyu of the Hiyu clan.” He said uniformly. “And what I want? As of now I desire nothing but knowledge, and to find my cousin Ari who I haven’t seen since I got here.” Enyo gave a slight laugh which broke his emotionless face.

Referring back to what you said earlier, it’s not that I despise the villager but I do understand that they are lesser people and it is purely by choice. I know you probably don’t care about my ideals, but it’s something I have to get off of my chest...for what reason I’m not quite sure. Anyhow, I believe anyone can be granted the unimaginable power and in the sense it doesn’t have to purely for combat, it can be mental as well. To overcome one’s self is to overcome the world. Now, that brings me to another question. Did you think it was right to kill even if you were in danger? I know it’s a stupid question, but I would like to know your thought process behind this.

Enyo was fairly interested in this topic which was the complete opposite of this ninja he was talking to. A gust of wind traversed throughout the medium of still air, it was rather refreshing to breathe in that slightly cold air. It was as if Enyo could feel himself again just by having this conversation. Hopefully, the boy would reply to him as serious as possible but most people don’t so he didn’t expect too much. The boy would probably be taken aback by the sudden question of murder since he didn’t come outright and say it, but he did say ‘I didn't kill anyone who didn't attack me first,’ which meant that he had killed before but he felt as though it was just.

On the topic of killing Enyo also took his staff from his back and sat it symmetrically on his lap, “I almost forgot about this thing, y’see I earned it from the monks in some mountains nearby. They say if I vow to never kill someone before every battle it will grant me power and it already aligned with my ideals so I thought it was perfect. Would you be able to wield this and unlock it’s potential?” He asked with a serious face.

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:04 pm
"Well then, perhaps you should go find her then." Salzem noted. The name Ari seemed vaguely familiar. He was sure he had met someone named Ari back in Sunagakure, though their interaction was.... brief. She was what some people would describe as "interesting." She hardly spoke a word to anyone and instead, she simply stared, stared for all it was worth. Despite Salzem's comment, however, the kid named Enyo continued, passing over his words as if they weren't spoken. Enyo seemed to go on some tangent about power, something about it not being used for war or something like that. The lycanthrope kind of tuned out of his words about half-way through, completely uninterested in this philosophical discussion he seemed interested in having. He simply stared back at the boy blankly, only coming back to reality once he asked his particular question.

"If you can't stop them by other means and they are a threat to human life then yes. It would be necessary. Its what the ninja code teaches us to do, after all. Kill, maim, murder and all that good, ninja-ly business is something one can't simply avoid in this job. Incompasitation isn't always an option." Salzem spoke flatly, dutifully, but there was a slight twinge of sarcasm in his voice, a signal that he was actively preforming a parody of the average, blindly devout ninja. Enyo seemed to stare thoughtfully, the look akin to that his apparent cousin gave everyone back in the sand, though with more obvious brain power behind it. Spontaneously, the other kid seemed to take the staff from his back, holding it out for Salzem to see. He claimed that some monks gave him the staff, selling him on the idea that if he didn't kill anyone before a battle, that he would be granted a great power. Salzem snorted at that, slightly amused in a spiteful way. It wasn't as if it was a bad philosophy. By all means, if it meant he was saving people, it was a GOOD way to live one's life. The one minute detail Salzem hinged on was that it would grant him a "great power." What kind of garbage was the monks trying to sell with that? Isn't that a bit over the top? Along with a stick and philosophy, they promised power? He couldn't help but find that amusing. Enyo asked if Salzem thought he could accomplish this goal, if he could unlock the stick's potential. The lycan shook his head.

"I don't see much potential in a stick, Enyo." He said. "But probably not and besides... There's still someone I want to kill. I don't imagine you or your magic stick would be happy with that."
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Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:21 pm
Enyo looked at the ninja as he talked, apparently ninjas were built to kill and protect the village but this wasn’t the ideals he had in mind. ”Who has the right to label a whole group of people as something? Who says they should work this way? I see what you are getting at, but if you can’t protect someone without killing then that means you were just too weak. This is the philosophy I train under and I know I have a long way to go before I can even begin to call myself a ninja. But truthfully, is this the excuse you’re gonna give yourself for killing someone or was it just easier and more convenient for you to do other than restrain them?” Enyo asked the boy.

Enyo would let know time for conversation to pass between sentences making the prior ones rhetorical. After his staff had been called a stick Enyo would get up and hold the staff in a stance. He then said to himself, “Placidus, give me the strength to take down my enemies without killing, I vow on my heart that this staff will be an extension of me which is also connected to you.” Enyo opened his eyes and looked at Sal. “I can feel a great strength in you despite you being as lazy as you appear. How about you show me how far your ideals carry you.” Enyo said pointing his staff at the ninja.

Enyo wasn’t the one to resort to violence, but he did want to see what this ninja had in store for him, it was as if the boy was testing Enyo as well to see his reaction. Well being a man of respect and honor he thought it would be best to duel. The bo staff’s dragon began to glow in a golden array of astonishing light. “He must believe it to be true now.” Enyo said to himself.

Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:28 pm
"i kill when its necessary." Salzem said somewhat defensively. Somehow, this kid was judging him in his own strange way. He didn't like it. "Your philosophy will crumble in the face of death, kid. When you are on the ground and the only way to survive is to rip out the throat of your opponent, chances are you will do it. We are simply wired this way. " Salzem didn't truly believe the words he spoke, rather, it was simply a test for Enyo, to see what he would do. Salzem expected him to fire back with his own little retort or to justify his claim with some sort of philosophical garbage but instead, he began chanting to  "platypus" or something like that, asking for strength to get through... whatever was going to happen. The stick's end began to glow a bright yellow-ish, the color powerful enough for the lycan to squint in annoyance. Nice lightshow, but it proved nothing. A simple signless jutsu could produce the same result.

Salzem glared in frustration as the kid first, called him strong, then lazy, then proceeded to challenge him to a fight like he had something to teach. People like this... He might have been better than those villagers, but not by an exponential amount. With a sigh of resignation, Salzem stood from his spot a the tree, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

"Listen, kid." Salzem addressed. "You can't handle my full power, if that's what you're looking for. If you get in a fight with me, you're going to regret it." He spoke this as a warning more than a threat. He wished him no ill will, despite everything. He would give Enyo a chance to back out if that's what he wanted, giving him a full 3 seconds of silence to make his choice. Once the time was up and he didn't change his posture or voice his decision, Salzem would simply shrug before disappearing behind him, circling around the kid in an instant at a speed of 125. He wouldn't even know he was gone, still seeing the flickering of his afterimage in front of him. Salzem would throw a straight kick into the back of Enyo's head, colliding with the base of his skull with a speed of 90 and a strength of 9. The force of the hit would send him flying forwards, likely to have his forehead slam into the trunk of the tree where Salzem once sat, leaving him with a painful bruise on both sides of his skull.

"Seen enough yet...?" Salzem would ask, running a hand through his black hair. "Because I don't like beating up on people who can't defend themselves..."
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Some Can't Resist (P) Empty Re: Some Can't Resist (P)

Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:50 pm
The ninja began to speak of killing when necessary and  how his philosophy would crumble in the face of death, it sounded like he had already given up. Before Enyo knew it though he felt a impact to the back of his head which caused his to fall over on his face. “Ow, that was rather quick wasn’t it.” Enyo got up laughing. “I couldn’t even see you there. With that type of strength you could definitely use it for good, but it seems darkness has gotten to you. Although that may be the case teach me please, I’ll do whatever you say as long as you are my master and don’t break my morals of course.

I know you can’t be too bad if you are still in the leaf so there must be a heart somewhere.” Enyo said as he turned around at 50 speed to his right while swinging the staff wildly with his full force. He knew it wouldn’t be enough to hurt this guy, he had to be resilient. Starting an impromptu spar was far from Enyo’s expectations but it was fun nonetheless. The staff on the other hand would be gunning straight for the ribcage and would probably be negated either way which is why he did something so reckless. He also realized that he didn’t not know how to use this weapon at all.
[TWC 1800]
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